Painful Prize

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Painful Prize Page 10

by Stephen Rawlings

  Laura went next, repeating Renee's success, using much the same tactics, resisting the initial attack by her opponent, then counter-attacking fiercely until the girl caved in and let herself be dragged forward by her racked and anguished nipples.

  Fred announced the score; two bouts to the Tridents, one to the Bulls, 8 points against 4.

  "Well that's a pretty good start," Renee observed. "Let's hope the other events go as well."

  Laura had been facing the other way, looking over Renee's shoulder while she was speaking. Now her face screwed up in disgust.

  "I don't know about that," she said, without enthusiasm. "Look what they've brought on."

  Her teammates turned to see two of the men wheeling on a metal rack of the type used in the rag trade to transport clothes or display them in a store. This one, however, didn't come with a row of fashion garments on hangers, but, instead, it carried half-a-dozen bulging red rubber enema bags, their menacing tubes clamped off and, dangling down below, black plastic nozzles, as big as a man's prick, with just a drop or two of pearly liquid on their tips to prove that the contents were thick and potent. Beyond them they saw the Bull's team grinning in triumph.

  Laura groaned.

  "The rotten bitches," she moaned. "God how I hate enemas. It's just gross, and in front of everybody too. Oh yuck!"

  Nobody else was looking very pleased on the Trident team, but the Bull bitches were smirking smugly, as if hugging some secret to themselves.

  Fred explained the rules. They all started square, getting their unwelcome bellyfuls together, then they had to stand in a ring marked on the floor. On the very front of the stage a row of buckets had been placed and, as each girl left the ring to get to a bucket and void her aching gut, she had to do so in full view of the mocking audience. The winner was the last in the ring, with others placed in the order in which they left it.

  It was humiliating right from the start as a pot of Vaseline was passed round and each girl had to lubricate her own anus to accept the man-sized nozzles. Jenny would have tried to do without but the others persuaded her it might be a bad idea to risk tearing her rectal lining. Those black penises would try any girl's back passage, even with the lubricant. Dry, it was a risk not worth taking. They were going to be humiliated enough in the near future, nothing was more certain, so she might as well avoid adding injury to insult. Blushing with shame she crouched and thumbed a generous portion of the pale greasy jelly into her apprehensive orifice, conscious that she was being watched by scores of mocking eyes.

  They were made to line up on all fours, three each side of the rack of dripping enemas, their bare buttocks, with their lubricated anal openings, turned towards the rack. Willing volunteers from the audience came up and worked the nozzles deep between their buttocks until they almost disappeared; responding to Fred's injunction to, "Put them right up. We don't want them to miss any."

  As far as she was concerned the more she missed the better. The girl from the audience who claimed the right to insert her nozzle did not believe in half measures. She stood over her back, a nyloned calf either side of her bare waist, trapping her body securely, and probed with a sharp nailed forefinger for the shrinking anus. Her mark located, she placed the blunt nose of the nozzle against the sunken dimple and without the slightest introduction or preliminaries, thrust it forcefully home right up to the base where the rubber tubing joined it. She bucked at the impalement, letting out a small shocked cry.

  "Save your breath," her remorseless impaler advised. "You're going to need all you've got once they open the clips and let the enema fill your belly. I hear it's a mixture of glycerine and castor oil, and it's been warmed too. Your guts are going to turn themselves inside out once they've swallowed that dose. Those bags take a litre and a half if they're well-filled and these are positively bulging."

  It was bad enough waiting with a fearsomely dimensioned dildo stretching her anus and filling her rectum. In some sense her crouched position protected her from public gaze, but its implications and her butt-up posture were humiliating in the extreme; and she had hardly started yet! Fred called to the assistants and, as one, the clips on the feed pipes were loosed and the noxious mixture began to flow under the pressure of the elevated bags. She could feel it squirting into her belly

  Hot castor oil, with glycerine topping! It was a powerful brew and her belly reacted at once. Even while she was still crouching the first spasms began to hit. Her guts cramped and her anus ached to expel the lethal cocktail but there was no chance of that. The butt plug was large and inflexible and it had been inserted so far that her sphincter had closed over it and was holding it immobile. After several minutes had passed Fred went along the line checking the bags to see if they had been fully emptied. He found a couple where there seemed to have been sufficient resistance from the connected colon that there was some residue, and these he had the minder press by hand until the last drop had been forced into the reluctant bowel beneath. Finally, satisfied that all had swallowed their dose he ordered the nozzles extracted.

  "And keep those bums closed tight," he warned. "Any leaks and you're out."

  She found it almost as hard to bear as the abrupt insertion, as the girl in charge of her whipped it from her cringing bottom hole as ruthlessly as she had thrust it in; worse perhaps; as she feared she might lose control as it parted and discharge onto the stage, losing the contest before it had fairly begun and disgracing herself in public into the bargain. She whimpered in her panic as the cramps in her belly increased past bearing. Now they were ordered to their feet, the Trident girls huddling together for comfort with no agreed plan of action to carry them through the contest.

  It was obvious that the girls from the Bull were infinitely better prepared; indeed they had probably been in training for just this event. For a start they looked far less affected by the noxious brew, whose strength and effectiveness had taken the Trident girls completely by surprise. And while the latter were still trying to come to terms with their cramps and spasms, the difficulty of keeping their protesting sphincters closed, hopping from foot to foot, bent half double with their arms across their heaving stomachs, the girls from the Bull converged on them, picking them off one by one, digging a sharp elbow in a straining belly here, thrusting a bone hard knee between shaking thighs from behind there, generally buffeting and hustling the competition.

  Jenny found herself swept willy-nilly from the circle and the MC declared her 'out'. She made the best of a bad job waddling, spasming and leaking, to the front of the stage. Some sadistic genius had arranged the buckets on the very edge, so that a girl had to turn her back and display her spouting butt as she squatted over her bucket; all thoughts of modesty and restraint abandoned in her urgent need. Flatulent blurts and watery eruptions accompanied her noisy evacuations as waves of embarrassment and humiliation swept over her in her public degradation. Renee crouched over the bucket beside her and it would have been a complete whitewash, with the Bulls registering maximum points, if one of them had not tackled Laura with more enthusiasm than sense and, misjudging her aim, bounced off the blonde's ample buttocks to spin out of the circle herself, seconds before Laura crossed the line. The Tridents crouched in misery on their line of brimming buckets as Fred declared the Bulls the winners by 14 points to 7.

  She was trying to wipe her soiled bottom, and get her belly to stop cramping, when the announcement was made.

  "How do they work that out?" she asked Renee, who was conducting a similar hygiene exercise alongside.

  "You add up the placings, and that's the other side's score," Renee explained, "We were 3, 5 and 6. Thank God Laura managed to hang in there or it would have been 15 - 6, and we'd have been really up the creek."

  As it was, the score stood at 18 - 15 to the Bull Bitches, and they would have to work hard to overcome the deficit.

  There was a short interval while the residue of the enema
contest was cleared away, then they were called out for round three. This time the equipment was pretty basic; just a large bucket, a broomstick and... those damned clips again!

  She groaned at the sight of them and was not cheered when Fred explained the nature of the contest. They were back to individual trials of strength again, a girl at each end of the stick, the bucket secured by its handle in a groove exactly half way along. At each end a pair of the deadly toggle clips was fastened to either end of a short cord going through a metal eye screwed into the end of the rod. With a clip on each labia, the girls could lift the bucket off the floor by straightening their legs, the weight of the bucket, and its contents, being shared equally between them.

  The contents were the killer. The weight of the bucket, she found, only evoked a bearable pain in her fleshy lips, despite the high initial tension of the built in springs, but with each round a smaller container of water was emptied into the big bucket, and the weight soon became considerable.

  After each lift, they were allowed to crouch; their wrists cuffed behind them, and let the bucket rest on the floor, while another couple of litres was poured in. Then, on command, each had to straighten her legs, and lift the bucket clear, taking its weight on her sore stretched labia, which soon began to look like flaps of raw meat as they reddened and swelled around the fearsome bite of the serrated jaws.

  She was suffering badly after the fourth fill, and could feel the sweat running down her back from the effort and the pain, but she felt she could cope. This was just pain, and a woman should be able to take that, especially in her genitals. She was made for that by nature, and she would live up to it. Besides, she had not contributed much to the team effort so far, and she had to make amends if it killed her. As the command to take the load came again, she bit her lip, and straightened her knees, feeling the agony in her stressed vulva, the whole genital area now inflamed and protesting violently at the abuse to which it was being subjected. She risked a glance up at her opponent and was gratified to see that she too was covered in a film of sweat and that her face was screwed up in a mask of pain to match her own. The bitch was vulnerable after all. Next round she would get her.

  Fred let them relax after the mandatory ten second hold, then called to a helper to add another measure. By now there were eight quarts, twenty pounds of water in the bucket, and each pair of wrenched labia would have to lift ten pounds weight. It wasn't just the direct weight either. That weight got translated into pressure from those devilish serrated jaws, steel teeth that threatened to bit right through the tender flaps that enclosed her female parts. Whining through her nose, her lower lip caught between her even white teeth she forced her legs to straighten, ignoring the pain it created in her suffering cunt, driving herself remorselessly upwards, taking her end of the pole and her share of the weight with her. She could feel her opponent respond as the pole levelled but before Fred had counted three it began to dip again. She opened her eyes and looked up from the view of her own stressed fork to see the other girl slowly sinking as her knees buckled under her. She held on until the other's knees touched the ground, then folded gratefully herself, oblivious to the fresh anguish that always accompanied the relaxation of the horrible jaws, and the restoration of circulation in flesh that had had the blood crushed out of it. Her sex may have been ruined but her honour was restored, she felt.

  She had moved to take the first bout, and Laura followed. At first she seemed to be doing well. Her opponent, another blonde, seemed to be extra sensitive about the genitals, and flinched from the clips from the beginning, even making a false start on one occasion, spilling a little water from the bucket as she more or less staggered to her feet, rather than lift her end of the pole smoothly. Two lifts later and she seemed to be in some distress, whimpering and writhing as she tried to maintain her load for the necessary ten seconds, but then disaster struck. As she straightened her legs for what must surely have been the final lift, for the blonde was surely in too much pain to go on now, Laura must have moved her feet slightly, to get a better stance for the increased weight, and slipped on the spilt water. One leg flew sideways, and she came down heavily on her cunt, the wooden pole she had been lifting between her legs now catching her in the genitals. She screamed in fright and pain and fell on her back and was ruled out.

  That left Renee to try and salvage something from the wreck. She was up against the anchor of the Bull's team, a big brown girl, whose beautiful features suggested she or her family had come from some East African country on the Nile, though the paleness of her colouring also suggested that a more recent ancestor was European. Whatever her origins, she was a formidable opponent, big, strong and brave, and had already scored well for her side. Renee went up against her with a determined look.

  It was ding-dong all the way. Neither gave an inch, each lifting cleanly each time the bucket was added to, each suppressing her suffering to grunts and hisses, though they could not disguise the sweat of agony that streaked their naked bodies, or the hapless state of their genitals where the labia stretched like rubber and the teeth bit deep. The bucket was nearly full now and Fred looked at it doubtfully, trying to assess if there was any risk of damage to these battling beauties.

  "Fill it up," he ordered. "Right to the brim. Let's finish this thing."

  The helpers poured in water carefully, until it lapped the rim of the bucket, and the MC gave the word. Slowly, painfully, both girls responded, forcing their knees down to lift the hideous burden from the floor. Inch by painful inch it rose to grunts and whimpers from the two contestants. Their bellies strained and twitched as they held their positions. Snot ran from their nostrils as they snorted down their noses, shaking their heads as if to try and clear them. Fred counted steadily on.

  "...five...six," surely something, or someone would have to give, but no, the two straining figures held their agonised ground, "...nine...TEN! I declare a draw," Fred concluded, and both whimpering girls collapsed to the floor, the bucket falling with a crash, water flooding the stage.

  Four points each, and the Tridents still trailing 19 - 22 at the halfway mark. Time was running out to make a comeback.

  The next event was another Bull choice, and Laura groaned as the rules were explained.

  "What's with those Bull men?" she complained. "They're so anal!"

  "More like plain sadistic," Renee suggested. "This is going to hurt."

  She was right of course. The equipment was simplicity itself, another broom handle but with its ends capped with smooth plastic balls, nearly two inches across. The Vaseline pot was passed round again, to provide lubrication and a minimum of protection to delicate anuses already tender from the enema exercise, and the girls paired off again, on hands and knees, butt to swelling butt. A helper thrust one ball end up against a shrinking fundament and worked it in, to the accompaniment of assorted groans and grunts from the unwilling recipient. The girl gave a shocked gasp as it finally forced her straining sphincter and sank suddenly deep into her reluctant rectum.

  With one end lodged deep in a protesting gut, the helper turned her attention to the other end and coaxed the opposition into crawling back and pressing her wrinkled dimple tight against the second ball end. With all possible slack taken up, the helper was able to thrust this end home as deeply as the first, leaving both girls panting and gasping like fish out of water, joined together by the arse, with a yard of pole separating them.

  They had been positioned in the same circle where they had stood to try and hold their enemas, each facing outwards, pressing back against the padded pole in her guts. Fred called, "Shove," and they thrust as one, trying to push the other out of the ring. The effect took Laura, who had opened for the Tridents, by surprise and she screamed at the sudden pain in her belly, so much more sharp and rending than she had expected. She gave ground, but managed to stay in the ring by moving sideways and the conjoined pair began to rotate like some maniac's toy, spinnin
g slowly round. It couldn't last and, as her opponent gave a series of short sharp jerks of her hips, Laura screamed again, and threw herself forward onto her belly, relieving the pressure in her entrails, but hitting the ground outside the ring with her dangling bare breasts.

  Laura out, and now it was Jenny's turn. She'd drawn the brown girl, who took the pole end first and she was startled to see that the anus she offered to the intruding ball was as strangely rimmed as her two friends. Actually, come to think of it, the previous girl had displayed the same raised rubbery ring around what in other women was a depressed dimple. Before she could think more about what it might imply Fred was ordering her to take her position behind the bent brown buttocks and ease herself back onto the pole.

  It felt enormous. Surely it couldn't penetrate her delicately furled orifice without splitting her? Henry had buggered her often enough, indeed he didn't seem able to have enough of her warm humid rectal tube but, magnificent as his erection was in full lust for her lascivious loins, its girth could not compare with this unyielding plastic butt plugger. She bit her lip and tried to hold steady as the helper shoved it none too gently into the reluctant ring of anal retaining muscle. Just as she thought it must tear, and her mouth was opening to let out a scream to protest the agony it was arousing by its anal rape, it forced the pass and sank suddenly deep into her guts. She jerked forward to relieve the pain of it hitting the wall of her bowel, first indication of the anguish she would be subjected to when the brown beauty really began to thrust.


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