A Fire in the Heart

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A Fire in the Heart Page 24

by L. J. LaBarthe

  “Great. So there are those working with these assholes who have no idea of the real agenda.”

  “I think that sums it up.”

  “In here, you’ll see our two latest success stories. This is James, he had leprosy. Can you imagine? Leprosy in this day and age and he’d never been to India!” Dr. Markham shook his head as he gestured to a young man in his twenties sitting up in a hospital bed, reading a book. “Hello James,” Dr. Markham said. “This is Mr. Smith.”

  “Hey.” James didn’t look up from his book.

  “And hey to you,” Adramelek said.

  James looked up. “You’re not like the others. They usually burst into tears when they see what a medical miracle I am.”

  Adramelek grinned at him. “I can’t imagine why. You’re a rather surly sort of medical miracle.”

  James burst out laughing. “I like you. You’ve got to keep a sense of humor when everything’s going to shit, don’t you think? So I was dying, the leprosy was pretty bad. And the doc here and his team of whiz kids fixed me up. Good as new. Once I’m discharged from here, I’m going back to Borneo.”

  “Is that where you got leprosy?” Adramelek asked.

  “Yeah. There was an outbreak, and I happened to catch it. Shit happens.”

  “Why go there then?”

  James shrugged. “I’m an aid worker. I work for an NGO over there.”

  “Ah.” Adramelek nodded. “I understand.” He extended his hand for James to shake, carefully concealing a touch of power in his palm. As soon as James shook his hand in a firm grip, Adramelek used his power to collect a sample of skin and a reading of the man’s aura—both regarding his health and his soul. It was unnoticeable, and when he released James’s hand, Adramelek used his power to secrete the skin in a sterile container that he’d pocketed before arriving at the clinic.

  “Interesting readings in his aura,” Lucifer mused in Adramelek’s mind as the doctor led him down to the second patient.

  “This is Anna, she had lung cancer,” Dr. Markham said. Adramelek nodded in greeting.

  The young woman in the bed looked at Adramelek suspiciously. “Have you come to stare at me to see if your relatives can benefit from a miracle?”

  “Something like that,” Adramelek said.

  “At least you’re honest.”

  “So I take it the treatment worked?”

  “Oh yeah.” Anna shrugged. “I’m right as rain.”

  “You don’t seem too happy, though,” Adramelek said.

  She looked away. “My family paid for the treatment but they haven’t bothered to see me or call me or email me for years. They don’t care, so long as I don’t die on the street and bring bad press to their name.”

  Adramelek frowned, making a mental note to pay her family a visit later. “Why would it be so terrible to admit that their daughter was sick and got better after treatment?”

  Anna turned back to him. There were tears in her eyes. “I’m the black sheep. If you don’t know what that’s like….”

  “Oh, I know,” Adramelek said gently. “Believe me, child, I know.”

  Anna stared at him, hard and unblinking and he returned her gaze. Finally she let out a slow breath and nodded. “I think you do, too. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry for me, Anna,” Adramelek said. He moved to sit beside her bed. “Who’re your family?”

  “The Waterman-Lethbridge’s of New York City,” she said in a toneless voice. “They love my older sister; she married the son of a media mogul. They hate me because I loved a woman and then I got sick.”

  Adramelek dipped his hand into the inner pocket in his jacket and pulled out a slim white card. He made sure what he was doing went undetected and pressed it into her hand as he took it in his own, closing her fingers over it as he simultaneously took a sample of her DNA and a reading of her aura as he had with James. Leaning close, he murmured, “Keep that hidden. Give me a call when you’re discharged and I’ll help you out.”

  She nodded as he stood back. “Thank you. But… why?”

  Adramelek smiled at her. “Injustice and prejudice disgust me, Anna. I think that sums it up.”

  Anna smiled at him in return and the expression lit up her face. “Thank you,” she said again.

  Adramelek winked at her. “No charge.”

  She laughed. “I’m glad to have met you.”

  “Likewise, child.” He waved at her as Dr. Markham led him away, and as they returned to the man’s office, Adramelek made certain the skin samples he’d taken from the two were well secured.

  “That was a very good thing you did,” Lucifer said.

  “Her family is big money. They own a LOT of the post-war IT industry. I’m going to have a lot of fun making sure they lose a lot of that money and repent their sins at leisure.”

  “We may be evil, but we do understand justice. And,” Lucifer’s mental voice became teasing, “I know you’ll enjoy it. Once a Throne, always a Throne, eh?”

  “Bite your tongue.” But Adramelek hid his grin behind a cough and when he was seated once again in Dr. Markham’s office, the door closed behind them, he had pasted the expression of cautious hope back onto his face.

  “So what do you think?” Dr. Markham asked.

  “I think that I’m astonished. I’ve never seen such a cure. How do I get my son to receive treatment?”

  Dr. Markham smiled. “If you give me the details of his specialists, I’ll look at his charts and files and send you the paperwork to fill in. If you get that back to me quick smart, then I can start the process to get him enrolled in care. There is, of course, a cost….”

  “No cost is too much,” Adramelek interrupted. “I’ll have those files sent to you today, Doctor.”

  “Then I look forward to treating your son and getting him the care and healing that he needs,” Dr. Markham said.

  Adramelek leaned forward, offering the man his hand to shake. Dr. Markham took it, and on a whim, Adramelek repeated his earlier processes and took a sample of the man’s skin cells for DNA. “I appreciate everything you’re doing, Doctor. I’m very relieved to have had this process go so smoothly—and so quickly. Honestly, this is quite a breath of fresh air. It’s been so much easier and simpler than I had imagined.”

  “We don’t believe in wasting time, Mr. Smith. Good health is a right, after all, and it shouldn’t be a privilege. The only reason it costs so much right now is that tests are still underway to make the treatment more cost-effective. It’s my hope, and the hope of my colleagues, that soon the treatment can be offered worldwide to all those who suffer incurable disease and terminal illness with only a minimal fee required.”

  “Well,” Adramelek released Dr. Markham’s hand and stood up, “I hope that day comes soon. For now, though, I’m glad and grateful that you can treat my son. I’ll have Andrew’s files sent today, as I said, and I hope we can get him admitted to the clinic by the end of the week.”

  “That shouldn’t be a problem at all,” Dr. Markham said. “It’s been a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Smith.”

  “Likewise, Doctor. Please, no need to show me out. I’m sure you have much to do, and I won’t keep you. Thank you again.”

  “I look forward to seeing you again soon,” Dr. Markham said.

  “As do I. Goodbye.” Adramelek let himself out of the office and quickly walked out of the clinic to the parking lot where the expensive BMW coupe was parked. Once inside the car, he started the engine and drove away, swearing to himself.

  The radio crackled and then Adramelek heard Lucifer’s voice. “That was extremely interesting, Adry,” the devil said.

  “And infuriating. He had absolutely no damn idea what Transom Corp. actually do.”

  “Yes, that was a surprise.” Lucifer hummed softly. “And there were some interesting things in the auras of those two patients who’d been cured.”

  “Oh?” Adramelek navigated the switchback roads with ease, noting that not only were they new, probably laid down a
fter the war, but that they were also badly maintained.

  “There’s a lot of synthetic magic in them.”

  “Which is what Minnie reported to us,” Adramelek mused.

  “Yes. Which leads me to pose a new hypothesis. What if these success stories are treated, but with this magic possessed by the coven? What if it isn’t medicine at all, but just a random selection of patients who are cured and sent out to show what wonders and marvels can be done at Transom’s facility? A hook by which to catch the fish, so to speak.”

  Adramelek frowned as he digested that. “You know, I think you’re onto something there. You could have bowled me over with one of my own wing feathers when I saw James and Anna.”

  “Indeed. I was just as surprised. But their auras… well, you’ll see when you get back to Ondrass’s building. How far do you intend to drive?”

  “Not far. I’m going to teleport in a moment.”

  “Good. I don’t like this part of the world. It’s tainted.”

  “What?” Adramelek shot the radio a look of surprise.

  “Can’t you feel it?” Lucifer paused, and Adramelek guessed that he was reaching out with his power, searching for danger. He wasn’t entirely surprised when Lucifer hissed, the sound coming through clearly on the radio. “Adry, ’port now.”

  Adramelek didn’t even question it. He just did it. He concentrated and moved himself and the car from the isolated winding road in Colorado to the streets on the outskirts of Portland’s city limits.

  “What was there?” he asked as he pulled the car over onto the road’s shoulder.

  Lucifer was growling. Normally, the sound would send shivers of delighted anticipation of hours and hours of passion down Adramelek’s spine; right now, he felt as if a fist had gripped his heart.

  “Those witches were waiting. They were around the corner.”

  “Then they’ll let that doctor know that I’m an Archdemon!”

  Lucifer snorted. “No, they won’t. They had no idea who was driving towards them—they were there for the sole reason to kidnap passersby for their overlords. Imagine their glee if they’d caught you, an Archdemon. And not just an Archdemon, but the Archdemon who was once an angel and is now Lucifer Morningstar’s lover.”

  Adramelek scowled. “I’d have made them pay very dearly for anything they attempted to do to me.”

  “I’m sure, and I don’t care. You are mine, Adramelek.” Lucifer’s voice was firm. “No one will dispose of you or experiment on you or anything else. I will not allow it.”

  Adramelek purred. He couldn’t help it. “I love it when you talk like that, Lightbringer.”

  “I’ll remember that for next time you visit me.” Lucifer chuckled softly. “Now get to Raphael and the others and report. The sooner you all deal with this Transom lot, the sooner you come home to me.”

  Adramelek started the car again and pulled out into the road. “I can’t wait for that part.”

  “Good. Neither can I. Hell isn’t the same without you, beloved.”

  Adramelek reached out and brushed the tips of his fingers over the radio. Lucifer hummed again and Adramelek sighed. “Soon,” he said.

  “Yes,” Lucifer said. “Soon.”

  Don’t miss

  No Quarter

  Archangel Chronicles: Book One

  By L.J. LaBarthe

  “…a Fantastic book!! The plot was well thought out and kept me riveted throughout.”

  —Top 2 Bottom Reviews

  You would never know it from his flamboyant lifestyle, but Gabriel’s not just the cheerful, fun-loving adoptive father of a pair of indulged young adult humans. He’s an Archangel, commander of Heaven’s legions of Seraphim, and despite his apparently easy virtue, he’s harboring a serious crush on his superior officer, Michael.

  For years Michael has devoted himself to developing a team of humans, the Venatores, to aid in the fight against Hell. He’s been pining after Gabriel for centuries without hope, believing himself to be too serious to attract the other Archangel’s interest. He’s happy to discover that he’s wrong, but their burgeoning relationship is stymied by a major problem: an egomaniacal human is recruiting demons and fallen angels in a bid to take over the world. It’s up to Michael and Gabriel, and the rest of the Brotherhood of Archangels, to beat back the forces of Hell before the Earth is overrun.


  No Surrender, No Retreat

  Archangel Chronicles: Book Two

  By L.J. LaBarthe

  Seventy years after it began, the war between angels and demons is over. Archangels Gabriel and Michael reunite at last, but a dangerous new challenge stands in the way of their happiness: someone is kidnapping angels and selling them as trophies on the black market. When Raphael, Archangel of Healing, goes missing, his tearful lover joins with the Brotherhood of Archangels and their lieutenants to rescue him.

  Without Raphael’s healing touch, disease spreads quickly through the world’s human population. The situation only worsens when the angel Agrat is kidnapped: the number of sex crimes begins to rise and her husband, Gabriel’s lieutenant, loses himself to his grief. As they mount a rescue mission, Gabriel and Michael’s relationship will be put to the test. With the threat of the world dying around them and tragedy looming overhead, can Gabriel and Michael keep love and hope alive?


  No Shadows Fall

  Archangel Chronicles: Book Three

  By L.J. LaBarthe

  Newly bonded Archangels Michael and Gabriel are torn from their idyllic island retreat by the singing of hymns heralding stunning news: Gabriel’s ancient foe, Semjaza, has escaped from his prison in the stars and now seeks revenge and utter conquest.

  With the wisdom of Archangel Raziel to guide them and help coming from the most unlikely of quarters, Gabriel and Michael join with the Brotherhood of Archangels to hunt Semjaza down and finish him once and for all. Because Semjaza’s return to Earth doesn’t threaten just Gabriel and his loved ones—it threatens the whole of humanity.

  But even more danger lurks in the shadows, threatening the Brotherhood from within. If Gabriel and Semjaza finally face each other in single combat, will Gabriel survive the contest, or will Michael lose his one true love?


  The Wind-up Forest

  Archangel Chronicles: Book Four

  By L.J. LaBarthe

  Archangel Gabriel is hoping for a quiet period in his life to enjoy his relationship with Archangel Michael, but someone has other ideas.

  New dangers arise when the Holy Grail is stolen. Gabriel, Michael, and the rest of the Brotherhood of Archangels and their allies must somehow thwart the twisted desires of the thief.

  Their search for the Grail takes them all over the world, calling on old friends like Uriel and Raziel, and forging powerful new alliances. Though they face a fresh set of perils in pursuit of the thief, the enduring comfort Gabriel needs so much, that of his beloved Michael, never abandons him.


  The Crystal Lake

  Archangel Chronicles: Book Five

  By L.J. LaBarthe

  The thief of the Grail has been identified and the Brotherhood of Archangels is moving to counter her evil machinations. But as demons flock to the side of the thief and betray Hell, monsters are enslaved and shifters and an angel turn traitor. The love between Gabriel and Michael is tested as they join the rest of the Brotherhood on the trail of Naamah. Danger makes strange bedfellows in the form of Lucifer, the Archdemons, and Lilith.

  A traitor lurks among the angels and humans, and the Venatores are discovering vital new information. Lovers Liam, a Necromancer, and Baxter, a shifter working for Michael’s Venatores unit, must face not just the living but the dead. Archangels Raziel and Uriel contend with demands on Raziel’s power that wear him to the brink of exhaustion. The Brotherhood will need all their strength to prevail against the threats surr
ounding them.


  The Bone Cup

  Archangel Chronicles: Book Six

  By L.J. LaBarthe

  “Hot sex throughout as well as a surprising couple that I didn’t expect. All in all, it was a great ending.”

  —MM Good Book Reviews

  Gabriel and Michael, hand in hand and leading the Brotherhood of Archangels, the Venatores, and the Archdemon Guild of Glass Knives, march into the mouth of madness to retrieve the Holy Grail with the blessings of both God and Lucifer. They cross dimensions and battle for the future of all realities: Heaven, Hell, Earth and Purgatory.

  In Purgatory they are reunited with Naamah and meet her children, who are terrified of her. One of her allies is an angel, but they can’t identify the traitor. Gabriel faces his worst fear when Michael is injured and he might lose the unwavering comfort Michael embodies. If Gabriel cannot save the Holy Grail, he risks losing more than his one true love—all of creation might be destroyed along with them.


  A Shot in the Dark

  Archangel Chronicles: Book Seven

  By L.J. LaBarthe

  After the theft and recovery of the Holy Grail, saving all of creation from destruction, and almost losing Michael, Archangel Gabriel devoutly hopes for nothing more dangerous than a stubbed toe. So when Archangel Michael sends a pack of his Venatores and two of Gabriel’s trackers on a rescue mission, Gabriel believes it’s purely routine.

  No one is prepared for the danger and terror the Venatores find. What they face is torture, kidnapping, medical experiments, vivisection, and the enemies’ desire to remove all nonhumans—including shifters—from Earth forever. The supposedly routine rescue mission turns into a struggle for survival, and Gabriel and Michael face a terrifying new foe, and a threat to not just their existence and love but to the existence of everything they know. If the Brotherhood of Archangels and their allies can’t prevail, all will be lost.


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