A Physical Affair

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A Physical Affair Page 9

by Lynsey Stevens

  ‘Yes,’ Keira agreed slowly. “It featured household hints, repairs and remedies, and old-fashioned recipes using tried and true methods which struck a happy medium between ones that are quick and easy using natural ingredients, and ones that began with “go out and slaughter your ox”. Of course, the name’s a little trite but—’ she shrugged ‘—it worked.’

  Eden sat back regarding her and Keira shifted uneasily in her seat. ‘We got good feedback on that particular column,’ he said thoughtfully. ‘So, you feel the magazine would work this time around?’

  Keira nodded. ‘I don’t see why it wouldn’t. Allowing that this isn’t the best economic climate for starting a business venture, the magazine would have to have topical appeal and if your research points out that it does, well, it sounds more than viable.’

  Eden consulted his file. ‘And some of these contributors—do you think they would be available to work on Natural Life again? Especially this Miss Agatha Rains, who apparently created Ask Aunt Aggie?’

  A small smile played about Keira’s lips and Eden’s eyes narrowed to centre on them. ‘There’d be no problem with Aunt Aggie, and I’m sure the others would also be available.’

  ‘Good. Which brings me to my final question. How would you like to take on the job of editor of the revamped Natural Life?’

  Keira stared at him for surprised seconds. ‘Me? But—’

  ‘You’ve done it before.’

  ‘Not on the scale you’re obviously talking about and, besides, we’re snowed under at the moment. I couldn’t spare the time from Chloe right now.’

  ‘I wouldn’t expect you to cover both positions. As I said, you’ve been doing an outstanding job.’

  Keira went to speak and Eden held up his hand. ‘And I know all about the situation that exists with the staff. I’ve been aware of it for some time. Let’s leave it at that and not go into the politics of personalities, hmm? I wouldn’t offer you this promotion if I didn’t think you could handle it. All that remains is for you to decide whether or not you want it.’

  ‘I’m flattered but I… Well, I haven’t really given any thought to changing jobs. I expected to…’

  ‘Go on doing what you’re doing now? One of my snoops—’ he grimaced ‘—tells me you can do the job with your eyes closed. That’s no challenge.’

  Keira felt her cheeks colour. ‘What makes you think I need a challenge?’ she asked shakily, and he raised one dark brow.

  ‘Let’s just say I’m a fantastic judge of character. So, yes or no?’

  ‘You want to know right now?’

  ‘Why not now?’

  ‘There are considerations. I mean, what happens with Chloe?’

  ‘All that will be taken care of.’

  ‘And what about staff for the new magazine?’

  ‘You can choose your own staff.’ He removed another sheet from his folder and passed it across to her. ‘That’s a suggested list of positions. Read it through and you can make your recommendations to fill them. You can create or delete if you feel it’s necessary and we’ll discuss it.’

  Keira glanced down at the list in amazement. On paper it seemed as though she could write her own ticket, so to speak. It was far too good to be true. Would she have to pay for such generosity in the long run, be held on a tight editorial rein by the powers-that-be?

  ‘If I do take the position I’d want to know what or who I’ll be up against,’ she said slowly, and Eden Cassidy provocatively held her gaze.

  ‘Who you’ll be up against? Now there’s a thought,’ he said softly, and Keira’s heartbeats accelerated in immediate response.

  ‘You wish,’ she said as softly, smiling despite herself, and he raised one fine dark brow again.

  ‘Oh, I do. I can’t dispute that. However, that has nothing whatsoever to do with Natural Life and I wouldn’t be foolish enough to jeopardise Cassidy-Ford’s chances of getting the best person for this position. So I’d better reassure you I’d only be on the periphery of the venture. Technically, you’d be top dog. And you needn’t even contact me directly if you didn’t want to. You could report via Denver Clarkson, as Dianna does now.’

  ‘And I’d have final say as to my staff?’

  He nodded.

  ‘You say I’d have editorial independence but just what would that mean in terms of the day-to-day editorial decisions?’

  ‘It would be exactly the same as it is with Chloe. I have trust in you and your judgement. You’ve edited this type of magazine before and you’ve excelled in your present position. I see no problem with your having editorial autonomy.’

  Keira returned her gaze to the papers in front of her. Tremors of excitement welled within her. It was really the job she’d been working towards all these years since the failure of her marriage. Admittedly she’d allowed her ambition to slip on to the back burner this past year or so, but there was no denying that a position such as the one he was offering her had been her goal, the pinnacle of her chosen career.

  Now it was within her grasp. She simply had to reach out and take it. And less than a week ago she would have killed for this chance.

  So why was she hesitating? Her heart skipped a beat. The answer to that question sat right in front of her. Climbing this rung of the ladder took her one step closer to Eden Cassidy.

  She was well aware that Dianna Forester, as editor of one of Cassidy-Ford’s publications, often attended various meetings where Eden Cassidy presided. Dianna would return and with studied casualness drop his name into the conversation, much to Roxie Denahey’s disgust.

  Keira’s mind shot off at another tangent. Roxie would be the first person she’d add to her new staff. Roxie was competent and trustworthy and they got on so well, always had, which wasn’t the case with Roxie and Dianna.

  She could also offer positions to—Keira stopped the direction of her train of thought. She was acting as though she’d decided to take on the job when…

  ‘What’s your decision?’ Eden’s deep voice made her start slightly and she raised grey eyes to meet his. ‘Assistant editor of the tried and true, or editor of our new endeavour?’


  DANIEL knocked tentatively and entered Keira’s office. ‘I just saw Eden leaving. So how was lunch?’

  ‘Fine.’ Keira shrugged non-committally.

  ‘Eden has gone, hasn’t he?’ Daniel said. ‘Or is he likely to turn up again?’

  ‘He’s gone as far as I know,’ Keira said without intonation, feeling as though she’d been through an emotional wringer and not sure she wasn’t still trapped in one. ‘You just missed him.’


  Keira sighed. ‘Look, Daniel, if this is going to be long and involved I haven’t got the time to listen and commiserate, so could you be brief or preferably save it for tomorrow?’

  ‘Did he rub you up the wrong way again?’ asked Daniel sympathetically, and Keira frowned.

  ‘No. Not that it’s any of your business, but your uncle didn’t rub me the wrong way. I simply have stacks of work to get through. A point I’ve been fruitlessly trying to make all day.’

  ‘Cat was here,’ Daniel said with high drama. ‘I’ve told her all about you and I wanted her to meet you. You see, we’d arranged to have lunch today and then Eden turned up just when I was expecting Cat. I nearly had a heart attack.’

  ‘If you brought it all out in the open you wouldn’t have to sneak about,’ Keira told him tiredly. ‘You should have taken the opportunity to introduce them.’

  ‘Not likely. But at least once I knew Eden was in the building I knew where he’d be.’

  Keira raised her eyebrows.

  ‘Well, if he was in the building and you were in the same building then I reckon it would be a fair bet that he would be somewhere near you.’

  Keira was unable to prevent warm colour flooding her cheeks. ‘You’re being ridiculous,’ she stated, and made a slash on the page with her red pen.

  ‘Not as I see it. The penny dropped a
while ago when I was watching you two together. So, what happened between you and Eden at the weekend?’

  ‘What makes you think anything happened?’ Keira asked without looking up.

  ‘The fact that you’re both trying to pretend nothing happened. I only mentioned you at dinner last night and Eden nearly snapped my head off. This morning I said something about Eden to you and you were almost as bad.’ Daniel sat down, looking seriously into Keira’s eyes. ‘Eden didn’t make a pass at you, did he? When I left you alone with him on the patio? You seemed a little distracted after that.’

  Keira felt her flush deepen. ‘Daniel! Enough already! I was tired, that’s all.’

  ‘Ahh!’ Daniel nodded knowingly.

  ‘Ahh nothing.’ Keira looked pointedly at her wrist-watch. ‘It’s after five. I hope you won’t have the nerve to claim overtime.’

  ‘Overtime? I’m deeply offended. You know I’m not a clock-watcher, Keira.’

  ‘No. You’re a real little trouper, Daniel. Now, would you please buzz off and let me get on with my work?’

  ‘OK. I understand you don’t want to talk about it but I kind of feel responsible, you know. If I hadn’t talked you into going with me at the weekend—’

  ‘Daniel,’ Keira appealed, and he stood up.

  ‘All right. I can take a hint. But I think I should sort of—you know, warn you.’

  ‘Warn me?’ Keira gazed at him levelly. ‘Warn me about what?’

  ‘Well, about Eden. Over the years he’s had more than his share of women.’ Daniel grimaced. ‘But none of them have lasted for long. Except for Megan, I guess,’ he added with a frown. ‘But you’re different, Keira. I just wouldn’t want you to get hurt.’

  Keira drew herself up in her chair, ignoring the pain inside that told her she knew what Daniel was saying was true. ‘I’ve no intention of getting involved with your uncle,’ she said through clenched teeth, and Daniel had the grace to look a little disconcerted.

  ‘I just wanted to say there’ve been plenty of women in his past.’

  ‘Everyone has a past, Daniel.’

  ‘I know. But earlier I thought you and Eden were— you know, aware of each other.’

  ‘Your imagination must have been in overdrive.’ Keira made a show of shuffling the pages in front of her.

  ‘Well, you have to admit he’s good-looking. And he’s rich. Women drop like flies around him.’

  ‘Charming, Daniel. You have a way with words.’

  ‘You know what I mean, Keira.’

  ‘All I know is that a moment ago you were warning me off and now you’re singing his praises.’

  ‘I have this theory that maybe all he needs is a good woman to save him from himself, or whatever it is good women save a man from,’ he added with a grin.

  ‘I’ll let that remark pass, only because I sense a deliberate provocation.’

  ‘So why not you and Eden, Keira? Seriously. I think you’d be great together.’

  ‘Daniel—’ Keira glared at him and he backed off a few paces.

  ‘OK, I know. Subject closed. So I’ll see you tomorrow.’

  You and Eden. Keira shook her head quickly as Daniel left her. It was pointless weighing up the pros and cons of a prospective relationship with Eden Cassidy. She knew exactly what it would involve. A physical fling, undoubtedly exciting, and then the uncertainty as he cooled off before the painful parting when he tired of her. No, if she’d needed any reminding then one of Daniel’s comments had jogged her memory.

  Eden Cassidy had had a lot of women. And Keira wasn’t going to add herself to the list. She wasn’t interested in just an affair.

  Apart from that, he was her boss, a boss who’d just offered her the job of a lifetime. And as she’d accepted the position she had no intention of jeopardising it in any way. Especially by becoming involved with the head of Cassidy-Ford Publishing.

  To do that she’d have to be out of her mind. And the last thing she needed was complications in her private life, earth-shatteringly exciting complications though they might be. Right now she would need to focus all her attention on making the magazine’s resurrection a success.

  And as attractive as Eden Cassidy undoubtedly was, well… Keira sighed and passed her hand tiredly over her eyes. Attractive? He was the most magnetic man she’d ever met and she couldn’t deny she was physically aware of him, that the feelings he stirred within her she’d never felt quite so strongly before. The fact remained that he would always be out of her league. She’d just have to keep reminding herself of that.

  Unable to prevent herself, Keira picked up the job structure list Eden had left with her and she began pencilling in some suggestions. Glancing at the time, she shook her head and began to tidy her desk. She knew she’d never get any more work done this evening so she might as well go home, begin early in the morning when she was fresh and, hopefully, had regained her concentration.

  It took a full two days for word about the new magazine and Keira’s promotion to become common knowledge around the office.

  However, at least Keira had been able to discuss it with her editor before the rumors began. Dianna had sought Keira out and they’d talked about the upheaval of Keira’s subsequent replacement and how it would affect Chloe. Although the meeting hadn’t been overly painful, that Dianna was not pleased about the changes was obvious.

  This morning Eden and Denver Clarkson were coming to see Keira to discuss some of the more pressing arrangements regarding the staffing of the new venture.

  When a knock sounded on the door Keira took a steadying breath before responding. Daniel strode purposefully over to the desk and leaned across to take Keira’s hand.

  ‘Take me with you, Keira,’ he beseeched earnestly. ‘You know I’d do anything for you, I’ll work like a slave. Anything.’

  ‘For heaven’s sake, Daniel. Don’t you know that walls have ears? You don’t know who could be listening.’

  ‘Everyone knows Eden’s due to arrive so they’re all at their various desks making industrious working noises.’

  ‘Yes, well, let’s just say I’m over-sensitive. I’ve suffered more than enough repercussions since that party I should never have let you talk me into attending. And trying to explain why I went with you…’ Keira expelled an expressive breath and Daniel laughed.

  ‘It was the good old Cassidy charm.’

  Keira pulled a face at him and he grinned delightedly.

  ‘Anyway, so what do you say?’

  ‘About what exactly?’

  ‘About the new magazine. Can I work with you on Natural Life! You said you were pleased with my work, that I showed promise.’

  ‘I am and you do,’ Keira acknowledged shortly. ‘But I thought you liked it here on Chloe?’

  ‘I do, but I want to stay on your team.’

  Keira regarded him thoughtfully.

  ‘Want me to go down on bended knee and beg?’ Daniel made to carry out his threat and Keira held up her hand.

  ‘Don’t you dare, Daniel Cassidy. There’s no need for any theatricals. And before you waste any more of my time, I’ve already decided to have you with us.’

  ‘You have? That’s great.’ Daniel beamed. ‘Can’t live without me, huh?’

  ‘You’re pushing your luck,’ Keira replied wryly. ‘Now, we’ve both got work to do. How about showing me what a willing slave you are instead of talking about it? And close the door as you leave.’

  ‘For you, boss lady, I’d climb the highest mountain. Walk across the desert.’ He turned and gave her a salute. ‘And swim the deepest ocean,’ he added with a laugh, closing the door before Keira could retaliate.

  The door opened again almost immediately and, an easy smile still lifting the corners of her mouth, Keira looked up, expecting to see Daniel again, but in his place stood a tall, now familiar figure filling the doorway.

  ‘Do you elicit such great loyalty from all your staff or is it just peculiar to the Cassidys?’ Eden asked softly as he leant one broad shou
lder against the door-jamb.

  ‘Your nephew has a strange sense of humour,’ Keira replied, his sudden appearance setting her thoughts scattering like leaves in an autumn wind.

  ‘So it would seem,’ Eden said caustically, and straightened. ‘And it appears he spends a considerable amount of his day in your office.’

  Keira lifted her chin. ‘No more than anyone else does,’ she stated firmly, and Eden’s lips thinned.

  ‘From memory, he’s been here every time I have.’

  ‘And he usually has a valid reason for being here. He does work on this magazine, you know.’

  ‘But he’s not supposed to be working exclusively for you.

  ‘He doesn’t,’ Keira bit back, and he gave an exclamation of disbelief.

  ‘Anyone would think—’

  ‘No,’ Keira broke in on him. ‘Anyone wouldn’t. Only you seem to read evil intentions into it when there’s really nothing there. Unless there’s something about Daniel I don’t know.’

  ‘What are you talking about?’ he demanded tersely.

  ‘Well, you must have some reason for your unfounded suspicions. Does Daniel make a habit of pursuing older women?’

  He eyed her coldly. ‘Not until now,’ he said levelly.

  ‘And, as I’ve told you before, he still isn’t. Look, can we leave this? I’m beginning to find the whole subject distasteful and if you persist in bringing it up every time we meet then I’ll begin to suspect there’s something else behind it all.’

  ‘Like what?’ he snapped, and Keira shrugged.

  ‘How about plain out-and-out jealousy?’ she suggested, surprising herself with her frankness.

  ‘Jealousy?’ he repeated ominously. ‘Are you implying ?’ He bit off an expletive and his lips compressed. ‘I am not jealous of my nephew.’

  ‘And I’m not so sex-starved that I’d be driven to chasing a teenage boy to engage in what, in my opinion, is a highly over-rated activity.’

  As the words came out of her mouth Keira wished she could draw them back inside. But before Eden could make what Keira expected would be a disparaging comment there was the sound of footsteps in the hallway and he turned slightly.


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