Fire Born (The Guardian Series Book 1)

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Fire Born (The Guardian Series Book 1) Page 11

by Rayanne Haines

  “So, what do they call you? I mean I can't keep saying big guy, can I? Though it does have a certain ring. Have you looked in the mirror lately?” She winked. “Taking steroids, are we?”

  Collum choked on the mouthful of whiskey he'd just swallowed.

  “Woo there, you might want to slow down. Can't hold your liquor? It's okay, not everyone can. Speaking of which, I'll take mine with two ice cubes.”

  Glenn burst out laughing and shut the door behind him as he left.

  Collum gaped at her. This couldn't be the powerful witch he'd been told of. “Who the hell are you? I sought a great sorceress, not a wet behind the ears, party girl.”

  “Yeah, I get that sometimes. Stereotype much? We can't all be about fire and brimstone. I like my life a little less bloody, thanks.”

  He covered his face with his hands. “I can't deal with this right now.”

  “Sure, you can. Now go ahead and pour me that drink. It ain't going to pour itself you know.” She winked at him again, pulled the boots off her feet and wriggled her toes in front of the fire. “Holy shit that feels great. My toes were starting to ache. You know how much those heels hurt?”

  He snorted with disbelief, thinking of the crumbling wall in his garden and the mass of bruises on his back and torso.

  “Witch, I no longer need you or your complaints. You made the trek for nothing.”

  She replied, “Dragon, I doubt it. You need me more than you know.” She patted the cushion next to her. “C'mon let's chat. I figure you aren't done drinking and I haven't even started.”

  A she lifted her face to the darkening sky outside, her voice quieted and took on an earthy quality. “The nights are long and beautiful here. Maybe you'll take me for a walk by your ocean later.”

  The air in the room shifted and Collum rose to tower over her. Even in his drunken state he recognized magic. “You know something.”

  The witch reached out and took the bottle from his hand. “Carino, I know more than something.”

  Chapter 23

  Alex followed Neeren through a maze of hallways. She was surprised at the ease she felt around him. The only time she'd felt close to this level of comfort was in Collum's arms. Even with the fighting and bickering, he'd never made her feel awkward or different. There were questions though, answers that Alex needed. She couldn't have walked away from Neeren and the answers he offered no matter how much she wanted Collum. Maybe, given time, they could've been something more, but maybe that wasn't in the cards for them. Right now, Alex needed family.

  “Wait. Does Aunt Quinn know about you?”

  He shrugged indifferently. “No one knows about me.”

  “I'm sorry. You've lost as much family as I have. She’s wonderful. You'll have to meet her.”

  Neeren continued walking. Occasionally, they ran into a housekeeper or another staff member who tried not to stare openly. Neeren offered a slight smile to everyone they passed.

  His castle was nothing like Collum's. It was made almost completely of glass, metal and bronze. Sculptures lined the walls. Everywhere she turned, lay piles of priceless art. Occasionally, a piece hung from a metal beam. He led her through a vast open hall and into a different wing of the house where hallways branched off in different directions. Stairways appeared from nowhere to lead to sitting spaces bathed in sunlight. Modern chandeliers hung from ceilings. Tropical flowers filled steel vases everywhere she looked. Alex's head spun from the fragrance.

  “We are here. Your room overlooks a private beach. I thought you might like the view. You also have a fireplace in case you need access to fire.” He pushed her hair from her face. “I wouldn't want you to feel lost. This is your home now.”

  Overwhelmed by an urge to hug him, she threw her arms around his neck and squeezed. Neeren squeezed back, then gently set her into her room.

  “I'll be back in a couple hours to take you for that walk. There are clothes in the closets. All will fit you exactly. I hope you like the styles chosen, but if not let me know and I will have a stylist brought to you so you can tell her what you like. There will be a servant in the hall if you need anything before I return. Just push the intercom button here.” He motioned to the sleek system on the wall inside her suite. “And she will bring you whatever you require.”

  Chapter 24

  Neeren headed for a suite in a private wing at the far end of the house. The staff retreated as he walked. Neeren was king here. He pushed open a set of bronze doors covered in etchings of panthers. This was his sanctuary. Only one other person was ever allowed inside. She stood patiently by the window. He strode to her.

  “I have brought her home.”

  Her ice-blond hair glistened in the light from the windows. It skimmed her shoulders and accentuated the muscled strength of her bare arms. She wore white today. She wore white every day. He studied the vine wound around her arm. It shimmered with plum petals the same as the color of her eyes. She focused those eyes on him now.

  “How is she? Is she taking it all well?”

  “She is taking it well. She is strong—like you.”

  “No. If she is strong, it is like you.”

  He smiled. “The dragon claimed her. He will search for her. I fought him and he is stronger than me.”

  “No one is stronger than you, my love. Did she ask about me?”

  “Only vaguely. Domhall helped a great deal. I'm not sure she would have come if he hadn't been there.” He walked to stand beside her. “When do you want to meet her?”

  She leaned onto his arm. “I'm not sure I'm ready yet. I've dreamed of this for so long, but I'm terrified.”

  “You are terrified of nothing.”

  “My darling, you make me so proud of you. I am terrified of many things. I made so many mistakes. You suffered so much because of them.”

  He shook his head, stroked her back. “Tonight then? I will walk her along the ocean, to the spot we love. You can meet her then.” He kissed the top of her head. “I have much to do. Do not fear coming to the ocean tonight. I will be there to protect you.”

  With a final embrace, he left and made his way back through his home. He shifted into panther form on the way. Required the ease of the feline body and the release he could only feel in his true form. He understood the dragon more than any suspected. Neeren had had to learn to control immense power at a very young age. Remaining at ease, at all times, was paramount. He couldn't afford anger.

  He stalked through his castle until the tension left his body. It was getting harder to talk to her. She wore her guilt like clothing. Neeren suspected she wouldn't hold on much longer if she couldn't shake the burden of it.

  He sauntered into the sun and slowly made his way to the beach. He stretched his long body along the sand, and surveyed all he owned by birthright. The ocean before him, the land around him, his castle on the cliff—all his. Soon he would share it with Alexedria. Below him, the ocean sang.

  Other panthers joined him after a time. They always came to him in this form. Four lay at his feet to kneed tired muscles with their claws. The fight with the dragon had taken some of his strength. They sensed it. In panther form, all his people sensed the needs of each other. He let them rub their bodies against him. He was their king.

  ~ ~ ~

  Later that night, Neeren knocked on Alex's door. He entered without waiting for a response. He'd showered and changed into a beige T-shirt, and black slacks. Around his wrists, he wore leather cuffs. Bare feet stuck out from beneath his pants.

  He found her resting in a butter-yellow, leather chair situated by the window. She stared at the moon as it lit the ocean below. She too had changed and was dressed in a flowing, silk violet dress. Her tattoo was visible. The flames followed her movements.

  “You look content, sister. The dress is beautiful. It suits you.�

  Alex rose and hugged him. “Thank you. Everything in that closet is beautiful. I've never worn anything like this before. I feel like a princess.”

  “You are a princess. Come.” He reached for her hand. “Let us go for that walk. People want to meet you and then I want a little more time alone.”

  “About that? Do I have to meet everyone right away?”

  “Of course not, but you don't want to hurt their feelings, do you? Be brave. You have made it this far, you can manage a few introductions. Don't worry, I will not leave your side. No one will bite.” He winked and led her out of the room as he talked, without giving her a chance to change her mind or think of refusing him.

  “Where exactly are we anyway? I mean, it doesn't feel like we’re in England anymore.”

  “True. Such a wet and dreary place,” he said, shuddering. “We are on my private island near Mylos, in the Greek Isles. Most of the Parthen live here. There are, of course, some that decide to explore other places. Some that have second homes in North America. Many are educated off island, but most choose to return here where it is safe and we don't have to hide what we are. We are a tight knit and private people.”

  “And the portal that brought us here? Is that another one of our special gifts?”

  “No sadly. Though the Island is cloaked, we travel as most do. The portal was a one-time offering from Domhall. A magic he gave me that would open only twice. Once to get me to you and once when you took my hand to come home. Ah, here we are now.”

  He placed Alex in front of him. A steel staircase opened to a hall below. Hundreds of men and women filled the room. When they saw her, they erupted with cheers and laughter. Neeren tightened his grip on her hand. Tears streamed down her face. Together they walked down the steps and into the crowd below. He eased them through the throng, while speaking with each person individually. The crowd reached out to stroke them both as they walked by.

  He leaned down, whispered, “We are feline, Alex. Touching is natural for us. However, if you are uncomfortable, I will tell them to stop.”

  “No, it's okay. It's a bit strange, but I don't feel fearful. It feels reverent. I'm not sure I'm worthy of that.”

  Neeren rested his cheek against hers. “Of course, you are worthy, my sister. You are their princess. It is expected that they treat you with love.” He straightened, raised his hand, and the room fell into an easy silence.

  “Today my sister, Alexedria is returned to us. I will protect her with my life. I ask that you do the same.”

  One by one each person in the room sank to their knees and shifted into panther form. A low hum filled the room as they purred. Beside her, Neeren remained in human form to ease any concerns she may have. There would be plenty of time to show her his panther and to find out if she could shift.

  He thought back to the day his father had been killed, his mother lost to him, and the sister he'd never met ripped away. He never thought the day would come when they would stand united among their people. Together, they were unstoppable. The Elementals would pay for what they'd done. For their cowardice and malice. Now that he had her back, he would be unrelenting.

  He smiled at his sister. “Come, it is time to show you my ocean.”

  Chapter 25

  Collum refilled Mar’s whiskey glass. “You didn't travel here to play games. Tell me what you know of the asshole who took her.”

  “Well, first off. I love to play games. You should probably know that in case you want to get kinky later.” She laughed at his raised eyebrow. “What? No go? Well, if you change your mind, I'm sure you know where to find me. I do like an extra hard mattress by the way. I know you wouldn't think it to look at this amazing body of mine but . . .”

  “Enough,” Collum roared. “Tell me what you know, witch.”

  “Okay,” she roared back at him. “Keep your shirt on. Or better yet, take it off.” She raised her hands. “I know, I know, I took it too far. Sorry, I can't help myself sometimes. So, the man that took her. Let's rephrase that. The man she left with,” she paused, “was her brother. Turns out mommy dearest had a secret marriage for over a hundred years. You guys are pretty dense not to have figured that out, like, forever ago.”

  “One hundred years? How did you learn this? Did you have a vision?”

  “Nah, Domhall found me at the airport and filled me in. Don't be too hard on the immortal. He might be a little insane, but I think he likes you.”

  “Get out.” Collum stood, ready to drag her out of his home. “Get out of my house.”

  Mar took another gulp of her whiskey. “Ah man, I was warned about you . . . always the tough guy. Just chill. I can help you find your girl. It'll take some time though, and you'll have to decide if it's what you want. Domhall offered a few clues. Turns out he’s a little on your side. He didn't kill you, did he? That's gotta count for something.”

  He sat down. “I must be drunk. It's the only explanation as to why I'm letting you stay.”

  “I grow on people.”

  He grimaced. “You can find her?”

  “I can. I'm not one to tout my own horn too often . . . Well, actually I am.”

  “Get on with it, witch.”

  “It’s Mar, remember caped-crusader.”

  “Oh, for Odin’s sake. Get on with it, Mar.”

  “He—the brother that is—is a Parthen. You know of them?”

  “Everyone knows of them. Feline Shape Shifters and Dreamwalkers. That changes things. Are you sure?”

  “Why do you think Kaylen wanted the baby hidden? No way the elders were going to let that baby live. Don't let anyone tell you they didn't know what they were doing when they gave Gray to your nutso dad. Nice digs by the way. I especially like the whole dragon cave, danger, stay away thing you have going on. Not big with the locals much, huh?” She took a hearty swig of her whiskey and wiggled her toes closer to the fire. “You know, Glenny was telling me there’s an awesome market on Saturdays in the village. You might want to check it out.”

  “I'm going to strangle you. I really am . . .”

  She raised her hands in surrender before continuing. “Soooo, if you know of the parthen, you know their old king died a mysterious death a bunch of years ago. The new king no one ever sees? Any guesses?”

  Collum threw his glass in the fire. “Fuck.”

  “That's right Lord O’ the Rings, that would be your lover’s brother. The solitary king of the Parthen is the grandson of the most powerful Elemental in the world.”

  He grabbed another bottle of whiskey. At this rate, Glenn would be going on a booze run soon. “You want another drink?”

  “Do I? Man, do we have loads to talk about. Pour another round and join me by my fire, Dragon Balls.”

  “It's my house, Mar, and my name is Collum.”

  “Whateves. So, right now, the king is making cute and snugly with sis. But don't fool yourself. I hear he's super aloof. There’ve always been rumors. Hardly anyone gets to meet him and those that do, generally keep their mouths shut after. Out of fear or loyalty, couldn't tell you.”

  "What are the rumors you've heard?"

  “Oh, you know, an amazing lover, has a harem of feline groupies, can seduce you just by looking at you, keeps a ghost locked in his tower. The usual.”

  “Will you quit messing around and tell me something more important than Friday night gossip.”

  “You don't listen do you? Keeps a ghost in his tower. Rub my feet and I'll give you three guesses who that is.”

  Chapter 26

  Alex walked hand in hand with her brother down the cliff to the edge of the sea. He pointed out parts of his land that were now hers. He picked seashells for her. The moon lit their path as waves gently tickled their feet.

  She curled her toes in the warm white sand. “I see why y
ou go barefoot now. This feels amazing. The water is warmer here than what I'm used to in Victoria. Am I dreaming?”

  “You are not. This is your home. We are your family. With us, your life will be easy. Everything will be taken care of. You only need tell me what you wish and you'll have it.”

  “You make it sounds so easy. I'm not used to this. It doesn't feel real to me. Shouldn't there be struggle?”

  He curled a finger under her chin. Raised her face to look at his. “Why? We have had enough struggle, do you not think? You’ll never hurt again, sister.” He paused, took a deep breath and said, “There is a final gift I wish to give you tonight. Come.”

  They walked further along the narrow and private path. Evening scents and sounds surrounded them. Cicada bugs serenaded them. It was peaceful, yet with every step they took, Alex felt tension mount in the grip of Neeren's hands. She grew anxious. The ends of her hair sparked in reaction. Until now, she'd only felt a controlled, easy comfort around him. As if he quietly mocked the world, confident in his every moment. That man wasn't with her now. Her confidence slipped. She wondered if she should turn back.

  Waves crashed around them. He kept walking, taking her with him to a moment in time she sensed he’d been waiting for forever. When he finally stopped, he stared into the clearing ahead. The look in his eyes almost brought Alex to her knees.

  A figure waited in the shadows.

  The world quieted as he released her.

  “Your past and your future wait in that shadow, Alex. It is everything. It is why you are here.”

  He smiled. A devastating smile, that reached his eyes and transformed him. Cat. King. Alpha. This was her brother. United, they walked to the other end of the beach. To the hidden figure.

  With each step, Alex felt a sense of completion. Something was about to end. More was about to start. She felt Neeren tremble and squeezed his hand. He pressed back gently. The figure, closer now, turned. Alex witnessed a woman's shape tremble as well. Neeren hurried them.


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