Tides of Mars (Omnibus Version)

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Tides of Mars (Omnibus Version) Page 9

by Ben Winston

  Her other studies were at least going better. She was a crack shot with just about any weapon Thorn or the Marine Sergeant could think up, once she understood its operation. The laws and customs of the Empire were going well, but she kept running into inconsistencies, not the least of which was who really ruled the Alliance.

  The Council, through the Emperor, issued laws and made proclamations. If the Emperor didn’t do as he was told, he was faced with work stoppages, trade embargoes, and a whole host of other problems that were the reason the Alliance was formed to begin with.

  The only thing stopping the Alliance Council from openly taking over, and simply eliminating the office of Emperor, were the Imperial Fleets. The huge warships were crewed by people, but the ultimate power on board was the AI that was programmed for loyalty to the Empire. Not that the AI could actually fire any of the weapons systems or take any offensive action at all, but it could simply shut the ship off. Weapons don’t fire if there is no power. Ships don’t move if there is no engine. Most importantly, ships can’t traverse hyperspace if there is no computer to plot and guide the ship through the higher dimensions.

  So the Council had the Emperor by the stomach, but the Emperor had the Council by the neck. The stalemate has been in place for the last hundred or so years.

  Wendy and Taylor had both agreed to Guardian training, including neural implants and enhancement. They were a little nervous about the neural implant at first, but after Ariel told them about getting hers, they agreed to the procedure.

  Taylor was a natural athlete, and even though she had never taken any form of martial arts, was an unusually fast learner. She was having difficulty with ship handling and navigation.

  Wendy was exactly the opposite, having ship handling skills that rivaled Ariel’s natural ability. She struggled with hand to hand combat; she much preferred the compact laser pistol.

  Tara took to spending more and more time with the techs from the Divine Light. The surprising part was that Tara was actually helping the techs with the installation of the control center.

  Nichole was feeling a little left out of things, but was trying to cover for the missing Wendy and Taylor, and still help in the kitchen. She seemed hurt that Ariel hadn’t asked her when she asked the other girls to join the workouts. Betty tried her best to console her, but it finally came to a head when Nichole asked to see Ariel privately.

  “I’m sorry, Ma’am. I... I don’t think it’s working out for me here. I think it might be best if I moved on to something else,” Nichole said, with tears in her eyes. “You don’t need to worry, I’ll keep your secrets; hell, no one would believe them anyway.”

  “I’m sorry I haven’t been able to pay more attention to what’s going on around here right now, but I get the impression the problem isn’t with you. Dame Estelle thought very highly of all three of you, and asked me to make sure you were taken care of. Nichole, I get the impression that something is bothering you; please, tell me what it is so I can fix it. We’re family, you can’t just quit,” Ariel pleaded.

  “I... I don’t want to leave, Ariel, but for some reason, you don’t think I’m good enough to join you and the other two girls. Everyone else has a job, and is busy with all the new stuff, and I’m... I’m left cleaning rooms, and helping with meals,” Nichole seemed to shrink in on herself. “Not that there is anything wrong with that, it’s just that...” She sighed, and shook her head.

  “It’s just that everyone else is doing something exciting, and you’re feeling left out,” Ariel said sympathetically.

  “Yeah, I’ve been a sci-fi fanatic since I was old enough to read my grandfather’s collection of ‘Asimov’s Science Fiction’. All of this is like watching a childhood dream coming true for someone else,” Nichole said tearfully.

  “If you could do anything Sweetheart, what would you want to do or be?” Ariel asked.

  “Do you remember a TV show called ‘Battlestar Galactica’?” Nichole asked.

  “Yes, I think I do,” Ariel said.

  “I always dreamed of being a viper pilot, and fighting the Cylons. I thought it would be so cool to fly one of the fighters,” Nichole said, her eyes shining from the tears, but she had stopped crying.

  Ariel smiled at the pretty girl. “Cole, could you ask Admiral Hs’ean to join us in my den please?” He didn’t reply, but she knew he was relaying the message. Before Ariel could say anything else, there was a soft knock on the door.

  “You wanted to see me, My Lady?” Sean asked.

  “Yes, Admiral,” Ariel winked at her to let her know there was a reason she used her title. “I understand you carry combat fighter craft aboard the Divine Light?”

  Sean, sensing that Ariel was up to something contained a grin and tried to answer formally. “Why, yes we do, My Lady. The Divine Light is an Imperial Battle-carrier and has a compliment of several wings of different types of craft.”

  “Other than a desire to fly, are there any special abilities required to become a fighter pilot?” Ariel asked, flicking her eyes at Nichole.

  Sean smiled slightly as she understood what Ariel was up to. “My pilots are the best in the fleet. They are in top physical and mental condition. I require them to train every day to maintain their excellence. If a person can strive to maintain such an exacting standard, they can be a pilot under my command. However, they do require a sponsor in order to undertake training.”

  “May I ask what is required of a sponsor?” Nichole asked.

  “Oh, it’s mostly a formality that says the noble of whatever house they are from gives their permission for that person to join the fleet as a flight candidate. If I’m not mistaken, we just took on a new class of trainee’s on the Divine Light; it wouldn’t be too late for another candidate to join them,” Sean said.

  Ariel turned to a stunned looking Nichole. “I’ll miss you terribly, but if you want it, I’ll sponsor you for flight training.”

  “Would it be possible for me to join them tomorrow, Admiral?” Nichole asked. “I have someone I want to thank for as much of the night as she can stay awake.” Nichole’s eyes sparkled as she took Ariel’s hand in her own.

  “I don’t think we could send you up today anyway, Cadet. I’ll swear you in tomorrow. Welcome aboard, Cadet,” Sean said smiling.

  Nichole stood abruptly, and assumed as close a posture of attention as she could. “Thank you, Admiral.”

  Shortly after Nichole had left for the Divine Light, it was announced that the Imperial cutter, Phaethon, had just dropped from hyperspace amid the fleet from Indig sector.

  Nichole had worked hard to get the mansion ready for the visit, with little help from Wendy and Taylor since they had been training with Ariel. Ariel made a mental note to arrange some kind of reward for the young woman for doing such a wonderful job under those conditions.

  Sean, with Ariel’s permission, brought down twenty stewards and wait-staff to act the part of staff while Ariel’s were in training. There were also guards in casual dress stationed around the mansion now.

  Ariel and the girls had finished their course work for the summer session so they could concentrate on training. She made a mental note to hire more girls for staff as soon as all the excitement had passed.

  It had been decided that the cutter would be landing at night to reduce the chances of it being seen. Ariel chuckled about that considering they were in Las Vegas, but agreed that it probably would reduce the chances; provided it didn’t interfere with the gaming tables downtown.

  On the night of the landing, Ariel and Sean had the guards on alert, and the rest of the staff on the concrete apron behind the house. Betty took the opportunity to teach the cooks from the Divine Light how to have a barbeque. Though it was still light outside, Phaethon descended from the heavens about eight in the evening.

  Ariel, Sean, and Master Chief Bri’tell with his honor guard were at the bottom of the ramp when it finally settled to the ground. The first persons out of the ship were the Royal Guard of course, and
Ariel noted that they were dressed as she had insisted they be. Each guard had two small lapel pins; one denoting rank, and the other had the royal crest to denote the person was a member of the royal guard.

  Unobtrusively, a herald had descended with the guard and took up a position where his voice would carry. He took a deep breath to begin his litany of introductions as Ariel noticed him. She moved quickly, motioning the man to silence. The guard began to react, but it was clear that if she had meant the man harm he would have been dead before they even got a weapon drawn.

  “Sir, please remember where we are; we would have no end of trouble if your voice carried beyond the walls of these grounds I understand you have protocols to follow when it comes to introducing royalty, but for the goddess’ sake keep the introductions short, and only loud enough for those at the bottom of the ramp to hear,” Ariel instructed.

  The man looked pained, but nodded to her. “As you wish, my Lady. Had I but known, I would have made other arrangements.”

  Ariel smiled and winked at the man before returning to her place beside Sean. It was then that she noticed the man had followed her.

  “My Lady, Guardian Admiral, it is my honor to present Duchess Hanya Frie, Protector General of the Ophuchi Cluster,” the man intoned in a flat, formal voice. An older woman that appeared to be in her late fifties smiled mischievously as she descended the ramp to the waiting group. As she got closer, Ariel noticed that she wasn’t, in fact, human. From a distance she closely resembled human, but up close that illusion was shattered. Hanya had very pale, alabaster skin, and pointed ears holding back her almost blood-red hair. She appeared to have a haughty look to her, but that was only how she appeared. Catching sight of Ariel, the mischievous smile changed to one of open friendship.

  “Lady Ariel, it is a true pleasure to meet you. I was pained to hear of the passing of your mother; she was a good friend and a true Guardian of the Empire,” Hanya said truthfully. She leaned closer and whispered for Ariel’s ears alone. “Trust no one but Sean and Cr’ale. Listen to their counsel, but make your own decisions. You may not know it, but the fate of the whole damn galaxy rests with you. Don’t let anyone push you around.”

  “Even you, My Lady?” Ariel asked.

  The smile returned to Hanya’s face. “Especially me, my dear!” She whispered as she backed away and winked. She greeted Sean, who bowed to her, and then she stood off to one side so the next noble could be introduced.

  “My Ladies, Guardian Admiral; Baron Altrov, High Magistrate of the Dolian Free Trade Alliance,” the herald intoned in the same formal voice, but Ariel got the distinct impression that he would rather introduce the Supreme Ruler of the Kragan Empire.

  A swarthy, and somewhat portly man exited the ship next like he was an arriving conqueror. His appearance belied his position in Ariel’s mind. To her, he looked like Mel Tormay, only with less hair, and a lot more belly. He swaggered up to Ariel and extended one sweaty, pudgy hand. “My Lady, it is a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance. I hope this opportunity proves long and profitable for the both of us.” He bowed and kissed the back of her hand. Ariel fought the urge to jerk her hand away as she realized that this fat little toad had probably ordered Dame Estelle’s death.

  “I’m glad to finally meet you as well, Baron. I’m sure our relationship will be an interesting one,” Ariel said managing a fake smile. Hanya coughed, as a somewhat surprised Altrov moved to greet Sean, who again bowed to the noble.

  “Lord and Ladies, May I present Baron Del’nire, Prime Minister of Aldus Forward, Chairman of the Alliance Council and Heir Presumptive to the Imperial Throne,” The herald droned in an almost bored voice.

  Once Ariel had seen the man he had introduced, she could understand the herald’s tone. Just looking at him walking down the ramp, she could tell that he had no interest in what was going on around him. He looked like the pictures Ariel had seen of prisoners of war that had been broken by their captors. It was then that she noted that Sean had made a small exclamation during the title announcements. When Ariel looked at the woman, she saw the formal façade had been cracked slightly. Sean was pale and looked anxious. She didn’t get a chance to ask the Admiral about it, because the Baron was taking her hand and kissing it. He made no comment as he dropped her hand and moved to greet Sean then quietly took his place with the other nobles.

  The herald then drew himself up with pride. “My Lords and Ladies, it is my distinct pleasure and honor to announce his Imperial Majesty, supreme ruler of the United Alliance, and High Guardian; Emperor Cr’ale de Aldus Forward.”

  As the herald raised his hand to the hatch, he bowed to one knee as did the whole of the Imperial guard, Sean, and the marines she had assembled as an honor guard for Ariel. Ariel hastily joined Sean as she remembered she was supposed to bow as well.

  Since her head was bowed, she didn’t see the man walk down the ramp, but she felt him as he came closer. He had an almost palpable aura of power around him. It was such a strong feeling for Ariel that when he stopped in front of her, she wasn’t surprised when he bade her to rise.

  “Rise daughter of the Empire; we feel you shouldn’t bow to us in this your home. It is we who should bow to you in gratitude for your service and for the invitation,” A soft baritone voice said with amusement.

  Ariel rose and took the offered hand. The older man she was faced with had a very forceful presence as she would have expected. However, she wasn’t prepared for the dark blue, penetrating eyes, or the boyish grin on his face. His grey hair was neatly trimmed and parted giving him an almost roguish look. Emperor Cr’ale was well over a hundred years old, but had not slowed down at all. He was wearing a lightweight business suit, but had a purple ribbon across his right lapel over his heart; a muted testimony to his real rank. Other than a signet ring, he wore no other decoration; a stark comparison to the Baron Altrov who was heavily bejeweled, and wore multicolored ribbons on his dark suit.

  “Highness, you honor my house with your presence. If it pleases you, my chef has prepared a meal for us,” Ariel replied after she regained her composure.

  Cr’ale leaned in close to her so no one else could overhear. “We must speak privately very soon, Ariel. We have many enemies that do not wish this meeting to take place. Perhaps you could show me your ship later?”

  “Of course, Majesty. However, could the Admiral join us? There has been a development that we wished to discuss with you, also in private,” Ariel replied.

  “Yes, Hs’ean I trust, and possibly Lady Hanya, but no one else here. I should warn you that Baron Altrov thinks he can sway you to his camp, and will try everything in his power to do just that. This planet is very important to him,” Cr’ale said hurriedly before leaning back out. “A meal sounds wonderful! I think we would like that a great deal, please lead on my dear.”

  Ariel and Cr’ale led the large procession, of mostly guards, to the rear patio of the mansion where long tables had been set up for the guests. She led Cr’ale over to one of the tables, and nodded to Betty.

  Betty smiled sweetly back at Ariel and stood in front of the tables. “Your Highness, Lords and Ladies, assembled guests; it has been my great privilege to be the head chef tonight. I have prepared a traditional earth repast which all tolled is called a barbeque. We have boneless beef and pork ribs, as well as chicken, hamburgers and hotdogs. There is potato salad, corn on the cob, and for the vegetarians we have a wide selection of fruits. Since so many here tonight are unfamiliar with these foods, those containing meat, or prepared from an animal have been marked with blue ribbons. If you do not see a ribbon, it is safe for the vegetarians. All of this food has been approved for consumption by everyone here by the medical staff of the Divine Light, as well as consultation with His Highness’ personal physicians. Please, enjoy your meal.”

  Ariel leaned over and whispered to Cr’ale loudly enough for everyone at the table to hear; “It’s traditional to go to the side board to get your plate then return here to eat it. Would you li
ke my assistance in making your selections, Majesty?”

  Cr’ale grinned broadly at Ariel. “We would be honored, Lady Ariel. All of it smells so delicious; we would probably try to eat it all!” As Ariel led Cr’ale over to the sideboard, she got a glimpse of the scowl on Altrov’s face. She didn’t think he would like the novel experience of serving himself, and she hadn’t seen any personal slaves get off the ship.

  “He hates going on these trips with me because I told him I would free any slave in my presence. If he brought his personal retinue with him, I’d free them all, and he’d lose all of his personal slaves. He absolutely hates doing things for himself, and when you told me about how to get the food for this meal, I wanted to cheer! I’m sure he will have something to say about it later on, but this was well worth it. Good job, my Dear!” Cr’ale said quietly to her.

  “When we planned this meal, I hoped that he would be the only one that would be offended. This is a rather simple meal, by our standards, but it is very good food.” Ariel replied, smiling. “I’m sure tomorrow will be more to his liking, since the rest of the meals are more structured.”

  “Well, you’ll get more opportunity to irritate him tomorrow; I’d like to get the main business we all came here for out of the way, in case we have to return to Aldus. I don’t get away much, especially to a frontier world like yours. I must say, it really is peaceful here,” Cr’ale said.

  “Are you a vegetarian, Highness?” Ariel asked as they picked up plates at the end of the table.

  “By the gods no! Though my doctors would prefer that I was I’m sure!” He replied chuckling.

  Ariel guided the Emperor through selecting food as she assembled a meal for herself as well. They returned to the table to eat, making small talk, and getting to know one another. Ariel found she liked the old man, and though he was an emperor, his concern for his subjects surprised her. She was surprised that when he asked her opinion on something; he actually listened to her advice. He seemed impressed that if she felt she didn’t have enough information on something she would ask for more. She was also not afraid to tell him she honestly didn’t know. He may have been the most powerful man in the galaxy, but, she realized, he was still human.


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