Tides of Mars (Omnibus Version)

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Tides of Mars (Omnibus Version) Page 25

by Ben Winston

  Many people heavily criticized Argus for installing the expensive cryogenics equipment, but he had proven the investment a good one when he delivered his entire cargo, healthy, to the pens at the LaPas market. He hadn’t had to carry extra food, take extra guards, or even install the extra amenities animate cargo required. As payment for making the risky investment of the Baron’s money pay off, Otwold gave him Jessica.

  From the beginning, Argus loved the woman, and refused to treat her as a slave when they were alone. She had her own room, and he set aside a monthly amount for her as payment. She had bought a few items, but mostly, she saved her money. When he asked what she was saving it for, she said she was going to buy her freedom someday.

  Argus smiled and told her that once he was free of his obligation to the Slavers Guild, she would be free of any obligation to him. Basically, she need only to act as his slave; although he would have to treat her like one when others were around, he would never force her to do anything she didn’t want to do. This was why he’d given her one of the rooms in his suite, and paid her to work for him.

  He also told her what could happen to both of them if she didn’t play along. From that day on, she took care of him, and played her part. Whenever they landed, he took her with him as often as he could. Of course, she had to be on a leash, and mostly nude, but she played along. She loved being able to visit all the different planets.

  Less than a month after their discussion, she shyly asked why he hadn’t been flirting with her. He set his fork down, and took her hand. He told her he didn’t want to take advantage of their situation, and was leaving it up to her if she wanted to change things. That evening, she sat close to him while they watched the vid. As the night wore on, she leaned her head against his shoulder. When bedtime rolled around, she kissed him on the cheek. It was another month before she joined him in his bed.

  Slowly, she began asking him to buy things like make up and sexy clothes. In private, she asked if she could get some normal clothes too, and he agreed, but she could only wear them in their quarters. She would look through the electronic versions of stores where they were going, select things, and then he would go buy them.

  She also was learning to cook his native dishes and others that he might like to eat. She had a big list for here on Earth. Since she was a native of this planet, and therefore, she had many meals she wanted to fix for him.

  When he got to his quarters, a wonderful smell assaulted his nose, and set his mouth watering immediately. He walked into the small kitchenette and hugged her from behind.

  “That smells wonderful, Jess.”

  “I just hope you think it tastes wonderful too. How’s it going?” She asked.

  “Good, I guess. But at this rate we’ll need at least another week to fill the cargo holds. I swear I’d rather be smuggling than hauling this cargo,” he replied as she turned in his arms.

  “You’re doing the best you can in a bad situation, Argus. You remind me a lot of my father, trying to be a good man doing bad things. Just keep telling yourself it isn’t forever, and we’ll get through this,” she replied.

  He sighed, and slowly let go of her. “I know, but in a way, I don’t want it to end, because I’ll lose you. How horrible is that? I am allowing hundreds of thousands of people to be taken into slavery just to keep you in my life.”

  “I... I don’t think I want to leave anymore. I think I’ve fallen in love with you. I want to do things with you, like visit the Grand Canyon, or the Pyramids of Mars. I don’t want to do those things alone; I want to do them with you. I love you, Argus.”

  Unsure he’d heard her correctly; he grabbed her by the shoulders, and looked into her eyes. “What did you just say?”

  Jessica mustered a tentative smile. “I said I love you, Argus. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  He closed his eyes and felt more joy than he’d felt since he started hauling cargo for the Slavers Guild. “Jessica, I’ve been in love with you since the moment Baron Otwold gave you too me. You are the only bright thing in my very dark existence. Without you, I think I would have killed myself years ago.”

  Jessica threw her arms around him and gave him a passionate kiss. However, a loud grumble from his stomach cut the kiss short. They parted laughing.

  “Love, why don’t you go get cleaned up for dinner, and I’ll get this finished up. Then we can go cuddle on the couch and see what we can find for entertainment on the vid,” she suggested.

  He nodded and stole a quick kiss as he backed out of the small kitchenette. For the first time in a long time, he was smiling on his way to the cleaner.

  I.S.V Tides of Mars, geosynchronous orbit

  Earth, (Sol III) Horon-A Sector.

  “Ariel, have you noticed none of these slavers seem to be leaving?” Cole asked via the speakers.

  “Yeah, I noticed. How about you mKail?”

  “Yes, Highness; however, the question then becomes, where are they going?” mKail replied softly.

  Ariel slowly nodded. “And that’s the ten million dollar question. If none of them leaves the planet, then they have to be going to another place on the planet. What’re the odds that they slipped a freighter onto the planet? Anyone?” Ariel held a channel open to all her teams so she would have not only their information as it happens, but their ideas as well.

  For a very long minute, there was silence, and then someone on the comm replied. “I suppose it’s possible, Highness, but it would take a captain with battle-steel for balls to pull it off. It would be like threading a needle while wearing boxing gloves.”

  “Well, the inbound ion trails have faded past the point of reliable tracking, and they blend in with normal aircraft traffic on the planet.” Ariel paused for a moment, thinking hard. “Okay, listen up. Whoever has the next positive fix on a slaver, don’t attack. Watch and follow him back to their linkup with the freighter. Then, call it in and we can drop some marines in on them.”

  Ariel heard a chorus of acknowledgment from the comm as she yawned.

  “Milady, you’ve been up for the better part of two days. We’ve got this for now. Why don’t you go get some rest and clean up? We’ll call you if anything changes, or if someone finds the big freighter,” one of guards operating the scanner suite suggested.

  “Corporal Filland, I think that’s the best idea I’ve heard all day. Besides, I think mKail is dead on her feet too, but she just covers it better,” Ariel replied. mKail smiled, but didn’t say anything. “I’ll be in my room getting a shower.” She patted Filland on the shoulder as she left the bridge followed by mKail.

  “I’m gonna get some dinner after my shower, wanna join me?” Ariel asked. She paused for a moment to consider what she had just said, then added, “Join me for dinner, I mean.”

  mKail chuckled at Ariel’s discomfort, before replying, “I will take a shower first, also, and then join you for dinner.”

  mKail said this in English as she nodded acceptance of the invitation. She had been studying the language, and tried to speak it as much as possible.

  Ariel smiled and nodded approval to mKail as her door slid open.

  After Ariel had entered her quarters, mKail opened the door to the cabin she shared with one of the female marines. Her roommate propped herself up on one elbow as mKail entered, and asked, “Why are you so happy?”

  “Because, I’m having dinner with the Princess.”

  I.T.C. Merchant’s Profit Heavy Freighter,

  Sahara Desert, Algeria (near border with Mali)

  North-Western African Continent, Earth, (Sol III) Horon-A Sector.

  “This is wonderful, Jess. What do you call it?” Argus asked.

  Jess smiled in pleasure. “It’s a simple meal on Earth. The meat is a steak,” she pointed to the items as she named them. “And this is a baked potato with sour cream and chives. These yellow cylinders are a vegetable called corn served on the cob.”

  Argus shook his head. “When her Highness brings th
is planet into the Empire, this food is going to be in demand. The farmers here are going to be rich!”

  Jessica bit her lower lip, before she asked the next question. “Argus, my love. This is something I really do not understand, why don’t we just call her? Surely she can protect us from the Guild?”

  “I’ve actually considered that idea many times. How can she protect us, when she can’t even protect her own planet? Besides, by Imperial law, even if I testified against the guild. The court would still hang me for not doing so sooner. I’m still an accessory. You’d be safe since we can claim you’re a slave, but they’d take the ship, and hang the crew and me.

  “Are you sure? What if I talked to her? She’s from Earth, not the Empire, I bet she’d be happy to help us,” Jess suggested.

  “How? She’d be able to trace any transmissions, even if we used the planet’s comm net. She wouldn’t need to help us; we’d have given her our location simply by calling her. Not to mention that the crew would know immediately since all communications have to go through Hardsel's station. He’s a hard core slaver through and through.”

  “We could use the data connection you let me use. We could go through a service like Skype or Yahoo. Both services randomize the source of the call. I know she could still track us, but it would take longer, and we might just have time to talk to her first. Besides, if all this does go south, I’ll be right beside you on those gallows,” Jessica explained. “You’ve said yourself that we’re sitting ducks, and it’s only a matter of time before they find us. At least this way we have a chance. If they catch us first, it won’t matter.”

  Argus sat his fork down to consider what Jessica was telling him. He knew she was right, and he had a feeling that he wouldn’t be lifting off this planet again. At least the food was good. “After we finish this wonderful meal, then you can call her.”

  I.S.V Tides of Mars, geosynchronous orbit

  Earth, (Sol III) Horon-A Sector.

  “Wake up, Ariel,” Cole whispered into her brain.

  Ariel opened her eyes, and asked, “What’s up, Cole?”

  “You have a phone call,” Cole replied, but she could detect an odd note in his voice.

  “So what’s strange about it?”

  “Well, it’s coming in as voice over I.P. From a woman claiming her name is Jessica Mathias of Portland, Maine. Miss Mathias was listed as missing four years ago, and is presumed dead.”

  “She could be a slave, Cole. Remember Kaitlin from Las Vegas? The big question is, why is she calling me?” Ariel replied.

  “She wouldn’t tell me, but voice analysis indicates she’s stressed about something. Also, the call is originating in North Africa. A town called Tamanrasset in Algeria,” Cole replied.

  Ariel said, “Put her through in here please, Cole, then wake up mKail and ask her to come to my quarters, please?”

  “You’re on, Ariel. I’ll wake up mKail.”

  “Thank you, Cole. This is Ariel, how can I help you?”

  “Hi, Princess. My name is Jessica Mathias, and I know you don’t know me, but a few years back the Slaver’s Guild kidnapped me. I was purchased by an oily little toad by the name of Baron Otwold.”

  Jessica told Ariel about her current predicament and her return to Earth with her beloved Captain. Then she asked Ariel for immunity and asylum for herself and her Captain in exchange for the location of their ship.

  “Jessica, is your Captain aware of your request?” Ariel asked.

  “Yes, I am Highness, Captain Argus Tyrr of Valorithon, and I fully support and agree with Jess. We would just like to get out of this nasty business and start new lives together,” Argus replied.

  “You know that the Slaver’s Guild will put a price on your head for doing this, right?”

  “We are aware of that repercussion, Highness. It’s the reason for the Asylum request. I also understand you will have to confiscate the ship,” Argus said. “She’s a wonderful ship; she deserved a better fate than this.”

  Nodding a greeting to mKail as she walked in, and motioned for her to be quiet, Ariel came to a decision. “By the letter of Imperial law, even after you testify against the rest of the crew, and those we catch, you are still guilty of Slaving, Smuggling, and violating a no landing restriction; all three of which can carry the death penalty.”

  Jessica answered this time. “Highness, we hoped that, since you're from Earth, you might make an exception for us. The Slaver's Guild forced Argus into this, and he did his best to make the trip as safe as possible for the captured. Since we’re finally here, we felt we would be safe enough surrendering instead of on Mars where the crew would have time to retaliate.”

  “I understand, Jessica. I will have letters of Immunity waiting for the both of you once we capture the ship. Is that acceptable?” Ariel asked.

  “Yes Highness, we will remain in my quarters with the door locked until your marines arrive. But you should hurry, once the crew discovers what I’ve done, there’ll be hell to pay,” Argus replied.

  Ariel promised they would be there within minutes. Argus agreed and gave her their exact location, and the modulation frequency of their shields and cloaking generator. He also warned her about the sentries.

  After she disconnected with the anxious couple, she looked at mKail. “So, what do you think?”

  “Cole filled me in and reports a full company of marines entering atmosphere on course for the big ship. You need to dress in your armor before we get there,” mKail replied.

  Ariel nodded agreement as she rose, and said, “So do you, and we best hurry, or the grunts will have all the fun.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  I.S.V Tides of Mars, North-African Re-Entry vector

  Earth, (Sol III) Horon-A Sector.

  Her Imperial Highness Ariel Moran Parker, Commanding.

  As a Battle-Armored Ariel entered the bridge, she asked Cole to get her the Commander of the freighter assault force.

  “Assault Commander Rajier is on line,” Cole replied.

  “Thanks, Cole. Commander Rajier, welcome to Earth,” Ariel said by way of greeting.

  “Thank you Highness, I was wondering if we’d get to see the surface before we left the system,” a woman’s voice replied.

  “Well, we’re heading to the middle of the largest desert on the planet. Not exactly a garden spot. Be sure to let your troopers know that wandering off is a really bad idea. Even in Battle Armor, they wouldn’t make it to safety before the suit’s resources ran out,” Ariel ordered.

  “Will do ma’am, thanks for the advice,” Rajier replied.

  “One more thing, Rajier; the Freighter’s Captain, and slave-turned-wife are holed up in their cabin. It’s because of them we know where this ship is, so when your people get them, be gentle, but treat them like prisoners. I would like both of them to be brought to my ship, please,” Ariel asked.

  “Will do, Highness,” Rajier replied.

  “Commander, both of them are to be considered friendly spies. If either one has a mark on them when they get here, I’ll do the same to the person that inflicted it,” Ariel warned.

  “Understood Highness,” Rajier replied.

  “Good, we have your shuttles in sight. If we’re all accounted for, let’s do this,” Ariel said giving the order to proceed.

  Combat Location; Battle of the Merchants Profit.

  I.T.C. Merchant’s Profit Heavy Freighter, (grounded)

  Sahara Desert, Algeria (near border with Mali)

  North-Western African Continent, Earth, (Sol III) Horon-A Sector.

  “Captain, I’m sorry to bother you, but we have several Imperial assault shuttles entering the atmosphere. They look to be on a heading for us. Sir, I recommend we go to red alert!” a male voice said over the intercom.

  “Are the shields and cloak still up?” Argus asked his first officer.

  “Yes sir, but...”

  “Ferrole, this is a freighter, not a warship! Hold your fire until we are absolutely certain they’
re coming here. How can they know where we are? They have to be going after one of our capture ships. If we give them our location by firing our weapons before we know for certain, we’re dead! Do you hear me?” the Captain replied.

  “Yes sir, you're correct, I’m over-reacting. Are you coming to the bridge?” Ferrole, the Executive Officer asked.

  “This is perfect fucking timing! I think my Bitch did something to the food. I’m stuck in the head with the shits and puking my head off! You’re gonna have to handle this for me, until I can get there. I swear, I’m going to fucking kill that little whore!” Argus replied while Jess sat beside him, trying not to laugh.

  “I hate to say it sir, but I told you trusting her was a bad idea. She needs more discipline,” Ferrole replied.

  “We get out of this mess, and I’ll give her to you! I’m tired of her nagging ass anyway!” Argus made sounds like he was starting to puke.

  “Sir, do you need the medic?” Ferrole asked with real concern.

  “You worry about those fucking ships. I’ll call Rentis if I think I need him. Captain out!” Argus snapped and closed the intercom. He looked his love in the eyes. “It’s all up to the Princess now. I sure hope she keeps her word.”

  “I’m sure she will, Argus. In just a few minutes she’ll prove it,” Jess replied and scooted closer to rest her head on his shoulder.

  Combat Location; Battle of the Merchant’s Profit.

  Sahara Desert, Algeria (near border with Mali)

  North-Western African Continent, Earth, (Sol III) Horon-A Sector.

  Ariel wondered why the slavers were holding their fire, and she realized that Argus had probably told them too. That had to be a risky thing to do, and she mentally took her hat off to him. She double checked with Cole to make sure the plan for the Captain’s ‘death’ was ready. Cole told her that they would be at the drop point in two minutes, and she relayed that information to her small assault team.

  They all began double checking their gear and Ariel checked mKail. She was still a little white faced. Ariel wondered how a woman as tough and no nonsense as mKail could be scared of heights. She had to admit though, it took balls of steel to push her fears aside for her duty.


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