Dark Moon Dance [Fire Jaguars 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Dark Moon Dance [Fire Jaguars 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 7

by Nicole Dennis

  “I found a hairdryer,” she offered in a soft tone.

  Isaac lifted his gaze, slid fingers through his damp hair again, and shook his head. “Nah, it’s short enough to dry fast.”

  “Do you have a hair band? My hair isn’t cooperating.”

  With a chuckle, Isaac returned to the bathroom and came out with a hair band. After she took it, he reached up and tugged on one of her frizzy curls. “You’re a little poufy, but cute.”

  Kate laughed as she ran her fingers through the tangled waist-length hair. Her hands were shaky when she tried to tame her hair in a ponytail. “It’s a bird’s nest. Dark moon, I can’t control my hands.”

  “You’re not used to this, but you’ll get steadier with food and sleep. Turn around and hand me the band.” When she faced him, he drew his fingers through her hair in a comb fashion and separated and braided the long length. “Your hair is beautiful, gorgeous even. It’s a shame to keep it covered. Has it never been cut?”

  “Not since I entered my teen years, no more than a standard trim. Long hair is a sign of our maturity and availability to mate. We cut our hair when we are widowed or cast out in shame. Once mated, I’m required to wind it around in a bun and cover with a scarf. It’s to remain covered except in privacy with my mate.”

  He secured her braid and gave it a soft tug. “There you go. Come on, let’s go find out about Etienne.”

  “Thank you,” she said, smoothing a hand down the braid. She twirled the entire length into a large bun and tucked the ends to secure it in place. “I’m worried, but I’m fussing with my hair.”

  “You’re trying to find a balance. I’m doing the same.”

  “How long have you loved him?”

  “It feels like forever. I liked him since we tangled in the schoolyard as cubs, and it grew deeper during guardian training. He’s a couple of years older than me, but seemed so much wiser. The love grew until he disappeared.”

  “He mentioned he returned after an extended assignment.”

  “I was on patrol and someone called in about lights on in a home everyone knew was closed after his parents’ deaths. I investigated and found him stretched out on a dusty lounge chair with a bottle of water. I thought he was an intruder, until I heard his voice and shined a light on him. I couldn’t believe it. I thought I was looking at a ghost. I…” Isaac shook his head. “He’s my mate in every sense of my jaguar. After sixty years apart from my mate, I got him back and I’m not losing him. Not like this.” His voice choked.

  Kate wrapped her arms around his waist. She felt him press his face against her neck, the dampness of his tears, as his arms looped tight around her to hug her closer. His body shuddered against hers. She traced his spine in comfort. This time she could offer the comfort and support while he crashed.

  “I can’t lose him,” he whispered against her skin.

  “We’re not going to let him go. We’ll fight for him.”

  “We?” He lifted his head. His baby-blue eyes sparkled with tears and hope. He moved his fingers over her neck and back.

  “Since the moment I met both of you, my cat was interested, attracted. She’s circling and purring inside me. I don’t understand this instant attraction. It’s never happened before to me, but I dreamed of guardians, true guardians, and knew they weren’t part of my clan,” she admitted with a flush across her cheeks.

  “It’s the same with my jaguar. He wants out to meet you, scent mark all over you. We don’t want to do anything without our mate.”

  “I feel the same way. We shouldn’t go ahead without Etienne.”

  Isaac nuzzled her cheek with his. “We’re the pair, aren’t we?”

  “At least we have each other.”

  Chapter 9

  Someone cleared their throat off to the side. Isaac felt Kate stiffen within his arms. He hoped it wasn’t her father or one of his protectors who watched them. Keeping his arms around her, Isaac turned to the side along with her. Together, they saw Collin standing down the hall from them. He waved a hand and smiled.

  “Sorry to interrupt,” he said.

  “Etienne?” Her fingers dug into Isaac’s arms.

  “Sorry. Sorry. My bad. All is fine. He’s with the doc,” Collin said with a sheepish look.

  They both let out a long sigh of relief.

  “They stabilized him, X-rayed the areas, and brought him to the surgical room. He has several bullets and the doc has to remove the metal.”

  “See, Katie-cat, he’s safe in the doc’s hands,” Isaac said, stroking a hand across her arm. “Can we go up to the surgical suite?”

  “Not yet, it’ll be a while. Others arrived and are mingling in the waiting area.”

  “Why did they come?” Kate looked at Isaac.

  “Our clan has become closer since Alex became High Alpha. The clan did something to help everyone during the poison crisis,” Isaac said. “I didn’t know about it until I woke up, but I’ve been told by others.”

  “It’s admirable how everyone gathered to assist.”

  “It’s been great, passes around information, and assists with various tasks.” Collin shoved a hand into his pocket. “Got a question. Nathan found several folded papers from Etienne’s pocket. Do you two know something about it?”

  “It’s a list of supplies and the reason why we were in town. We needed to shop to help Etienne clean his home. It’s been abandoned for so long and in a bad state of disrepair,” Isaac said.

  “There’s nothing in the pantry and fridge, except for whatever he brought with him,” Kate added. “It seemed we needed everything.”

  “Now I understand. How bad are we talking about?”

  Keeping on arm around Kate’s waist, Isaac shrugged. “The dust bunnies have dust bunnies on them. Sheets cover everything. Things are covered in gray dust and filth.”

  “Perhaps the clan can help out while you remain here,” Collin said and waved Alex over.

  “You two are looking much better,” Alex said.

  “We appreciated the few moments alone to clean and recharge,” Isaac said.

  “Good to hear. We need both of you to keep up your strength.” Alex glanced at Collin. “What can I do for you?”

  “Thanks to Isaac and Kate, I figured out the mystery of the list. Etienne’s home needs some clan help. The list covers cleaning and basic supplies along with food,” Collin said.

  “Is this why you were on the street? I thought you went straight to his home,” Alex said.

  “When we walked inside, I took one long look around and made a list,” Kate said. “If I didn’t insist on leaving right away, we could have avoided everything.”

  “Don’t, Kate. Don’t start thinking about what-if scenarios. They’ll drive you mad,” Isaac said.

  “I noticed the disarray this morning and wanted to offer help. The clan can handle cleaning the home. There are several members asking how they can help. May we have your permission to enter his home?” Alex asked.

  “Uhh.” Isaac scuffed his foot along the tile. He knew Etienne wouldn’t want the help, but they couldn’t clean everything and stay here. He decided to do what was best for his mate. “Sure, it sounds good. I don’t know about his clothes and personal items.”

  “The ladies will know and he can adjust things when he comes home.”

  “True,” Isaac said and glanced at Kate. “What about your bags?”

  “Can the clan bring my bags to the guest room? I’ll take care of the unpacking,” she said.

  “Which guest room?” Alex asked.

  “We’re going to place her in the one at the opposite end from the master suite,” Isaac said.

  Kate placed her fingers on his arm. “Is there one closer to the suite?”

  Wondering why she asked, but remembered her mentioning how her inner feline was attracted, Isaac thought about the layout. “I think so, Katie.”

  “Good. I’ll take the suite next to the master suite,” she insisted. “Not a word to my father about the change.�

  “Whatever you wish, my lady. He doesn’t need to know anything. What about your stuff, Isaac? Are you moving in? You two seemed cozy.”

  Isaac flushed. “Umm.”

  “Good for you to find your mate.” Collin clamped a hand on Isaac’s shoulder.

  Alex waved a hand. “No reason to be ashamed of who you love, Isaac. The Goddess loves everyone. We’ll have your things brought from the guardian housing.”

  Ducking his head, Isaac scratched behind his ear. “Thank you, Collin, sir.”

  “I’ll have everything taken care of while you stay here. Some of our ladies brought over some coffee, tea, and food.” Alex tightened his hand on Isaac’s shoulder for a moment and touched Kate on the cheek.

  As they watched Alex walk away, Kate turned to Isaac. “You’re right. He’s a wonderful High Alpha,” she whispered as their fingers entwined.

  Isaac squeezed her fingers. “Yeah, he’s one of the best. Let’s get something to eat.” He looked around at the full waiting room. He noticed Kate did the same, more alert than a protected lady would be within a gathering. There was more to this beautiful lady. When his nose captured the wafts, Isaac led her to the table. “Hello, ladies, thank you for coming over.”

  “Hello, Isaac, my lady,” one of the ladies said.

  “This is Ekaterina, but prefers to be called Kate. Kate, this lady is Juliet, the mastermind behind the appearance and decoration beyond the medical stuff,” Isaac introduced with a playful wink.

  “Oh, you’re a charming brat,” Juliet said as she slapped him with a towel. “Isaac, please accept my family’s prayers for Etienne.”

  “Thank you, I’m happy to have him home,” Isaac said.

  Juliet turned her attention to Kate. “Hello, Miss Kate. I apologize for your first introduction to our home, but we’re making this place better. This is one of those random situations.”

  “Call me Kate,” she said. “It was unexpected, but I’m seeing the best of the clan.”

  “We try to be welcoming.” Juliet smiled. “The rumor is you’re from the Sand Moon clan and looking for your sister.”

  “Yes, my younger sister was taken in the night,” Kate said. “Offer your prayers to the Goddess for my sister’s return. It’s all my family wishes while we search.”

  Isaac leaned over the table and took a deliberate, long whiff. “This food looks wonderful and smells divine.”

  “It’s a little something to help everyone to get through the crisis. Coffee and food always seem to help everyone. What can I plate up for you?”

  Isaac took another sniff before Juliet pushed him back. “Whatcha got for us?”

  “Chicken tikka masala. A vegetable curry.” Juliet tapped a spoon against the two dishes. “We have jasmine rice and fresh naan bread.”

  “I’ll take a bit of everything,” Kate said.

  “Okay. Mint tea or coffee?” Juliet picked up a dish and began to fill it.

  “Mint tea, please,” Kate said.

  Juliet nodded down to one of the ladies, who poured the chosen drink. She handed over the dish, napkin, and utensils to Kate. “Isaac?”

  “I’ll take the same, but coffee with lots of cream and sugar,” Isaac said.

  Juliet filled another plate and handed it over.

  “Kate, can you take the cups?” Isaac stuck the rolled utensils in napkins in his pocket, slid his hands under both plates, and walked away with Kate carrying their drinks. He heard Kate taking a sip when the liquid burbled up the straw. Locating seats, he placed the dishes on a small table between them. He took the cups and set them down. Assisting Kate into one chair, he dropped into another.

  “This looks wonderful,” Kate said as she forked up her first bite.

  Agreeing, Isaac dug into his meal, but noticed Raphael and Sebastian returned to the clinic and were speaking with Alex. He wondered if they had an update. Taking a sip of his coffee, Isaac waved to them to come over. They did and crouched down.

  “Hey there, what did the asshat have to say?” Isaac set his plate aside and wiped his mouth for any errant drops.

  “Not much, he whined about how his leader will rescue him. Zacharias became fed up with the whining and clocked him a good one,” Raphael said, his accent tinted with a Latin flavor.

  “Gotta love the big guy. Do you have him under full watch?”

  “He’s locked down for twenty-four hours in an isolated cell. He isn’t going anywhere until we want to move him.”

  “Appreciate you covering things since Collin and Luca are supporting the doc. I’m not leaving Etienne’s side. I know you two are busy with Hillary on full bed rest.”

  “We adjust things for emergencies. Our lady would kick our asses if we didn’t step in as needed.”

  “How is she doing?”

  “She’s fabulous but is getting bigger by the day and crankier by the second,” the jaguar said with a sappy, goofy grin. “Hello again, Senorita Kate. You’re looking much better. We didn’t quite meet, but I’m Raphael and this is my mate, Sebastian. Our lady is Hillary, who’s awaiting the arrival of our quadruplets.”

  “Yes, I remember seeing you. Quads? I’m sure she’s ready for the pregnancy to be over with. Oh, wait.” Kate paused and glanced at Isaac. “Are you the ones who fainted?”

  “Are you spreading tales about us, Isaac?” Raphael asked with a raised eyebrow.

  Isaac snickered.

  “He tells a pleasant tale.” Kate chuckled again. “I hope your lady does well with the rest of her pregnancy and has a safe delivery.”

  “We’ll pass your message along to our lady,” Raphael said.

  Isaac lifted his cup and took another sip. “Try not to pass out when you hold your babies.”

  Raphael snarled at him.

  Isaac howled with laughter until Kate whacked his side with the back of her hand. “Ow! Hey?”

  “Behave, you,” Kate said.

  Isaac gave her a playful frown.

  “We need to pick up some dinner, head upstairs to our lady before she decides to bash our skulls together, and take our balls,” Sebastian said. “We wanted to give you the same update we passed to Collin and Alex.”

  “All kidding aside, you know how much I appreciate you staying away from Hillary to find out what happened,” Isaac said.

  “It’s no trouble when this matter concerns everyone,” Sebastian said. “After all you been through, and Etienne, we’re happy to help. We enjoy kicking a little asshat.”

  Raphael turned to face Kate. “It was a pleasure to meet you, senorita.” He placed a hand to his chest and bowed his head. “I offer you and your family the blessings and guidance of the Goddess in the search for your sister.”

  “Thank you, Raphael,” Kate said.

  “Show-off,” Sebastian muttered. “Blessings of the Goddess, Miss Kate.” He grabbed hold of Raphael’s shirt and dragged him to his feet. “Come on, love, otherwise our lady will neuter us with pleasure.”

  “Eep.” Raphael cupped his balls. “I wish she wouldn’t use such a harsh curse. I hope and pray to the Goddess, River figures out a decent contraception with the flowers.” Raphael continued to mutter as they walked away.

  Chapter 10

  After watching the handsome couple head to the table, Isaac ended up glancing over at Kate. They laughed together.

  “Is it always this crazy around here?” she asked.

  “Do you mean the guardians sassing and tossing out zingers?”

  She laughed again.

  Isaac enjoyed watching her beautiful face soften with the laughter. He adored her bright laugh and even his jaguar purred in agreement. Part of him wanted to see her like this every chance he could get. “Yup. Since Alex gained control, everyone isn’t worried about losing their heads for a slip-up. It’s become this way.”

  “Was it horrible under his father’s rule?”

  “Yeah, life was harsh if you didn’t agree with him. Most of the guardians wanted to leave, transfer to another clan, or create a
different Fire Moon clan. Alex arrived before a full moon ceremony and announced he took control. It’s been a few months and some things remain unstable.”

  “Is he trying to remove the bad seeds and promote the good?”

  “Yup. We’re working on things. In between dealing with the rogues, we’re moving along.”

  “These rogues may be involved with my sister’s disappearance. Where is my father? I haven’t seen him since we left to clean up.”

  “I’m sure Alex knows, let me catch him,” Isaac said as he looked around and waved a hand to locate the Alpha. When he met Alex’s gaze, he picked up the plate and ate the rest of the dinner.

  “Slow down,” Kate said with a chuckle.

  “Too good and I don’t want it to get cold.” Isaac wiped his mouth by the time Alex made it through the group he was in and over to them. He waited for the Alpha to pull a chair over and sit down. “Did you get something to eat?”

  “I did earlier, but thanks for asking.”

  “I got the update from Raphael and Sebastian.”

  “Good, saves time. The shopping and home are being handled by some ladies and a few guardians. Etienne will have a clean home by the time the doc releases him,” Alex said.

  “Wonderful. It’ll help him to heal,” Kate said.

  “A few females were going crazy about the house and have wanted to get their hands on it for a long time,” Alex said with a chuckle. “What did you call me over for?”

  Kate set her plate aside and folded her hands on her lap. “I’ve been wondering what happened to my father and brothers. I haven’t seen them since we left for the showers.”

  “I sent them to the Guardian Center.”

  “What is this Center?”

  “The Center is our guardian headquarters. We changed the name when I took control. They can look over the various maps with the guardians who know the land, possible rogue locations, and other things. Your father wanted to get a head start,” Alex explained. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.”

  “It’s all right. You have a lot on your mind.”

  Alex looked over her shoulder. “Ahh, there’s the doctor. Poor girl looks tired.”


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