Claimed (Vegas Nights Book 2)

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Claimed (Vegas Nights Book 2) Page 9

by Rayanna Jamison

  Drawing a deep breath, she lowered her eyes, put on her best submissive smile and walked across the room, prepared to kneel. When she reached her husband’s side, she began to lower herself to the ground with as much ease as her skin tight latex club dress would allow, but he caught her hand and pulled her close to his side.

  “Di, I’d like you to meet Master O.”

  She could feel the dominant eyes boring into her waiting for her reaction—the one she had been prepared to give was no longer an option. She faltered, but only for a split second. Nodding demurely in Pax’s direction, she lowered her eyes, while still managing to cast a demure smile at the so called gentle giant. She waited for him to glower, offended that she had not knelt, as some Doms would be, but instead he extended his enormous hand in front of him. Surprised, she placed her own in his, and watched her small white hand completely disappear inside his large dark one.

  “Pax was just telling me that you’re behind a lot of the new ideas being implemented here at Rojo.”

  Diamond looked at her husband in surprise. “Pax is being extremely generous. Rojo is his baby. I’m just here to support him.”

  The large man smiled, bringing her hand to his lips and gracing it with a soft kiss before dropping his hold. “Either way. What you have done with the place is truly impressive. I love everything I have seen and heard and hope to make it out this way more often.”

  “Master O is hoping to transfer to the west side of the U.S. within the next few years,” Pax informed her.

  The large man’s booming laugh filled the room, startling quite a few people around them herself included. His voice had been deep but low. His laugh was a different story.

  “Pax is trying to convince me that I should move west—that the scene out here is more progressive.”

  “Oh.” Diamond wasn’t sure what to say to that. “What do you do for a living?”

  “I’m a cop,” he informed her, pulling out his wallet and discreetly flashing his badge like she wouldn’t believe him otherwise. It seemed funny to her, but she supposed it was more habit than anything else.

  “Of course you are,” she murmured, mostly to herself, causing Pax to raise an eyebrow in her direction. Chastised, she quickly corrected.

  “Vegas can always use more good cops.”

  The laughter bubbled again, and this time she was prepared for it, fighting the urge to cover her ears to protect herself from the noise.

  “I’m thinking about it. I wasn’t before, but Pax here is very convincing.”

  “Yes. Yes, he can be,” she agreed smiling up at her husband.

  “I go after the things that I want. Nothing wrong with that. It got me you, didn’t it?”

  “I’m pretty sure I was the one chasing you,” she teased, nonplussed when his hand connected with her backside in response. She gave a small yelp and a little jump, and then continued.

  “Have you seen Jase and Roo?”

  “Up in the VIP area last I heard. Did you talk to your sister about your little plan?” he asked sharply, leveling her with a look that let her know he already knew the answer.

  “Did you talk to Jase?” A question answered with a question. It was a risky move, but Diamond liked a little risk in her life these days.

  “I did. Twice.” He paused, and frowned at her, raising both eyebrows this time in a look she considered to be his signature. “I noticed you did not answer my question.”

  “How very observant of you,” she cooed, coyly, flexing her bottom for the smack she knew was coming. His hand landed across the taut latex of her dress with a hard thud, and Master O smiled knowingly. Pax glowered.

  “Excuse me, Omar. My wife and I need to have a little discussion. I’ll see you later?”

  Omar nodded, quickly turning his attention away from them to afford them privacy, a move that turned out to not be necessary, as Pax guided her to a far corner of the room, away from watchful eyes and unlocked one of the small playrooms near the stage.

  Her pussy tingled and clenched, realizing she may have taken things just a bit too far in front of Master O. Pax treated her as an equal even though she was his sub, and while she appreciated it, it didn’t do her any favors when it was time to be more submissive than equal, and she often got in trouble for small displays of disrespect and defiance in front of other lifestylers. It was her job to make him look good to other Doms, and to set an example for other subs. It was a hard job.

  The door opened, and she gasped aloud. This playroom did not look like the others. It was more of an office than a playroom with a large desk set up like a stage in the center of the room, instead of the handmade spanking bench that graced the other playrooms. Suspension ropes hung in one corner, and a smaller version of the implement chests stood in one corner.

  “Bend over the desk.” His voice was low, demanding obedience, and her panties were instantly drenched. Arousal upstaged her nerves, and she rushed to obey, only then noticing that the height of the desk was an exact match for her waist.

  “Sir?” she questioned, after she had obeyed.

  “Hush, sub.” He smacked her bottom hard, and she cried out from the shock. She hadn’t been expecting that one.

  She waited for more, but nothing came and she wasn’t sure if she should be relieved or worried when she heard the echo of his footsteps as he moved stealthily across the room to where the implement chest was.

  He must have known exactly what he wanted because he was back quickly. Diamond wanted to look over her shoulder and see what he was holding, but she knew doing so would only make whatever lesson he had planned go worse for her. This was a lesson she had learned many times. It was about trust and giving up control—two things she still struggled with despite the fact that Pax had proven to her time and time again that he deserved her trust and was always in control.

  His hands were free, apparently anyway, as he grasped her hips tightly. “This dress is coming up, and your panties are coming off. I want to see your bottom quiver while I impart my lesson.”

  Whoosh. With just those two sentences he had rendered her panties completely worthless. She would not be putting them back on tonight. Which was fine, because he usually preferred that she didn’t wear any. She had put them on, not as an act of rebellion, but as a layer of protection, however symbolic. Her nerves were fried, and a night spent among the biggest Doms in the country had been more than a little intimidating.

  He slowly lifted her dress, pushing the taut fabric to rest at the small of her back, and he didn’t bother asking her to step out of the panties. She heard only the indistinct clip of his pocket knife and then they fell to the ground. Well, that answered that.

  “You are the first lady of Rojo, and sometimes your duties are more hostess than sub. I get that. But there is a fine line, and it appears that you might need a little help remembering exactly where that line is tonight.”

  His hand rested possessively on her left bottom cheek and she shivered. “Yes, Sir.”

  “That’s what I like to hear,” he murmured. “How about from this point on, a little less sass, and a lot more yes, Sir?” His hand shifted slightly, and one finger traced the rim of her tight hole.

  She moaned in agony, wondering what that meant for her poor bottom. She had a love hate relationship with anal punishments, because they were painful and slightly humiliating but they touched her submissive bone like nothing else did, which made them Pax’s favorite.

  Just as she had anticipated, his finger probed past the barrier of her bud, and entered her, claiming her as he spoke. “You need to remember your place tonight, both as my wife, and as my sub. And since you appear to be having trouble with that, we’re going to make it a little bit easier for you. I think a nice thick plug will do the trick, and make my sassy sub more aware of her place.”

  A plug, no matter how discreet, would be sorely evident with her tight dress, a fact that had Diamond squirming against the desk. The only comfort was found in the fact that she would not be the onl
y sub in the place who was obviously wearing a plug. Not by a longshot. And she could not deny the fact that walking around the club with a plug in her ass would make her painfully aware of her place as a sub.

  Pax’s finger pumped inside her, readying her. She writhed against the cool wood of the desk, half enjoying the pain of his ministrations and half wanting the lesson to be over already so she could find her sister and get on with her night. But expressing such thoughts would not show wisdom.

  Luckily, Pax had reasons to move things along as well, and he was not in the mood to draw things out either. He walked around to the desk, and one by one, plopped down three items in front of her line of vision. A jar of lube. A medium sized metal plug, and lastly, a small rattan cane.

  Diamond was equal parts horrified and aroused. She had to admit, Pax knew just the right formula for making his point. Whether he wanted to make it a long lesson or a short one, he nailed it every single time. Her stomach rolled, and her cheeks clenched even as he slowly pulled them apart.

  “Look at this naughty little hole.” He said nothing else, picking up first the lube, and then the plug, standing just within her line of sight as he liberally applied lube to the cold metal. Then he was behind her again, pushing her cheeks apart, and pushing the cold tip of the metal plug against her private hole. She gasped at the first jolt of pain as it penetrated her, breathing deeply as he pushed it in quickly, and gave it a twist for good measure before checking that it was properly in place and tapping the base that nestled between her cheeks.

  “That should do the trick. Just one more thing.” He crossed in front of her again, and caught her eye as he picked the cane up off the desk, swinging it so that it sliced the air in front of her. Even though she trusted him immensely she couldn’t help but gulp at the sound it made as it cut through the air and she imagined it cutting into her flesh. Pax was a master with a cane. He would cause a significant amount of pain with very little damage. But the lesson would be learned. Oh boy, would it.

  “Six,” he announced.

  There was nothing to say, so she simply lifted her head off the desk slightly and nodded her consent.

  He didn’t waste time; they had a party to get back to after all.

  The swish of the cane as it cut air always made her wince, but the sound was nothing compared to the line of searing pain it left across her backside. Shocked tears welled in the corner of her eyes and she sucked in a breath, determined not to let them fall and ruin her makeup. Not tonight.

  “I told you to talk to Ruby about your plan, and you chose not to. You disobeyed me.”

  Closing her eyes, she inwardly winced at his word choice. When a Dom felt they had been disobeyed, it was never a good thing for a sub. Six with the cane meant he was going easy on her. Her brain knew that, but when the second stroke of the cane landed just below the first, her backside begged to differ.

  Diamond bit her tongue, and whimpered. He was not holding back tonight. The third and fourth fell in quick succession just below the others. She knew from experience that her backside would be one perfectly red rectangle of raised red lines. No white space would show between them, but they would not overlap. He was just that good.

  Pax paused for a moment, and ran his hand over the lines, admiring his work. “Two more, princess.”

  “Yes, Sir.” The correct response was automatic as it fell from her lips, but it was not the one currently running through her mind. That one, she knew better than to speak out loud, unless she wanted this session to be continued later once they returned to their suite.

  Pax was placated by her pat response, and stepped back, raising the cane once more. A flick of his wrist ignited a fifth line of fire rising across her lower cheeks. The resolve left her and she drew in a shaky breath holding back a sob.

  “Trying not to ruin your mascara, princess?”

  “Maybe.” She choked on a laugh. Maybe was the only answer she had that wouldn’t get her in more trouble.

  “Good girl. Last one.”

  Diamond braced herself knowing that the last was often the worst. Her back tensed and her shoulders stiffened as she waited for the final stripe. The bamboo made no sound as he lightly tapped it across the middle of her flaming bottom, and then set it back on the desk.

  She didn’t get up, instead waiting for his instruction, as he walked to stand behind her once more. The pop of a lid sounded behind her and she smiled. Thank god for arnica. Pax was methodical in his application, using three fingers instead of his whole hand and carefully rubbing the cool liquid across each raised stripe, one at a time.

  “Be a good little sub tonight. And talk to your sister.” It was his last edict as he lowered her dress slowly over her striped ass, leaving the plug in place as he had promised.

  Finally, he took her hands, and helped her stand, pulling her into his possessive embrace. “You going to remember whose sub you are now?”


  Chapter 8

  She stared across the table at him in silence, desperate for conversation of any kind to ease the sexual tension that had been like a thick fog cloud between them since his earlier declaration. What was she even supposed to say after that? How was she supposed to have any sort of normal conversation when the thoughts running through her head were all centered around spanking and the things she hoped would happen afterward.

  It wasn’t actually possible to get her ass to match her hair, because her hair was definitely more orange than red. And what did he mean, at least once? And if he planned on spanking her, why wasn’t he taking her to a playroom instead of idly tossing back shots while occasionally pausing to stare at the empty stage. What was that about?

  “When you least expect it.” His words cut through her introspective reverie, startling her, and she looked up to find him staring her down with that cocky smirk and sexy bedroom eyes.

  “Excuse me?” She blinked, not even sure she had heard him right, or at all.

  “You’re wondering when I’m going to spank you, and the answer is when you least expect it.”

  How did he do that? “Well, I’m not going to sit in silence waiting around all night,” she countered with her dander up. “It is my birthday you know, and I’m here to celebrate, not sit around waiting for you to make a move. You’re not the only Dom in the place you know.”

  “Don’t worry, Red,” he murmured, leaning across the table to stroke her cheek with his thumb, while his right hand poured another shot and pushed it towards her. “I won’t make you wait much longer. You know what they do to birthday girls in a joint like this, don’t you?”

  His words stopped her righteous indignation in its tracks. Her throat went dry as a dessert, and the blood drained from her face. “I… I… No.”

  “Well, Red, it looks like you’re about to find out.” He dropped his hand, winked at her, and turned his chair towards the stage, smiling wickedly. Ruby followed his gaze, her stomach rolling when she saw Diamond walk across the stage carrying a microphone and a chair.

  Oh. My. Hell.

  Diamond smiled widely as she strutted her stuff, and when she tapped the microphone, the club fell silent, all eyes on her. “Welcome to Rojo! For those of you who are new, we are so happy to have you here for our Grand Opening weekend of our new and improved BDSM resort. The club is just the tip of the iceberg so please enjoy your stay, and take the time to check out the shops, restaurants, and other themed amenities. And if you’re here to play, remember you can rent our equipment in your room, and purchase your own at the shop upstairs. Don’t forget to check out one of the club’s many private playrooms. I just had a glimpse at one myself, and I have to say, they are a Dominant’s dream. A sub’s? Maybe not so much. Depends on the sub I guess.”

  The crowd tittered, and Ruby found herself able to breathe again. An introduction and a shout out to the amenities wasn’t so bad. But then Diamond continued. “For those of you who aren’t new here, you might know that Rojo has long since been a place of tradition. One
of our most beloved traditions was Vanilla night where naughty hostesses and show girls were punished with onstage spankings.”

  The crowd hooted and hollered, and Ruby sat on the edge of her seat. It seemed an odd practice to most, but to her, it was a romantic tale. After all, Pax had spanked Diamond onstage on Vanilla night, and the rest, as they say, was history. Was the crowd going to get a repeat? Would they be giving a Vanilla night demonstration, and making an example of some unsuspecting naughty hostess?

  “This is a new Rojo, and to celebrate the new and improved Rojo, we’ve decided to begin with a new tradition. Tonight, many of you know, is actually our anniversary here. This is the night seven years ago that Rojo first opened its doors as a BDSM club. It’s birthday, if you will. Most of you know that already if you’ve been paying attention. What you don’t know is that is also my sister Ruby’s birthday and she just happens to be here tonight. Roo, come up here please?”

  From the moment Diamond said her name, Ruby had been riddled with conflicting emotions. Shock and terror had her frozen in place. But excitement and arousal followed immediately after, flooding her panties. Diamond was beckoning from the stage, and Jase was staring at her expectantly. Her knees shook as she stood. Jase stood too, and handed her the shot she had neglected. Apparently, he thought she would need it. Tipping her head back, she tipped it into her mouth, shuddering as the potent liquid tingled her taste buds and warmed her from the inside out. Wordlessly, Jase took the empty glass, and set it back on the table, before wrapping an arm around her waist and guiding her down the stairs and towards the stage. His presence was equal parts reassuring and alarming. Was this what he had meant when he’d said “when you least expect it”? He was right. She certainly had not expected this.


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