Banking On Love

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Banking On Love Page 15

by Anna James

  “What are they?” he asked.

  “The first, I have to be back in New York by tomorrow morning. I’ll catch the next flight, no matter what time it is.”

  “And the second?”

  “I have to work out of the Boston office until the shareholders dispute is settled.”

  “You agreed to both?”


  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Ethan unlocked the front door to his parents’ Westchester home three days later. There’d been no point staying in Paris after he’d concluded his business without Rachel.

  The mere thought of not seeing or speaking with her until the shareholders dispute settled drove him crazy, but he’d put up with the radio silence if it meant they could be together in the end. She deserved the partnership with her company, and he wouldn’t stand in her way, especially after everything she’d been through in the last few years.

  Once inside, he put down his suitcase and briefcase, flicked on the light switch to illuminate the entryway, then shrugged out of his jacket and hung it in the closet. He picked up his things and headed up to the spare bedroom.

  “Who’s there?”

  “It’s me, Dad.” Ethan turned, went back down the stairs and wandered into the sitting room where he found Hayden sitting in his brown leather recliner working on a crossword puzzle.

  “I wasn’t expecting you back this soon. How did things go?”

  Ethan sat on the matching sofa, stretched out his long legs and eased back against the cool leather. “My meeting went well. Henry is still with us for now, but that could change if we don’t settle the dispute soon.”

  Hayden nodded. “Good. Has Jarrod given you any indication when he and his team will complete their investigation?”

  “I haven’t spoken with him yet. I’ll give him a call when I get to the office tomorrow. Have you heard anything more about where things stand with the Gagnon group?”

  “They haven’t garnered the backing they need yet to call a special shareholders meeting. Although, Clark has decided to throw his support in their direction, but Carney and Thompson are still with us.”

  “It's unlikely they’ll muster the fifty-one percent needed if we still have Carney and Thompson. In the meantime, how are you feeling?” He wasn’t going to mention it, but there was growing concern over Hayden’s health and his ability to return to his position as CEO. Henry Lebeau wasn’t the first shareholder to bring up the point. Others had as well.

  Ethan had waved off the worry at first, but given the attack had been almost four months ago and Hayden hadn’t returned to work yet, he started to believe there was good reason for the unease. It was yet another uncertainty in this mess and more ammunition the Gagnon group could use to push their position.

  The truth was if Hayden couldn’t or didn’t want to return to his duties at the bank, a special shareholders meeting would be required and nominees for the position would be presented to the Board of Directors. The Gagnon group wouldn’t need to amass further support. They’d have their special meeting and an opportunity to present their own contender for CEO. For two years, they’d tried, unsuccessfully, to oust Hayden and replace the CEO with one of their activist candidates. If Hayden didn’t return to the bank, and soon, they could succeed this time around.

  “I feel fine.”

  “Good to hear.”

  Hayden sighed. “I’m well aware of the rumblings among the shareholders regarding my health. Don’t count me out yet, son.”

  “Don’t worry, I won’t.” Ethan rose, intending to head upstairs to bed. It had been a long day.

  “There’s one more thing I’ve got to tell you, and you’re not going to like it.”

  Ethan sat again. “What is it?”

  “It’s about the account in Rachel Sullivan’s name.”

  “What about it?”

  “There’s been more activity.”

  “ATM withdrawals?”

  Hayden nodded. “Yesterday and today. From a bank located in Government Center in downtown Boston. I understand Rachel is working out of McKenna and Hirsh’s Boston office temporarily.”

  Ethan sighed. “We’ve been through this, Dad.”

  “Yes, we have, but there’s more, and that’s what concerns me.”

  “What happened?” Ethan asked.

  “Up until now all the activity has been ATM withdrawals mainly here in New York, but some in Greenwich, Connecticut. A few months ago, withdrawals were made from an ATM in Hartford near Children’s Hospital.”

  “I know where you’re going with this. They’re all places Rachel has been over the last three years, but—”

  Hayden held up a hand to stop what he would have said next.

  “Two days ago a transfer was made in the sum of nine hundred and fifty thousand dollars to a company called RS Holdings.”

  Ethan let out a low whistle. “A transfer in that amount would have to be made in person.”

  “Yes. It was made from the London office.”

  “Great. We should be able to get a picture of whoever made the transfer from the security camera in the bank.”

  Hayden hoisted himself out of the chair and walked to the antique Queen Ann desk at the far end of the room. He lifted the front cover, reached inside and pulled out a manila file folder, then closed the desk and made his way to Ethan. “Here.”

  Ethan frowned. “What’s this?”

  “A picture of the person who made the transfer in London. Take a look.”

  Ethan opened the file and gasped. An image of Rachel stared back at him, or at least the picture sure as hell looked like Rachel. “There’s got to be some mistake. Rachel wasn’t in London on Monday, she was in Boston.”

  “There’s no mistake, Ethan. That is Rachel Sullivan.”

  He peered down at the image again. Long, wavy blond hair, piercing baby blue eyes and that upward curve of lips that drove him wild. He didn’t want to believe it, but the truth was staring him in the face.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  “Pastry and ice cream and chocolate, oh my! I think I’ve died and gone to heaven.”

  Rachel laughed at Kelly’s comical expression. “There’s actual food here, too.”

  They walked into Faneuil Hall in historic downtown Boston. Stalls with every cuisine imaginable lined the walls from one end of the long building to the other.

  “Yes, but I’m not interested in actual food. After walking the Freedom Trail, I want a sweet treat, and some caffeine, since we’re going to dinner later this evening and out after.”

  Rachel gestured around the room with an outstretched hand. “As you can see, we have quite a selection. I can’t believe you’ve never been here before.”

  Kelly shrugged. “I’ve only been to the Boston office twice since I’ve been with McKenna and Hirsh, and we didn’t have time to sight see on either occasion.”

  “Then I’m glad you came up this weekend. We’ll have plenty of time to sightsee. Do you already know what you want or should we walk through the hall and see what confections are available before you make your decision?”

  “Let’s take a walk through.” Kelly ambled forward.

  Rachel nodded and followed.

  They passed by The Boston Chowda Co. Kelly inhaled deeply and let out a sigh. “The clam chowder smells out of this world. We’re going to have to come back here again before I go home so I can try some.”

  “No problem. It’s not far from where I’m staying while I’m here.”

  “So, are you going to tell me why you’re suddenly working out of the Boston office indefinitely.”

  Rachel snorted. “It was the only way to keep my job.”

  Kelly stopped short and turned to Rachel, her eyes wide. “You’re joking, right?”

  She shook her head. “I wish I was, but I’m afraid not.”

  “Jarrod and Carter threatened to fire you if you didn’t relocate to Boston? I can’t believe it. You’re up for partner at the end of the year. Why would they
want to get rid of you?”

  “They’re a little upset with me at the moment.”

  “What did you do to piss them off so much they banished you from New York?”

  Rachel grinned. “Can you keep a secret?”

  “Of course I can. I love secrets. Come on, dish.”

  “You know why I had to step down from my position as lead investigator at Montgomery, right?”

  “Because of Ethan. He’s Emma’s godfather, and you used to be friends.”

  “Yes, only we’re more than friends now.”

  Kelly’s brows furrowed. “What are you say— Oh my God! You and Ethan are doing the nasty.”


  “You’re not doing the nasty?”

  Rachel rolled her eyes. “When you say it that way, it sounds sordid, and it’s not.”

  They reached the end of the building and started up the other side.

  “Then what is it?” Kelly asked.

  Good question. “It's more than just sex.”

  Kelly let out a loud laugh. “Good to know.”

  Rachel smiled. “I’m serious. I enjoy spending time with him. I miss him like crazy when we’re not together and—”

  “Holy cow. You’re in love with him, aren’t you?”

  Heat crept up her neck and flooded her cheeks. “No. Maybe. I’m not sure.” It wasn’t like she had a lot of experience to rely on. She’d fancied herself in love with Ryan and had been wrong. Dead wrong. “I only know I’ve never felt anything like this before.”

  “Good grief. You’re in love, all right. Does Ethan know how you feel?”


  “You haven’t told him? What are you waiting for?”

  Yes, what was she waiting for? “The relationship is still new and—”

  “Rachel, you’ve known each other for thirteen years.”

  “As friends. This new thing between us is different.” And there was still a little part deep down inside that feared he might tire of her. I’m not Ryan. No, Ethan wasn’t anything like Ryan. He was kind and sweet and loving. I’m in this relationship for the long haul. The words he’d spoken the evening they’d visited the Eiffel Tower had been filled with heartfelt sincerity. Still, she hesitated. Why?

  “Have you talked to him since you’ve been here?” Kelly asked quietly.

  Rachel let out a resigned sigh. “No. Carter and Jarrod made it part of the deal. No contact, whatsoever, until the bank investigation is over. Please tell me you guys are close to wrapping this up. I’ve only been here a few days, and I’m already going crazy.”

  “Oh boy. You do have it bad. Well, the good news is you shouldn’t be here long. We’re in the final stages of the investigation now. If I had to guess, I’d say you’ll be home before Thanksgiving.”

  Hallelujah! They’d finally be together. “Now that’s the best news I’ve had in a long time. Have you figured out what you want to eat yet?”

  Kelly wiggled her brows. “Everything! But since we’ll be eating in a couple of hours, I’ll settle for a latte and some fudge.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll have the same.”

  They stopped at the Boston Café. Rachel ordered. “I’ll have a caramel latte and a piece of the penuche.”

  “I’ll have a latte as well, but make mine English Toffee, and I’ll have a piece of chocolate fudge,” Kelly added.

  Rachel paid the cashier. “Let’s take these outside and watch the performers before we head back to the corporate apartment.”

  “Sounds good.”

  Outside, Rachel and Kelly jockeyed for a spot among the growing crowd to watch two street mimes perform their act. When the show finished, they made their way back to Government Center, where Rachel was staying.

  “Excuse me.” Kelly wobbled when a tall woman with perfectly coiffed bleach blond hair bumped into her and continued on her way without stopping.

  Rachel grabbed Kelly’s arm to steady her.

  “Thanks, I’m fine,” Kelly called over her shoulder, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

  The woman paused for a moment and turned.

  Kelly’s eyes widened. “Hey, isn’t that your mother-in-law?”

  Rachel shifted her position to see, but only caught a brief glimpse of the woman before she disappeared into the crowd. “No, I don’t think so. I can’t imagine why Connie and Frank would be here in Boston.”

  “Are you sure? It looked like her to me. Then again, if it were Connie, you’d think she’d have stopped to say hello. I mean you’re her daughter-in-law and all.”

  “You’d think,” Rachel retorted. “Then again, this is Connie we’re talking about, and I wouldn’t put it past her to walk right by and pretend not to notice me.” Rachel glanced at her watch. “Forget about the woman, whoever she is. We’ve got to get going. The mime performance lasted longer than I anticipated. We’ll have to hurry back to the apartment if we’re going to have time to change before dinner.”

  They strode along North Street and turned right onto Congress Street. Cars zipped past, and police sirens rented the air as hordes of people made their way.

  “You never told me, Rachel—”

  A woman screamed and was shoved into the side of a brick building.

  A tall, burly man raced through the crowd toward them. Two uniformed police officers followed in pursuit.

  “Holy shit,” Kelly squealed.

  “Move, lady,” the Hulk yelled.

  He grabbed Rachel, shoved, then darted around her. She lost her balance, toppled sideways and fell into the street, arms flailing in the air and landed hard on her ass.

  “Rachel!” Kelly screamed.

  A horn blared.

  Rachel looked up.

  A black four-door sedan sped toward her.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Ethan knocked on the front door to the McKenna and Hirsh apartment, tapping his foot while he waited. Kelly opened the door a moment later. “How is she?”

  “Sore, but otherwise okay.”

  Thank God. His heart rate slowed, and the knot that had formed in his gut the moment Kelly called loosened.

  “Come on in. She’s resting in the living room.”

  Ethan walked down the short hall and forced himself not to shove Kelly aside in his haste to get to Rachel. Neither woman would appreciate him behaving like a crazy man. The hall emptied into a spacious area being used as both a living room and dining area. It seemed nice enough for a temporary residence.

  Kelly spoke. “We’ve got company, Rach.”

  Rachel turned and looked over her shoulder. Her eyes widened the minute her gaze connected with his. “What are you doing here?”

  “I needed to see you for myself and make sure you’re truly okay.” He strode to the sofa, sat down beside her, and pulled her, carefully, into his arms. “God, Rachel. What happened? You scared me half to death.”

  “How did you find out about the accident?”

  Ethan released Rachel and glanced over at Kelly.

  Color invaded Kelly’s cheeks. “I called him.”

  “Which you should have done, honey. Why didn’t you?” he asked.

  Rachel sighed. “I didn’t want to worry you, besides I’m okay. Only a few cuts and bruises.”

  His eyes darted to the white gauze wound over most of her right calf, then tracked lower to the Ace bandage and icepack resting on the ankle propped atop a fluffy pillow. More than just a few cuts and bruises. He shuddered. “I’m glad you’re all right.” He reached for her and held her tight.

  “I’m going to get going now and leave you two love birds alone.”

  Rachel struggled to sit up straighter. “You’re leaving? Now? Where are you going? It’s eleven p.m.”

  “To the Marriott. I’ve decided to treat myself.”

  Ethan shook his head. “You don’t have to go.”

  “There are two bedrooms,” Rachel added.

  “Yes, but I’ll go anyway, besides, two’s company. Three’s a crowd. Take care of her, Ethan
.” Kelly rushed over and gave Rachel a hug. “I’ll stop in tomorrow to see how you’re feeling and say good-bye before I head back to New York.” She winked. “You two have fun.”

  Rachel rolled her eyes. “Ha ha.” When they were alone, she snuggled into the crook of his arm and sighed. “This isn’t the reunion, I imagined.”

  Ethan laughed and stretched out his long legs. No, this get together wasn’t what he’d have pictured either. When he thought about— His heart started to pound again. No. Rachel wasn't hurt badly. “What did you envision?”

  “For starters, I figured I’d be able to move around without every muscle in my body hurting.”

  “It’s unfortunate, but you’ll hurt even more tomorrow.”

  “I know, and the bruising on my thighs will worsen, too.”

  He dropped a quick kiss on her head. “I hope you have plenty of Aleve on hand. If you don’t, I’ll go and get some.”

  “Kelly picked up a bottle on our way home.”

  “Good. Now, tell me more about this homecoming you visualized.”

  Rachel smiled. “Sipping champagne from crystal fluted glasses in front of a blazing fire, a little caviar and me wearing something other than a pair of cutoff sweats and a sweatshirt with my hair up in a ponytail.”

  “Sounds perfect, but I’ll take you any way I can get you, sweats, ponytail and all.” He lifted her chin and waited for her gaze to settle on him. “I love you, Rachel.” Maybe this wasn’t the most romantic setting, and his timing sure as hell sucked since neither of them knew how long they’d be separated after this, but he’d needed to say the words. They’d been on the tip of his tongue for a while now. He couldn’t hold them back any longer. Didn’t want to, and she needed to know how much she meant to him.

  He needed to know how she felt about him, too. One way or the other.

  Rachel didn’t say a word, only stared at him. His gut twisted, then she smiled up at him, a grin spreading from ear to ear and had her baby blues shining. She let out a squeal of pure delight, then threw her arms around his neck.

  “I love you, too.”

  He wrapped her in his arms and held her, savoring her warmth. Rachel loved him. How did I get so lucky? “You have no idea how happy you’ve made me.” They’d work out the rest, including the bizarre events of late. Right now he only wanted to hold her in his arms.


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