Fire Born (The Guardian Series Book 1)

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Fire Born (The Guardian Series Book 1) Page 18

by Rayanne Haines

  “Get on with it and tell me,” he growled.

  “It's her blood, Collum. More specifically, a Parthen's blood, but she'll do.”


  “I knew I was close all those years ago. Thought I had everything right to open the portal. I'd worked on it for two years, but in the end, I couldn't find the right spell and Domhall gave up on me. He paid me very well, took all my research and thanked me from the bottom of his top-forty music loving heart and left. It pissed me off that I never completed the task. But when I was upstairs lying in that gorgeous freakin’ tub, I started thinking how nice it would be to have a family home. You know, somewhere your relatives could all come . . . and wham, my brain finally connected the dots. It's blood, the blood of the family. That's how you get a portal to Parthen. You have to be of their blood.”

  “Son of a bitch,” he yelled. “Mar, I think I love you.”

  He picked her up, wet towel, wet blanket and all, and wrapped her in a huge bear hug as Catalina came rushing back into the room with the pitcher of Bloody Mary and two glasses. She dropped the drinks on the turquoise tiled floor.

  “Get out, Catalina. Take the night off.”

  The girl tore out of there as fast as she could and both Collum and Mar broke into laughter.

  “You know she's going to think we're having crazy kinky sex, right?”

  He put her back down on the leather couch. “I'm two thousand, Mar. I'm too old for crazy, kinky sex.”

  “Please, you probably know more crazy shit than the rest of us put together. Now, enough with this joking around. Since she dropped my Bloody Mary, I'm taking whatever’s in your glass back to my room. And you’re going to fall asleep and call out to your lady. You need her to come to you in your dreams and you need to get some of her blood. Think you can do that?”

  “I'm Dragon,” he replied, power flowing from every pore in his body. “I can do anything.”

  ~ ~ ~

  He left Mar at the door to her room and walked the darkened halls to his wing of the house. Like his estate in England, every inch of this home had been designed with comfort and protection in mind. He traced the walls with his hands while he walked. They could try to keep him away, but those who underestimated him had been proven wrong time and again through the years, just as they'd be proven wrong this time. He knew he could reach Alex. Dragons could always find their mates.

  Upon entering his room, he removed his clothing and all pretence of being tamed. Let his wings expand in the small space. Wings engorged with the fire blood of his ancestors.

  The room looked out over a private garden. It was perfect for nights such as this. He walked to the window ledge, leaped into the night. Allowed the dragon in him free reign as he flew in to the darkening sky. His roar echoed in the night air. He used the ancient telepathy of his kind, harnessed the energy of the moon. Flew higher, reached deeper, every inch of his soul concentrating on reaching out to Alex.

  Telepathy was a primal tool. One he wielded well. “Alexedria, come to me.” Over and over he spoke the quiet command, sought her. Soared as near to the night stars as possible. The dragon in him flexed, pushed against his human flesh barrier. He allowed the beast more strength, fed his ancient nature with visions of his woman.

  Her image surfaced. She lay in a pristine white room. He heard the ocean crashing below her. Smelled her. He pushed at the edges of her mind. Called to her. She twisted and turned. Moaned his name. He bared his teeth. The dragon soared.

  As he flew, his finger nails thickened, twisted, turned to claws. His skin turned obsidian black. After a final sweep over the city, he headed back to his home and his bed, to await his woman.

  He landed back on the upper patio, claws dug into the concrete ledge. He found his way in to his bed, still half beast, too exhausted to retract his wings. He left them instead spread wide in the room. She was coming. Let Alex, truly see him, he thought, before exhaustion carried him into a deep sleep.

  Chapter 38

  Alex stood at the foot of his bed and marveled at the creature before her. Confusion clouded her mind. She'd left her mother and Aunt Quinn arguing in Quinn's room hours before. It had been an insane day. Almost too much to manage. She’d given up hope of having a family years ago. Now they colored every corner of her world.

  She remembered thinking, before falling asleep, how nice it would be, to be alone with Collum in his rock castle. To be cocooned with him for a while. She’d fallen asleep with his name on her lips. Dreamed of flying through the night sky with him. She’d missed him. Seeing his face made the ache in her gut settle. Perhaps that desire to see him had been enough to convince her sleeping mind to seek him out?

  Did he normally sleep like this? Half dragon, half man. Breath caught in her throat at the sight of his wings. Their massive expanse shimmered silver black. He’d wrapped those wings around her the last time they’d been together. She tiptoed to the bed, reached out with aching fingers. Hoping if she touched them very lightly it wouldn't disturb him. Would they feel like silk or like steel? She stroked one finger along the edge of a wing and felt the soft velvety texture. Rested her whole hand gently along one of the veins rising from the wing. The vein pulsed under her caress.

  She looked up to see Collum staring at her with eyes turned black.

  “Keep touching them,” he told her, his voice deep, guttural.

  She stared into his eyes while stroking his wings. They trembled. A low growl escaped him.

  “Do dragons purr, Collum?” she asked as she bent down to rub her face along the velvet of his right wing.

  He lifted his left wing, stroked her legs, the tip reached up between her legs. “Do you, little kitten?” he replied.

  Lust burned her throat. She climbed on the bed and lay against him.

  “The dragon wants you tonight and I'm inclined to let him have you.”

  “You know that I am here don't you.”

  “I know.”

  “I don’t know how it happened.”

  “Crawl inside my wings, Alex,” he commanded her.

  Desire was a fire raging in her gut. She pulled the silk nightie off, kept her eyes locked with his. He growled again and heat pooled in her uterus. Her tattoo pulsed against her skin. She waited, let him look his fill. God, it felt amazing having this man look at her like that. Like he would die without her.

  “Fuck, Alex, I need to feel you.”

  She let her body slowly sink on to his. Soft female flesh met muscles carved from rock. Collum closed his wings around them, nuzzled her neck.

  Alex sensed the wildness in him, soaked herself in it. She rocked her body within the confines of his wings. Gyrated against veins throbbing under velvet. She controlled her fire, wanted to feel the heat of his body without the fire taking over.

  Collum licked and nipped at her neck and breasts. He rolled them over until he held himself above her, slowly scorched his way down her body.

  She writhed beneath him, enclosed in the cocoon he’d created. His tongue and mouth found her core. He feasted on her, suckled her until she was nothing but the desire he’d built in her. Her voice sounded foreign to her as she begged for more.

  When he lifted his head, she saw the world in his eyes, the slits deep and dark. His voice gutted her. This ancient being wanted her.

  “Release you claws, kitten.”

  She thrashed below him. “I don't know how yet. I've tried but I can't transform to a cat form.”

  He used the tip of his wings to scratch the inside of her leg, drew blood. “Bullshit. I can taste the feline in you,” he thundered as he raised up and thrust himself inside her body.

  She came instantly. Little claws exploded from her body, tore at his back. Collum thrust into her over and over. She arched her back, met every thrust with strength of her own. Her ha
nds locked into his hair and forced his mouth to her shoulder.

  “Bite me,” she begged him.

  Her dragon did as he was told. His fangs descended, sunk into her flesh. He clamped down on her shoulder with his sharp teeth and growled into the flesh with each thrust. She came over and over with each suckling motion. Could feel her fire screaming in release to join with him. With a final thrust her dragon lifted his head and thundered his release into the night.

  Alex slowly became aware of Collum licking the wound on her shoulder, crooning, “My fierce mate,” into her skin.

  She smiled into his sweat-dampened hair. “Yes, I’m yours, you big beast.”

  He pulled away from her, rested on his haunches, tipped her chin with his finger. “I’m coming for you soon. I’m done playing. You can't hide out with your brother forever, only coming to me in dreams. It isn't enough for either of us.”

  “I know that, but I'm not ready yet. It’s not like I’m actually hiding. I want more time to find out how my family connects.” She smiled radiantly. “Grandfather and Aunt Quinn came yesterday.”

  “Excuse me?” He dropped his hand. “I don't think I heard you correctly?”

  “Oh God. Don't get all upset about it. I had no idea they were coming. They showed up yesterday. Neeren must have been in contact with Grandfather.”

  Collum climbed out of the bed and marched to the window. “So, let me get this straight. Everyone except me—the one person going nuts without you—is on your fucking island.”

  “They’re my family, Collum.”

  “Right, and I’m just a good lay.”

  “That’s not fair.”

  He sneered at her. “Really? Seems real convenient you want everyone near you except me. But you have no problem fucking me, do you princess?”

  “You’re a prick.”

  “Nope, just don’t like being used.”

  “You started this. You came to my room first, remember.”

  “I was stupid. Should’ve never let goddamn Domhall near you.”

  “Wait a minute. I want my family to be near me. I want Domhall to be near me.” She climbed out of the bed and threw her nightgown back on before adding, “He's not as crazy as you made him out to be you know.”

  “Yeah, figured that out on my own, sweetheart. Don’t any of you realize that if they’re all there now, the elders will soon follow? Don't you think the council will wonder why Quinn isn't keeping their precious records?”

  “Even record keepers must get vacation time, Collum.”

  He turned back to her. “Don't be stupid, Alex.”

  “So, I’m a slut and stupid?”

  “If the shoe fits.”

  “You’re an ass sometimes. You don't know everything, you know. And I can make my own decisions thank you very much.”

  “Wrong again, sweetheart. I'm two thousand fucking years old. I do know everything and you can tell your shithead grandfather that too.”

  “You know what? I'm outta here. You're gonna feel like crap when you calm down and I hope you drown in it.”

  “Don't count on it, princess. And don't come back to me until you're ready to stop playing games. I'm too old for this shit.” He turned away from her and stared out the window.

  Alex was about to remind him that he should be old enough to know better than to react the way he was. Except she didn’t get the chance. She blinked, or breathed, or something, and suddenly was back in her bed on Neeren's Island.

  He’d done it again. He’d pushed her out of the dream. What the hell was going on?

  Chapter 39

  Collum threw on a pair of black silk shorts and stormed out of his room. His long strides chewed up the hallway. Moments later, he pounded on Mars’ door.

  “What?” she yelled while opening the door and pulling together the edges of a burgundy robe. “It's four in the morning and I'm not a morning person.”

  Ignoring the complaint, he pushed past her into the room. “I screwed up. Yelled at her to leave before I asked for some of her blood.”

  “Seriously? Why are guys so hot headed?” She sighed while shutting the door. She fished an elastic band out of her robe pocket and used it to pull her hair off her face.

  “You compelled her to come to you once, do it again.”

  “It won't work. I said some shitty things then told her not to come back until she was ready to apologize . . . or something like that.”

  “For realz? I thought you knew women. You never tell a woman she has to apologize to you. You excel at fitting the stereotype of big, dumb beast, you know?”

  “I don't need more attitude from you, Mar. What do you ladies want? I pour my heart out to the girl. I tell her she’s mine and we belong together. I let her see my dragon and we claim each other and it still isn't enough.”

  “Ummm, I may not be up completely on dragon history, but remind me again of what’s involved in a dragon claiming please.”

  “That's a bit personal.”

  “I don't want a play by play, thank you very much. Is there biting involved?”

  He stopped pacing and stared at her. “Yes.”

  “Is there the ingestion of blood involved?”


  “Well then, Slayer, I'd say you have your blood. It's in you.” She jumped up from the bed. “Whoop, whoop. Let's go. No time to waste. We need to get a move on before it dissolves in your system. Let’s hope you took enough.”

  “Fuck. She's gonna be livid.”

  “You can make it up to her after you see her. You could start by telling her you love her, instead of using your archaic, you’re mine line.”

  He tried to interrupt her to defend himself but she covered his mouth with her hand.

  “Honestly, I don't want to hear about it. You might know business and war and running the world, but I know women. Now, we have work to do. Go get dressed. I can barely stand looking at you—marble muscles.”

  Collum hadn't thought about what he was wearing (or not) before he ran out of his room. He never had cause to think about covering himself in his home.

  “Right. Sorry about that.”

  “Hey, I'm not complaining too much. I mean, Alex is a lucky girl. But since she and I are going to be best friends, I probably shouldn't see her guy mostly naked.”

  “You're strange,” he said over his shoulder as he left the room. “By the way you look gorgeous at four in the morning.” He winked at her astounded look and blushing cheeks. “I know women darling, I just forget all that when I'm around Alex.” He shrugged. “I'll meet you in ten minutes.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Eight minutes later Collum met her back in the den. Mar changed into leather leggings, a bustier and stilettos. Collum stood in his standard uniform of black jeans and T-shirt.

  He helped her move all the furniture out of the way. Then stood in the center of the room. She slowly traced a circle with beeswax around the two of them while chanting what he assumed was a Wiccan incantation. After ten minutes of constant chanting, the beeswax circle began to glow. Next, she poured a sea salt and herb mixture on to the glowing circle. The glow rose to their waists and the floor beneath them began to fluctuate. She reached out to Collum and took his hands in hers. Energy electrified him as she held on with impossible strength.

  “This is going to hurt,” she warned, slicing his wrist open before he had a chance to react.

  He barely noticed the knife. Watched as his blood poured directly in the center of the circle. He sensed the presence of others in the room as she chanted, calling out to her ancestors, asking for permission to break the fabric of place and time. He wondered if she realized those same ancestors stood beside her.

  She was a site to behold. Her skin glistened. Her hair lay thick, curled up at the ends
, sweating around her shoulders. Gone was the little flirting Italian girl. In her place stood a being of immense power. No wonder Domhall had sought her out.

  The chanting lasted for minutes, for hours. They held hands. He waited. His blood soaked into the carpet. Time became irrelevant. Beneath his feet, the floor began the shimmer.

  “Hold tight, Dragon. Here we go.”

  The visions in the room disappeared as the floor vanished beneath them. Hand in hand they crossed the threshold into Neeren's hidden kingdom, and Alex's bedroom.

  Chapter 40

  Lachon opened his eyes. The lids scratched like sawdust against his retina. It felt like he'd been chewing on cotton balls. He lay perfectly still, tried to recall how much he'd drunk the night before, tried to recall anything about the night really. He turned his head into the pillow and inhaled. His senses flared to life on a deep ragged breath, were assaulted with her smell. Images of strawberry blond hair and delicate curves and the flash of a gun flashed in to his mind. He bolted upright. Pain shot through his temple.


  Cradling his head, he surveyed the surroundings. Apparently, she'd given him a pillow and blanket after drugging him. He extended his arms above his head. Stretched out his stiff back. Reached for his cell phone to call his men, only to discover it was no longer in his pocket. He vaguely recalled her saying something about shooting him up with enough tranquillizers to keep him down for two days. He gently rolled to his side and climbed to his feet to search for her landline. The pounding in his head was relentless. When he finally located the phone, he was unsurprised to find no dial tone. They weren't going to make this easy on him apparently.

  He stumbled outside to his vehicle to see all the tires slashed.

  “Goddamn,” he bellowed, then gripped his head again. Disgusted with himself, he began the lengthy walk to a neighboring home.


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