The Selkie's Song

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The Selkie's Song Page 23

by Nancy M Bell

  “Now out with it? What scrote did ye lie with?” Barney crossed the kitchen to rummage in the cupboard over the stove. He emerged with a whiskey bottle clutched in his meaty fist. Opening it, he threw the stopper across the room with a violence that sent chills down Bella’s back. She’d never seen Da this angry.


  “Don’t tell me it’s him when I know plain well it cannot be. Do ye want me to beat the truth outta ye? Daniel is always on about how I should have used a harder hand wi’ ye, I’m beginning to think the man’s right.” He paused to take a long swig from the bottle.

  “You might as well start in on the beating, because you won’t believe me if I tell you the truth,” Bella said.

  “Try me,” Da challenged her. He took another pull on the bottle and swayed on his feet. “Fine mess you’ve got me into. Ye might well find yerself up the spout with no man to claim ye, or the bastard. Treliving’s a proud man, so he is. He ain’t likely to want another man’s bastard under his roof. Damn it, girl. If ye’d even let him at ye once, ye could claim the nipper was his.” He set the belt down and scrubbed his hand through his hair.

  “I’m sorry, Da. I never meant this to happen, it’s not like I planned it or anything—”

  “Enough! Who is it?”

  “It’s not what you think, really it isn’t. I love him, the father, I mean.”

  “Which of the village lads do I have to beat the snot out of?”

  “He’s not from the village, Da. I’m not sure he’s even human.”

  “What nonsense are you blethering on about? Not human?” Barney eyed her unsteadily and took another drink of the whiskey. He held the bottle up to the light and squinted at it. “Bloody hell, I’ve a feelin’ I’m gonna need more gargle a’fore this night is through.”

  “When I met him, I thought he was human. I mean he’s ever so ‘andsome. Tall and dark. But after he rescued me out at the cave near Lamorna….”

  “Rescued you from what?” Barney demanded.

  “From Daniel, if you must know. He found me when I first ran away and he tried to well, you know….”

  “Aye, well I know. Ye wouldn’t be in this mess if ye’d just let him have his way. Who rescued ye? Some bleeder from Lamorna, or Saint Buryan?”

  “No, Da. You don’t know him. You couldn’t possibly.” Bella paused and drew a deep breath, holding it and then letting it out slowly. “He’s a … he’s a selkie. A seal man,” she blurted.

  Barney sat down heavily and set the whiskey before him. He blinked twice and then wiped a hand over his face. “Ye’re trying to tell me the sire of yer brat is some mythical being? What kind of a prat do ye take me fer, girl? A selkie!” He snorted loudly.

  “It’s the God’s honest truth, Da. Selkies are real. You know it. Remember the time when I was a kid and that rogue wave took you overboard. You almost drownt you told me, but then a dolphin brought you to the shore. When you woke up there was a beautiful woman with you, helping you. You told me the story so many times I know it by heart. Once she was sure you were alright, she picked up her pelt and walked into the sea. You swore she turned into a seal and swam away. Remember, Da?”

  “Aye, I remember, daughter. Was only a tale I told to calm yer fears when I went back out on the water. It was only a dream….” his voice trailed off.

  “It wasn’t, Da. You said her name was Morwenna and she was the most lovely thing you’d every laid eyes on. It was real. And so is Vear Du. He’s as real as this baby in my belly.”

  “Even if what you say is true, Bella, what are we to tell your betrothed? I promised ye to him and Barney Angarrick is a man of his word. If he’ll have ye still, ye must marry him. Where is this selkie lover of yours, if he’s so besotted with ye?”

  “It’s a long story, Da. He is under a geas, he can never see me again. He doesn’t even know about the baby.”

  Barney tipped the bottle up and drained the last of the spirits. He pushed back his chair and set the empty container carefully on the table. Swaying as if he were on the high seas he made his way to the hall door. Da paused with his hand on the latch and turned to look at her. “Be here when I get up in the morning. This isn’t finished, I just can’t think straight….” He stumbled through the door and she listened until his faltering footsteps faded and his bedroom door slammed shut.

  Bella let out the breath she’d been holding and went to fetch ice from the ice box and a tea towel to wrap it in. Cautiously, she pressed compress to her throbbing cheek. A headache pounded behind her eyes and blurred her vision. Her other hand stroked her belly. “It’s okay, little one. Everything will be fine, Momma will figure a way out of this mess. You’re mine and Vear’s, I’ll die before I let anything harm you.”

  It took a moment for her vision to settle and the two phones dancing before her to reconcile themselves in one. Her hand only shook a little as she lifted the receiver. Best be careful what she said, who knew who might be listening on the line. Sarie picked up on the first ring.

  “Bella, are you alright? Do you need me to come?”

  “No, it’s okay for now. I told him everything, mostly. At least what he needed to know.”

  “What’s wrong with your voice, you’re slurring a bit?”

  “I’m fine, it’s nothing. Da smacked me, but it’s alright, really.”

  “Do you need to see Doc?”

  “I said I’m fine.”

  “Suit yourself. Does he believe it’s Daniel’s?”

  “Not a hope. The skivver’s been complaining about my lack of enthusiasm for his lovemaking. I had to tell Da the truth.”

  “Did he believe you?”

  “Not at first. I think he does, now. I’m not sure….”

  “Where is he? Are you there alone?”

  “Da’s gone up to bed. He’s so bladdered he can’t hardly walk. Come morning he might not even remember tonight’s convo and I’ll have to go through it all over again.”

  “Are you sure you’re alright? Mum can run me down, just say the word.”

  “Really, I’m fine, Sarie. Thanks for offering. I’m just knackered. I’ll ring you in the morning after I’ve talked with Da again. I just wanted to ring tonight and let you know I’m fine. I didn’t want you worrying till morning.”

  “Thanks for that. Mum and I have been sitting here on pins and needles wondering if we should check on you, but not wanting to make things worse. Go get some sleep. Ring me as soon as you can tomorrow.”

  “Night, Sarie. Tell your mum thanks too. I’m sorry Da was so rude.”

  Bella replaced the receiver and turned out the overhead light. Clutching the ice pack to her cheek she retreated to her room as quiet as she could. The lock snicked into place and she felt a bit safer. Without taking off more than her shoes, she collapsed onto the bed and closed her eyes, sure she wouldn’t be able to sleep.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Hey, the house! Get yer arse down here and open the door fer yer husband to be.”

  Daniel’s strident tones drew her from a troubled sleep. Bella scrubbed her hands over her bleary eyes, wincing at the tenderness in her cheek and jaw.

  “What the bloody hell does he want at this time in the morning?”

  “Belt up, ye arsehole,” Da shouted out the front bedroom window. “Ye’ll wake the dead with yer screechin’. I’ll be down drectly to open the door and not before.”

  Bella scrambled out of bed and made for the door. She hesitated and thought about changing her rumpled clothing, but then thought better of it. She had no desire to look her best for the man grumbling and muttering on the front stoop. Barney took his own sweet time about messing about in the loo and returning to his room to dress. Bella waited until Da’s heavy footsteps pounded down the stairs before venturing down the hall to use the loo herself. Seemed like she spent half her life in there lately.

  With many misgivings, she went down the stairs and hesitated just outside the kitchen entry. Taking a deep breath, she pushed through the
door and set about gathering the ingredients for a good fry up. The two men seated at the table barely looked up when she came in. The dark scowl on Daniel’s face sent waves of unease skittering over her skin. He can’t know anything yet, he can’t. Bella kept her gaze averted and did her best to ignore their conversation. Her betrothed’s hard pinch to her arse went unremarked on. Best not to give him too much agro this morning. No telling what he would do when he got the news of his soon to be expanded family.

  Bella bit her lip and slid rashers of bacon into the cast iron skillet. She’d just refuse to go through with the wedding. Convince the man there was no way he would want another man’s bastard running around the place. She concentrated on quelling the wave of nausea the smell of hot bacon fat provoked.

  “Daughter, speak when ye’re spoken to.”

  Da’s bellow brought her head up sharply and she whirled round away from the stovetop. Her hand flew to her mouth at the vicious expression on Daniel’s face.

  “I’m sorry? I didn’t hear you over the hissing of the rashers and the kettle boiling.” She played for time. What did Da tell him? Not the truth yet, or I’d have the back of his hand up the side of my head already.

  “Yer father says ye’ve sommat important to tell me. I already don’t like it. Barney says he won’t hold me to our agreement once I hear your news. What have ye done to displease me now?” Daniel rose and came to tower above her.

  Bella took an involuntary step backward, the heat of the aga uncomfortably warm on her lower back. She tipped her head back to glare at him and swallowed hard. His finger traced the column of her neck, the ragged nail rough on her skin. Rather than remove his hand, the man allowed it to rest at the base of her throat, fingers and thumb encircling it.

  “Don’t make me angry, woman. What’s this news that so gawd awful important?”

  “Sit you down, man, and quit hovering over the girl. Me belly thinks me throat is cut, let her get the grub on the table,” Barney demanded.

  Daniel closed his hand briefly on her throat before releasing her and returning to the table. Deftly, she slid the rashers and eggs onto two plates and proceeded to grill two tomatoes. After pouring the tea into three thick pottery mugs and setting milk and sugar on the table there was nothing for it but to set down opposite the two men. They tucked into the food like starving dogs.

  “Out with it, woman.” Daniel waved an egg-laden fork at her.

  She glanced at Da who nodded his shaggy head and dropped his gaze.

  “There’s no easy way to say this, so I’m just going to come right out with it.” Bella paused and gathered her courage. “I’m expecting.”

  Daniel raised his head and frowned at her, his jaws working, flecks of egg dotting his lips. “Expectin’ what? We’re not even churched yet and yer makin’ demands?”

  Bella sighed with exasperation. “I’m expecting,” she repeated. Seeing his blank look, she forged on. “I’m going to have a baby….”

  “Well, aye, ye will. Once I claim my marital rights.” He went back to shovelling food into his trap.

  “No, you’re not understanding me. I’m already in the family way. Now.”

  “Ye fecking little hoor,” he screeched and shoved his chair back in his haste to stand up. “Promised to me ye are, and refusing yer dubious favours to me, but letting some other bloke boink yer brains out. Some father you are, Angarrick. I always said ye let the girl run wild, told ye ye’d rue the day.”

  “What are ye goin’ ta do? Do ye still want ta wed the girl? No one needs to be the wiser about who the sire is. There’s lots of couples what didn’t wait for the church’s blessing.”

  Daniel’s face grew red, and then white, and the breath whistled through his nostrils. Bella cringed away when he lurched over her. His fingers bit into her upper arm as he dragged her to her feet. Both hands flew to her belly in a protective gesture as his gaze raked over her.

  “I should knock the brat out of ya, right here and now.” He turned toward Barney. “I’ll not be raisin’ another man’s bastard. Get rid of it, I won’t have it under my roof or bearing my name. That’s my final word, get rid of it or I call off the weddin’. Be sure I’ll tell every man jack in the vicinity what a hoor yer daughter is. No man’ll touch her. What reputation she had left will be gone.” He released her with a shove that sent her reeling to the floor. “I’ll have yer answer by supper.” Daniel glared at her and then Barney before he stalked to the back door and slammed out of it.

  Bella picked herself up off the floor and wiped the tears from her face. Barney refused to look at her and sat pushing the remains of his breakfast around the plate.

  “I won’t do anything to harm this baby, Da. I won’t. You can’t make me. It’s a mortal sin, I’ll go throw myself on Father Boyle’s mercy,” Bella declared.

  Da didn’t look up and shook his head, the long untidy curls waving about. “I won’t have ye livin’ here, unwed with a swollen belly. I’ll not be the laughingstock again, the village has a long memory. At least yer mother was wed, even if ye were born early.”

  “Are you throwing me out? I have to murder my baby or get tossed out on the street like rubbish?” Bella was aghast. Surely Da couldn’t ask that of her.

  Barney finally looked at her. “Ye’ve embarrassed me and yerself with yer loose behaviour. Treliving is right, no lad from hereabouts will have anything to do with ye now. Ye’ve scuppered yer chances with the only man who were willin’ to overlook yer wildness.” He shook his head again and rose to pace the kitchen. “’Tis a woman’s thing, this unwanted burden. Ye need to deal with it and then maybe if ye look fer work in Truro or one of the larger places away from here, maybe then ye can live down yer shame. Even if ye get rid of the bastard Treliving might cry off takin’ ye on, and I can’t say as I blame him. Ye’ve shamed me, girl.”

  “I won’t hurt my baby,” she shrieked. “I won’t. You can’t make me.”

  “Then ye’d best be figurin’ out where yer gonna lay yer head. Ye can stay here a few weeks, but once ye start getting’ fat, out ye go. The sooner the better, iffen ye ask me. And the farther away ye go, the better.”

  Bella straightened her shoulders and stuck out her chin. “You tell that scut Daniel I will never murder my baby. It’s glad I am that I don’t have to marry him and suffer having him paw me and slaver over me. I’ll figure something out, somehow, but I’m having this baby.” She marched out of the kitchen and climbed the stairs to her room.

  Bella shut her door and curled up in the soft chair by the window. The yard stood empty and forlorn below, the box stall doors yawning open. She missed Raven more than she wanted to admit. Da would be off up to the Arms come noon hour. After that, Bella figured she’d ring Sarie and see could her mum come and collect her. Her friend would be worried after not hearing anything from her this morning, but she refused to venture down to the phone until Da was well away. Moving with restless energy, Bella made her bed and straightened up the room. The window sash stuck a bit when she pushed it further open to let in the sea breeze.

  Saint Michael’s Mount floated on the ever changing surface of Mounts Bay, the tide being full. The small boats that ferried people back and forth were busy plying their trade. Her thoughts turned to Cormoran and Gwin Scawen. Would they carry a message to Vear for me? I need to tell him about the baby. Even if we can’t be together, he should know he’s going to be a father. I wonder if he has other children? Bella frowned at the thought. I don’t want to call them to me here. When I get to the Waters I’ll get Sarie to help me and see if we can reach Gwin Scawen at least.

  Presently, the floorboards creaked and the back door shut. Bella peered through the lacy curtain at the window into the yard. Da went out the back way into the narrow street behind and disappeared up the hill toward his local. She waited a few minutes to be sure he was actually gone before venturing downstairs to ring Sarie.

  * * *

  Bella accepted the mug of tea from Mrs. Waters and leaned back in her chair.
She closed her eyes for a moment and savoured the peace and tranquility of the farm house kitchen. “So that’s the whole of it. Da was furious, Daniel was his normal odious self.”

  “What are you going to do?” Sarie asked.

  Opening her eyes Bella swirled the contents of her mug. “I haven’t got that figured yet. Da says I can stay at the house until I start to show, but that only gives me another couple of fortnights, tops. After that….” She shrugged. “The whole village will know by now, what with Da and Daniel holding court at the Arms.”

  “You can stay here if you want till you can figure something out. I don’t imagine it will be very comfortable at home, and you’ll have Daniel hanging about, no doubt,” Mrs. Waters offered. “We’re not equipped for a little one though, it would only be a short-term solution.”

  “I might take you up on that offer, thank you ever so much.” Bella smiled at her. “What I’d really like to do is let Vear Du know he’s going to be a da. Do you think the piskie will come if we call him?” She looked at Sarie.

  “I’m not sure how wise it is, but I suppose we can try,” Sarie replied. “Let’s go out to the garden and see if he’s about and listening.”

  “Be careful what you call up,” Mrs. Waters warned.

  “I will, Mum.”

  Sarie led the way out into the garden at the back of the house. The girls threaded their way through the vegetable and herb gardens and through the arched gateway to the secret garden beyond. The air was heavy with sweet scent of pansies and sweet peas mingled with the sharper smells of marigolds and pinks. A small stone circle took place of pride in the centre. Both girls halted in the middle of the space before a white quartz menhir. The small standing stone shone in the slanted sunlight. It seemed to vibrate when Bella laid her hand on it. Sarie placed her hand on the stone as well.

  “You’re the expert at this, Sarie. What do we do?”

  “Picture the little man in your mind and send out welcoming thoughts and emotions toward him. It might help to close your eyes if you’re having trouble. I’ll ask him to come to us if it pleases him.”


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