Claimed (Vegas Nights Book 2)

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Claimed (Vegas Nights Book 2) Page 6

by Rayanna Jamison

  She was teetering on the brink of wanting to obey his every command and turn herself over to him without abandon and running from the room screaming. Not just the room, maybe the entire hotel. Maybe even Vegas.

  Her brain was running at a million miles a minute, every nerve screaming at her that this was a bad idea, but at her deepest core, she knew she didn’t care. Trust. Experience. Enjoy. That was her mantra for the evening, and she repeated it silently in her head until it wiped out every conscious thought.

  Jase was watching her closely as promised, and he must be as good at signals as he claimed to be because the second her mind relaxed, he took her by the shoulders and turned her back towards the open cabinet. “Now, what do you want to experience the most?”

  “Everything,” she breathed.

  He chuckled, and she could tell the answer pleased him. “I like your spirit, little sub. But we only have tonight. What do you want the most?”

  She couldn’t choose. It was too much. Pushing against his hold, she turned her back to the display and looked at him with pleading eyes. “You choose.”

  Intense eyes scanned her face, and then the implements behind her, before giving a nod that was firm and decisive. Okay. He stepped in front of her and opened one of the drawers withdrawing a black silk blindfold emblazoned with the Rojo logo. Jase held it up for her inspection, dangling it from his pinky.

  “If I choose, we are doing this my way. It will be the ultimate experience of trust and letting go. I will blindfold you, and restrain you, and you will not speak unless spoken to.” He grabbed her chin again, cradling it in his fingers in that way he had that captivated her attention. “I will tell you what I am doing. I will ask you questions. You still have a say in everything, but for you to have the full submissive experience, this is how it must be.”

  Three things happened all at once: her mouth went dry; her body flushed; and a whoosh of desire soaked her panties. She nodded her agreement.

  Jase stepped behind her, lifting her hair gently off her neck as he secured the blindfold. The thing was a lot thicker than it looked, and everything was instantly dark. She could hear her own heartbeat and the sound of Jase’s breathing. He took her hand, and she felt him kneel to the floor, bracing himself by holding her ankles.

  “I’m going to take off your shoes, so you don’t get hurt, and then I’m going to ask you to step out of those wet panties.”

  She wanted to ask how he knew her panties were wet, but decided against it, allowing him to remove her shoes. She started to reach under her dress and was shocked when Jase did it for her, running his calloused hands up the inside of her thighs, and then around to her hips. His fingers barely grazed her as they hooked into the lace waistband of her thong, and glided them down her legs, past her knees, and around her ankles. He lifted her legs, one at a time, and she stepped out of them. His footsteps sounded on the cold tile floor as he walked away, and she instinctively knew that he had placed them on the chair in the corner of the room. Quickly, he was beside her again, and taking her hand, he led her across the room.

  He didn’t have to tell her when they stopped in front of the spanking bench. She already knew. This man was too intuitive for his own good, and as he instructed her to kneel across the leather cushioned bench, she had the fleeting thought that tonight was going to be the culmination of all her innermost fantasies and desires. And she hadn’t even told him what they were. But he knew. She didn’t know how he knew, but he knew. Just like he had known that her panties were wet, just like he had known the exact moment she was ready to give up control.

  “I’m going to restrain you now.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She relaxed, resting her head, against the cool leather headrest, and offered no resistance as he secured her limbs one by one tightening them to the bench, until there was no give, but no serious discomfort.

  “I’m going to lift your dress. I want to see this beautiful bottom of yours in all its unmarked glory before I tell you all the things I plan on doing to it tonight.”

  She whimpered her response, pushing back the instantaneous humiliation she felt at having her bottom bared to a near stranger. When the silk was pushed up her thighs and over her hips, coming to rest in a puddle of fabric on her upper back, she waited for the feelings of panic and self-consciousness to take over. They didn’t.

  She could feel the want in Jase’s eyes as they roamed over her backside—the rumbling in his throat as the appreciative noises bubbled up from his gut. He liked what he saw, and without even seeing his face, or him saying a word, he made sure she knew it. It was singlehandedly the most empowering moment of her life. She had never felt sexier than she did right then, pantiless, fully exposed, blindfolded, and tied to a spanking bench, being ogled by her brother-in-law's best friend. What was wrong with her?

  “There’s nothing wrong with you.” His smooth voice filled the room, and she wondered if she had spoken her thoughts out loud. “I know that’s what you’re wondering right now. They all do. But submission, true submission, empowers. It doesn’t harm or humiliate like people fear. It’s about owning your sexuality, and placing your trust fully in a partner, and trusting them with every fiber of your being to do everything they can to arouse, excite, and take you to the brink of your limits. If you’re with the right person, even just for a night, submission can be a beautiful thing. So, I have only one question for you, Ruby. Do you think you’re with the right person?”

  “I do.” The words were spoken with a reverence she had never used, and she floated outside her body, as if watching the scene unfold from above. Even blindfolded, she could see everything in her mind’s eye as the scene unfolded, and a beautiful scene it was.

  “I’m going to touch you now.”

  He didn’t ask, and she didn’t answer, waiting silently for the feel of his skin against hers. When it came, the moment was electric. Every nerve ending in her body danced as his rough hand lay against the soft skin of her bottom. Her breath caught in her throat and she pushed her bottom out, craving his touch. She wanted more.

  “You like that, little sub, don’t you? But don’t get greedy now. I’ll give you everything in time.”

  Her head rolled back as she whimpered, her pussy pulsing with want. She knew he could see the glistening evidence of her arousal, but she no longer cared. “Please,” she whispered outside her own volition.

  “Don’t speak!” Smack! His answer was quickly punctuated with a hard slap across the underside of her bottom, across the exposed vee of her pussy, startling her and sending shockwaves through her nether regions. Message received. Loud and clear.

  “Your pussy is wet.” The heat radiated off his body as he leaned over her, whispering in her ear, “I’m tasting you right now.” She heard the suction as he licked her juices off his finger. “You want me to touch you, don’t you? You want my fingers inside your wet pussy?”

  “Yes! Yes, Sir!” Her whisper was almost frantic as she struggled against her restraints.

  His footsteps were heavy as he left her side, and the only answer to her question was a stinging slap to her right butt cheek.

  “First, I want to play a little game.”

  He was pacing around the lower portion of the spanking bench as he spoke, and she wondered what he had up his sleeve. A game sounded delicious, and dangerous. But she knew better than to voice her thoughts this time, and waited silently for him to continue.

  “I’m going to spank you,” he announced, speaking the words she had been waiting to hear all her life. “First with my hand and then with an implement of my choosing, and you, my sexy little sub, are going to take whatever I give without a cry or a peep. If you succeed, you will be rewarded greatly, before we begin round two.”

  Not trusting herself to speak, she nodded her agreement, holding her breath as she waited for what would follow. Trust. Experience. Enjoy.

  He had her right where he wanted her, and they both knew it. Jase couldn’t remember an evening he had enjoyed more in a
long time. Ruby wasn’t just beautiful, she was a perfect submissive, soft and wet and ready for instruction, with just enough will left that she made the occasional small mistake for which he could take great pleasure in punishing her.

  Her bottom was the milkiest of white he had ever seen and dotted with ginger colored freckles, causing him to muse that he hadn’t had the pleasure of playing with very many redheads. With each instruction of touch, or blow, her entire body flushed a soft shade of pink, exposing her arousal. It was the loveliest thing.

  His own arousal was matched with hers, his cock rock hard and bulging against the thick fabric of his slacks, threatening to bust through the fabric at any point. Eventually, they would have to come off, but that would wait until later. For now, he relished the sensation, his own version of painful torture, increasing with each punishing blow exacted on the milky white globes before him.

  The tension as she waited was palpable, and he enjoyed it thoroughly, but he would put her out of her misery soon. Lifting his hand, he brought it down across her freckled bottom with a hard smack and waited to see if she would react.

  The only sound that came from Ruby was a sharp intake of breath as the first explosion of pain settled deep into her skin, and he smiled as a red handprint raised up, across her cheek, marveling at the contrast between the palest white, and vivid pink. Oh yes, she was fun to play with.

  “Very good.” His hand met the vee of her thighs, his upside down palm pushing against the glistening arousal of her swollen lady parts. With only his middle finger, he teased her soft folds, ever so lightly rubbing with just the right amount of pressure to ease her anguish and leave her wanting more.

  She was squirming visibly when his hand left her, only to meet her again with a punishing swat cruelly designed to replace pleasure with pain. The shock got the better of her, and this time, she cried out, instantly groaning when she realized what she’d done.

  “Naughty, naughty,” Jase teased, smiling wickedly. “That means five more swats before you get your reward. And,” he added with great relish, “if you make a sound, we start over.”

  Her back heaved as she panted through the pain, bracing herself for more.

  He quickly obliged. His cock pulsed with each punishing blow, as he rained the swats across her now pinkened backside in quick succession, not giving her a chance to react. If he had to start over, he thought he might combust on the spot. All he could think about now was plunging his fingers into her soft folds, strumming her until she was writhing against the restraints that held her in place. Somehow, they both made it to five.

  He wasted no time in giving her her sweet reward. His hand cupped her mound, and she shivered in delight, arching her back as she pushed against him, begging for more. He couldn’t even blame her this time; he needed it as much as she did. His fingers entered her fully, pushing against her pelvic wall and she shuddered in relief as he began to work his magic, strumming her expertly while his thumb vibrated against her swollen clit, watching with satisfaction as she melted against the bench, utterly spent with his ministrations. With a wicked smile, he inserted another finger and began to pump with vigor. Her body stiffened and tensed. “Holy shit,” she whispered thickly, right before she came. Watching her orgasm was his favorite part. She went from soft and relaxed to tense and frantic against the restraint in under a second, flailing as she gave into her body’s natural response. She came long and hard, writhing and squealing until she collapsed against his hand with a satisfied whimper.

  Slowly, he eased his fingers out, teasing her clit one last time on the way to his mouth, where he greedily licked her juices from his fingers.

  “So sweet,” he murmured, teasing her as he sucked away the last drop.

  Ruby heaved a sigh. “Was I not supposed to do that?” she whispered, her voice fraught with worry, and a hint of anticipation, as if she expected he might punish her for it. If the flush of her skin was any indication, it was not an idea she was fully opposed to.

  “I’d have been disappointed if you didn’t.”

  “Okay, good.” The sentiment was expressed with a perfect mixture of relief and disappointment.

  “Don’t worry, little pet. There’s plenty more to come. I’m going to spank you again now. Same rules apply, and this time, when I have you writhing and moaning and bucking with desire, I’ll stop just before you come. Because from this point on, every move you make, every drop of pain or pleasure you feel, and every orgasm you have belongs to me tonight. Understand?”

  “Yes, Sir!”

  She was utterly and completely spent, more sated from one little hand job and a half dozen swats with his hand than she had ever been with Trevor. The irony of that did not escape her.

  “Are you ready for round two?” His voice cut through her thoughts, snapping her attention as she scrambled back into position.

  “I’ll take that as a yes,” he snickered.

  In all her fantasies, and she had had a lot of them, the Doms never chuckled, but Jase did it a lot, and she was surprised to discover that she liked it. His sense of humor made the situation both more and less real at the same time, only adding to the element of escapism. A Dom with a sense of humor was apparently a major turn on. Who knew?

  At the moment, though, he was all Dom. “I think it’s time to choose something from the cabinet,” he mused thoughtfully, and she heard his footsteps as he walked over to it, clucking as he opened it, and perused the offerings. “Let’s see here. Wood? Leather? Lexan? Bamboo? Should I let you pick, or should the choice be mine?”

  She didn’t answer. She knew well enough to know it wasn’t a real question, merely part of the game. Her suspicions were confirmed when he answered himself a second later.

  “Of course it should be mine. You’ve already had your reward, now haven’t you?”

  The cabinet doors creaked as he pushed them closed, and she held her breath wondering what he had chosen, desperately hoping it would be something not too harsh, but also, not too easy. He came to stand behind her once more and she exhaled, waiting to learn her fate. Trust. Experience. Enjoy.

  Whatever the implement was, it made a whirring sound behind her as it cut through the air. He was teasing her. She was enjoying it. She closed her eyes behind the blindfold and concentrated on the sound. It seemed light and supple. Flexible. The whishing she heard as he swung it around told her that wood and lexan had been eliminated from the pile. She didn’t think an experienced Dom like himself would start with a cane, and the canes were on the wall, not in the cabinet. That only left leather. But what?

  The showboating continued and she winced as it whizzed through the air, waiting for it to make contact, rolling her eyes when it didn’t. It was a good thing he couldn’t see her face, she thought with a sassy smile. Doms were rumored to not have the same appreciation for a good eye roll that she herself did.

  She had gotten distracted with her own sneaky amusement, and she hadn’t been ready. When the smallest piece of leather bit into her skin, leaving the most delicious line of fire in its wake, she yelped. Dammit. She had played right into his hand. That sneaky mo-fo.

  “Gasping already?” His voice was teasing, and deliciously ominous at the same time. “So naughty. I’ll make a deal with you. If you can tell me what implement that was, I’ll give you a pass on your little faux pas there. If you can’t, you get ten more to help you figure it out. You have five seconds. Clock’s ticking.”

  Damn. Her pussy dripped as she went through the list frantically in her mind. It wasn’t a flogger. It was too light, and the area it covered was too large, although it was much smaller than his hand had been.

  “Two seconds.”

  “A belt?” She wasn’t sure. The very tip of a belt would have covered the same area, but he was much too experienced to only use the very tip. To do so would imply he had missed his mark, and she knew instinctively that he hadn’t. It wasn’t a belt, but it was the only answer she had.

  “Oooh, close but no cigar. Let’
s give you another taste then, shall we?”

  It hit at an odd angle, up and down rather than across, and the sting was intense, but also delicious. It fell fast and hard with only so much as a flick of his wrist and she closed her eyes as it dawned on her.

  “A crop! It’s a crop!” she yelled as it made contact with her heated flesh once more. She realized too late that she hadn’t been counting.

  “Very good.” He paused, and she used the break to catch her breath. “It is a crop. But that was only eight, and I didn’t ask yet, now did I?”

  Her shoulders sagged against the bench as she whimpered, knowing full well what was coming.

  “You get five more, and then we’ll move onto something else, and you’ll get another chance.”

  She felt the air in the room shift as he moved back into position, and forced herself to relax and experience the delicious bite of the leather as it kissed her skin. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. She didn’t make a sound this time and silently applauded herself for her remarkable stoicism.

  The cabinet squeaked as it opened again, and she listened quietly, hoping for a hint. This time Jase was silent, not so much as a muttered tease. Game on.

  “I’m giving you a warning, but only because if I didn’t, it would be impossible for you to not react.” The declaration was foreboding, and as the hard, unforgiving implement cracked against her entire backside, she realized, necessary. Pain flowered and blossomed, starting in the center and spreading outward quickly. Deep gasping breaths were the only thing keeping her from crying out. She did not want to feel that one ten more times, or even twice more if she could help it.

  “What is it?”

  She had the answer ready, and it fell from her lips before he finished asking. “Wood!”

  “Very good. It was wood. But what, specifically?”

  Thankfully, the answer was an easy one. The size of the implement left no room for doubt. Hopefully, he didn’t want specifics. She didn’t think she could identify the type of wood or exact size of the paddle, but she knew it was a wooden paddle, and that was the answer she gave. Thankfully, he accepted the answer with no further questions.


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