Cage (Dark World Book 1)

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Cage (Dark World Book 1) Page 11

by C. L. Scholey

  Kai flipped himself feet first around the bull’s shaggy throat, onto its back out of danger. The arrows from the hunters’ weapons released into the beast’s furry softer underbelly. While trying to come across as impressive, the beast was unaware it couldn’t fight warriors the way it battled other bulls. The belly was exposed at the groin area. The arrow ends were dipped in a fluid to produce a numbing agent. The potion would be cooked out over fires, rendering the substance harmless for consumption. The points were small but went deep so as not to damage the fur. One beast would make the covering for two warriors’ beds, top and bottom. As the beast collapsed, Kai simply dropped to the ground as the hindquarters buckled and the bull toppled over.

  The beast stopped flailing. It would feel no pain. Cage took his huge hunting knife and slit the bull’s throat. He heard the bawl of the female and felt some twinge of remorse, but knew she wouldn’t be alone for long. Her woe begotten bellows would echo endlessly until answered, and a coveted female would be answered. By the time the warriors had the bull sectioned, the female’s bawling had drawn three other bulls into the area.

  The bulls stayed away from the warriors who watched the bulls fight for their prize. The largest wasn’t always the strongest; the middle sized one was the craftiest and killed a bull that was too eager. When he chased the other bull away, he nudged at the female herding her from the warriors, her young one followed. A few feet away, he mounted her. The female accepted him and his protection. The new bull would keep both mother and baby as his own.

  Cage saw a few other warriors gut the losing bull, the other they let live and Cage heard bellows of rage from a safe distance. Loaded with a feast, the warriors struck off for home. Cage was anxious to return to his mate. As he turned, he thought he spied a shining object in the sky. It was barely noticeable but while hunting, his senses were toned to perfection. Another warrior stood gazing at the same place in the sky.

  “Did you see something?” Danger asked.

  “I was certain,” Cage replied. “It’s gone now.”

  “I think after our feast I will take my warriors home and seal us in for the night,” Danger said.

  “I was thinking the same.”

  The warriors continued on.

  * * * *

  Cyra was mentally tired in a good way. She loved the feeling of being productive. After weeks of depriving her mind she was thrust back into action. She was on her knees in her pool with her arms curled under her chin and cheek resting against the pool side. The tiny waves lapped at her shoulders as she wiggled her feet. Her belly was full of steak, but her back ached from slouching over the computer.

  “Can I join you?”

  Her lips curved into a smile. “Only if you agree to rub my back.”

  She squealed when Cage jumped in behind her and a huge wave washed over her head soaking her hair. She sputtered for mere moments until his powerful hands rubbed in circles between her shoulder blades. Cyra settled her cheek onto her arms again and groaned. Cage had magic in his fingers, loosening the tension. His hands were so large, one could span her throat, which he did and rubbed gently. His thumbs were heaven, pressing slightly, yet hard enough to press her cheek further into her arms.

  Lower he went to rub her shoulders and the tops of her arms. He slipped his hands under her arms and she wiggled a bit and giggled until he moved lower. She heard his deep chuckle. Soft lips nibbled her ear. His warm tongue teased her lobe. She was ticklish but didn’t move. His lips settled onto her throat while he kissed and nipped. His hands reached her bottom and she pressed back against him.

  Cage’s hot arousal seared her ass. Cupping her ass cheeks he lifted her higher to rest more of her weight and torso onto the water edge. Cyra had no leverage and gasped when his hands spread her thighs and he thrust up high and hard. Her heat closed around him but her hands slipped forward when she tried to brace herself.

  Cage dragged her wrists into one hand before her and held her firmly with a hand on her shoulder. Her ass was bumped higher as he thrust eagerly. Water sloshed over her and for a moment she couldn’t breathe. She gasped air as the water swiftly retreated. Cyra was helpless as Cage moved higher. He released her shoulder and wrapped his arm around her, cushioning her face and neck. She moaned when he thumped into her and slowly retreated. The water rushed beneath Cage’s arm and over her shoulders.

  “Are you sorry you invited me in?” Cage asked, but she heard the swagger in his voice.

  “I dunno, is that all you got?”

  Cage chuckled and took to the challenge. His cock mercilessly attacked her warm heat. Cyra was soon screaming her gasps of pleasure. His massive biceps crushed her to him when he released her wrists and wrapped his arm around her waist. Cyra was pushed higher until her waist rested on the side of the water’s edge. His other arm gripped her chest, squashing her breasts. His body engulfed her. Cyra’s legs shook and buckled, still he thundered within her.

  With a roar he released his seed, warming her insides further. Cage thrust three more times until Cyra gasped and slumped. She was done in. Cage turned her and slipped his arms under her knees and her shoulders. He climbed from the water and dripping, he carried them to bed. Cyra groaned as he settled himself over top of her and kept the fur off. The air was nippy. She was ready to protest when Cage spread her thighs and plunged again. Her body heated in record time. Her fingers dug into the fur beneath them, grabbing thick handfuls.

  A wave of frigid air filled the room and Cyra almost screamed when Cage changed. The commando stripes on his body went from hunter green and ebony to pure white and ice blue. He was the same Cage, yet different. He grinned at her and gave his head a shake.

  “Spooky, a little warning next time,” Cyra said.

  “Warning,” Cage said.

  He changed again, only to brilliant orange and yellow stripes with tinges of browns and blacks. He was a moving autumn day. Cyra loved it. She was making love to the change of seasons. She licked at his skin, tasting first the yellow stripe then the orange. Each was a flavor sending her senses into overwhelming desire to have him.

  “Do all your warriors change to match the seasons?” she gasped as he plunged deeper.

  “Yes. We need the change for hunting and stalking. Other aliens are given a surprise when they think to sneak up on my warriors.”

  Cage was once more his commando green and black. He reached down and dragged part of the fur across his hips and molded his body against hers to keep her warm.

  “You feel so beautiful,” Cage whispered.

  “I feel beautiful?”

  “Inside, you’re warm and welcoming. Your skin under my hands is an invitation. Have I mentioned how perfect you are?”

  Cyra wrapped her arms around his neck when he shimmied down to claim her lips. His lips nuzzled hers and his warm breath floated across her cheek. Cyra knew he would never change into a beast while with her. He changed to fears. Cyra had no fear of him, only of losing him. She groaned when he plunged back inside, stretching her to accept him. His face flashed within her thoughts and Cyra had a revelation. She had been shown his image long ago. Her obsession with warriors became apparent. Cage was literally the man of her dreams.

  She stroked down his powerful muscled arms with her long fingers. She lifted her legs to wrap securely around his tapered waist. Cyra shrieked when Cage spun her in his arms and she rode him fast and furiously. When her back arched he gripped each breast in a hand and squeezed until she cried out.

  “One for each hand,” Cage said and grinned at her.

  “There won’t be any if you rip them off.”

  “They appear to be on pretty tight.”

  As if to prove his point Cage tugged hard and rolled her nipples into buds. Pulling her up until his cock slipped from her, he sucked one breast deep within his mouth. Cyra struggled as he grew more demanding but he gripped her ass and flipped her onto her back. He released her breast and fingered her heat before thrusting his cock high and hard.

; Cyra screamed so loud for a second she thought she saw Zenon round the corner of the cave room and then make a hasty retreat. Cage chuckled. His thrusts slowed as he pulled the fur up over their heads. The gaze he leveled on Cyra made her gasp.

  “I plan on making you scream a number of times, but your ass isn’t for show. I like the furs you wear so only I can see my little prize. Now hold on.”

  Cyra was buried under Cage who had buried them under the massive fur covering. With one of his hands holding her wrists together and another over her mouth, Cyra surrendered to her commando—eagerly.

  Chapter 10

  “The ship should be ready in a few months.”

  Cage took Cyra into his arms; earlier they had walked around the interior of the vessel. Cage had never been inside a space ship. Buttons on walls and consoles blinked with different lights. The floor was cold beneath his bare feet and he was surprised. The cold never fazed him on the planet. He was happy to have Cyra back in his cave. He didn’t envy the warriors who would travel from the safety of the planet into a strange dark world that awaited them.

  “You are certain the craft will take the warriors meant to find human mates to their destination?” Cage asked.

  “Yes. The first planet is Earth. Many humans have been stolen from Earth by other species. Some are meant for your warriors. Earth will rebuild after a while, but right now the human females on my planet are the most vulnerable. Other species are so angry.”

  Cage turned her and gripped her chin. “You have witnessed more destruction?”

  She nodded. “This morning I was able to open another channel. It was with a different country. Not all aliens are furious with Earth alone. Some have been hit with garbage from different places. They are hunting down symbols; each country has its own trademark. Japan was singled out by a race so angry, it’s trying to destroy them. The garbage was theirs; they had no idea where it would end up after it hit the black hole but apologies aren’t enough.

  “The universe is turning into a dark world of seething anger. This planet will be discovered soon enough once we start rescuing human females. Are you prepared for that?”

  “We will be,” Cage said. “I know whether or not human females are here other aliens will come. I can almost taste the evil in the air. Don’t be afraid, I want to show you something my mind has put together, a weapon.”

  Cage stepped back and changed into a mountainous beast, every inch of him filling his large home. He had no choice but to lift Cyra into his clawed hand as his body expanded to the far reaches of the cave, his tail protruding into Zenon’s home. He heard her gasps, saw her struggle to maintain her bladder, which she thankfully did. The scaled creature was a flying, three headed chimera. All three heads were fierce dragons each more hideous than the next. Each head was capable of spewing a vile deadly substance. Razor claws could rip an opponent to death. Cage’s power raced through his armored body. When he returned to normal, he had to hold Cyra to his chest until her breathing calmed.

  “My God, that was the worst yet.” She gasped out the words.

  “I’ve taught all leaders that form in my area, soon it will be known everywhere on the planet.”

  “Cage,” Zenon bellowed and raced into the cave. He stopped dead in front of Cage and Cyra. “Ships are filling the sky. They are everywhere on the planet.”

  “It’s too soon,” Cage said, exploding and he raced from the cave with Cyra and Zenon following.

  “It’s the first wave,” Cyra said as she gazed up, her eyes fixed and dilated. Cage spun her into his arms.

  “What are you saying?” He had to give her a shake and repeat himself.

  Cyra looked dazed and confused. “I was at the Mountain.”

  “You said it’s the first wave. What do you mean?” Cage demanded.

  “The Mountain has foreseen this.” Cyra gripped his arms. “There will be many losses, but the Mountain has shown me many more will survive. Your warriors must battle as they never have before. There is something the Mountain has foreseen. Cage, these beings fear nothing, nothing. There is nothing you can shift into that will frighten them. They will land and fight, they prefer to witness the death they cause in person and think only cowards fight from the air.”

  Cage scowled. “They will fear me.”

  “They are landing everywhere,” Danger yelled as he and his warriors raced to Cage’s home.

  “Then we should go meet them,” Cage said. He turned to Zenon. “Keep my mate safe.”

  Zenon and five warriors took Cyra to the cave and Cage sealed them in. All others watched until every inch of the small mountain was encased. The space ship to land closest was the first on Cage’s mind. The warriors were on the move.

  The ship was dark green, oblong, high and settled in a wave of dust. The beings inside wasted no time, they came out as a door slid open, yelling war cries. Cage’s warriors reacted as did Danger’s. Cage and Danger turned into the flying chimera and using their massive feet crushed the ship and the remaining warriors. When they turned to do battle with the aliens they changed back into their normal form.

  Danger gazed at his arms and legs and glanced at Cage. “I see no fears, nor can I change.”

  “Neither can I.”

  Frustrated rage assaulted Cage as one of his warriors went down. Cage was helpless to save him. He grabbed a club from the fallen warrior and attacked the twelve foot alien being. The being was muscular and ugly. Cage took a flying jump into the air and smashed the club across the beings face sending its head from its neck.

  “Their necks are vulnerable,” Cage screamed to the warriors.

  Soon the battlefield was littered with the dead, many were headless, many more were not.

  * * * *

  Cyra stood shaking when dozens of the beings smashed into the cave’s protected walls. She sighed with relief when she spied a dozen of Cage’s warriors as well as a few of Danger’s. A massive alien, slightly taller than the others roared with laughter, he pointed at Cyra.

  “I was right; there are humans here. You, human female, will be mine. My cock will keep you screaming at night.”

  Cyra understood him; he spoke her language making her shudder. These things knew what she was, which meant they had been to Earth. Horror invaded her thoughts. Oh my God those poor women. How many had been kidnapped? A small crack in the protective wall formed.

  “Brace for attack,” Zenon bellowed. “We must keep Cyra safe.”

  “Zenon,” Cyra whispered as a thought popped into her mind. “Go for their necks and cut their heads from their bodies.”

  Zenon nodded and relayed the message. The first alien through the breach was beheaded, then another until part of the wall fell and too many aliens invaded. The cave floor and walls were soon covered with dripping blood. Zenon grabbed Cyra and tossed her over his shoulder and ran. He was stopped by too many. Cyra fell to the ground, landing on her hands and knees. Her ankle was grabbed and she kicked a being in the face. He roared in anger and made to strike her.

  “Do not harm the female,” the biggest alien yelled. “I will not fuck a corpse. She is fragile but not as fragile as the females on this planet.”

  Cyra was allowed to scramble from the foray on her hands and knees. She was afraid, but she was more fearful for the warriors and Cage. A head rolled past her, making her gag. A warrior of Danger’s fell and moved no more.

  The warriors battled around her. Her gaze fled desperately, wishing she could see Cage. The twelve-foot creatures wanted her. Their rounded bald heads tapered to pointed ears, their skin was a faded green. Cyra couldn’t fathom such things wanting to mate with her or any of the warrior tribes’ mates. An image came into her thoughts; it was the Mountain communicating with her. She suddenly understood why the Mountain had called its females back—all but one. After killing a tribe’s mate by accident, the aliens realized stealing this planet’s females, was useless. Cyra on the other hand wasn’t of this world, and they wanted to know the co-ordinates of Earth. They
hadn’t been to Earth; they had raided a space station. The human female they captured was killed, again by accident in their enthusiasm. In order to get the information, they would need Cyra. The images stopped as Cyra sought to shut out the Mountain. She grieved for the dead females.

  Cage’s warriors were fierce; she understood now why they trained so hard. There were beings not of this universe that were capable of diabolical acts. The creatures weren’t only tall, they were solid and muscular. Long powerful legs tried crushing their opponents under their massive bare feet.

  The being who had Zenon’s face under his foot pushed down grinning. Zenon yelled to her and Cyra knew he wanted her to run. Cyra was of no use to the warriors. A wood club to her left was in her hands before she realized what she was doing. Two-handed she held the heavy weapon and struggled to lift it. With all her might she smashed the alien in the back hoping to offer Zenon some aid. Smallish daggers shot from the spear head into another alien who dropped like a stone. Pain raced up her arms from the force of the blow which hadn’t budged the alien she attacked.

  The club was empty of the daggers and Zenon pleaded with her to run; before she spun, the being crushing Zenon gazed at her with round yellow eyes. Zenon had stopped moving, Cyra’s heart ached for him; she liked the warrior. The alien’s small nose twitched, and after a sickening crunch of bone, he leapt toward her, yelling a battle cry. Many more aliens followed him as Cyra became the object of choice.

  Cyra dropped the heavy club and ran as she’d never run before. They were getting so close. The beings’ long legs ate up the ground triple time. She heard the noise as their feet made contact with the ground, thumping sinisterly. She gazed back over her shoulder and tried not to scream. Long arms reached toward her, fine spindly fingers slid through her hair. The cliff was nearing; in the distance, she saw with relief Cage riding the cloud toward her. There was nothing else she could do. The alien tangled his fingers into strands of her hair. When she reached the cliff’s edge, she jumped, a clump of her hair tearing from her scalp making her wince. She trusted Cage could move his cloud fast enough to catch her before she hit the ground.


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