His Kiss of Darkness

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His Kiss of Darkness Page 7

by Boye Kody - The Kaldr Chronicles 2

  “Yeah,” I said, then stepped aside to let the man in. I walked to Guy’s room to pull the door shut, if only to maintain his privacy, before turning to face Amadeo. “Sorry. I just—”

  “Wasn’t sure,” Amadeo finished. “I understand. There’s no need to apologize.”

  “I just don’t want to overstep any boundaries,” I said. “Wherever they may be.”

  “You wouldn’t be here if we didn’t want you, Jason.”

  “Yeah, but I don’t think you came here to console me.”

  “I didn’t.” He glanced back toward the doorway. “I actually came to discuss your training.”

  “I still don’t understand what all that entails.”

  “Learning control over temperature, liquids, feats of persuasion. Seduction.” He smiled. I blushed. “Nothing to be embarrassed over. I’m surprised it didn’t happen sooner.”

  “I didn’t get too close to anyone other than the doctor,” I replied. “And Scarlet.”

  “Scarlet Jane? The demon hunter?” Amadeo asked. “Your powers wouldn’t have affected her anyway. She’s been inoculated.”


  Amadeo shook his head, then lifted his hand when I opened my mouth to say something further. “Never mind that. It isn’t important. Come.” He gestured toward the kitchen. “I’ll teach you one of the most basic Kaldr skills.”

  “Where are we going?” I asked.

  “Nowhere. The lesson’s right here.” Amadeo lifted the glass of water I’d placed on the table beside the door and lifted it before his eyes, the precipitation along its surface catching and then reflecting beads of light across the walls.

  I wasn’t sure what to say. I imagined I looked pretty stupid, standing there and trying to figure out what he meant.

  Amadeo’s lips curved into a smile. “Has Guy ever explained our ability to manipulate the elements?”

  An image of us falling from the second story of a Fredericksburg bed and breakfast entered my mind. “No,” I said, shaking the vision away. “I’ve seen it, but he’s never mentioned how it works.”

  “The Kaldr are the descendants of a group of ancient Norwegians who migrated down from the Scandinavian Mountains and then dispersed along the Western coast of Europe. They were, quite literally, the origin of the mountain man, though what folklore tells of giants sending down endless snowstorms is only partially true.” He balanced the glass on the palm of his hand and stepped forward. “While our unique position affords us the ability to manipulate the temperatures of various objects, it becomes more difficult the further away we are.”

  The condensation that slithered along the surface of the glass slowed to a standstill. In each, a white bead developed, then expanded as physics took hold, grinding the molecules to a halt. Within seconds ice had formed.

  “How did you do that?” I asked.

  “Magic,” Amadeo said, then smiled. “Most Kaldr would scoff at such a term, but, really, what else can you call it? There’s no plausible explanation for what I just did.”

  “The science is there,” I said.

  “Yes, but how does science explain water freezing of seemingly its own accord?” I didn’t respond. “It doesn’t,” Amadeo continued. “Hence: magic.”

  “But if you can’t explain how you did it, how am I supposed to replicate it?”

  “I never said I couldn’t explain.”

  “Then how do you do it?”


  I snorted. Amadeo narrowed his eyes. “We are supernatural beings, Jason. Our abilities do not require logic to function.”

  “So you’re telling me you did that just by concentrating.”

  “The body does as the Kvilla allows.” He extended the glass. “Melt it.”

  “Now?” I asked. He nodded. I took the glass and traced the frozen lines of moisture—not sure how, or what, I was supposed to do. Was I supposed to imagine the ice melting, believe that I was in the Sahara Desert, slowly dying of dehydration as the sun’s unforgiving rays shone upon me? No matter what I thought, nothing seemed to work. This shouldn’t be happening. This was impossible. No force of man or God should’ve made this possible. Yet after everything I’d seen, after everything I’d experienced, was I still in that much denial?

  Something trickled through my hand.

  I blinked, unnerved at the warmth that slicked my fingers.

  The ice had melted.

  I’d achieved the impossible.

  But how?

  “Very good,” Amadeo said.

  “I don’t know what happened,” I said, staring at the glass in disbelief. “One moment I was trying to figure out what to do, then the next thinking how crazy this was.”

  “Our gifts are heavily influenced by our emotions. Our grief, our anger, our passion, our disbelief—unlike the Sanguine, who are driven by blood, or the Howler, who are compelled by the Beast, the Kaldr rely on conscience to control the ebb and flow of our abilities. Remember that.”

  I nodded, unable to pull my gaze from the glass. “I will,” I finally said, after it felt like I’d been silent for far too long.

  “I will leave it to Guy to arrange the practice of your other gifts.” Amadeo turned toward the door. “Farewell, Jason.”

  I didn’t respond.

  I was still staring at the glass.

  “Guy,” I said the following morning, staring at him over a plate of toast and glass of orange juice. “What did Amadeo mean when he said he’d leave you to arrange the rest of my training?”

  Guy tore off a piece of toast. “What?” he asked, brushing away the crumbs that collected in his stubble.

  “The way he said it,” I replied. “It... sounded like he’d overstep his boundaries if he proceeded any further.”

  Guy swallowed. “Oh,” he said. “That.”

  I waited for him to elaborate, but when he didn’t, frowned. He was usually so straightforward. He should’ve just come out and said it.


  “Guy,” I continued, trying not to let the tension show in my voice. “What are you keeping from me?”

  “Nothing,” he replied.

  “Then why aren’t you ans—”

  “How do you feel about threesomes?”

  I snorted, almost unable to believe what I’d heard. “What?”

  “Threesomes,” Guy said. “You know, when two dudes get together and gang-bang another dude, or pile on top of each and do whatever, especially double—”

  “I know what a threesome is,” I interrupted. “And before you ask: no, I’ve never done that. Fuckin’ perv.”

  “Wanna try?”

  I flipped him the middle finger as he dissolved into laughter and I was tempted to throw my orange juice at him. “But seriously,” I said. “What are you talking about?”

  “You need to learn how to control your sex magic. Right now, you’re a hair trigger. You can’t be touched—or, I imagine, even touch—another human without potentially arousing him or her.”

  “Mitchell,” I said, to which Guy responded with a nod. “But wait. Why are you asking about threesomes? Can’t you just teach me how to—”

  “Kaldr can’t influence each other. It’s like putting the same sides of a magnet together. Nothing happens.”

  “Which means—”

  “We’ll have to make use of warm flesh,” Guy said.

  I sighed. It figured we’d have to drag someone else into this.

  Guy rounded the table and fell to one knee beside me. “Hey,” he said. “This isn’t a big deal. We have humans especially designated for that.”

  “It’s not that,” I said. “It’s just…I didn’t want anyone else to get involved. Not with us. With…this.” I waved my hand about.

  Guy nodded. “I understand,” he said. “But Jason, the people here—they live for that. We’ll probably just end up borrowing one of my dad’s guys.”

  “And that doesn’t weird you out in the slightest?”

  He shrugged. “I’v
e done it before,” he said. “It’s not like there’s a lot of warm flesh to go around. And besides—they always assure me my dad is a far better lover than I am. You should hear what they say about Amadeo.”

  “I’d rather not,” I laughed. I glanced at the door and pursed my lips. “If it’s all right... I mean, if we’re not in any particular hurry…can I at least meet the guy? You know, talk? Get to know him?”

  “I’m sure that wouldn’t be a problem,” Guy said. “But you know, Jason—we don’t have a lot of time. We’ll have to go after Pierre eventually.”

  “You mean I will,” I corrected, then quickly continued before Guy could interrupt. “It’s not like I’m going to seduce him.”

  Guy snorted.

  “What?” I laughed.

  “Would you fuck him?” he asked.

  “Who? Pierre? Fuck no. Dude was creepy even before I knew he was homicidal.”

  “I would,” Guy replied. “I mean, would’ve. Before he tried to kill me.”

  “You’re a sick bastard.”

  “Can you imagine though? A Kaldr and Howler having sex? God, I bet it’d be some of the hottest shit you’d ever had.”

  “Sure,” I replied, only able to smile when Guy started to laugh. He stood. “But seriously. If there’s any way we can meet this guy before I…uh…practice…I’d appreciate it.”

  “I’ll see what I can do,” Guy said.

  I sighed.

  Why couldn’t anything be easy?

  “Sorry to bring this up on such short notice,” I heard Guy say from the hallway, pausing—likely deliberately—to fumble with his keys rather than knock and wait for me to answer the door.

  “Nah, man,” a deep male voice replied. “It’s cool. I understand.”

  They didn’t enter immediately. Rather, their conversation fell into hushed, whispered tones, though what they were saying I couldn’t understand. It was likely they were just discussing the situation or my fragile state of being, yet no matter how hard I concentrated, I couldn’t hear a thing.

  Don’t panic, I kept telling myself, though that mantra soon wore thin as a bark of laughter erupted from the silence and nearly caused me to jump out of my skin.

  I had to keep it together. Nothing bad was going to happen. This man wasn’t here to judge me. If anything, he was probably looking forward to an encounter with a newly-sired Kaldr. And if what Guy implied was true, he’d likely get a two-for-one special before the night was over.

  I smirked.

  Whatever reservations I had instantly vanished when the key entered and then disengaged the lock.

  “Jason!” Guy called as he entered, then stopped upon seeing me. “Oh. I didn’t know you were right there.”

  “That’s fine,” I said, hoping he wouldn’t catch on to the fact that I’d been spying to the whole time.

  “I want to introduce you to a friend of mine.” A gorgeous black man of about Guy’s height, but with broad shoulders and lean torso, stepped into view. “Jason, this is Dion.”

  “Call me D,” the man said, flashing pearly whites.

  I extended a glove-covered hand, unsure how to respond to the beautiful man before me.

  “I see you’re already prepared,” Dion smiled, reaching forward to accept the handshake. “You don’t have to do it on account of me though. I like to know what I’m dealing with. Helps keep the edge off, you know?”

  Though I nodded, I hadn’t expected his thumb to trail beyond the plastic covering my wrist, let alone the burst of energy that lit the inside of my skull when he came into contact with skin. He closed his eyes and held the touch for several long moments, as if reveling in the feeling, before pulling away. “Yeah,” he said, the word more a sigh than anything. “You’re fresh. That’s for sure.”

  I wasn’t sure what to say. Guy merely nodded, as if granting his approval, before closing the door behind him. “Well, gentlemen,” he said. “Shall we have a seat? Maybe a drink?”

  “Sounds good,” Dion said.

  We entered the living room as Guy examined the contents of his liquor cabinet. I seated myself across from Dion, drawn but still unsure how to react to a human whose body served little purpose other than to provide nourishment. I could already taste his supple lips, the skin on his broad but otherwise smooth chin. His chest was glorious beneath the cut of a low V and the outline of his bulge was tantalizing in its display. It took everything I could to keep myself from leaping over the table and onto him.

  Was this what Guy had spoken of? The hunger?

  Dion smiled. “It’s like you’re eating me with your eyes,” he commented.

  “Sorry?” I asked, the heat literally rushing to my cheeks.

  “Nothing to be embarrassed about,” Dion laughed. “I take it as a compliment, actually. Your boyfriend always had good taste in men.”

  “Thanks,” Guy remarked as he walked over with drinks. I immediately downed the shot of Scotch he’d poured especially for me. “Don’t drink too much, Jason.”

  “Just to take the edge off,” Dion agreed, raising his shot glass in mock toast.

  I raised my own empty shot before setting it down in front of me. Guy took his place by Dion and made a subtle gesture for me to join them.

  “I know you’re nervous,” Dion said as I rose and began to make my way around the table, “but you’ve got nothing to worry about. You’re in charge. I’m just along for the ride.”

  “Thanks,” I said, settling down beside him.

  Dion reached out to cup his hand along my face as I pulled the rubber glove off. “You’re beautiful, you know,” he said, tracing his thumb along my stubbly jaw.

  “Thank you,” I said, trying my hardest to meet his eyes.

  Guy nodded, but didn’t offer further commentary. Doing this in his presence wasn’t going to be easy.

  “Has Guy taught you how you how to feed?” Dion asked as he continued to run his thumb along my jaw.

  “With my lips,” I said.

  Dion nodded. “Everyone has their preferred method. Some feed at the neck, others the chest. Some prefer the lips.”

  I swallowed, forcing myself to nod at Dion regardless of the fact that I couldn’t stop looking at Guy.

  “You’re a Kaldr now, Jason,” Dion said, drawing my attention back to him. “The exchange of energy between two of your kind isn’t going to be the same as it is with humans.”

  “I know,” I managed.

  “Guy is going to have to do the exact same. He understands. He isn’t jealous. Are you, Guy?”

  “No,” he said. “I’m not.”

  “See?” Dion asked, looking me straight in the eyes. “You have nothing to worry about. This is perfectly natural.”

  “Yeah,” I said, pressing my hand against the exposed portion of his chest.

  “Come here, Tiger. Rock my world.”

  I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his.

  The effect was instant.

  The firestorm of sensations were unlike anything I’d ever experienced. From his lips, to my brain, my spine and then my body, it coursed through my veins and drove me to new heights of pleasure. I took his face in my hands and straddled him, ravishing his mouth while grinding my hardness against him. Dion moaned against my mouth and allowed his hands to fall to my hips, completely submissive in my assault on his body.

  Take it easy, I heard Guy say, though his voice was like a phantom from another dimension. Pace yourself. Do not take more than you can give.

  I reached for Dion’s shirt and pulled it up his chest, falling to his abdomen and worshipping the art that was his muscled body. He writhed, flexing, then groaning as I rose and took a nipple in my mouth. He pulled his shirt off and reached for mine as I rose and pressed my lips to his.

  “Fuck,” he gasped, freeing me of my shirt.

  I stroked him through his pants and licked his lips. “You like that?” I asked. “Big fucking hard cock?”

  He answered by pressing a hand to my neck and guiding me tow
ard his length.

  His jeans were opened in but a moment. His cock—at least ten inches of throbbing length—was in my hand soon after.

  I didn’t hesitate.

  I circled the head with my tongue and took it in my mouth.

  Dion bucked.

  I moaned as he pushed into my throat.

  “Oh yeah,” he said. “Suck that cock, baby.”

  Guy set a hand against my back and held it there as I serviced the massive tool. I gagged—realizing, quickly, that I was over ambitious in my attempts to swallow all of him—and began stroking what I couldn’t. He swore and egged me on with expletives applauding my talents, then took hold of my head and started fucking my skull.

  “Easy now,” Guy said.

  I pulled off, leaving a stream of spit along his cock, then stood and climbed out of my jeans. Once naked, I straddled him, taking hold of his cock and lining it in place before impaling myself on it.

  I hissed. Dion groaned.

  The pain wasn’t substantial, considering his entry. The Kvilla blood made it almost painless to take him without any lubrication other than spit.

  “So... fucking... tight,” Dion hissed.

  I grinned and leaned forward, sinking down on him. “So…fucking…big,” I said in response, pressing a sloppy kiss to his mouth.

  He took hold of my ass and slowly thrust in.

  I leaned against him and tightened my hold on his arms.

  His body—crazed from sex and Kaldr lust—didn’t lend him patience.

  He was soon thrusting in at maximum pace.

  “Fuck,” he gasped, slamming his hips against mine. “Oh fuck, fuck fuck you’re tight.”

  “You like how I ride that dick?” I growled, meeting his thrusts with equal desire.

  “Fuck yeah, baby. Ride it.”

  I slammed down, took hold of his shoulders, and bounced.

  He pulled me to him.

  He devoured my mouth.

  I felt a second pressure against my ass. “Sorry Jason,” Guy panted. “This might hurt.”

  He slid his cock alongside Dion’s, then penetrated me.

  I howled in a mixture of carnal pain and pleasure. “Yes!” I screamed.


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