Tides of Mars (Omnibus Version)

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Tides of Mars (Omnibus Version) Page 38

by Ben Winston

  Del'nire got back to his feet. “Do you know why I never married, Altrov?”

  “No,” Altrov said, wondering what this had to do with his question.

  “Because I knew, even back then I knew, this day would come. I know exactly who and what I am. I didn't want to give you any more leverage than you already had. I know I'm about to die because I have already given you all the information I can, simply because I don't have any more.

  “My Uncle, as well as the Regulans knew I was a security risk, so they cut me out of the loop long ago. However, that didn't stop me from giving them information on you!” Del'nire could see the anger boiling under Altrov's face, and he was glad.

  “You see, when we met Ariel on Earth I saw something that perhaps you didn't see. If you succeed in killing Cr'ale, she will turn him into a martyr and hunt you down to the ends of the universe. You wanted a revolution, Altrov? Well, I hate to break it to you, but you've gotten a war.

  “Yes, you own me. But you never asked me for any information until it was far too late. Well, I do have one more thing for you, before you kill me,” Del'nire finished.

  “Oh? And what, pray tell, is that?” Altrov asked, sarcastically.

  In Del'nire's hand was the small .32 caliber Derringer pistol one of his guards had gotten him as a gift while on Earth. He lifted his arm and pointed it at a surprised Altrov, and pulled both triggers.

  Less than a second after pulling the triggers, six pulse laser rifles fired and blew him in half. He didn't die immediately though, he did get to see the look of surprise on what was left of Altrov's face before he, too, crumpled to the floor.

  Admiral's briefing room

  Command Super Dreadnaught, I.S.S. Divine Light

  142 degrees north, 62 degrees west trans-solar orbit

  Sol System, Sol Sector.

  Senior Fleet Captain G'ries, Commanding.

  “So, what's our status, Admiral?” Ariel asked. She was flanked by her father on one side and the ever present mKail on the other.

  “The battle groups we sent to the terminus have engaged the super-carrier, but so far the big bitch is holding her own. Of course, the Battle groups are only trying to keep her focused for now. Once Tho'ren reports in, then the ship killer satellites will be activated,” Sean began.

  “The Anvil has finished repairs and has resumed construction on the customs base. Commodore Fistch has added the ability to do medium scale construction to the station design. Once the station is almost compete, the Anvil will tow her into position at the terminus.” she checked a thin film on the table in front of her.

  “The Vega station will begin mass producing those missile platforms for deployment on the far side of the transit lane. The Anvil is also turning them out, although most of their production is dedicated to the station at the present time.

  “Captain Tyrr has finished his local deployment. He reloaded and left for the Vega sector early yesterday morning. I still think we need more of those platforms here, especially if Cr'ale is also coming here. Even if every missile managed to kill a ship once in range, which is unheard of, the enemy will react fast enough to make subsequent hits less damaging.

  “The rest of the third fleet will return to n-space early tomorrow morning, but they'll still be three days out at flank speed. You do know, don't you, that if Altrov sent a fleet here to kill you, there will be no way to hide it from the planet, right?”

  Ariel nodded. “Yeah, I know. I can only hope to keep it far enough out that it isn't obvious to anyone looking up.”

  “Do you think that'll be all it takes?” Sean asked.

  Ariel snorted, “Hell no. with that much radio noise in the system, people will start looking for the source. It'll only be a matter of time before they find it. Radio telescopes like Arecibo and the VLA in New Mexico operate on radio waves. They'll be the first to see this; then SETI will get hold of it and it'll spread like wildfire from there.”

  “Are we going to worry about the repercussions on Earth?” Sean asked. “I don't have the troops or resources for a full planetary pacification.”

  “No, I suppose I need to tell them what's coming so they can help keep things sane down there, while we try to keep the planet safe. They probably won't listen to me and won't believe a word of it until they see the explosions for themselves.”

  “Isn't that the way of Politics?” Sean asked, grinning.

  “Highness, if I may?” Ariel's father asked. She'd talked to him about addressing her by title, but he only agreed to not do so when it wasn't duty related and he was off duty.

  “Yes Colonel?” Ariel replied.

  “It might help them believe it's real if you hijack the 'red phone' system. Each of the world's nuclear powers has one, including the idiots in North Korea. They've been updated and are now video links. You could show them the threat.”

  “We could do that. Cole? How hard would it be to take over the 'red phones', and translate my voice into the language of the country receiving it?” Ariel asked.

  “It wouldn't be that difficult at all, Highness. It could be set up in about five minutes,” Cole replied via the room speakers.

  Ariel nodded. “Good now, what about our two wayward Guardian trainees?”

  Sean grinned. “They'll return to n-space in about thirty-six hours. So, it'll be at least another two days before they land out at Titan Base. Figure a day to get their new ships outfitted, then a day for them to get back here. I have missions awaiting them when they get back.”

  “Oh?” Ariel said. “I thought they would be sticking around for a bit. What do you need them to do?”

  “If we stand a chance of winning this war, we'll need to find their hidden shipyard and their Command Base. I'm sending Wendy to look for the Shipyard and Taylor to find the Command Base. I just wish we had more Guardians that we could count on so we could send them out to sabotage the enemy ships and keep tabs on them.” Sean hesitated.

  “My Lady, while Cr'ale is incommunicado, you are the acting Emperor. I would like to issue a recall to all the Guardians that I know are still loyal to us. We will need them for their reconnaissance capabilities. I would like to put a few more into the Stealth Assault ships, so we have a wider range of capability. I need your permission to issue the alert,” she explained.

  “Right now, we are mostly blind, and I don't like it one little bit. I have no intention or aspiration of becoming the Commander of the whole damn navy, so I really hope that Cr'ale is bringing his household with him.”

  “I can see the wisdom of that. Are any of them on critical missions at the moment?” Ariel asked.

  “A few are on important missions, but I'm pretty sure a civil war would overrule pinpoint locations on the Kragen,” Sean explained.

  “No, actually, we need to know exactly what the Kragen are up to now more than ever. We cannot afford for the Kragen to strike now. They'd roll right over us,” Ariel said, and paused in thought.

  “I'm sure you have a few Guardians that are questionable in loyalty? I mean the ones you actually don't know where they stand?” Ariel asked.

  Sean nodded. “Yes, there are forty or so that we are not sure about, Why?”

  “Reassign some of the questionable ones to take over the recon of the Kragen from our loyal Guardians. Then issue your recall once they've accepted the mission. If one refuses to answer, then keep going down the list until you've replaced all the loyal ones. Please issue orders to the construction yard to begin mass production of the Stealth Assault ships. I would like every loyal Guardian to have one. Have them draw their Marines from local troops if you can. We don't want the secret of the ships to get out to the Baron just yet.”

  “As you command, Highness. What of the remainder of Third Fleet? Where do you want them when they get here?” Sean asked.

  Ariel studied the holographic map of the system for a moment. “I would like them deployed out here,” she indicated the area of space that inbound ships normally used when returning to n-space. “If th
e Baron has something up his sleeve, they should land in there somewhere.”

  Sean again bowed her head and issued the orders. Ariel looked up at her with a half grin. “How'd I do?”

  “Pretty good, actually. I hadn't thought of using the questionable Guardians like that. It's a good way to find out who's with us and who's not,” Sean said. “Fleet deployment is pretty much what I was thinking about doing, anyway. I'd say you're getting the hang of this.”

  “Well, maybe until the actual shooting starts anyway, then it's all you,” Ariel said, grinning.

  Sean winked at her, “You'll get that figured out too.”

  “Don't take this the wrong way, Sean, but I really wish I wouldn't get that opportunity,” Ariel replied. “But, speaking of the Guardians, I wanted to talk to you about them.”

  “Highness?” Sean asked.

  “This is not an order yet. Using only the AI network, I would like to order all Guardian AIs that have witnessed their Guardian commit an atrocity, broken Imperial Law, or carried out any action that was not in the best interest of the Empire; to seal up, gas their occupants, and report here for a full investigation.

  “Further, any AI that has witnessed any of the previously mentioned crimes is encouraged to report such. We need to get this mess straightened out. Now that Altrov has declared war; now seems as good a time as any and we really don't want the rogue Guardians out there making matters worse.”

  “What do you intend to do with them?” Sean asked.

  “Depends on the crime. Anything from just the removal of their enhancements to immediate termination by hanging. Personally, I'd prefer simply removing their enhancements and dropping their asses off with the people that they violated,” Ariel said. “I feel it’s time we Guardians began doing what we were created to do.”

  “That's going to be a lot of Guardians, Highness,” Sean said.

  “If the fuckers have acted against the welfare of the people of the Empire, they don't deserve any title,” Ariel said.

  “By Law, only you or Cr'ale can try them. They also have the right to appeal your decision to the Senate,” Sean explained. “The Senate was dismissed so they have no right of appeal.”

  “We're at war. I plan on broadcasting each trial. Let the citizens of the Empire be the Jury. If they're guilty, then they have no right of appeal. Their abuse has gone on long enough.” Ariel said. “Once the ships arrive here, the accused will be taken to the brig to await trial. The ship, under AI control, will report to Titan Base for reassignment.”

  “You've given this some thought. When do you plan on making it an order?” Sean asked.

  “Does anyone see a problem with it? That includes you and DL as well, Cole,” Ariel asked.

  “Some of the AIs will need to be re-evaluated before reassignment. The atrocities they've witnessed might have had an effect on them,” Divine Light said.

  “I agree, Ariel. It had to be hard for them to stand aside and witness such acts, all the while knowing there was little to nothing they could do to prevent it,” Cole added.

  Ariel slowly nodded. “I can see that. But I don't want any of them killed if they are found unsuitable for the Corps. I'm sure we can find something else for them if they so wish.”

  “Do you not mean deactivated, Highness?” Divine Light asked.

  “No, I meant 'killed'. I've yet to meet any of your race that are simply machines. I plan on discussing your status with Grandfather once Altrov and his flunkies are dealt with. Those AI have done nothing wrong. It would be wrong to punish them for the crimes of another,” Ariel explained.

  “The argument of AI sentience is an old one, Highness. It is not, one that will have a swift or easy resolution,” Divine Light replied.

  “I'm sorry, DL, but no one can tell me that a being that paints or writes poetry in their spare time isn't sentient. “Phaetheon Majoris spent his idle time during the visit here accessing my planet's history of warfare. He analyzed the battles, and strategies. Dissected the tactics, then re-ran the battle with his own modifications just to test the outcomes. How would any of that be possible if the being doing them wasn't sentient?”

  “Who Paints? Who writes poetry?” Sean asked.

  “Tewney has an extensive collection of original works in her memory files, but she has never had any of them printed because she sees them as just what she does to 'kill time'. The same thing applies to Divine Light. Although, I've never read any of them, he has thousands of poems in memory that are original,” Ariel said.

  “If you know they're there, why didn't you read them?” Sean asked.

  “I didn't have his permission. I consider things like that to be their private files. If they wanted to share them, then they would have. Otherwise, it was none of my business,” Ariel said. “Anyway, we've gotten off topic. Cole, please issue the recall order as I earlier specified. For now, restrict it to Guardian Scout class ships, please.”

  “At once, Highness,” Cole replied. “And, thank you.”

  I.S.A Spear of Athena/R.M.C. Duchy of Calderon

  Assault point Astrid

  Interstellar Space, Transit Lane Terminus, Vega Sector.

  “Okay, listen up folks. We're going to split up,” Thorn said. “The Admiral needs info on this tub, so we're going inside to get it for her. We are also going to be deploying several antimatter demolition charges on her hull.”

  “Once we locate the bridge on this pig, I want one of the charges placed as close to it as possible. I don't want any of these fucking traitors to survive!” He said and got huge grins from his troops. “Alpha team will come with me and infiltrate the ship.”

  “We'll be carrying one of Tewney's portable terminals. Once we locate one of the ship's terminals, we'll plug her in so she can do her thing with the AI and download as much data as she can. The rest of us will spread out a little bit and try to get a feel for the layout of this bitch. Kill everyone you come into contact with. We can't have our presence known too soon.”

  “Team Bravo, deploy two of the charges about a hundred clicks from each end, then split the difference on the other two. Once we find the bridge, set the last one right on top of it.”

  “If this goes south before we're finished. Tal'ba will either provide covering fire for the placement teams, or launch and recover them if they're too far away. Alpha team will return to the embarkation point as soon as we can and await pick up.” Thorn explained. “Any questions?”

  “What about the hull breach, Sir?” One of the troopers asked.

  “After pick-up we'll simply turn the force field off, and fly away. At that point it'll be far too late for them to respond anyway. About a minute after we leave, as soon as we cross the minimum safe distance mark, Tewney will detonate the charges,” Tal'ba replied.

  “Not that they don't deserve it, Sir, but aren't five demo charges a little excessive? We could always leave the force field up, and try to drop a couple of the others on some of the other ships,” another marine suggested.

  Thorn nodded agreement. “Yes we could. However, this big bitch is out of range of our battle groups and command doesn't want to take the chance she'll escape. Her explosion will destabilize the transit lane, keeping the rest of her fleet here. Also, I'm told there is a new weapons system that needs to be tested on live animals... er, I mean targets.”

  His 'mistake' got chuckles from the whole crew. There were no more questions, so Thorn clapped his hands. “Okay folks, people are dyin' and we have work to do. Let's get to it!”

  Tal'ba gave her mate a kiss, and returned to the bridge. Thorn and the rest of the Marines put their helmets on, dropped the troop ramp, and walked out onto the hull of the huge ship. Several of the Marines walked around the side of the ship to where one of her hold access points was located, while the rest walked over to a maintenance hatch.

  “Oh! Looky here! This is handy!” one of the Marines said as his team mates began setting up the entry point force field around it.

  “I bet I even k
now the entry code!” another said as she set a compad down on the lock. “Got it! Ready!”

  “Force field ready!” another said.

  “Equalize pressure and open it, Corporal. Times a wastin',” Thorn ordered.

  “Aye Sir!” She pulled out a small bottle and opened it while she watched the compad. Soon, she shut it off, put the bottle away, touched a button on the pad, and the door popped open. “Open Suez!”

  Thorn chuckled. “I think that's 'Open Sesame,' Corporal.”

  “Go open your own door, Sir!” The Corporal said as she picked up her gear.

  Marines were climbing down past her. Soon, it was only Thorn on the surface. He quickly looked around and only saw his Beta Team. They'd soon split once again, with four people carrying two charges toward the stern while the other four headed for the bow.

  Beside Tewney, one of the innocuous looking boxes sat on the hull awaiting its final placement location from his team. He turned and climbed down.

  Chapter Eleven

  I.S.A Spear of Athena/R.M.C. Duchy of Calderon

  Assault point Astrid

  Interstellar Space, Transit Lane Terminus, Vega Sector.

  “Master, I've got an open light on the external door to environmental control, relay four-one-one-three.”

  “Was there a pressure drop in that area?” When the slave shook his head, the Sub Commander continued. “Holy fuck! Why are you even telling me about it? How many fucking sensor malfunctions have we had on this cruise already? Just put the fucker on the weekly maintenance list and we'll get to it when we can. Now, shut the fuck up and only sound off if you have something real to tell me about!” Sub Commander Hewsen ordered.

  'These fucking slaves were worse than useless,' he thought to himself. 'This tub was slapped together so fast that it was a surprise she was even space-worthy! Three hundred and seven sensor failures since leaving the yards! That had to be some kind of record!' Hewsen thought, shook his head, and got back to work.


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