Paris (The Adlers Book 4)

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Paris (The Adlers Book 4) Page 12

by Avery Gale

  “Oh, for heaven’s sake, y’all are scaring her to death. I’ll bet no one told her there was going to be a contingent waiting for her. I swear, Ian, you are just like my sons. Catherine warned me, but she’s such a sweetie, I thought perhaps she was exaggerating.”

  Paris turned her attention to the woman weaving her way through the group. The older woman was stunningly beautiful, her dark hair cascading around a flawless face lit by the brightest blue eyes Paris had ever seen. Everyone in the room seemed frozen in place as the woman pulled her into a tight embrace.

  “Hello, sugar. I’m Lilly West, and those two handsome cowboys behind me are my husbands, Del and Dean. I’m Kent and Kyle West’s mother, though there are days they would probably deny we’re kin.” She’d pulled back far enough to meet Paris’ questioning gaze. The sincerity and warmth in Lilly’s eyes let Paris relax enough to smile, though she doubted it reached her eyes. This woman was a mother to the depths of her soul. Paris recognized a spirit akin to her own mother’s.

  “That’s it, sugar, you keep working on that smile until it’s real. Fake it ’til ya make it is a thing, for sure. In the meantime, I want to introduce you to the best daughter any mama ever gained… I swear she is my heavenly reward for not strangling her men when they were kids.” Where Lilly seemed surrounded by poise and grace, the petite blonde stepping forward was a bundle of barely restrained energy.

  “Hi, I’m Tobi West. Those two gorgeous, growling men are mine, thanks to the wonderful matchmaking ability of their sweet mama. We planned a shopping trip and got shadowed, so you’ve inherited a couple of advocates and four more guardian angels.” She’d said the last words with such saccharin sweetness, several people around them moaned. “I’ve met a few of your siblings, but I’m not allowed to tell you which ones or where.” Tobi’s eye-roll was an Oscar-worthy performance that made Paris giggle.

  “Kitten.” The more formidable looking of the two men who’d moved behind the spirited blonde growled her name. For just a second, Paris wondered if he was a shifter.

  “He isn’t.” Trinity’s warm breath washed over her ear, and Paris nodded her understanding. Gotta remember about that link thing.

  “These fellas,” Lilly gave an elegant wave around the room “give you any trouble, you just let me know, sugar. I might not have all their fancy Special Forces training, but I’m still the closest thing to a mama around here, and I’ll use it for all it’s worth.”

  “Don’t we all know it?” The friendlier looking of Tobi’s husbands stepped forward to introduce himself. Paris had read about Kent and Kyle West during her research of the lifestyle. Their reputations as sexual Dominants were as well-established as Ian McGregor’s. It was easy to see why they were all friends.

  “Thank you, ladies, for making Paris feel at home. I know it must have been intimidating walking into the room filled with folks you weren’t expecting, but we wanted to have as many people here as possible, so we’re all on the same page. This meeting is for information only. The agents who will interview Paris won’t be on-site until tomorrow night.” He noted her surprise and smiled. “We delayed them to give Israel and Catalina time to travel.” She tipped her head in surprise—something in his tone told her there was more to the story.

  “It would have alerted the men watching them if they’d both left New York to head to a kink club, baby. Trips to Club Isola are not usually family ventures.” Trinity’s explanation drew chuckles from several of the men around the room.

  The group spent the next hour outlining everything they’d learned about her case, the pressure Senator Lamb was putting on the District Attorney in California to dismiss the charges, and her efforts to make Paris appear to be nothing more than a vengeful ex-girlfriend intent on destroying the good Senator’s bid for re-election. By the time Paris heard everything the team had to say, she felt like her head was swimming. She must have looked as lost as she felt because warm hands covered the ice-cold ones on her lap, snapping her out of her moment of disconnection.

  “Damn, girl, your hands are like ice.” Abby’s surprise was easy to hear in her voice, and Paris appreciated the easy friendship developing between them.

  “Her hands are always cold, but ice might be something to worry about.”

  The sound of her older sister’s voice had Paris on her feet before her mind fully registered it belonged to Catalina. How had she gotten so close without Paris realizing she was in the room? Launching herself into Cat’s waiting embrace, Paris couldn’t hold back a squeal of delight. Cat’s arms closed around her, and Paris breathed a sigh of relief. It might be frustrating being the youngest in a large family, but there were perks too. While she knew Trinity would keep her safe, there was nothing like being wrapped in the warm hug of a sister.

  “I’m so glad you’re here.” Paris hated hearing the need in her own voice, but she pushed the embarrassment aside.

  “What am I, chopped liver?” Paris yelped when she was pulled from Cat’s arms and pressed against Israel’s muscular chest. “We’re going to have a long chat about this, Imp. I don’t like hearing about your struggles from someone else.” The words of censure didn’t hit her as hard as the disappointment she heard in his voice.

  “I’m sorry, Is. I kept thinking I could handle it, then all the sudden it was out of control.”

  “And you were too embarrassed to admit how far over your head you’d gotten?” Paris nodded; mortified things had spiraled out of control so quickly. Ian quickly outlined what they’d already covered, although it seemed Catalina and Israel both knew more than Paris had an hour ago.

  People began filtering out of the room as Paris stood at the side watching. It amazed her so many people were working together to keep her safely out of David’s and his mother’s clutches. Watching Trinity from across the room, she marveled at how easily he worked with the other men and how intuitive he seemed when anticipating her needs. More than once, he’d appeared to sense her watching him and turned to meet her gaze. The first time, he’d summoned her to his side, checking to make sure she was hanging in there. After that, he’d simply winked, letting her know he was still nearby, and she was safe.

  “He’s a good man, Paris. I think you will be good for one another.”

  Turning, Paris met Cooper’s gaze and smiled at the man she knew had fallen for her sister. Cooper Hicks and Catalina were both covert agents, their career paths crossing more often than most people realized. Watching the two of them dance around each other during London’s wedding, Paris worried her sister was pushing Cooper aside. Now, she wondered if perhaps she’d misinterpreted Cat’s interest because big sis sure seemed to be keeping the handsome former CIA agent in her line of sight.

  “I’m not sure how good I’ll be for Trinity. He’s miles ahead of me in life experience. I’m not sure what I can bring to the table.” It was the first time she’d expressed her fear out loud and hoped she hadn’t said more than she should.

  “You know, it’s often easier to talk to someone you aren’t emotionally connected to. It’s not that I don’t want us to become friends because the truth is, you remind me of my little sister, Lakyn. She’s the best gift my parents ever gave me. Until she married, everything I did was with her best interest at heart. It was tough letting go, but she’s in good hands.”

  “It sounds like your sister is very special.” Watching his expression change as he spoke about his sister was heartwarming.

  “She is. Lakyn loves huge.” Paris tilted her head in question, making Cooper grin. “I’d always dreaded the time when Lakyn replaced me, but I’m coping.”

  “Oh, Cooper, I don’t think any man can replace a brother. I have five of them, and they all bring something unique to my life. I’ve fallen in love with Trinity, but he doesn’t replace anyone. I’d be diminishing his contribution to my life if I saw him that way.” Paris felt Trinity’s strong arms wrap around her from behind and relaxed back into this embrace.

  “You’re an amazing woman, Paris. I hop
e Trinity knows how lucky he is. I think you and Lakyn would be great friends. The last time I was home, I reminded her I’d always have her back, and essentially, she told me the same things you just mentioned—although you were much more diplomatic.” Before turning to Trinity, Paris gave Cooper a quick hug.

  “Lakyn is lucky to have such an amazing brother, I’m glad you are in Catalina’s life.” She saw him stiffen ever so slightly, but he didn’t argue. Maybe he isn’t as in as he’d like to be?

  Trinity struggled to hold back the jealousy but wasn’t sure how effective the effort was. He’d walked away in the middle of a conversation when he’d seen Paris talking to Cooper. Fuck! I’m better than this, damn it. He’d stood back for several seconds, listening to the exchange, proud as hell of the way his sweet mate handled the conversation. She’d displayed a remarkably mature sense of self, something he hadn’t expected, considering her age and the fact she was the youngest in such a large family.

  “I’m glad to hear you don’t see me as a brother replacement, Sprite.” Cooper chuckled as Trinity spoke from behind her.

  “I’d be damned worried about your skill as a Dom if she did, Stone.” Ian’s teasing voice from beside her made Paris jump as Callie giggled.

  “Master, you really shouldn’t sneak up on subs. You are intimidating enough without adding a layer for a pending ambush.” Paris noted there was no censure in Callie’s voice, she simply sounded as though she was looking out for the other submissives in the club. “You know your authority is unquestioned, Master, no need to startle a sub who is already being stalked by two people who are so… well, negligible.” Paris burst out laughing, and Ian’s grin told her he hadn’t missed his wife’s point.

  “Well played, Carlin. Well played, indeed.” Pulling her around in front of him, Ian ravaged her mouth in a kiss so hot, Trin looked down to see Paris fanning herself as her laughter subsided. When the club owner finally released his hold on his stunned wife, her eyes were glazed as she blinked, trying to bring his face back into focus, and her cheeks flushed a brilliant shade of scarlet. Paris watched as Ian kept both hands on her shoulders until he was certain she was steady before pulling her flush against his side. Thank heavens for great role models—Trinity could see Paris cataloging every nuance of Ian and Callie’s encounter, pleased she had a chance to see others in the lifestyle.

  “I plan to reward you, my clever little sub. I had something different planned, but I’m going to revise a bit. I think you’ll appreciate the new direction, even more.” After a quick nod to those around him, Ian led Callie away, making Paris wondered what the man had planned for her. I hope it’s not too intense, she seems so fragile. Trinity chuckled beside her before leaning down to whisper in her ear.

  “Baby, Callie McGregor is as tough as they come. She is also seventy-seven shades of smart and intuitive as any submissive I’ve ever met. Callie might not be as gifted as Mitch or Luke, but don’t kid yourself, she reads people like a book.”

  Without missing a step, Callie cast an enchanting smile over her shoulder, proving Trinity had been right—Callie McGregor was anything but fragile. Paris found herself admiring the woman more with each encounter.

  “Before Trinity whisks you away, I wanted to tell you we’re having the pool party tomorrow afternoon. Tobi’s making margaritas, and Lilly has charmed the chef at the resort kitchen into making snacks. I would have sworn that crotchety old coot who runs the kitchen couldn’t be bought… but… shows you what I know. I swear that woman is my new hero.” Trinity felt Paris shaking with laughter at Abby’s nonsense, relieved she’d get some much-needed girl-time tomorrow.

  The older he got, the more he understood the importance of friendship, and she was going to need the distraction after her morning interview with the FBI agents Ian was bringing in. The two were long-standing club members, and both were formidable—as law enforcement officers and Doms. They wouldn’t settle for anything less than full disclosure. He hoped Paris didn’t dig her heels in if things became too intense.

  Stop pipe dreaming and take your curious mate for a walk through the club.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Walk with me, Sprite.” Trinity took Paris’ hand, leading her into the club’s main room. “We’re going to have a look around, baby.” Turning her, so she was facing him, Trin tipped her chin up so he could look into her sparkling blue eyes. Their considerable height difference was a constant challenge. He wished he’d stopped by the stairs—setting her on the second step made the disparity more manageable.

  “The rules for tonight are very simple. You are not required to keep your eyes downcast—for the record, I will rarely require it. I want you to be a part of the activities, not visually excluded. But remember, looking does not mean touching or speaking. It’s important you only speak when you are asked a direct question. If you have a question, squeeze my hand; that will let me know I need to stop so we can chat. Let’s not give any of the newbie Doms a reason to think you should be under their lash, shall we?” When her eyes widened in fear, Trinity wanted to kick himself for being so blunt.

  “I don’t want anyone else to touch me. Maybe we should just leave. I’ll watch how-to videos or something. Being quiet isn’t my strong suit, anyway. If someone tries to put their hands on me, it’s going to get ugly… really ugly, then I’ll be in trouble with you and Ian. Holy cat balls, this is a very bad plan… terrible in fact. Come on, I’ll make us a nice midnight snack, then we can surf porn sites. I promise to not set off any smoke detectors.” Great Goddess! How had she managed all that without taking a damned breath? Cupping the sides of her face, he shook his head, kissing her forehead.

  “Calm down, Sprite. I’m not letting anyone lay a hand on my mate. I was simply trying to avoid the confrontation I knew would follow.” She’d gone white as a sheet, thinking another Dom might punish her. As much as he regretted scaring her, Trin still felt a small measure of satisfaction, knowing she was his and his alone.

  “Take a deep breath, Paris.” It seemed to take forever for this command to register, but she finally sucked in a breath. “Again.” By the time she’d finished the second inhalation, the color was starting to return to her cheeks.

  “Sweetness, you need to work on those breathing skills. It seems I always find you teetering on the cusp of collapsing into a heap. I’d hate to become another stalker, forced to follow you around to make sure you are all right.” Kalen Black’s sex-in-audible-form voice washed over her, soothing away the last of her frazzled nerves. If he ever found a way to market his voice, the man was going to leave Bill Gates in the dust.

  “Thank you, Sir. I’ll try to work on it. Thinking about any other Dom putting their hands on me is terrifying, and I sort of launched into panic mode.”

  “I understand. As fiercely independent as our Tinkerbell Ninja is, she struggles with the same fear. Let me assure you, Ian has already carefully orchestrated your first club experience. You’ve quickly fallen under his umbrella of protection.” Kalen’s warm smile totally changed his appearance, seeming to light him up from the inside. Paris hoped Abby knew how blessed she was.

  Paris had been confused by Kalen’s comment about Ian orchestrating her experience, but it didn’t take her long to figure it out. The men surrounding them changed effortlessly—even after she realized what was happening, she had trouble keeping track of the seamless transitions. Whoever choreographed the changes was a genius. No shit, Sherlock. Everyone knows Ian McGregor is a genius. Damn, I really need to get out more.

  “Be careful, baby, you are getting close to the edge. I won’t allow you to belittle yourself. I won’t allow anyone to speak negatively about my greatest treasure.”

  Damn, he could melt her with just a few words. I really am too easy. Yep, need to get out more, for sure.

  David Lamb stood on the yacht’s deck, watching the trees he’d been told shielded the entrance to Club Isola. What the hell was Paris doing in a fucking sex club? She didn’t belong in a place catering to p
erverts. How the hell was he supposed to erase this from her past? Fucking hell, his mother was going to have a damned coronary when she got wind of this. Maybe with a little luck, he’d be able to keep Paris’ location a secret long enough to get her off the damned island tomorrow. He planned to anchor offshore tonight. The security detail he’d hired were having a grand time partying—they’d easily gotten fully into their cover as a group of drunken guys out fishing and enjoying some R & R.

  The Harbor Master had been helpful—for a price—explaining the club would ferry guests to and from the island until approximately two in the afternoon. After that, there would be almost no boat traffic around the small patch of land. David planned to use the small onboard launch to get to the shore, hiding the small craft in a small copse of trees or under the dock. He’d move up the path, grab Paris, and get her the hell out of whatever mess she’d gotten herself into.

  The syringe in his pocket was filled with a sedative designed to make the recipient compliant and manageable while leaving them able to walk under their own power. Paris wasn’t a large woman, but he wasn’t sure he’d be able to carry her down the rocky shore, so this was his best hope to get her out of the public relations nightmare she’d landed in. Not to mention, it would cloud any questions about kidnapping—at least until she came to her senses and married him.

  Paris belonged to him. She always had. Damn it, she was just confused. They’d fly to the resort he’d booked in Fiji, spend some time alone, and she’d see how perfect they were together. Hell, they’d been best friends for years, and he’d been in love with her from the moment they met. She loved him, too—he knew she did. He’d gotten desperate when she wouldn’t stop talking about that damned Sheriff and overplayed his hand.


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