5,000 Writing Prompts

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5,000 Writing Prompts Page 25

by Bryn Donovan

  Write about a time you were the victim of online bullying or participated in bullying someone online.

  Do you get into heated debates online? If so, do you prefer it that way, or do you wish you could refrain? If not, do you consciously avoid them, and if so, why?

  Tell your story about a memorable experience that took place in a movie theater.

  Would you say you’re addicted to TV or the Internet? If so, is it a problem? If not, is it a problem for other people you know?

  What’s your favorite videogame, computer game, or mobile game? Why do you like it so much?

  Write about a time when you were mesmerized by a story in the news. Why were you so riveted?

  What’s better: old-fashioned vinyl records or digital files of music?

  Write about one or more great villains in books, TV, or movies, explaining what makes them so great.

  What character or characters from TV, movies, or books reminds you a lot of you?

  If they made a movie of your life, what actor would do a good job of playing you and why? What would they have to do to nail the performance?

  Write about a character or characters you really wanted to be like. Explain how and why.

  Write about the worst movie or TV show you’ve ever seen. What made it so bad?

  Write about where you get your news from and whether you think it’s a particularly good source.

  Do you ever refuse to watch a filmmaker’s or actor’s movies, or buy someone’s music or books, because of their personal bad behavior? Or do you separate the person from their work?

  Write about a fictional character you think is a great role model for young people, and explain why they’re great.

  If you could spend a year living in a fictional world, where would you choose and what would you do there?

  Write about a scene or scenes from a book, movie, or TV show that made you cry.

  500 Blog Post Ideas

  As a longtime blogger, I know all too well that it’s easy to fall into a rut. Here are ideas for fifty opinion-based posts, fifty advice-based posts, fifty image-based posts, fifty link roundup posts, fifty food and drink-themed posts, fifty one-word subject matter ideas, one hundred travel-based posts, and one hundred list-based posts (my personal favorite at bryndonovan.com!) Admittedly, there’s a lot of overlap between these categories.

  All of the autobiographical posts in the previous section, of course, are also potential blog posts, depending on how much you like to reveal about yourself.

  I hope these ideas inspire you…and I hope they spark even more great content for your blog. And if you’ve always considered starting a blog but you weren’t sure what to write about, maybe these lists will give you that little extra push you need.

  Opinion Posts

  For each of these, you can write a post supporting or arguing against the statement. Please note that many of these statements do not reflect the personal views of the author! Some of these are specific, while others are more open.

  Writing about controversial issues can get you a lot of attention…including negative attention. They can affect your reputation, so think carefully about what you truly believe and about the tone you take. Outrage often leads to clicks and shares, and your spontaneous angry rant is very likely to be the one post that goes viral. The Internet is forever. Even if you regret a post and delete it, it may live on and show up whenever people Google your name.

  That being said, if you’ve been blogging a while, you know that there’s no way to avoid argument and controversy. Even the most seemingly benign subjects can sometimes stir up strong objections. Some people get on the Internet looking for a fight, and you can’t take that too personally.

  Private religious schools should receive tax dollars.

  All schools should require students to wear uniforms.

  No book should ever be banned.

  Children should go to school year-round.

  A vegan diet is the most ethical choice.

  Social media has had a mostly positive effect on society.

  Things in this country are worse than they were ten years ago.

  It’s wiser to spend money on travel than on home ownership.

  Graduate school is rarely a sound investment.

  Here’s something that would make our city better.

  Here’s something that would make our country better.

  Space travel is a high priority for humanity.

  Sex education should not be taught in schools.

  Giving a child an unusual name is a terrible idea.

  This politician or celebrity is getting unfairly criticized.

  This politician or celebrity was really out of line, and I’ll explain why.

  If your significant other does this, you should break up with them.

  This product or service is worth the money.

  Most arguments are not worth having.

  Lots of people who get divorced just don’t take commitment seriously.

  Marriage is an outdated institution.

  No one should get dogs from breeders. Adopt, don’t shop!

  Christmas is too stressful.

  Fruitcake is unfairly maligned.

  New Year’s resolutions are a waste of time.

  Being child-free is amazing.

  People who choose not to have children are selfish.

  It’s fine for adult children to live with their parents.

  Online dating services are a necessity for single people who want to date.

  Valentine’s Day is a dumb holiday.

  People should dress their age.

  You’re as young as you feel.

  It’s okay to brag about the good deeds you do.

  Euthanasia should never be legalized.

  Kids should spend more time outdoors.

  “The great outdoors” is overrated.

  This book, TV show, movie, or band is overrated.

  This coach or general manager isn’t as bad as everyone says.

  This is the most boring sport of all the sports.

  This sports team would do better if they made this one change.

  Churches today need to make this one change.

  Corporations need to make this one change.

  This particular company needs to do better.

  People should never try to sell things to their friends and family members.

  People would enjoy better mental health if they exercised more.

  Attending church every Sunday is more important these days than ever.

  Not everybody needs a college degree.

  It’s okay to abstain from voting if you don’t like any of the candidates.

  Women don’t need to wear makeup.

  More people need to understand what it’s like to go through life with .Advice Posts

  We go to the Internet for practical help in dealing with challenges and making our relationships, families, work, and life better. Sometimes I write advice posts because I believe I have good tips or insight to share. Even if I think I know a lot, I often learn more from my readers via the comments section, so I try not to sound like a know-it-all in the original post (though I’m sure that sometimes I do, anyway!) In most cases, the same advice doesn’t work for everyone, but it can still be helpful to share what worked for you.

  Here are a bunch of sample blog post titles to inspire you to write advice posts. Obviously, some of these could turn into list posts if you give a lot of examples.

  Why You Should Get Back Into the Habit of Reading

  How to Deal With Bullying

  Don’t Make This Personal Finance Mistake I Made

  Don’t Make These Blogging Mistakes I Made

  Don’t Make These
Wedding Planning Mistakes We Made

  Our Secrets to a Happy Marriage

  How to Make Friends as an Introvert

  How to Survive the Moving Process

  How to Survive the Adoption Process

  My Best Advice to a New Mom

  How to Write Better Professional Emails

  How to Ace a Job Interview

  How to Handle Difficult Coworkers

  How to Get More People to Read Your Blog

  How to Get Your House (Pretty) Clean in 30 Minutes

  How I Overcame Procrastination

  How I Broke This Bad Habit

  How to Make Your Home More Welcoming

  How to Listen to Your Intuition

  How to Make Spirituality a Part of Everyday Life

  Why You Should Always Be Yourself

  Why You Should Volunteer

  How to Create a Morning Routine

  Ways to Have More Energy

  How to Respond to Rude Questions and Comments

  Ways to Flirt

  How to Write a Love Letter

  How to Help a Friend Who’s Depressed

  Public Speaking Tips

  Running Tips

  Tips for Growing Out Bangs

  How I Coped With Losing My Job

  How I Got Over a Breakup

  How I Got Over Being Cheated On

  Advice for Adults Going Back to School

  Advice for Empty Nesters

  How to Housetrain Your Pet

  How to Potty Train Your Child

  How to Take Better Care of Your Skin

  How to Not Get Your Feelings Hurt So Easily

  How to Mingle at a Party

  How to Take Better Selfies

  How to Say No…Politely

  How to Survive a Midlife Crisis…or a Quarterlife Crisis…or a Latelife Crisis

  How I Finally Lost 10 Pounds

  What to Do If You Are Hacked

  What to Do If You’re Arrested

  98 How to Help Kids Learn About Money and Saving

  Why You Should Be an Organ Donor

  Why You Should ForgiveImage-Based Posts

  A blog post may center around your own images or artwork or around images you’ve curated. Avoid using other people’s creative work without their permission, or at least without giving credit and a link back to the original website.

  If you’re going to share a lot of images online, make sure you understand best practices regarding file format and size so they don’t make your blog take a long time to load. And make sure you have the rights to the images! There are sources for copyright-free images online, but if you use a lot of images, you might also want to get a subscription to a large stock house.

  Many people are shy about sharing pictures of themselves, either because they want to guard their privacy or because they’re self-conscious. However, sharing photos of yourself is a great way to help blog readers feel like they really know you.

  Share a picture of your outfit of the day.

  Share pictures of your favorite outfits for the season…spring, summer, fall, or winter.

  Share pictures of outfits you wish you owned for the season.

  Post photos of your Halloween costume, or your kids’ costumes.

  Share pictures of amazing historical costumes.

  Post a picture of your office or studio and write a little about it.

  Post a “before” and an “after” of a room you’ve decorated…

  Or post a “before” and an “after” of a room or closet you’ve decluttered.

  Share a bunch of pictures of your dream houses…

  Or share pictures of your dream cars.

  Post pictures and descriptions of what you did over the weekend.

  Share old photos of your ancestors and write about what you know about them.

  Share pictures of you as a baby, a toddler, a child, and a teenager, and write about what you were like in different stages of your life.

  If you’ve been married to or committed to the same person for a while, share pictures of you both over the years and tell your love story.

  Post pictures of the most beautiful animals you’ve ever seen in your life.

  Share your most ridiculous photos of your dogs.

  Post photo(s) of your rescue pet and tell their story.

  Share pictures of decorating eggs at Easter.

  Share photos of your baby or child in different moods: happy, sad, angry, sleepy.

  Post pictures from your garden.

  Take a picture of the contents of your backpack or purse, and write about them.

  If you love your planner, share pictures of your weekly spreads or to-do lists.

  Share pictures of your favorite famous pieces of art, and link to the museums where they’re displayed.

  Share photos of amazing graffiti.

  Post a picture of all the books you got from a bookstore or a library.

  Post a picture of the beauty products you bought on a shopping spree.

  Create a “vision board” and share it with your readers.

  Make homemade soaps, sugar scrubs, or bath bombs and share pictures.

  Share pictures of your kids’ favorite toys…

  Or toys you want for yourself, even if you’re an adult.

  Share pictures of gifts you gave for Christmas (or the ones you’re planning to give, if your friends and family rarely look at your blog).

  Share pictures of your tattoos…or beautiful tattoo designs that inspire you.

  Share photos of how you’ve decorated your home for Christmas.

  Share pictures of amazing holiday decorations from other sites.

  Share pictures of displays in store windows.

  Share your photos of sunsets.

  Create a blog post with pictures of sunrises and a few uplifting words.

  Create a blog post with romantic black and white photography.

  Create a blog post with images that celebrate feeling snuggly and cozy.

  Create a blog post with images that celebrate the beauty of rain.

  Share pictures of your child’s notes or drawings.

  Share pictures of your handwritten notes or poems, or your drawings. You don’t have to be a professional to inspire people with what you create!

  Share pictures that make you go “awww.”

  Post photos of the most interesting houses or buildings in your town.

  Create a blog post with images of very old books.

  Create a blog post with images of amazing gems and minerals.

  Create a blog post with images of remarkable butterflies and other insects.

  Share pictures from the farmer’s market.

  Share pictures from the fair.

  If you collect something, share pictures of items in your collection.Link Roundup Posts

  In the early days of blogging, bloggers focused a lot on sharing links. In fact, “blog” is a shortened version of “weblog,” or a log of interesting places on the web.

  When you share a collection of links about a certain topic or subject, you make it easy for your blog readers to find great information and content, you make it easy on yourself, and you help out other bloggers and websites.

  Share links to your favorite blogs or websites in general…

  Or share links to all your favorite Instagram accounts.

  Is there a craft or hobby you like? Share links to several free patterns or tutorials…

  Or share links to several gorgeous finished projects that inspire you.

  Gather up links for easy craft ideas for kids.

  Direct people to great posts about learning to draw. />
  In April (National Poetry Month), link to resources for reading and writing poetry.

  In November (National Novel Writing Month), link to resources for writing fiction.

  Are your readers stressed out? Direct people to guided meditation videos.

  Share a bunch of beautiful computer desktop wallpapers, with links.

  If you’re a writer, link to your favorite books, software, pens, journals, and websites to help with writing.

  Share links to websites and online universities where people can learn for free.

  Share links to free yoga and other fitness videos.

  Compile links for DIY home improvement projects.

  Compile links for color palettes for painting rooms in one’s home.

  Gather up links to history blogs and websites for writers researching a certain era.

  Gather up links to blogs and websites to help people understand a current issue.

  Share links to gripping, dramatic stories.

  Share links to sweet, heartwarming stories.

  Share links to stories about the paranormal and unexplained.

  Round up posts that offer great insight into parenting.

  Round up posts that provide great inspiration about love and relationships.

  Share links to advice about gardening.

  Share links to advice about improving one’s professional image.

  Everyone could use a little more laughter in their lives. Point people to videos that crack you up.

  Share links to various personality tests, and tell people what “type” you are.

  Share your favorite religious or spiritual sites.

  Do you have groggy readers? Share resources for overcoming insomnia.

  Round up posts with a fun and frivolous theme, like unicorns or pirates.

  Round up posts about mind-blowing new science and technology.

  Round up all your favorite fanfics for a certain TV show, movie, or game.

  Share links to beauty or makeup tutorials you’d like to try.

  Share links to positive articles and posts about aging.

  Share links to helpful blogging resources.

  Round up posts to help people learn about typography and combining fonts.


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