Abandon (Halfblood Club Book 3)

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Abandon (Halfblood Club Book 3) Page 5

by Viola Grace

  By the sixth, she had begun to breathe heavily. Her body feeling a sharp spike of lust that quickly faded. The next few were fairly bland and merely gave her the feeling of well-being imparted by the first.

  At number eleven she rose from the chair and started to walk to the husky masculine tones, only stopping when she stubbed her toe and he stopped the spell. She sighed in disappointment.

  The next one did not stir her, but the final reader tugged at things so deeply buried that she was shaking when he stopped. A voice spoke, “You may remove the blindfold now.”

  Matthias was in the open doorway, a dragon that she didn’t know was facing her with a smug smile on his perfect face. Everything about his body proclaimed him to be a dark angel, from his black hair, silver eyes, and high cheekbones, to the width of his shoulders and the curve of his lips.

  “Khiron, this is my daughter, Graylin. In case you were wondering.” A satisfied smirk twisted his lips.

  “Pleased to meet you, Lady. I look forward to the final challenge. A woman as fine as you does not appear every day.” He bowed low and she had a hard time looking away from the breadth of his shoulders as he rose.

  She had no comment to make, which scared the snot out of her. Khiron. Lord, he was pretty.

  “What is the final challenge, Matthias?” Her voice was steady and she simply spoke as if the dark god wasn’t standing a few feet away from her.

  “That is for them to find out.” A ball of light appeared in his hand and he lofted it gently to her. As it burst she fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.

  * * * *

  “This is the most surreal thing I have ever seen.” She stood and found herself in a flowing Grecian style gown. The odd thing was the two doppelgangers that were facing her as they rose from their own beds.

  Each move that she made was echoed by the others and in a few minutes she was totally freaked out.

  Arabel once again came to her rescue. She opened the door and took one look at the replicated daughters and laughed. “Don’t worry, Hon. It is just a simple diversion spell. The males have to pick you out of your two clones, so share a group hug to get your scent on them and then just wait.”

  “You will all be held under a paralysis spell until the men have cast their votes. That will keep you from making any signals to your choices.”

  “Fine. When does it start?”

  “In half an hour. Enough time for you all to have some snacks. It has to have been a trying day for you, Sweetie.” The snacks in question were transported in on a cushion of air, no human or physical hands touched them.

  There was baklava, chocolate, strawberries and all her favourite sweeties. It was too much to pass up. Her clones stood next to her at the table and she rubbed up against them to spread her scent. They sat together and lounged while eating the snacks. She encouraged them to touch her, then themselves and in a few moments, there was an all Graylin orgy going on. She watched her selves writhe in passion while masturbating and was amazed. If that was what she looked like, she didn’t know if she wanted an audience the next time.

  Still it was impressive. Her skin flushed, her breasts heaved with her breathing and she shook and squealed with her climax. Extremely undignified, but enthusiastic, she had to give it that.

  Now they were ready for the guys. Let them try and tell them apart.

  On cue, her father came in, winced at the scent of arousal in the air, and cast the paralysis spell.

  She was cursing the pose she was in, one thigh exposed, one covered and her hands holding the folds of her gown. Either to push it up or down, it looked like either. And she had neglected to cover one breast. That would be distracting to anyone, let alone a man after her to mate.

  The clones were in her field of vision, and in much the same state. Their clothing askew and their skin rosy with their exertions.

  * * * *

  The dragons came in one at a time. Each male had two minutes to examine them to try to discover the real her.

  There were only two that figured it out, Rikard and Khiron. What a shock. While releasing the spell, she grappled with what would happen next. She had no idea.

  The two clones evaporated into smoke and tiny pixies flew free of the wrapping of magic. And as soon as she was free, she fixed her clothing and stood with a blush on her cheeks, chest and arms.

  Matthias looked her over and sighed. “I had wished for a clear winner, but I suppose that if they wish to, they can have a battle for the honour of your hand.”

  “If they wish to?”

  “Well, if they choose not to, they default their claim to you. That leaves you with whomever is left.”

  She looked from Khiron to Rikard. “What is your decision? Will you fight, or will you give up?”

  “For you lady, I will fight the devil himself.” Khiron swept forward to place a kiss on her hand, then moved it to her forehead, and finally a kiss on her lips that curled her toes.

  He was wrenched away from his gentle exploration by a scowling Rikard. He looked like a pale devil. But his face was the more beloved as she moved to him to kiss him while he glared at his opponent.

  “Rikard. I am not going to kiss your ear. Get those lips over here.” It was hard to have a deep kiss while grinning, but she managed to smooth her features as the warmth of his presence flowed through her. That was something that had been missing from Khiron’s kiss. The feeling of belonging, of being home.

  Sure, there had been passion, but that would fade. Or perhaps not, but it still lacked the comfort of Rikard’s embrace.

  So, now the two men she wanted would battle for her hand. And the rest of her. This day had taken a freaky turn.

  Chapter Nine

  There was a crowd gathering outside the Dragon council hall. It seemed that the news of a challenge was one of the greatest draws in Realm.

  She stood between her parents on the walk on the wall and looked down at the field where they would fight.

  Swords were standard, armour unnecessary. They faced off, waiting only for the signal to begin. All forms were available for the battle, but shifting lost points in the judgement and in the eyes of the watchers.

  It was the weaker opponent who would shift first. Or the one with a strategy. One never knew in these things.

  “This will not be a battle to the death! But rather to exhaustion! Take your places, and begin!” Matthias dropped a white handkerchief to the ground, and the instant that it hit, the warriors collided.

  With endurance in mind, they circled slowly, each looking for a weakness in the other, an occasional feint made the onlookers gasp, but it was only when they both engaged in hacking and slashing that the cheering and betting started.

  She sighed and looked around. It was bizarre, but ninety-eight percent of the crowd was male. It seemed that they enjoyed watching other guys bashing each other around.

  Each time that the dragons connected a roar came from the crowd. They were so equally matched that it seemed that hours would pass before a winner was declared. Graylin turned to Matthias and was about to ask if she had to watch the whole battle when a talon scooped her up and she was suddenly airborne.

  “What the hell?” She looked up and only saw a metallic blue underbelly, no clue as to whom it belonged to from her recent suitors. This was ridiculous. “Who are you and what do you think you are doing?”

  “I am Icarin, and I am claiming you as my mate.” He banked suddenly and it was then that George realized that they were being followed. A blast of fire struck Icarin’s neck, near his head and he shook it off and continued flying.

  She craned her neck around and saw a furious Rikard leading a pack of dragons, the one nearest to his size must have been Khiron.

  A second blast from Rikard and the kidnapper dropped her. She gasped in surprise, but before she could shift her own form her lover had her carefully in his grasp. The remaining flight of dragons was knocking her abductor about.

  “Are you alright? He didn’t injure you did he
?” Rikard was flying as if she was made of porcelain. He returned to the council hall and set her delicately on the parapet before shifting his form back to human.

  “No. I am fine. He just surprised me is all.”

  Matthias was approaching rapidly. He looked furious and as the dragons returned with Icarin, he took out his fury on the now-human form. He began to beat the hapless male with an aggression that George found appalling.

  “What are you doing? Stop it!”

  He whirled on her as her hand tugged at his shoulder. “He defiled you! Taking you after he had already lost the right to a mate.”

  “You are the idiot who made me a prize! What did you expect? That you would get them all hot and horny, then leave them with nothing?”

  Her father’s mouth opened and closed in surprised. “It is the way things have always been done.”

  “I beg to differ.”


  “My mother found another way, Marcus and Lia, Alethea and Rhys, Devon and Vinya. They all found a way around the Dragon Council edicts. They mated and bred without these trials.”

  He looked like a gaffed fish. His mouth opened and closed in amazement. Then he turned to Arabel, “You told me that she didn’t know of the other families.”

  “Don’t blame her. Rikard had a family history in his hoard. I can read.” She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at her parents. “I choose Rikard. I selected him, he selected me, and we choose each other. I am sure Khiron is a wonderful choice as a mate, but he is not mine.” She inclined her head formally to the dragon in question and tried not to look directly at his nudity.

  None of the males had bothered to reacquire clothing when they shifted, and it was quite a sight. She tamped down on her hormones and tried to keep a straight face.

  Rikard came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. She leaned back into him and relaxed. Matthias looked at them and a resigned expression crossed his features. “You are right. I suppose my clinging to the older traditions is what kept your mother from me all these years.”

  Arabel smiled, “Wow. You have finally clued into it. Matthias, you were one of the most attractive men I had ever met. Even transformed, you were an amazing lover, but you were locked in a cycle of tradition and formality that didn’t suit me at all.”

  “And now?”

  “I am willing to work on it if you are.” She smiled at him in a challenging fashion. He was stunned. There was no other way to describe it.

  “Matthias, do you give your blessing to your daughter and myself?” His voice was soft and husky in her ear. The erection that was prodding her backside was the reason for his darker tone.

  Apparently, her in a toga was more than he could stand.

  “I do. But only with the knowledge that she herself has declared it.” She smiled as he looked pained at his statement. Perhaps evolution wasn’t that time consuming after all.

  Rikard asked the other male. “It will be recorded?”

  “It will.”

  “Then we will see you in a week.” His arms tightened around her and he pushed off the parapet with her in his arms. His wings began to flap and she laughed, startled, as she realized that his warrior form was what had been holding her.

  Heavy beats carried them low over the terrain and then he swept higher, climbing into the sunny skies of Realm.

  As they reached a point so high that she had trouble breathing he relaxed his grip and whispered into her ear, “Change.”

  Grinning with anticipation, she shifted to face him and moved into warrior form, her toga rising as her tail lifted the skirts.

  Chapter Ten

  Wrapping her thighs around his hips, his cock nudged into the hollow that had grown wet during their flight. She grunted and circled her hips against his, working him slowly into her.

  Her high-pitched sighs matched his groans as he was slowly worked in to the hilt.

  At last, he was finally seated. “Do you want to move, or shall I?” Her joking comment had him diving through the sky, her claws biting into his shoulders and her own wings struggling to open. He regained control and once again climbed into the atmosphere.

  “Does that answer your question?” His grin was unrepentant.

  She wrapped her tail around one of his legs for leverage and began to rock her channel up and down his hardened cock. The sudden dips in their altitude were her clue as to how effective her ministrations were.

  Sweat glowed between them as they flew and fucked through the skies of Realm. Rikard’s eyes glowed as he approached climax, and his thumb found her clit between their writhing bodies. A few sharp strokes on that sensitized flesh and she screamed, making the way for his orgasm.

  His teeth flashed and he bit down sharply between her neck and shoulder as he came, pumping venom into her body to allow for her pregnancy. As his body shuddered in release, his wings lost their beat and once again they were falling, the ground sweeping up to meet them.

  George reversed their positions and now she was on ‘top’, her wings opening to catch them before they had gained too much speed. It was hard, but she managed to keep them aloft while he withdrew his teeth and came to his senses.

  She slowly took them to the ground and landed as gently as she could with him being nothing but dead weight.

  She sat next to him on a rock and watched the stars fade from behind his eyes. “Was it good for you?”

  He simply grinned at her. Completely unabashed at lying there with his cock softening, shining with her juices and his own.

  “Next time, we will try that over water. Less chance of hitting solid ground.”

  “You are imagining that there will be a next time.”

  “I have centuries to try and convince you. I am willing to try.” He stood and brushed some grass off his ass. “Shall we return to my home so that we can continue to bond?”

  He shifted into his dragon form and beckoned her forward with one clawed hand. Shaking her head in amusement, she mounted up and settled her nether parts against his neck, snugly. If she had to ride a dragon she was going to have some fun.

  “What are you doing back there?”

  “Turning your neck into a home entertainment center.” She rocked against him and in moments she was slick with her own juices once again. The remnants of her earlier arousal coated his neck, with his own contribution.

  “All right, but don’t tire yourself out. I have plans for this evening.” He chose that moment to fly through some turbulence and she almost came from the friction.

  She did moan in release as he arched his neck to enter his portal to the mortal world. The magic swirling around her intensified her release and she was screaming by the time they exited over his home.

  She was shaking with the depth of her orgasm when he landed, sliding off him with a thump as she hit the ground butt first.

  He looked down at her and sniffed her from head to toe, then shifted back into human form. “You were busy.”

  “You were steering. I had to do something.” She was still flat on her back on the ground near the front door and her breathing was gradually returning to normal.

  “But was getting off against my neck your only option?”

  “Well, I didn’t have my tax returns, so it was my second choice.” She was unrepentant and looking up at him was funny, his erection had re-emerged and from her vantage point it seemed to be sprouting from between his eyes.

  “I have to take a picture of you like this one day. Remind me.” He grabbed her hands and pulled her to her feet as she rambled on.

  “Come along. I have a few family heirlooms that I want you to have.” He walked with her steering through his repaired main room and study, down the tunnel to his hoard.

  Chapter Eleven

  He took her past the room she had been living and hiding in, shaking his head over the mess she had made and to an ante room that she had not noticed in her learning orgy.

  It was much more orderly than the hoard.

/>   He waved his hand in front of the wall and it melted away. Literally. The stone formed a puddle at the base of the cave wall.

  Inside were his prize possessions. The private jewels of a male dragon. A necklace, bracelets and anklets made of tiny and diamond-hard scales.

  “Were those taken from your...” She looked down, and sure enough. Tiny scars that she hadn’t noted before dotted the skin above the root of his cock, and made a small trail down the skin of the shaft.

  “Yes. I created them fifty years ago. When I felt my mate enter the magical world.” He looked worried.

  “Are you going to put them on me?” She was eager and impatient.

  Relief ran over his features and he reached for them.

  “I am not that liberated. I chose you, and everything that goes with you. That means your marks.” She stood quietly as he knelt to attach the anklets. They snapped on and the warmth of his magic flowed around her. The same reaction occurred with the bracelets. When the choker locked in place she was bound in warmth. She knew instantly that the warmth was his mood.

  Possessiveness blazed in his eyes as he surveyed her in the toga and his scales. “I think you would look better with nothing else on. Would you mind?”

  Smiling, she untied the cord that held it in place and slid the fabric off her shoulder and to the ground. She stepped out of it and toward him. And then was up against the wall once again, this time with his hard cock plunging into her and her own hands struggling for balance against him.

  She wrapped her ankles around his hips and let him pound into her, her own arousal growing more slowly, then bursting as the bands she now wore sent a bolt of lust through her in an inexorable wave.

  She was coming again, arching against the stone and thrusting her hips out to meet his as he slid and slammed within her. His groan and suddenly un-rhythmic thrusts as well as the bite to her neck let her know he was spilling his semen into her in hot jets.


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