The Selkie's Song

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The Selkie's Song Page 16

by Nancy M Bell

  “There ye go, love. Here’s something to remember old Jan Tregeagle by.” He fastened his mouth over hers again and shoved his tongue so far down her throat she gagged. To add insult to injury he pushed up her bra and pinched her hard enough to draw tears from her eyes. With a last painful twist of his fingers, he released her. The next thing Bella remembered she was lying on the sandy beach with her breasts on fire with pain. She glanced down but there were no marks on her flesh, just a burning beneath the skin.

  “It’s the magic ye feel, stupid wench. Ye have this evening to make the selkie yers, once the sun rises on the morrow, the spell will fade. Until then, ye can arrange things to yer liking.” He called from beyond the ninth wave where his head bobbed obscenely on the swells.

  Bella gathered her wits and dragged her bra down before putting on her clothes. Did I just make a pact with the devil? This better be worth it. She made her way up the steep incline and entered the fire lit cave. She shook her head, how much time passed while she dallied on the beach with that grotesque creature. Vear sat by the fire with his head in his hands.

  “Where’s Sarie and Gwin?” She came and sat beside him, putting a hand on his thigh.

  He startled at her touch and raised his head. “They left. I’m not sure why. All of a sudden Sarie declared she must go home and Gwin agreed to take her. Curse the luck.”

  “Don’t you want to be alone with me?” Bella leaned against his shoulder. The fire under her skin burned hotter.

  Vear shifted uneasily but put an arm about her shoulders. “What I want is not important. It’s what is right that I must think about. And you should too, Bella. No good can come of this forbidden attraction.”

  She nestled her head into his chest and boldly slid her hand higher on his thigh. Strong fingers caught and held hers. She lifted her face and found his lips only inches from her own. Heat flared under her skin and she realized she was held in Tregeagle’s thrall as surely as Vear Du was. What was I thinking? This is so wrong. But I can’t stop myself. Her lips burned and throbbed. Vear lowered his head, his eyes wide and dark.

  “Bella, what sorcery is this?” He spoke against her mouth before he claimed her lips.

  The fire within her ignited and she lost all modesty and restraint. Waves of red and orange light swirled about them, the selkie drew his head back and stared at her, lust warring with alarm in his expression.

  “What sorcery is this? I know I should not do this and yet my body refuses to listen to my commands. What have you done, Bella?” He groaned and buried his face in her hair, lips suckling on her earlobe.

  She was unable to form the words to tell him about Jan Tregeagle. Why in the name of all this is holy was I daft enough to make a deal with that demon? I have no more control of this than Vear does. Dear God, what have I done? Coherent thought was swept away by the firestorm of desire and emotion rolling over her. Bella’s body melded with the strength of Vear Du’s, it was impossible to tell where she ended and he began. Her hands explored and teased even while she arched into his urgent caresses. The heat within her grew as the whirlwind of colours enveloping them intensified. A roaring vibrated in her ears and swelled in her belly until Bella feared she would burst. The roaring increased, gaining a moment of clarity she turned her head toward the entrance. The wind wailed and combers raged against the cliffs sending foam and spray into the cave mouth. Even the elements are crazed by this cursed magic. Almost before the thought formed it was snatched away and the dizzy display of whirling colour drove her back into the heat of their entwined bodies.

  “Vear….” she gasped. She was on fire, flames of liquid light played along her forearms and over her skin. She was naked, where did her clothes go? Bella didn’t remember removing them. She was still straddling the selkie’s thighs, her legs wrapped around his hips. He threw back his head and bellowed as she’d often heard the bull seals do when they were mating. This was what she wanted, wasn’t it? Vear would be her first, she loved him. But not like this. I was wrong to coerce him like this.

  ‘Too late for regrets, stupid whore,’ Jan Tregeagle’s voice echoed in her ear. ‘I’m enjoying seeing the selkie brought to his knees by a mere mortal. Most delicious to watch, and most delicious you are. Had I known how wanton you are I would have insisted on a more interesting payment.”

  “Vear, stop! We shouldn’t do this,” Bella wanted to shout, but it came out as a whisper. Something drove her on and she knew in her heart she didn’t want him to stop at all.

  “Bella, what have you done? The compulsion is stronger than both of us, what bargain did you make and with who?” The selkie ground the words out between gritted teeth, all the while his hands igniting more flames in her body.

  “Tregeagle … in the sea … he promised to help me lay with you….”

  “For what price?” Strong hands gripped her hips and lifted her, pulling her closer.

  “The bargain was just for a kiss … but he reneged and took more … liberties….” Bella’s body contorted with the strength of her desire.

  “Amadan,” he cursed in Gaelic. “Fool….”

  “Vear, please. Make it stop, I’m burning….”

  The whine of wind increased and thrust itself into the cavern. Vear threw his head back and bellowed again. “I can’t resist any longer, the spell is too strong,” he roared.

  Bella arched toward him as his hands encompassed her ribcage and raised her higher into his lap, the thumbs torturing the aching peaks of her breasts. She opened herself to him and pulled his head closer as he nipped the sensitive skin where her neck joined her shoulder. At the same moment his grip moved to her hips. His roar vibrated against her as he lowered her onto his engorged manhood.

  “Mine,” he roared. “Mine and none other. Now and forever.”

  Bella gave herself over to the powerful sensations rolling through her. In the back of her mind, Jan Tregeagle laughed and she cursed him, even while she clung to Vear Du and took what she had bargained for.

  Chapter Eleven

  Bella blinked and wiped the grit from her eyes. Gooseflesh pimpled her skin, a cold wind blew in from the sea. Heavy fog clouded the sea and pushed into the cavern. The fire was reduced to tiny embers flowing feebly in the moving air. Where was the blanket? Holy Mary Mother of God, where were her clothes? She tried to roll over but something heavy was lying across her lower body and her waist. She lay still for a moment, trying to piece together how she came to be in this situation.

  Disjointed images flashed across her inner eye. She went swimming in the sea, and then … Bella closed her eyes against the headache pounding in her temples. There was a strange man creature … yes … with a weird name. One she should recognize…. Did she make some kind of bargain with him? Her throat contracted at the memory of his long tongue thrust past her teeth, long fingers touching her in places she should never have allowed … then nothing but flares of orange and red light—heat and fire burning from the inside out—and Vear Du bellowing like a bull seal above her before a dizzying kaleidoscope of sensation and images. Vear sky clad under her hands, her nakedness pressed against him.

  She jerked with horror, shocked fully awake. She loved Vear Du, so how could she trick him in that way? A tiny part of her rejoiced at her cleverness while the rational bit twisted with guilt. The huge bulk at her back stirred and a hand closed on her breast. She froze. The selkie would be angry with her, and rightly so she supposed. But she loved him and he loved her, so why shouldn’t they have carried things to the inevitable conclusion. The weight on her lower body disappeared as he shifted and moved his leg.

  “You owe me an explanation, so you do, girl,” his voice was soft but there was an underpinning of steel.

  Bella swallowed. No use lying, he’d know before the words left her lips. “I love you, Vear.”

  “And I you, but that’s not what I asked you.”

  Tension built in the silence hanging in the air. His fingers tightened on her skin. “I did a very stupid thing, I’m afr

  “What happened down on the beach? When you returned things went awry and while I don’t recall all the details, I do recollect the important bits. Not to mention I wake to find you sky clad in my arms.”

  “There was a strange man, at least he looked like a man. He came out of the sea and offered to give me my heart’s desire. I refused at first, to make a bargain, I mean.” She twisted to look at the selkie’s face.

  “But….” Vear frowned.

  “I intended to leave and come back to the cave, but somehow I found myself agreeing to his bargain. Then he took me into the water and….” she faltered, “…he kissed me and did odd things—”

  “Who, Bella. You keep saying he, who was he?”

  “He said his name was Jan Tregeagle. I should know that name, but I can’t place it and I certainly didn’t recognize him.”

  Fear pooled in her belly at Vear’s sharp intake of breath, he cursed under his breath.

  “He’s a wraith, Bella. The evil man made a pact with the devil and to pay for his sins he must move sand into Nanjizal Bay until eternity. Whatever possessed you to believe a word he said?”

  “A ghost? He was not! He was real….”

  “Think about it, girl. There was no one on the beach when you went down, but he came out of the sea, around the headland with the dangerous surf and treacherous rocks. For once in your life, Bella, you should have used some common sense.”

  “There’s no need to be insulting,” she railed. Although, he did have a point, sort of. She’d die before she admitted it to him, though.

  “Fine, Bella. Go on, what happened. What did he do exactly?”

  Heat flared in her cheeks and swarmed over her body. She couldn’t tell him she allowed the creature to touch her in such intimate ways.

  “Bella,” he demanded.

  “The bargain was for a kiss, that was all. He dragged me out into the cove and I couldn’t get free. My body refused to do what I wanted. He kissed me and half choked me with his tongue. But then, he took saliva from my lips and made strange designs on my body … in intimate places … I was mortified … and yet it was strangely exciting at the same time. Even though I knew it was wrong somehow.”

  “Did the shapes he painted on you glow and get hot?” Vear persisted.

  “Yes, how did you know that?” She twisted in his grasp and sat up.

  “’Tis an old and powerful spell, girl. It explains why I couldn’t keep my hands off you. All I could think of possessing you, claiming you as mine. Taking your body whether you would or no. ‘Tis still not right, what I did. There will be the very devil to pay when the Council hears about this.”

  “They don’t have to know—” she protested.

  “Do you think they don’t already, Bella? You have no knowledge of how to set shields and I was too deep in the spell’s thrall to do so. Every magical creature and elemental in the Penwith Peninsula knows what we did. There is no hiding or denying what occurred. The trick will be how to handle it and deal with the Council. It’s sure I am that Jan Tregeagle has made sure every Council member is aware of my transgression.” He sat up and rested his chin on his drawn–up knees.

  “What do you mean? Why should the Council care about what went on between us?” Bella scooted closer and rested her head on his shoulder.

  “I’ve broken a taboo, and they were already unhappy with me. This cannot end well.” He shook his head wearily.

  “Vear, can we at least talk about what happened last night? I know I shouldn’t have even listened to that creature, and I’m so very sorry that I did. But I love you so much and I did so very much want to make love with you. I still do. You wanted me too, I know you did,” she declared.

  The selkie sighed, huge shoulders heaving, long hair swinging over his face. “To my eternal damnation and against all common sense, I do love you.” He raised his head to look at her. “Perhaps, if I hadn’t wanted you so much I would have been able to resist or counteract the spell. My head warned me to bolt and get as far away as possible. Another stronger part of me wanted to take you and hold you to my heart, make love to you. I have dreamed of it, longed for it … and suddenly there you were. Haloed in golden light, nubile and willing under my hands. Touching you chased all thoughts of restraint from me. Even when I realized you were spellbound, I didn’t stop, didn’t pull back. I should have, there was a moment when I could have … but I didn’t. I wanted you more than I was afraid of the consequences. I gave into the spell, let it carry us away. I loved you as a man loves a woman, and I will carry that memory in my heart through all the long years before me.”

  “Are you sorry we made love?” Bella ran her hand down his cheek. “I’m not.”

  “Even now, in the cold light of day, no, I am not sorry I made love with you. But you know there will be hell to pay, don’t you? What will your father say?”

  “To hell with Da,” Bella hissed. “I’d rather give myself to you then have Daniel force himself on my and steal my virginity.”

  Vear Du blanched. “A virgin … that makes the penalties to be imposed greater.”

  “I wanted you to be my first, my only lover,” Bella whispered. She kissed his collarbone.

  “Would that it could be so, my heart. At least I was the first you gave yourself to. I cherish that gift. But it can never be. Soon the Council will send for me and I will have to go.”

  “I’ll go with you. I’ll explain about the Tregeagle creature….”

  “He’ll deny your accusations and they will take his word. You are only a mortal and also the root of my transgressions. I doubt they would even let you speak.”

  “That not fair!”

  “It’s not about what’s fair, dear heart. Not at all.” He shook himself and got to his feet, reaching down to pull her up beside him. “Put your clothes on, Bella.”

  She wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed close. Her hands drifted down to caress the clenched muscles of his buttocks. His body stirred against her and she smiled. He was still lovely, even without the heightened sensation of the spell. No coloured lights swirled around them, but her excitement rose and she snuggled into him, nuzzling the nub hiding in the curly hair of his chest.

  “Bella, stop this at once,” Vear commanded.

  One hand stroked the back of his thigh while the other traced the sharp blade of his hip bone. He made no attempt to move away and her hands grew bolder. “We don’t have much time, you great selkie. Love me, make love to me so I can remember it this time. It may be the only chance we have for a very long time.” His body shuddered when she sucked the nub into her mouth and flicked her tongue over it.

  With a groan, he clutched her arse and lifted her against him, capturing her mouth in a hard kiss. Throwing her arms around his broad shoulders she hitched her legs around him, thighs riding his hips. A thrill rippled through her belly as his throbbing organ pressed against the wetness between her legs. Without releasing her mouth, he lowered their entwined bodies to the sand. Bella’s breath rushed from her lungs when he flipped her onto her back, hovering between her open thighs.

  “Is it sure you are, Bella?” The breath whistled through his nostrils and his chest heaved.

  “For God’s sake, Vear. What are you waiting for, man? I want you so badly.” Emboldened she reached down and stroked his silky heated flesh. “You want me, too. You can’t hide it.” Her fingers were slick with moisture leaking from the tip.

  The selkie growled deep in his throat and with one swift movement took what she offered. Bella clung to him, urging him on. When it was over, she lay in his arms, every inch of her skin tingling. If only this moment could last forever. This small pocket in time of complete happiness. She rubbed her cheek against him.

  “Are you happy, Vear? Truly happy?”

  “At this moment, yes, dear heart. At this moment I am supremely happy. If I could stop time in its tracks, I would stay like this with you forever.” He stroked her hair and kissed her. “What about you? Are you happ
y, Arabella Angarrick? No regrets?”

  “Yes, Vear Du. I am very happy. Happier than I’ve ever been. How could I ever regret loving you?”

  “Then we will face what comes bravely.” The selkie raised himself on his elbow and gazed down at her, strong fingers traced the outline of her breasts and down her belly, stroked her thighs. His breath feathered over her skin an instant before he claimed her lips, then dropped a kiss on her nipples and her belly. “You are mine, Arabella Angarrick. Now and forever,” he whispered. “No matter who desires you next, I will have been the first to love you.” She stirred when he kissed the mound at the apex of her thighs.

  “I love you. I will always love you.” Bella shifted upright and took his face between her palms. “I could kiss you forever.” Her lips roamed over his face, down his neck and across his chest. The hair on his belly parted before her tongue as she delved lower. “I love you,” she whispered against the bobbing head that stood at attention for her.

  “Enough, Bella. There is no more time. Get dressed quickly.” He pulled her to her feet and shoved her toward the pile of clothes.

  “Why, who’s coming?” Bella hopped on one foot while she wrestled herself into her trousers.

  “The Council has summoned me. But, first I must get you away from here.”

  “I’m not leaving. We’re in this together.” Bella paused with one arm in her blouse to glare at him. “Bother and damn, I can’t find my bra and this shirt is missing buttons.”

  “Just get yourself decent, now.” Vear glanced toward the sea.

  She tucked her bosom in as best as possible and tied the tails of her blouse tightly. “I’m not leaving,” she repeated.

  The selkie spun and gathered Bella into his arms. He held on so tight it was hard to breathe. The desperation in his action scared her and she clung to him. She tilted her head up to meet his lips.


  Vear lifted his head and set her away. Bella clung to his forearms for a second until the world righted itself around her.


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