Two Wolves, a Man, and Their Woman [Werewolf Castle 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Two Wolves, a Man, and Their Woman [Werewolf Castle 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 4

by Cara Adams

  “All right,” she said.

  * * * *

  Dominik was determined that nothing would spoil their afternoon with Kady. He knew his brothers wanted her as much as he did, and he’d felt sick in his belly when she’d walked away from them a week ago. He’d wanted to punch his brothers unconscious, and to scream and shout at her to come back. Fortunately he’d found the self-control to accede to her wishes and to talk calmly with Stefan and Uwe. When he wasn’t emotionally involved, his brain knew that together, the three of them were an unbeatable team. They were strong and capable, all of them, and they were used to working well together and cooperating with each other. Sharing a woman between three of them would be a challenge, he wasn’t going to deny that. But he knew if they all remained calm and logical they’d be able to make it work.

  He’d talked about the actual mechanics of their afternoon. Who’d drive the truck, who’d sit next to Kady coming and going, who’d walk beside her, and even down to if they would kiss her. They all remained calm, cool, collected, and agreed to every decision along the way. But as the eldest, he still knew it was his role to oversee the event, to stage-manage every step of the trail, and to be on the lookout for any problems that might arise so he could quash them early before anything went wrong. He would be in control of the entire afternoon. And hopefully the evening as well.

  The men had plans for the evening. They’d each be carrying a backpack with everything they needed for the afternoon and the evening. If she agreed. It all depended on Kady’s wishes and how much time she was prepared to spend with them. He knew she started work insanely early in the mornings, because Uwe did as well. The question would be, how much time she wanted alone to get ready for the day as well as to sleep. He just hoped she wasn’t one of those females who liked to spend hours shampooing and conditioning her hair and things like that, whatever it was girls did in bathrooms for hours on end.

  Even through his planning and worries he remembered Anastasia coming home from her first day at middle school and listing for her mother all the things she needed to be a girl now that she was “grown up”.

  It’d been Uwe who’d said, “You can’t buy her a razor to shave her legs. I haven’t even been given a razor to shave with yet.”

  And while Anastasia and Uwe had yelled at each other he’d been standing there thinking, “Girls shave their legs?” A few years later he’d discovered other areas girls shave as well, and that had been enlightening, too. Which made him long to see Kady naked and discover what, if anything, she shaved.

  He gave himself a mental shake. One of the scenarios they’d planned had included swimming in the pool at the foot of the waterfall. They’d be bringing towels in the backpacks in the hope she’d agree to that activity. They should all be hot and sweaty after their hike. It made sense to cool off in the water. If she agreed.

  And there she was, walking out of the kitchen with Uwe, and coming toward him and Stefan. Now would be the first test. How long it took her to get ready for their hike.

  She waved to them both and said, “Just give me five minutes to put my boots on.” Then she disappeared into the priests’ house. He and Stefan turned to follow her and wait outside her home.

  He glanced down at Uwe’s feet and his brother nodded. “I’ve got my hiking boots in the truck, along with my backpack. I’ll change while you drive to the start of the hiking trail.”

  He grunted and looked at Stefan who was staring at his phone, but not scrolling through for messages or anything. “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “Timing her. Even Anastasia takes longer than five minutes to change, and she’s outstanding for a girl.”

  Although Dom was eager to get their first date happening, he was also wary of rushing Kady. He hoped she wasn’t one of those people who always grossly underestimated how long it would take them to do things, but even if she was, he thought he’d be prepared to wait for however long it took her, just because he wanted to be with her and she needed to be okay about it.

  He was thirty-one and for the past ten years he’d been halfheartedly looking around for a mate. However, Kady was the only woman who’d ever appealed to him on such a deep level. Of course he’d had girlfriends and dates, but they’d always been very casual on both sides. He’d never lie to a woman. It was just that none of them had meant anything very much to him. But Kady, on the other hand, already meant a lot to him and he hadn’t so much as held her hand, far less kissed her. Although he planned to tick both those boxes this afternoon.

  “Four minutes, forty-five,” said Stefan as Kady appeared from the house, a small backpack over her shoulders, hiking boots on her feet, and a sunhat dangling from one hand.

  They grouped themselves around her and walked to the exit turnstiles, scanning their staff IDs to get them out of the inner courtyard and into the outer courtyard, which held the parking lot. Staff cars were parked over by the outer castle wall, and Dom steered Kady toward their truck. It had a high wheelbase, which made it perfect for driving over rocky trails.

  They’d agreed Stefan would sit in back with her first, and Dom went to the driver seat as Stefan opened the backseat passenger door for Kady. It took about ten minutes for him to get them onto the minor secondary road, which led to an unmarked dirt track, which in turn took them well up the mountain. From there it was an hour’s walk to the base of the waterfall. Of course, she might not walk as fast as them, so he’d factored in an extra ten, fifteen minutes for the hike.

  Once they started hiking he realized he need not have worried. She walked steadily and without breathing heavily, maintaining a conversation with them as she walked. They talked about the mountains and their favorite views. Kady told them about running wild on the mountain as a child. “I expect when we get there I will recognize this waterfall. I used to spend entire days hiking from dawn to dusk over summer as a teenager, so I covered a lot of miles. This is farther west than I usually went, but still…” Her voice trailed off as they crested yet another rise, only to hike left and find more hills ahead of them.

  Uwe was leading them along a track that was only faintly visible among the grass and leaf litter of late summer. Soon it would disappear completely under fallen leaves. This far south in Europe there was never much snow except high up on the mountains. It was really only in the absolute middle of winter that it became too cold for a pleasant walk. Just another reason why the mountain was popular with tourists. They could walk around in the valleys in comfort, yet see the snowcapped mountain peaks without getting frostbitten fingers and toes.

  Dom himself was content to walk last in line. He had always cared for and protected his family. He was the firstborn and he was a Dom. Being in charge was just an innate part of his character. But he would never force any of them to act against their free will, either. Certainly he might push them to extend their vision wider, to try new things. But he’d never make them do anything that went against their natures. He was looking forward to finding out Kady’s limits. He could tell she was a natural sub and already he planned to test her out in tiny ways today. Not enough to upset her, just so he could gain a sense for the things that would arouse her. Just like how he’d stood so very close to her in wolf form. If she’d been terrified he’d have instantly moved away. But she hadn’t been frightened at all. And what’s more, she’d known who he was, which was truly astounding. He wanted to know all sorts of things about her. He wanted to know what else about her would surprise and challenge him.

  * * * *

  Stefan held Kady’s hand as they stood at the foot of the waterfall, looking up, up, up at its sparkling stream of water from the cliffs seventy feet above them. At the foot of the waterfall was a natural lake. Small, but filled with clear water over a sandy base. The water was so clear they could see right to the bottom of it, and although it was cool, it wasn’t icy. After walking hard up the mountain, he and his brothers usually jumped into the water here for a swim to cool off. Stefan knew that was Dom’s plan but he didn’t
want to rush Kady. Besides, he’d never held her hand before and he liked the way their fingers were intertwined together. Her hand was warm but not sweaty. He’d had to wipe his palm on the seat of his jeans before he touched her. He was hot and sweaty.

  “It’s beautiful isn’t it?” asked Uwe, looking at Kady.

  She nodded. “It’s lovely. So fresh and cool. And smell the water, and the trees. I love the scents up here in the mountain. Each individual one is so crisp and clear.”

  Stefan watched Dom and Uwe drop their backpacks and start undressing. Reluctantly he let go of her hand and removed his backpack.

  “We usually go for a swim now. Are you going to join us?” asked Dominik.

  Stefan stared at Kady and caught the merest flash of a naughty grin before she answered, “Of course. I’m hot and it looks delightful.”

  Stefan found himself throwing his clothing off as fast as he could, ready to clamber over the rocks and into the lake. Beside him Kady let her own much smaller backpack drop to the ground. She then sat down and removed her boots. He took his gaze off her for a few minutes to finish undressing himself, and when he looked up again it was to see stunned looks on his brothers’ faces. Quickly he looked at Kady and immediately his tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth and he knew his jaw was hanging wide open. She was stunning. Beautiful. Perfection personified. And wearing a swimsuit.

  Her jeans and T-shirt were folded neatly beside her boots and hat, and her arms were raised as she knotted her long, dark brown hair higher on top of her head. He’d never seen a more beautiful woman in his entire life before and he wanted her so much he could scarcely restrain himself from snatching her into his arms and smothering her with kisses.

  By the time she’d finished arranging her hair, he’d managed to get enough of his brain cells together to say, “Would you like to hold my hand as we climb over the rocks?”

  She smiled at all three of them, dropped her gaze to his cock, which looked as if it were as straight and tall as any of the trees surrounding them, then said, “It’s okay. I can manage, thanks.”

  Dom led the way down into the pool and Stefan followed Kady. She stepped nimbly over the rocks and into the pool, giving the tiniest shriek at the temperature of the water. He just hoped it was cold enough so that his dick wouldn’t explode every time he looked at Kady’s lovely body.

  Her arms and legs were long and lean, but there was distinct muscle tone in her upper arms and calves. Likely from lifting those heavy trays of food around all day long. Her neck rose gracefully from the low back of her purple swimsuit, and there were just a few tendrils of dark hair brushing it. Her ears were small and cute and he longed to kiss them. Actually he wanted to kiss every inch of her, especially the ones that were hidden under that fucking annoying swimsuit. Damn she was a tease. He’d never even guessed she’d have outmaneuvered them and worn it under her clothing. She’d changed out of her work clothing so fast, too.

  Evidently Uwe was thinking along the same lines as him, because he said, “However did you get changed into a swimsuit and pack your backpack in four minutes, forty-five seconds?”

  “Four forty-five? You were timing me?”

  “Stefan did.”

  “Oh, okay. Well the backpack was packed ready to go and I’d laid my clothing out on my bed. I didn’t want to keep you all waiting too long.”

  “It doesn’t seem fair somehow that we’re all naked and you’re wearing a swimsuit,” said Dom.

  Stefan knew she wouldn’t fall for that comment and she didn’t. “You could have brought one with you.”

  Stefan could have stood there staring at her for hours, but she turned around and waded deeper into the tiny lake then swam up and under the waterfall. He stayed upright, walking after her, knowing that the lake wasn’t very deep. None of them would be able to stand up at the deepest part, but right under the waterfall were several rock ledges, acting almost as seats, where it was nice to relax and enjoy the serenity of the mountains.

  They all swam around for a little while, splashing each other. Then Kady swam over the rock ledge under the waterfall, where Dom had just sat down.

  “I have been here. I remember these ledges. Not the waterfall, really, though I have a sense of familiarity about it, but these rocks I do. I sat here and ate my lunch one day. I’d’ve been, oh, perhaps thirteen at the time. I don’t know why I never came back again. Maybe because I found favorite places to visit not such a long way from my home.”

  “This is one of our favorite places. Will you take us to yours one day?” Stefan asked her. Suddenly, more than anything, he wanted to know what she liked. Was it hills or valleys? Long walks or panoramic views? What did she like best?

  “None of you would fit in the place that was my top choice for years. It’s a hollow tree, in a tight group of trees. When I started using it as my place there was plenty of room for me and my backpack and a picnic and whatever else I took with me. Now, it’s a tight fit just for me and no hope of putting the backpack anywhere but on my knee after I’m inside and sitting down. But it’s still amazing to me. I would have thought the tree would have blown down in a storm long ago, but it seems as if the surrounding trees have helped it survive.”

  “It was pretty amazing that you found it, though. We never found a hollow tree,” said Uwe.

  “We did find some caves though. We’ll take you there one day soon,” promised Dom.

  Stefan guessed what Dom’s plans would be in the cave. It was a nice deep shelter, and quite private. Although it was likely other wolves knew about it, and quite likely humans as well. However, none would interrupt them if they were using it, he was sure of that. Simply lighting a fire would warn any unwanted guests to stay away.

  Kady looked up at the sky, turning around to measure the sun. “It’s almost five. We need to start going back to the truck. It took us an hour to get here, didn’t it?”

  Stefan’s respect for Kady rose another notch. Fancy her being able to tell the time by the sun. She was a human and that was very much an old-world skill.

  Dom stepped up to Kady and pulled her to stand in front of him. “There’s no hurry. We brought flashlights for if it gets dark. And a rug. I thought you might like to lie on it and—talk—to us. Get to know us all a bit better.”

  Stefan’s dick was instantly as hard as the rocks they were sitting on. Getting to know each other better sounded really good to him.

  “Talk, huh. Just talk?”

  Stefan stepped closer to her as did Uwe.

  “Talk, or anything else you’d like,” he said hoarsely.

  She looked down at his dick. Stefan could swear it waved at her. Then she looked at Uwe’s cock and Dom’s.

  “I still want to be off the mountain before dark. We can talk for half an hour, no more.”

  Stefan decided that would have to be long enough. There were three of them. Surely they could give her an orgasm in half an hour.

  Chapter Three

  Uwe hadn’t been this aroused since he was a teenager. She was so beautiful, but also fun. Wearing a swimsuit under her hiking clothes was totally unexpected, but such a good guess of what they’d do. She really was their perfect match, their ideal mate. Now they had half an hour to talk to her and he wasn’t planning to do that talking with words. His mouth was going to be busy doing other things. He, Dom, and Stefan had discussed this part of the program. Of course, they hadn’t thought she’d put a time limit on them, but they didn’t need to change anything, just speed it up. Their plan had been to kiss and touch her until she was ready for them, then to bring her to an orgasm with their hands and mouths. Well, at least one orgasm. Two would be better, although the half hour time limit was going to make them work harder. Unless they could get her so excited she let them fuck her no matter how long it took. That was Plan B.

  The blanket was in his backpack, so he jumped out of the water and grabbed his backpack, tipping the contents out onto the grass until he reached the blanket, then spreading it neatly on a
flat section of the grass. He also snatched his towel and roughly dried himself, not wanting to make her feel cold. Dom had a spare towel in his backpack for her, but since she’d worn a swimsuit he expected she’d packed her own towel as well. She seemed very well prepared indeed. For a moment he wondered if she had a couple of condoms in her backpack, too. If I’m really lucky, I might find out!

  Uwe watched as she took a towel from her backpack and rubbed herself dry, then tied it under her arms. Unfortunately it covered her to below her knees, which was a damn shame. She sat cross-legged on the rug and the men dropped to the blanket as well, very close to her, but not touching her. Uwe noticed how careful even Dom, the most assertive of them all, was, to maintain a slight distance from her so as not to scare her.

  But it was Dom who broke the silence by saying, “May I kiss you?”

  Kady looked down then nodded.

  Uwe watched as his oldest brother inched forward, rested his hands on Kady’s shoulders, and then barely touched his lips to hers until she leaned into him. Uwe could tell that was the sign Dom had been waiting for, as he pulled her closer and kissed her properly. Uwe smothered a sigh. Stefan was next, then him. He had to hope that she didn’t get tired of being kissed, but rather began wanting more from them. That was the way they’d planned for this to happen. Gradually building on each step, getting her more used to them, and more aroused, until they ended up touching her all over and making her climax.

  Unless she called a halt to the entire scene before he got his turn. Which would likely kill him from blue balls and unrelieved sexual tension. But his brothers were completely fair, each taking the kiss a little higher and deeper, before letting the next one participate. Uwe had spent a lot of time thinking about his kiss. He began by brushing his lips over her eyelids, and then nibbled on an earlobe. She gave a tiny giggle, which made him really happy so he licked along her jawline before finally claiming her mouth.


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