The Virgin Witch and The Vampire King: Book One: Weddings Bells Times Four (Vampire Witch and The Vampire Kin)

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The Virgin Witch and The Vampire King: Book One: Weddings Bells Times Four (Vampire Witch and The Vampire Kin) Page 9

by Trinity Blacio

“It hasn’t been, but as you can see, someone or something has been working down there. It’s almost like the house…”

  “You said the entity and the Yewlocks would come here.” their Little Witch mumbled as she rubbed her head, coming out of a room. “Damn, what the hell hit me over the head.” She moved into his arms and he could finally breathe.

  “For the rest of the night you are going to stay at my side/” He kissed the top of her head. Dred and Rock surrounded them, touching and kissing her.

  For five minutes they stood holding her, until she stepped back and looked down at her body. “Damn, now I need another bath.” She turned around and looked at the room. “Why do I get the feeling this is where we are supposed to be?”

  “Dred, run up and inform everyone that we found her. We’ll be down this hall all to the way to the end, but make sure no one follows you when you come back. I believe this will be our private place.” He scooped her up into his arms and headed down the hall.

  “If this place is in need of repairs, should we be going further into it?” she asked looking around as he carried her down the hall to the private pool.

  “As you stated the Yewlocks and…” He stopped and stared down at her. “Let’s call this thing or whatever it is a name. It deserves more respect than calling it a thing. What do you think?” he asked her and continued till he was standing in the room at the end of the hall.

  “Jeez, Edward this is amazing,” Beth said looking all around the room. Candles were lit all around the pool which was Olympic size. There was a sauna to the left, a hot tub in the far right corner, and a full bathroom on the immediate right side of them. The sides and bottom of the pool had all been done in black marble and was smooth to the touch, but still had enough grit on them that you wouldn’t fall.

  “Go ahead, I know you want to get in. It’s safe. The house is slowly repairing this wing. I have a feeling this is where we’ll be living when we're at the castle.” Edward said, as he stripped out of his clothes and plunged into the water.

  The water was perfect, cool but not too much. He came up to the surface to see Beth diving into the water, followed by Rock.

  “I got it!” Beth yelled coming up out of the water and rubbing the water out her eyes.”Raynard, it means wise and strong,” Beth said and as soon as she finished, the room warmed.

  “I think Raynard approves.” He watched as Beth swam around him. She’d turn to float on her back a few times giving them a shot of her breasts.

  “Come here, Little Witch,” Edward said, reaching for, but she laughed and dove under the water away from him. She came up squealing when Dred had her over his shoulder as he came up out of the water.

  “You scared me half out of my mind. Don’t do that again.” She slapped Dred’s back and he growled, bringing his hand down on her wet, naked butt. “Hush.”

  Edward crawled out of the water and took Beth out of Dred’s arms as he got out of the water, followed by Rock. “You’re mom and dad would like to speak with you later.”

  “I’ll check on them later, but for now we need to show our female how much she means to us. If I’m not mistaken, the master bedroom down here should be finished.” Looking down at her, she rubbed her cheek against his chest.

  “I need you, all of you.” She looked at Dred and Rock. “I need my men tonight.” She reached out and touched Dred’s face and then Rock’s, before Edward walked out of the pool area and headed towards the master chamber, hoping it was complete


  Resting her head against Edwards’s chest, Beth knew the time had come to seal her bond with Dred and Rock. After the latest attack on the castle tonight, she wanted - no needed - to be surrounded by her men. Later she’d let them know about the newest threat.

  “I already know and you’re right, we will discuss this,” Edward said and stepped into an area that was beyond words. The entire whole downstairs in her house could fit into this one room.

  “Wow, we could get lost in here,” she said and looked to the right where there was a small fridge, microwave, sink, cupboard and wine rack filled with bottles. In the middle of the room was a TV, couches, and chairs.

  Heading towards the back, Beth knew her mouth gaping when she noticed the enormous bed, but nothing else. “Eventually we’ll add things. We’ll have to be careful that others don’t follow us down here. This part of the castle will now be ours exclusively. No one except the four of us, family and Avril, will be allowed down here.” Edward placed her onto the bed.

  She shivered as Edward covered her with her favorite soft throw covered her as all three of her men climbed onto the bed around her.

  “Tell us who you think attacked you tonight?” Edward asked. He scooped her up and placed her on his lap as he stretched out on the bed.

  Snuggling up to him, Beth pondered the question. “I can’t recognize the who aspect of it, it’s not one person, but the energy this group used is familiar to me. Remember the attack that started all this last year?” Beth lifted her gaze to Edward, and he nodded.

  “They are all dead,” he said this with confidence, but she shook her head.

  “No, someone survived, Edward. Each person who wields magic has a personal signature and tonight’s signature was the same as it was a year ago. The same being that broke my arm, attacked tonight, but there was a difference. Tonight, he was much more powerful than a year ago.” She looked down at her hands and tried to think back to the attack. “It’s at least one person, maybe more, and now there is a trace of something else added to their attack. Something I haven’t come across before. God, I hate this. I’m sorry Edward. I wish I could give you more.” She sighed and rested her head against his chest.

  “Shhh, rest Little Witch. It’s been a long day for you.” Edward kissed the top of her head and hugged her tight.

  Both of the brothers got off the bed. “Where are you going? I thought we were, well, you know…” She reached for them, but didn’t get them quick enough.

  “We’ll be back. Sleep now Beth. There is plenty of time to claim what is ours. Tonight you need to rest.” Dred leaned over the bed and kissed her, silencing her next words. “Believe me, we want nothing more than to claim you, but tonight is not the right night. I want that night to be perfect. Now rest.”

  She snarled as he and Rock left. “Damn it, I’m tired of this shit. Every time I turn around, someone is screwing with my life,” Beth mumbled and went to get up, but Edward shook his head, before covering her body with his when he rolled over.

  “Nope, you’re not leaving this bed. I want you to get a good night’s sleep. You’ve done enough today.” He framed her face with his hands. “I mean it, Beth, you are to sleep. We have to get everyone settled for the night and then we’ll be joining you.”

  He tucked her blanket more securely around her, before leaning down, and kissing her lips softly. “Do not get off this bed,” he ordered before jumping up and leaving her.

  She looked around the room and shivered. There was not one thing on the wall. The walls weren’t even walls. They were cement. At least their other wing was more updated. She knew that Raynard was busy working on the castle, but she thought that if she had some of her personal things, she would feel better. Beth weaved a pattern with her hands and her dresser and side tables from their previous wing appeared in the room where she wanted them.

  Beth lay for a minute and tried to figure out what had happened. One minute her men were hot and heavy in the pool… “Men!” She whispered a few words and her favorite warm pajamas covered her as she got out of bed and started to pace.

  “Damn it, nothing’s more important than our bonding,” she muttered and sat on the bed. Scanning around her, Beth still felt uncomfortable about her surroundings. “We do need a walk- in closet. What do you think, Raynard? Maybe over on that wall we could have one, with a walk down cellar or something?” The scent of apples filled the room and she smiled as a door appeared.

  Getting up, Beth opened the door and laughed.
All of her things, along with Edward’s, were in there. “We can’t forget, Dred and Rock.” She stepped into the room and turned to face the right wall. “Maybe another section off here for Rock and Dred?” She cocked her head to the side and watched as an entrance way appeared and she knew their clothes were now hung in there.

  “Perfect.” Turning, she moved further into the closet and saw the hidden door to a set of stairs. “Thank you, but now I need to find out what my men are up to.” She laughed and ran back into the room, jumping onto the bed.

  With a wave of her hand, the crystal ball her aunt had found for her at an estate sale appeared on the bed. In the old days, it was believed that witches could see into the future through such objects, and maybe some could, but most were frauds. Rubbing the globe in her hands, Beth concentrated on Edward. She knew the brothers would be with him.

  At first nothing happened, but as she started to speak the spell, the globe heated and Edward’s form appeared in the globe. It was as if she had a miniature TV. Beth watched as Edward paced back and forth in his throne room. His body was stiff and she could see the vein in his neck pulsing, so she knew he was furious.

  Leaning against the bed headboard, Beth concentrated on what was going on.

  “Why Drake? I trusted you! You’ve been with me for over a hundred years. Haven’t I given you everything you needed?” he snapped and circled the man in question, but what happened next shocked her.

  “No!” She dropped the ball, but kept her eyes on it as she worked the spell with her hands. Hoping she wouldn’t be too late to contain the chemical leak, she jumped off the bed and ran towards the doors. “Can you seal him off?” She yelled at Yewlocks and the entity, Raynard.

  Chapter Eleven

  One minute Edward was preparing to strike out at Drake and in the next he was thrown back onto his ass. Something solid and clear rose up surrounding the man in a protective bubble. Even Drake himself looked shocked as he patted the clear walls.

  “What is it? Did you do this, Edward?” Dred asked as he and Rock moved around the square bubble thing. He knocked on the wall and it almost sounded like someone was tapping on glass.

  “Don’t touch it!”’ Beth shouted as she flew into the room. “Look at his right hand. You’ll see a small bottle attached to his pinky finger. If I’m not mistaken, that is some form of chemical and I don’t think it’s from around here.”

  He stood there looking from her to Drake. “How do you know? And didn’t I tell you to stay in bed?” Edward took hold of her arm and dragged her away from the enclosure.

  “Ask Raynard,” she snipped. Her body grew tense in front of him and Beth looked anywhere but at him. All round them, his people stared at her and the glass-like enclosure.

  “What’s happening? Let me out!” Drake shouted and pounded on the enclosure. “I’ll tell you everything, just don’t let me die in here please,” he pleaded and started to hit the sides of the object, but the wall didn’t give. If anything, the thing appeared to shrink before his eyes.

  The walls turned black, and Drake’s screams were now silenced as the box-like thing disappeared from the room. Others have come. The entity stated before a rush of information filled Edward’s head. He stumbled backward, but Dred was there, stopping his and Beth’s fall.

  “What is it?” Dred growled as he and Rock moved in front of Edward, scanning those around them.

  “It’s not an attack. Edward is receiving information,” Beth said, yanking out of his grip and heading for the door. “I’ll let you continue now that the threat is over,” she snarled and was out the door before anyone could move.

  “Go with her, Dred. Make sure she makes it back to our new quarters and don’t leave her side. We’ll be along in a few minutes,” Edward said and looked around the room at his council as Dred left the hall.

  “There are two others here in this room that knew what was going to happen. They were ready to die right along with me and my mates.” He walked around the edge of the room, while sending the image of the two other traitors to Rock and his guards. The one that hurt the worst was his childhood friend, Eugene Giles. The whispers among his men had each of them looking at the others wondering who the traitors were.

  But Eugene stood by himself watching everyone’s movements. Take Philip, I’ll handle Eugene. Edward sent his telepathic thoughts to Rock as he stepped in front of a man he had thought of as his friend. “Childhood friends should always be trusted, but I guess some cannot be, right Eugene?” Three guards came up behind Eugene as he stood away from the wall, knowing he’d been found out.

  “If you would have left that slut alone, none of this would have happened. We wouldn’t have been touched. You will taint the blood line!” he snarled as magical cuffs were snapped on him.

  Across the room, Philip shouted and tried to attack Rock, but he didn’t waste any time bringing the man down. “Take them out of here. I’ll deal with them tomorrow and Eugene, you’re wrong. I take it your father didn’t inform you of your own blood history?”

  “That’s why it’s necessary to keep the blood pure! You would destroy years and years of history for nothing,” he yelled, as he was dragged out of the room.

  Edward’s father stepped to his side. “I’m sorry. I know how close you were to him. I’ll inform his family of his deceit. His father and I are like brothers.” His father grasped his shoulder and squeezed. “One thing can be said about a long life span. We lose many that we love, if not to war, then betrayal.”

  “I never saw this coming. Maybe if I kept him closer, he would have…”

  His father shook his head and released his shoulder. “No, his father had a feeling long ago that something wasn’t right. He’d hoped he was wrong, and that your friendship would be enough, but it wasn’t. Go to your woman. Forget this happened tonight. She needs you and you need her.”

  Coming up to him, Rock nodded to his father. “Your father is right. Beth requires our attention now. A good night’s sleep will help us think straight,” Rock said.

  “Thank you, Father. Tomorrow we will deal with Eugene and Philip. The rest of the evening will be spent with our woman.”

  The door slammed open and Dred stood there holding onto his balls, growling. “She kicked me and disappeared.”

  Laughing, his father slapped his back. “Yep, she’s a wild one, your witch. I can’t wait to see your children. Go find your woman, Edward.”

  The three of them left the chamber. “Do you have any idea where she is?” Dred asked, rubbing the inside of his leg.

  “She’s in the kitchen,” Edward grinned. “It’s a good thing she didn’t aim a little bit higher.”

  Rock laughed and Dred glared at him. “She did, but I moved in time. Told me to bite her and kicked me.”

  He tried not to laugh, but couldn’t help it. “I owe you an apology. I believe she’s angry at me and took it out on you.”

  “Ya think?” Dred grumbled as he pushed open the kitchen door. She sat at the counter with a half-gallon of Butter Pecan ice cream. Her gaze lifted once to him then fell back to the ice cream.

  “Go away,” she mumbled around another bite. “I’m sure you have other business to take care of.” Beth dug in for another scoop.

  “I am done for the night.” Edward took a seat next to her.

  “Well good for you, now go away.” She grabbed the ice cream and scooted away from him.

  “I’m sorry, Beth. When I didn’t know what was going on and you came running in, I panicked. I didn’t mean to get testy with you. Can you tell me how you knew he had the poison?” Rock handed him a spoon. “Will you share with us?”

  She looked at him, then at Dred before placing the ice cream onto the counter. “I’m sorry Dred, but I get tired of being ignored. I know what I’m doing and to be pushed aside hurts.” She took another bite of ice cream.

  “I didn’t know what it was, but the feeling I got from the house and the negative energy from it was enough to have me worried. With the conta
iner being small, I knew it had to be some kind of chemical or bio weapon. You do know we’re going to have to inform the humans about the possibility…”

  He shook his head. “What he had wasn’t from this world from what I gathered from Raynard. It seems something from beyond has joined those who don’t want us together.”

  “That would explain the shaking of the house. It was different, but similar.” Beth sat back and frowned. “I wonder if they, the wizards, know what they are dealing with?”

  “Do you really believe we’re dealing with wizards this time? Couldn’t it be someone else?”

  Shaking her head, Beth pushed the ice cream away from her. “No, Alzono was there that Halloween night and I recognized his touch here tonight.” She shivered and looked at him.

  “He’s powerful Edward, and sick. The New York police were looking for him for a while. In his home, they found six females chained to walls in the basement. Two died later on from their wounds.” She rubbed her hands up and down her arms.

  “If we ever do run into this man, I give you three permission to deal with him. After our last meeting, it was as if his slimy hands were running all over me.” She trembled and pushed the ice cream away. “Great, now I’ll never get that creep's face out of my head.”

  Edward opened his arms to her, but she hesitated. “You have to listen to me, Edward. I don’t want to be some bimbo sitting next to you. I can help, if you’ll allow it.” She crawled into his arms and rested her head onto his chest.

  “I promise to try, Beth. I’ve ruled by myself for so long and trusted so little, that it’s hard on me, but if I keep seeing the three of you next to me, how can I not change? I’m sorry, my witch. Come, it’s time for you to get some sleep.”

  He carried her out of the kitchen and down the hall. “Make love to me…” She lifted her head up and looked over at Rock and Dred. “All of you. I want to be surrounded by my men tonight.”

  Kissing the top of her head, Edward looked down at the miracle in his arms. “You should sleep. You’ve had a long day and we just got you back.”


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