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The Templars

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by Dan Jones

  13. De Constructione Castri Saphet, in Kennedy, Crusader Castles 197.

  14. Lyons, Lyons and Riley-Smith, Ayyubids, Mamlukes and Crusaders 89.

  15. Crawford, P. F. (ed), The ‘Templar of Tyre’, Part III of the Deeds of the Cypriots (Aldershot: 2003) 50.

  16. Ibid. 50.

  17. Ibid. 50.

  18. Ibid. 50, although scholars dispute this account, which is uncorroborated by other sources; it is possible that Brother Leo himself was duped. See Thorau and Holt, The Lion of Egypt 170.

  19. Barber and Bate, The Templars: Selected Sources 232–4.

  20. Hillenbrand, The Crusades: Islamic Perspectives 437. See for comparison Bennett, M., ‘La Règle du Temple as a Military Manual, or How to Deliver a Cavalry Charge’ in Upton-Ward, The Rule of The Templars 175–88.

  21. The letter is in Jordan, E. (ed.), Les Registres de Clément IV (1265–1268) (Paris: 1893) 326–7. This translation is by Barber, M., The Trial of the Templars (2nd edn, Cambridge: 2006) 17.

  22. Burgtorf, The Central Convent of Hospitallers and Templars 593–4.

  23. Crawford, The ‘Templar of Tyre’ 59.

  24. This translation by Upton-Ward, J., ‘The Surrender of Gaston and the Rule of the Templars’, is in Barber, Fighting for the Faith 181.

  25. See Upton-Ward, J., The Catalan Rule of the Templars (Woodbridge: 2003) 81–7.

  26. Bird, Peters and Powell, Crusade and Christendom 361.

  27. Giles, Matthew Paris’s English History II, 389–93.

  18: ‘The City Will Fall’

  1. There is a useful map of Acre and Montmusard in Boas, Archaeology of the Military Orders 30.

  2. The Templar of Tyre had personally seen this letter and translated it from Arabic to French for William of Beaujeu. Crawford, The ‘Templar of Tyre’ 104. The ‘Two Seas’ are the Mediterranean and Red Sea; the ‘Two Pilgrim Sites’ Mecca and Medina.

  3. It is difficult to reconstruct the exact placement of the gates in Acre’s system of walls, but from the eyewitness account by the Templar of Tyre, it seems that St Anthony’s Gate was part of the inner wall that connected Acre’s old town to Montmusard, rather than being part of the double walls surrounding the whole city.

  4. Crawford, The ‘Templar of Tyre’ 111.

  5. Little, D.P., ‘The Fall of Akka in 1291: the Muslim version’ in Sharon, M. (ed.), Studies in Islamic History and Civilisation in Honour of Professor David Ayalon (Jerusalem: 1986) 175.

  6. Ibid. 176.

  7. The basic outline of James of Molay’s career is excellently summarized in Barber, M., ‘James of Molay, the last Grand Master of the Order of the Temple’ in Studia Monastica 14 (1972), 91–124, which is also collected in Barber, M., Crusaders and Heretics, Twelfth to Fourteenth Centuries (Farnham: 1995).

  8. Crawford, The ‘Templar of Tyre’ 119.

  9. According to James of Molay’s testimony at his trial in the autumn of 1307. See Lizerand, G. (ed.), Dossier de l’affaire des Templiers (Paris: 1923) 35.

  10. On the ages of Templars in the east, see Forey, A., ‘Towards a Profile of the Templars in the Early Fourteenth Century’ in Barber, Fighting for the Faith 196–204 and esp. 198.

  11. Lizerand, Dossier de l’affaire des Templiers 169–71.

  12. Burgtorf, The Central Convent of Hospitallers and Templars 665. Forey, A., ‘Letters of the Last Two Templar Masters’ in Nottingham Medieval Studies, 45 (2001), 155.

  13. Crawford, The ‘Templar of Tyre’ 179.

  14. Barber and Bate, Letters from the East 165.

  15. Langlois, E. (ed.), Registres de Nicholas IV: recueil des bulles de ce pape II (Paris: 1891), 903. See also Schein, S., Fideles Crucis: The Papacy, The West and The Recovery of the Holy Land 1274–1314 (Oxford: 1991) 74–76.

  16. Langlois, Registres de Nicholas IV 903.

  17. Luard, H.R. (ed.), Annales Monastici III (London: 1866), 366.

  18. On Limassol and Nicosia, see Burgtorf, The Central Convent of Hospitallers and Templars 133–6.

  19. Potthast, A. (ed.), Regesta Pontificum Romanorum II (Berlin: 1875), 1791. It should be pointed out that Pope Martin IV, who issued this slap on the wrist, was a Frenchman who also favoured Charles’s claim to the crown of Jerusalem over Hugh’s.

  20. Nicholson, H., Templars, Hospitallers and Teutonic Knights: Images of the Military Orders, 1128–1291 (Leicester: 1993) 126.

  21. Housley, N., Documents on the Later Crusades (Basingstoke: 1996) 36.

  22. Ibid. 37.

  23. Lizerand, Dossier de l’affaire des Templiers 4–5.

  24. Digard, G. et al (ed.), Les registres de Boniface VIII: recueil des bulles de ce pape (Paris: 1881) 169–70.

  25. Barber, ‘James of Molay, the last Grand Master’ 94–5.

  26. Schein, Fideles Crucis 135–8.

  27. Forey, The Templars in the Corona de Aragón 137.

  19: ‘At the Devil’s Prompting’

  1. Menache, S., Clement V (Cambridge: 1998) 32–3.

  2. Ibid. 18, quoting Napoleone Orsini in a letter of 1314.

  3. Ibid. 17.

  4. Ibid. 19.

  5. Crawford, The ‘Templar of Tyre’ 164

  6. On Clement’s coronation see Dollin Du Fresnel, M., Clément V (1264–1314) Le Pape gascon et les Templiers (Bordeaux: 2009) 13–14.

  7. Schein, Fideles Crucis 182, 197–8.

  8. The extant copy of the letters is to Fulk of Villaret, but there is no reason to think that the content of the letter to James of Molay differed significantly. Regestum Clementis Papae V (Rome: 1885) 190–1.

  9. Forey, A., ‘Towards a Profile of the Templars in the Early Fourteenth Century’ in Barber, Fighting for the Faith 198.

  10. Demurger, A., The Last Templar: The Tragedy of Jacques de Molay, Last Grand Master of the Temple (London: 2004) 117–18.

  11. The original letter is transcribed in Baluze, E., and Mollat, G. (eds.), Vitae Paparum Avenionensium III (Paris: Letouzey/Ané: 1921), 145–9. An English translation appears in Barber and Bate, The Templars: Selected Sources 105–9.

  12. In English translation in Housley, Documents on the Later Crusades 40–7.

  13. James of Molay’s case for resisting the union of the orders is in Lizerand, Dossier de l’affaire des Templiers 2–15 and in English translation in Barber and Bate, The Templars: Selected Sources 234–8.

  14. Brandt, W.I. (ed. and trans.), Pierre Dubois, The Recovery of the Holy Land (New York: 1956) 81.

  15. Bettenson, H., Documents of the Christian Church 159–61

  16. Woodacre, E., Queens Regnant of Navarre: Succession, Politics and Partnership, 1274–1512 (New York: 2013) 37–8.

  17. The political drive to devalue the gros was exacerbated by a severe shortage of silver with which to mint new coins. Mechoulan, S., ‘The Expulsion of the Jews from France in 1306: A Modern Fiscal Analysis’, Journal of European Economic History 33 (2006), 555–84; de la Torre, I., ‘The Monetary Fluctuations in Philip IV’s kingdom of France and Their Relevance to the Arrests of the Templars’ in Burgtorf, J., Crawford, P.F. and Nicholson, H. (eds.), The Debate on the Trial of the Templars (1307–1314) (Farnham: 2010) 57–68.

  18. On the background to Jewish expulsion in 1306 see Jordan, W.C., The French Monarchy and the Jews: From Philip Augustus to the Last Capetians (Philadelphia: 1989) 178–99.

  19. de la Torre, I., ‘The Monetary Fluctuations’ 66.

  20. Translation in Demurger, The Last Templar: The Tragedy of Jacques de Molay 163.

  21. Forey, ‘Letters of the Last Two Templar Masters’ 166–7.

  22. Ibid. 170.

  23. Upton-Ward, The Rule of The Templars 172.

  24. Ibid. 172.

  25. Ibid. 112, 148.

  26. The letter of William of Plaisians containing this allegation is in Finke, H., Papsttum und Untergang des Templerordens II (Berlin 1907), 143.

  27. Demurger, The Last Templar: The Tragedy of Jacques de Molay 171.

  28. Original text transcribed in Lizerand, Dossier de l’affaire des
Templiers 16–25; English translation in Barber and Bate, The Templars: Selected Sources 244–7.

  20: ‘Heretical Depravity’

  1. Lizerand, Dossier de L’affaire des Templiers 16–25; English translation in Barber and Bate, The Templars: Selected Sources 244–7.

  2. Lizerand, Dossier de L’affaire des Templiers 24–9; English translation in Barber and Bate, The Templars: Selected Sources 247–8.

  3. Barber, The Trial of the Templars 69.

  4. Schenk, J., ‘Aspects of Non-Noble Family Involvement in the Order of the Temple’ in Upton-Ward, J. (ed.), The Military Orders: Volume 4, On Land and by Sea (Aldershot: 2008) 157.

  5. Forey, A., ‘Towards a Profile of the Templars in the Early Fourteenth Century’ in Barber, Fighting for the Faith 197–8.

  6. According to a deposition made in 1309. Michelet, J., Procès des Templiers I (Paris: 1841), 36–9; translated in Barber and Bate, The Templars: Selected Sources 289–92.

  7. Moore, R.I., The War on Heresy: Faith and Power in Medieval Europe (London: 2012) 6.

  8. Transcribed in Michelet, Procès des Templiers II; translated in Barber and Bate, The Templars: Selected Sources 252–3.

  9. Michelet, Procès des Templiers II, 295–6; translated in Barber and Bate, The Templars: Selected Sources 251–2.

  10. Michelet, Procès des Templiers II, 361–3; translated in Barber and Bate, The Templars: Selected Sources 247–8.

  11. See Lizerand, Dossier de l’affaire des Templiers 24–9; translated in Barber and Bate, The Templars: Selected Sources 251–2.

  12. For key points in his biography see Burgtorf, The Central Convent of Hospitallers and Templars 625–8.

  13. Michelet, Procès des Templiers II, 374–5.

  14. On the ages and occupations of those interrogated in 1307–8 see Barber, The Trial of the Templars 73.

  15. Finke, Papsttum und Untergang des Templerordens II, 51; this translation Barber, The Trial of the Templars 85.

  16. English translation in Barber and Bate, The Templars: Selected Sources 249–50.

  17. The text of the bull addressed to Edward II of England is in Rymer, T., Foedera, conventiones, litterae et cujuscunque generis acta publica inter reges Angliae 1 (The Hague: 1744), pt 4, 99–100.

  18. Schottmüller, K., Der Untergang des Templer-Ordens (Berlin: 1887) 656.

  19. Lizerand, Dossier de l’affaire des Templiers 62–71 and in English in Barber and Bate, The Templars: Selected Sources 260–3.

  20. Verbatim report in a letter to the king of Aragon, Finke, Papsttum und Untergang des Templerordens II, 140–50 and translated in Barber and Bate, The Templars: Selected Sources 263–72.

  21. Barber, The Trial of the Templars, drawing on Finke Papsttum und Untergang des Templerordens II, 334–7. Barber makes the suggestion that the Hugh of Payns’ head was in fact a reliquary containing the head itself, although given the wild nature of Stephen of Troyes’ confession, reading any sense into it seems generous.

  21: ‘God Will Avenge Our Death’

  1. Barber, The Trial of the Templars 135.

  2. Records from most of the local inquiries have disappeared, but one place that preserved its records was Clermont in the Auvergne, where sixty-nine Templars were interrogated during a single week in the summer of 1309. See Sève, R. and Chagny-Sève, A.M. (eds.), Le Procès des Templiers d’Auvergne (1309–1311): edition de l’interrogatoire de juin 1309 (Paris: 1987).

  3. Krämer, T., ‘Terror, Torture and the Truth: The Testimonies of the Templars Revisited’ in Burgtorf, Crawford and Nicholson, The Debate on the Trial of the Templars 83.

  4. Michelet, Procès des Templiers I, 32–5; translated in Barber and Bate, The Templars: Selected Sources 286–9.

  5. Michelet, Procès des Templiers I, 42–5; translated in Barber and Bate, The Templars: Selected Sources 292–5.

  6. Michelet, Procès des Templiers I, 87–8; translated in Barber and Bate, The Templars: Selected Sources 296–301.

  7. Barber, The Trial of the Templars 172.

  8. Hamilton, J.S., ‘King Edward II of England and the Templars’ in Burgtorf, Crawford and Nicholson, The Debate on the Trial of the Templars 217.

  9. Ramos, L., ‘The Extinction of the Order of the Temple in the Kingdom of Valencia and Early Montesa 1307–30: A Case of Transition from Universalist to Territorialized Military Orders’ in Burgtorf, Crawford and Nicholson, The Debate on the Trial of the Templars 203–5.

  10. Barber, The Trial of the Templars 229–37; also see Forey, The Templars in the Corona de Aragón 356–64.

  11. Bellomo, E., ‘The Templar Order in North-Western Italy: A General Picture’ in Mallia-Milanes, V., The Military Orders: Vol. 3, History and Heritage (Aldershot: 2008) 105; Gilmour-Bryson A, ‘A Look Through The Keyhole: Templars in Italy from the Trial Testimony’ in ibid. 123–30.

  12. Toomaspoeg, K., ‘The Templars and their Trial in Sicily’ Burgtorf, Crawford and Nicholson, The Debate on the Trial of the Templars 281.

  13. Nicholson, H., The Knights Templar (Stroud: 2001) 130–1.

  14. On dating and the unsettled question of whether there were two trials on Cyprus see Gilmour-Bryson A, The Trial of the Templars in Cyprus: A Complete English Edition (Leiden: 1998) 24–30.

  15. Gilmour-Bryson, The Trial of the Templars in Cyprus 428.

  16. Gilmour-Bryson, The Trial of the Templars in Cyprus 407.

  17. The bull is translated into English in Barber and Bate, The Templars: Selected Sources 309–18.

  18. Barber, The New Knighthood 1.

  19. ‘adjudicati sunt muro et carceri perpetuo retrudendi’; Géraud, H. (ed.), Chronique latine de Guillaume de Nangis de 1113 à 1300 (Paris: 1843) 402.

  20. Ibid. 403.

  21. Crawford, The ‘Templar of Tyre’ 180.

  22. Géraud, H., Chronique latine de Guillaume de Nangis 403.

  23. Crawford, The ‘Templar of Tyre’ 180.

  24. ‘Seingnors, dit il, sachiez, sans tère, Que tous celz qui nous sont contrère, Por nous en aront à souffrir, En ceste foy veil-je mourir’; Buchon, J.A. (ed.), Chronique métrique de Godefroy de Paris (Paris: 1827) 220.

  25. Dante Inferno XIX, 83–7.

  26. Housley, Documents on the Later Crusades 51.

  27. The full plan is now available in translation: Lock, P. (ed. and trans.), Marino Sanudo Torsello: The Book of the Secrets of the Faithful of the Cross (Farnham: 2011).

  28. Housley, Documents on the Later Crusades 55.

  29. Ibid. 178.

  30. Ibid. 180.

  Epilogue: ‘The Holy Grail’

  1. The original is in the British Library in London, BL Royal 14 E V f.492v.

  2. Villegas, P., ‘Mexico: Police Kill a Gang Leader’ in The New York Times (2 April 2014).


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  Barber, Malcolm and Bate, Keith, trans. Letters from the East: Crusaders, Pilgrims and Settlers in the 12th–13th Centuries. Farnham: Ashgate, 2013.

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