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The Holocaust Page 109

by Martin Gilbert

‘Eternal Jew, The’: exhibition, 1

  ‘Eternal Jew, The’: an anti-Semitic film (1940), 1

  Ethnic Germans: 1; in Lodz (1941), 2; during a deportation, 3; and the German invasion of Russia, 4; at Chelmno (1942), 5; a Jew mistaken for, 6; and the Jews of Odessa, 7; at Belzec, 8; in Piotrkow, 9; a Jew helped by, 10; at Mauthausen, 11

  Etkind, Michael: and ‘the courage to commit suicide’, 1; at Buchenwald, 2; and the news of Hitler’s death, 3

  Eukodal: death of the discoverer of, 1

  Euppen, SS Captain Theo: ‘a sadist’, 1

  Evian Conference (1938): 1

  Fach, Ernestyna: shot (1941), 1

  Fach, Dr Klara: shot (1941), 1

  Fahn, Arnold: glimpses his family as they are deported, 1

  Fahn, Regina: deported from Rhodes, 1; ‘It happened so quickly’, 2

  Fahn, Rudolf: deported from Rhodes (1944), 1; killed at Mauthausen (1945), 2

  Fahn, Shani (Alexander): glimpses his grandfather, 1; ‘swallowed up in the crowd’, 2

  Fahn, Sidney: deported from Rhodes, 1; passes through his home town, 2; reaches Auschwitz, 3; and the death of his wife and son, 4; survives, 5; liberated, 6

  Fain, Dr: hanged (1941), 1

  Fajgenblat, Dr: dies of wounds (1944), 1

  Falenica: Jewish children shot in (1942), 1

  Falesti: deportation from (1941), 1

  Family camps: discovered (near Brest-Litovsk), 1; established (north-west of Lublin), 2; finds a protector, 3; bombardment of, 4; defence of (in White Russia), 5; near Minsk, 6

  Farber, Yudi: joins in preparations for escape, 1

  Farfel, Siomka: escapes, 1

  Farkas, Dr: attempts to save Jews, 1

  Feder, Aizik: deported to Auschwitz, 1; does not survive, 2

  Feferman-Wasoff, Mania: recalls indignities (1939), 1; recalls impact of fall of France on Jews of Poland (1940), 2

  Feigenbaum, Joseph: a survivor, 1

  Feigman, Kalman: recalls an episode at Treblinka, 1

  Feinberg, Nathan: cited, 1

  Feinsilber, Alter: see his alias Jankowski, Stanislaw

  Feiwiszys, Israel: killed (1943), 1

  Fejgelis, Hersch: executed (1943), 1

  Feldhendler, Leon: helps lead a revolt, 1; murdered after liberation, 2

  Feldman, Nahum: a would-be partisan, 1

  Fell, Dr Boleslaw: shot (1941), 1

  Fenelon, Fania: recalls an execution at Auschwitz (1944), 1; recalls torments at Belsen (1945), 2; and the liberation of Belsen, 3

  Fichtencwajg, Annette: her birth gives life, 1

  Fickelburg, Dr: gassed (1942), 1

  Filatov, Torpedo Operator I.M.: his ‘courage’ (1942), 1

  Filipowicz, Wanda: helps Jews, 1

  Filler, Rachel: escapes to the forest, with her son, 1

  Final solution: ‘doubtless imminent’ (20 May 1941), 1; envisaged (31 July 1941), 2; ‘approaching’ (28 October 1941), 3; and a ‘discussion’ of in prospect, 4; and the Wannsee Conference (20 January 1942), 5; and an appeal to Eichmann, 6; and ‘the total undertaking’ (13 August 1942), 7; Hitler’s ‘instructions’ concerning public reference to (11 July 1943), 8

  Fingercwajg, Moise: executed (1944), 1

  Finkelstein, Moses: killed (1945), 1

  Finkelstein, Wolf: shot (1941), 1

  Finland: and Jewish refugees, 1, 2; Jews of, listed (1942), 3; Jews deported to Auschwitz from (1943), 4; successful protests against deportations in, 5, 6; a Jew deported from, in a labour camp in Warsaw, 7

  Fintz, Leon: dies (1945), 1

  Fintz, Miriam: in Belsen (1945), 1; dies (1945), 2

  Fintz, Rachel: her helpers foiled, 1

  Fintz, Violette: recalls a deportation from Rhodes (1944), 1, 2; recalls her arrival at Auschwitz (1944), 3, 4; recalls Dachau and Belsen (1945), 5

  Finzi, Gigliola: aged less than three months, deported to Auschwitz, 1

  First World War: and the Jews, 1, 2, 3; and a cavalry barracks at Auschwitz, 4; and a massacre of 1941, 5; fate of a hero of, 6

  Fischer, Dr Geza: killed (1938), 1

  Fischer, Mrs Geza: commits suicide (1938), 1

  Fischer, Ludwig: orders establishment of Warsaw ghetto (3 October 1940), 1

  Fischer, Dr Zygmunt: shot, with his wife and child (1943), 1

  Fish, Moshe: organizes a mass escape (1942), 1

  Fisher, Lena: leaves for Palestine (before 1939), 1

  Fisz, Adas: murdered, after liberation, 1

  Fisz, Duczka: killed after liberation, 1

  Fiszbaum, Motek: shot (1941), 1, 2 n. 3

  Fiszlewicz, Mendel: attacks a German, 1; killed (1943), 2

  Fiume: a helper of the Jews deported from, 1

  Flater, Yetta: deported, 1

  Flehinger, Dr Arthur: a witness (1938), 1

  Fleischmann, Aviva: her mother’s death (1944), 1

  Fleischmann, Gisi: gassed (1944), 1

  Fleischmann, Moritz: recalls Vienna (1938), 1

  Flensburg: death of an SS General at (1945), 1

  Fleysher (a children’s nursery supervisor): at Minsk, 1

  Florence: Jews deported from (1943), 1; a six-year-old girl from, deported to Auschwitz (1944), 2

  Flossenburg: a death march to (1944), 1; survivors of a death march reach (1945), 2; a death train from, recalled, 3; Jews evacuated to, 4

  Fogel (from Pilica): warns Jews, 1

  Fogel (a Slovak Jew): at Auschwitz, 1

  Fogelnest, Aron: executed (1939), 1, 2 n. 3

  Foley, Frank (Francis): and the German plan to ‘eliminate’ Jews (1935), 1; reports on the Jews ‘hunted like rats’ (1938), 2; a friend of the Jews, 3; seeks a ‘humane’ policy (1939), 4; continues to help Jews (1940), 5; and the liberation of the camps (1945), 6

  Follman, Hava: an eye-witness to a deportation, 1

  Forbert, Henryk: killed (1944), 1

  Forcher, Celina: on the way to death (1943), 1

  Foreign Office, London: and German designs against Jews (1938), 1; and visas for Shanghai (1939), 2; and fears of being ‘black-mailed’ on behalf of refugees (1939), 3

  Forst, SS Staff Sergeant: at Birkenau, 1

  Fossoli: Jews deported to Auschwitz from, 1

  Fraenkel, Edith: shot (1942), 1

  Fraggi, Mordechai: killed in action (1940), 1

  Frajnd, Pejsach: saved (27 June 1941), 1; killed (1 August 1941), 2

  Frampol: forced labour at, 1

  France: 1, 2, 3; Jews find refuge in, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; declares war on Germany (1939), 10; takes no offensive action against Germany, 11, 12; occupied by Germany, 13, 14, 15; resistance in, 16, 17, 18; emigration of Jews from, banned (1941), 19; and the ‘final solution’, 20; deportations to Auschwitz from (1942), 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30; protests of Catholic Church in, 31; protests of churchmen in, 32; Churchill denounces deportations from, 33; Jews sent back to, from Switzerland, 34, 35; Italians protect Jews in, 36; Jews from, in a Warsaw labour camp, 37, 38; Jews active in resistance in, before and after the Normandy landings, 39, 40, 41; two Jewish refugees executed in (1944), 42; a German-born Jewess executed in, 43; a final deportation from, 44; a deportee from, falls in battle in the Warsaw uprising (of August 1944), 45; a German Catholic rescues some Jews from (1945), 46; soldiers of, liberated Jews in the Black Forest, 47

  Franciszkanska Street (Warsaw): death of a Jew from (1939), 1

  Francken, Madame: and the turning back of Jewish refugees by the Swiss police (1942), 1

  Franconia: exhorted to be ‘Jew free’ (1934), 1

  Frank, Anne: ‘Who has inflicted this upon us?’, 1; ‘hope is revived’, 2; deported, 3; dies (1945), 4; her diary found, 5

  Frank, SS Lieutenant-General August: and the property of ‘evacuated’ Jews, 1

  Frank, Edith: dies (1944), 1

  Frank, Hans: and forced labour for Jews (October 1939), 1; orders Jews to wear special badge (13 November 1939), 2; orders establishment of Jewish Councils (28 November 1939), 3, 4; and Jewish ‘gluttons’, 5; protests about ‘dum
ping’ of Jews, 6; warns against ‘humanitarian dreamers’, 7; Jews to be ‘done away with’ (9 October 1941), 8; ‘we must annihilate the Jews’ (16 December 1941), 9; ‘You hardly see them at all any more’ (15 August 1941), 10; a protest to (25 March 1943), 11; and the ‘utilization’ of Jewish property (13 May 1943), 12; on need to ‘wipe out’ Jews (4 March 1944), 13

  Frank, Margot: dies (1945), 1

  Frank, Mathau: hanged (1933), 1

  Frank, Otto: survives, at Auschwitz, 1

  Frankel, Leslie: ‘we shook’, 1; his fears for his father (1935), 2

  Frankel, Richard: awaits Nazi revenge (1935), 1

  ‘Frankenstein’: a German policeman, and ‘the blood of a Jew’, 1

  Frankfurt: anti-Jewish measures in (1933), 1; day of intimidation in (1938), 2; deportations from (1941), 3, 4, 5; fate of deportees from (1942), 6, 7; death of a cancer specialist from (1944), 8

  Frankfurter, David: kills a Nazi (1936), 1; his father tormented (1941), 2

  Frankfurter, Mavro: tormented (1941), 1

  Franklemon, Jean: helps an escape, 1

  Franz, SS Sergeant Kurt: at Treblinka, 1, 2; promoted Second Lieutenant, gives an assurance to Freud’s sister, 3; wounded, 4

  Franz Josef, Emperor: 1

  Free Corps: 1

  Freemasons: abused by the Nazis (1930), 1

  Freese, SS Corporal Willi: killed (1944), 1

  Freiberg, Dov: recalls a deportation and a death camp (Sobibor), 1; recalls a reprisal, 2

  French Foreign Legion: internees from (1940), 1

  French North Africa: internment camps in, 1; Jews of, 2; death of Jews from, at Auschwitz, 3

  French Revolution, 1, 2

  Frenkel, Getzel: shot (1939), 1

  Frenschel (an SS man): at Sobibor, 1

  Freud, Adolfine: dies at Theresienstadt, 1

  Freud, Marie: murdered at Treblinka, 1

  Freud, Pauline: murdered at Treblinka, 1

  Freud, Rosa: killed at Auschwitz, 1

  Freud, Sigmund: his pupil commits suicide (1940), 1; and the death of four of his sisters, 2

  Freudiger, Fulop: ‘I am not worried for our lives’, 1

  Frick, Wilhelm: and restrictions on German Jews (1935), 1

  Friedell, Egon: commits suicide (1938), 1

  Friedländer, Elli: turned back from Switzerland to France, 1; deported to Auschwitz, 2

  Friedländer, Jan: turned back from Switzerland to France, 1; deported to Auschwitz, 2

  Friedländer, Saul: found a safe haven, 1

  Friedman (a Jew from Praga): shot (1940), 1

  Friedman (at Treblinka): his act of defiance, 1

  Friedman, Rabbi Mosze: his defiant words at Auschwitz-Birkenau, 1

  Friedman, Philip: an eye-witness to, and historian of, mass murder (1941), 1; records an act of barbarism, 2

  Friedmann, Malvine: her bravery under fire, 1

  Friedmann, Sarah: recalls liberation and death (1945), 1

  Fritsch, Wilhelm: shot (1943), 1

  From, Dr Benjamin: killed (1941), 1

  Fromm, Beta: in Berlin (1935), 1, 2; and the scene in Berlin (1938), 3

  Frug, Simon: the fate of his tombstone, 1

  Frumer, Aaron: his house, and ‘not a living soul in sight’, 1

  Fryd, Dr Anatol: shot (1943), 1

  Frydman, Rabbi: Alexander Zysze: his prayer, 1

  Frydrych, Zygmunt: betrayed, 1

  Fuchs, Gunter: and the renewed deportations from Lodz (June 1944), 1, 2

  Fuhrmann, Sister Maria Regina: in the Lodz ghetto, 1

  Fuks, Nathan: executed (1941), 1, 2 n. 4

  Funten, F. H. Aus der: and a deportation from Holland (1943), 1

  Furmanowicz, Pesia: murdered (1943), 1

  Furstengrube: slave labour at coal mines of, 1; mass murder at, 2

  Gac, Luba: shot (1941), 1, 2 n. 3

  Gadejski, Gerhard: saves Jews, 1 n. 2

  Galay, Inna: dies at Majdanek, 1

  Galewski, Alfred: and plans to revolt, 1, 2

  Galicia: murders in (1919), 1; and Belzec death camp (1942), 2, 3

  Galinski, Edward: escapes from Auschwitz, 1; captured, 2; killed, 3

  Galperin, Alter: in Kovno, after an ‘action’, 1

  Gamzon, Captain Robert: and Jewish resistance in France, 1; and the liberation of Lyons, 2

  Gamzu, Abraham: shot (1942), 1

  Gans, Erich: killed in Dachau (1934), 1

  Ganzenmuller, Dr Albert: the SS expresses its ‘great pleasure’ to (1942), 1, 2 n. 3

  Gardelegen: a death march stops at (1945), 1; corpses found at (1945), 2

  Garnek, Henri: aged eleven, killed (1942), 1

  Garnek, Jean: aged three, killed (1942), 1

  Gartner, Ella: helps a revolt, 1; arrested, 2; hanged (1944), 3

  Gas (poison gas): Hitler’s reference to (1926), 1; discussions on the use of (1941), 2; Jews murdered by, at Kalisz (October 1941), 3; Jews murdered by, at Bernburg (November 1941), 4; Jews murdered by, at Chelmno (December 1941), 5, 6; at Auschwitz-Birkenau (1942) 7, 8, 9, 10, 11; during the Warsaw uprising (1943), 12; at Riga, 13, 14; at Chelmno, 15; at Sobibor, 16; at Belzec, 17, 18, 19; the search for ‘a more toxic and faster’ variety, 20

  Gawerman (from Izbica): at Chelmno, 1

  Gawze, Dr: commits suicide (1943), 1

  Gdov: resistance near, 1

  Gebhardt, SS Major-General Professor: and medical experiments, 1

  Gebirtig, Mordche: ‘your weapon of laughter’ (1940), 1; shot (1942), 2

  Gedye, G. E. R.: a witness (1938), 1, 2

  Geleman, Abraham: killed (1944), 1

  Geller, Eliezer: survives a tragic accident, 1

  Gelleri, Andor Endre: dies after liberation (1945), 1

  Gendelman, Josef: leads mass escape, 1

  General Government (of German-occupied central and southern Poland): 1, 2; forbids further emigration of Jews (25 October 1940), 3

  Geneva: reports of Jewish fate reach (1940), 1

  Genoa: death of the rabbi of, 1

  Gens, Jacob: appeals to Germans, in vain (1941), 1; and the moral law, 2; and a ‘shocking secret’, 3; his confidence, 4; and ‘the justification for our existence’ (1943), 5; urges the surrender of a Jewish resistance leader, 6; seeks path to ‘normal life’, 7; shot (September 1943), 8

  Gentz, Commissar: and an ‘instinct’ for the ‘Jewish problem’ (1942), 1

  Gerlier, Cardinal Archbishop of Lyons: refuses to surrender Jewish children, 1

  German People’s Winter Aid campaign: complaints concerning clothing for, 1

  German Red Cross: visits Birkenau, 1

  Germany: and the First World War, 1; and the Locarno Agreement (1925), 2; invades the Soviet Union (1941), 3, 4; first deportations from (to the East), 5; first gassing of Jews (at Chelmno), 6; declares war on the United States (11 December 1941), 7; Jews of, to be placed ‘ahead of the line’, 8; further deportations planned from (1942), 9; fate of Jews from, at Sobibor (1942), 10; Jews deported from, at a labour camp on the River Bug, 11; Jews from, deported from Holland to Auschwitz, 12; witnesses of mass murder visit the east from, 13, 14, 15, 16; a surgeon from, reaches Auschwitz, 17, 18; Churchill’s warning to (8 September 1942), 19; the hair of the victims sent to, 20; women prisoners from, and a gruesome incident, 21; military operations by, against Jews in hiding, 22; civilians from, help Jews in Bialystok, 23; and the despatch of the clothes of the victims to, 24, 25, 26; Jewish refugees from, in Denmark, 27; Allies advance against, 28; a Jewish girl from, in hiding in Holland (1944), 29; Jews from, rescued from Yugoslavia, 30; re-enter Hungary (October 1944), 31; evacuate labour camps in occupied Poland, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37; camps in, liberated (1945), 38, 39, 40, 41; ‘cut in half’ by the Allied armies (25 April 1945), 42; surrenders (8 May 1945), 43

  Gernsheim, Dr Friedrich: commits suicide (1938), 1

  Gernsheim, Rosa: commits suicide (1938), 1

  Gerntner, Bajla: murdered, after liberation, 1

  Gerstein, Kurt: an eye-witness to mass murder (
August 1942), 1, 2

  Gesia Street (Warsaw): two Jews murdered at (1941), 1; an old woman murdered at (1942), 2

  Gesiowka camp (Warsaw): Jews sent to, 1

  Gestapo (Geheime Staatspolizei, Secret State Police): established (1933), 1; negotiations with (1937), 2; and the German conquest of Poland (1939), 3; in Warsaw (1940), 4, 5; their Berlin offices (1940), 6; and the eastern killings (1941), 7; in Kovno, 8, 9; at Stanislawow (1941), 10; at Chelmno (1942), 11 passim; at Zdunska Wola (1942), 12; in Mlawa (1942), 13; in Warsaw (1942), 14, 15; in Wurzburg (1942), 16; at Radom near Lida (1942), 17; at Mielec, 18; at Zdunska Wola, 19; at Wlodawa, 20; at Tarnow, 21; at Belzec, 22, 23; in Lodz, 24, 25; in Dzialoszyce, 26, 27; at Tuczyn, 28; at Kaluszyn, 29; at Zaklikow, 30; at Drohiczyn, 31; in Piotrkow, 32, 33; in Radomsko, 34; at Lomza, 35; in Bialystok, 36; in Cracow, 37, 38; in Lithuania, 39; in Tunis, 40; in Paris, 41; in Lvov, 42; in Vilna, 43, 44; in Rome, 45; in Warsaw (1943), 46, 47; in France, 48, 49; in Hungary 50; on the Greek island of Zante, 51; at Palmnicken, 52; at Cuneo, 53

  Ghettos: their renewal proposed (21 September 1939), 1; established, 2, 3, 4; in German-occupied Russia (1941), 5, 6, 7; at Theresienstadt, 8; hope in (January 1942), 9. See also index entries for Courage, acts of; Defiance, acts of; Resistance, acts of; Jewish Councils; and the individual ghettos (Warsaw, Lodz, Piotrkow, Riga, Kovno, Dvinsk, Theresienstadt etc.)

  Giado: forced labour camp at, 1

  Gidaly, Paul: watches a death march (1944), 1

  Gilbert, Shlomo: killed, with his daughter, at Treblinka (1942), 1

  Gilchik, Leva: escapes, to fall in battle (1942), 1

  Gildenmann, Moshe: a Jewish partisan leader, 1, 2, 3

  Gilerowicz, Leib: killed (1942), 1

  Ginsberg (a Jewish policeman): courage of, 1

  Ginsberg-Rabinowicz, Dr Maria: commits suicide after liberation, 1

  Ginsburger, Ernest: gassed (1943), 1

  Girshman (in hiding near Riga): discovered and shot (1944), 1

  Giter (from Bydgoszcz): at Chelmno, 1

  Gitla (a Jewess): ‘We are going to work’, 1

  Gitter, Asscher: shot (1939), 1

  Gitterman, Yitzhak: killed (1943), 1

  Glanc, Rivka: and the dilemma of resistance, 1; killed (1943), 2

  Glatter, Dr Leon: killed (1943), 1

  Glazer, Jacob: killed (1939), 1

  Gleimann, Maria: and the Palmnicken massacre, 1; survives (1945), 2

  Gleiwitz: labour camps in region of, 1, 2, 3, 4

  Glick, David: negotiates with Gestapo (1937), 1


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