Adam & Eden

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Adam & Eden Page 14

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  “Did you speak?”

  “He took me for coffee across the street.”

  Adam looked at her as he sipped his own brew, eyebrows raised. Starched shirt, neat red tie, fresh shave, hair still slicked down, he was ready for court. She could smell the cologne, a scent she loved. All of Adam was inside her crotch, little stimulations making her wish she could forget the next sixty seconds and fuck her brains out on the thick stalk between his legs. Then too, she’d be as happy to get spanked for not telling him anything and being contrary. Unfortunately, the outcome of being contrary would be a complete disclosure of everything she should have told him in the first place. His ways for extracting the truth were foolproof, starting with the penetrating stare.

  “He was blunt. Said he wanted to play with me again. Suggested I mention it to you. He said he doesn’t want to own me, I’m too much trouble. But he likes making me submit, humiliating me, punishing me, all his favorite vices … if you’d oblige him.”

  “Is that what you want?” Adam asked.

  “No,” she retorted easily.

  He nodded, looking at her completely expressionless. If she wanted to get inside his head, she’d have to take an x-ray or perhaps a crowbar to his skull. He wasn’t letting anything out and that annoyed her as much as it scared her. “Understand Eden, my giving you to Jacob or not is really not your choice.”

  “And you’d really do that?” she asked.

  “It’s a possibility,” he replied.

  Panic clutching her throat she couldn’t say anything but a whispered, “Why?”

  “Not your concern, dear,” he answered. “Now about the nightmare?”

  She was slumped in a chair staring at the floor, her mouth finally working, though she sounded strange as she remembered the vivid picture. “He was holding my bound hands so I was dangling over a bottomless pit. I could see his face, his mocking face, and then ….” she paused, each word a struggle and incriminating, “we were in bed, his body on mine. I couldn’t get away from him so I surrendered.”

  “That was all?” Adam asked.

  “No. There was this other piece. It was humiliating—that’s when I woke screaming. He was showing me off like a trinket in front of a room full of people and I smelled a branding iron some place behind me. He was going to mark my ass over your tattoo.”

  “Humph, good dream,” Adam said when she finished. “Now you can make some eggs and toast.”

  Two days later, Adam left the apartment on his way to the office telling her he’d be meeting with Jacob that afternoon. That he deliberately put her into a sick shock sent her day on an obsessive tailspin. She called Miss Angel—the first time in months.

  “Who are you with these days, honey?” the sassy mistress asked her. “I’ve kinda lost track.”

  “No one,” she said. This wasn’t suppose to be about Adam, but about her.

  “You lie!” the woman retorted.

  “How would you know that?” Eden declared.

  “Because I know Jacob and Jacob tells me things. You’re with the lawyer, aren’t you?”

  “Then why did you ask?”

  “See if you’d tell the truth or you’re still into playing games.”

  “I want my ass beaten like you used to,” she said.

  “Then ask your dom.”

  “I need it more anonymous than that,” she replied.

  “Then wait until the clubs open tonight and go present yourself. Someone’s sure to want your fine butt.”

  “You won’t do me? No matter what I pay you?”

  “You belong with that man of yours, honey. Buck up. Pick your guts back up off the floor and pack them in your pocket.”

  “I’m trying, but ….” she sounded like the waif of old.

  “This new dom of yours any good?”

  “Very,” Eden replied.

  “Then you’ll survive whatever’s getting to you. Trust me. That’s what you submissives do, trust. You give the man your belief in him, he’s not going to fail you. You may not like what he decides, but assuming he loves you, he does love you?”


  “You’ll be all right.” She seemed to snicker. Eden could imagine that funny mocking grin of hers. “Just like you to go for real love this time. Now don’t be foolish and screw it up. He’d have more than your ass if he found out I had it first today.”

  When Eden hung up the phone she didn’t know if she got what she wanted, but it was a dose of reality she couldn’t ignore.


  Eden never told Adam about her conversation with Miss Angel, and Adam never told her what happened when her two doms met that day in December. It was after Christmas before she had another nightmare, though then, it was three nights in a row.

  On a cold January evening, with the penetrating wind raw and savage outside, they dined before the warm fire of her favorite restaurant. The grand old house had been converted into a place where one could almost taste the air it was so thick with the aromas of sensuous food and atmosphere.

  Eden was sitting on her bare ass while they ate steamy soup thick with earthy mushrooms and wild rice. She’d have a salad afterwards, Adam poached salmon. He poured her two glasses of a heavy red wine that went down easily and easily went to her head. Like floating, drifting in and out of consciousness, the room swirled around her. Her body felt as though it was melting. Her dress was a long tightly fitting wool creation with a long slit on the side so she could bare her ass on a chair. The soft fabric was like a lover’s hand caressing her. He ordered her a chocolate, popping the candy in her mouth. It liquefied there teasing her taste buds with its sugary brew of chocolate flavors.

  “You’re going to make me giddy you keep seducing me this way,” she said, lithely laughing. Her voice sounded like one of her songs. He’d been encouraging her to sing more. She had a mesmerizing voice when she sang sexy, a lovely resonance he said made his dick stiff. She always laughed at that.

  Now her eyes shimmered for him. It was a happy night. Except for those odious nightmares, her life seemed perfect. While she stared him in the eye and sipped her wine, Adam’s hand moved on her thigh and she jerked when she felt him slip a finger along her bottom. Playful, his energy seemed to leap at her, making her want to drop between his legs under the table cloth and put his erection in her mouth. They kissed lightly on the lips, Adam’s hand moving to the cleavage of her dress where the insides of her breasts could be seen moving with the folds of the sophisticated dress. He played again with the soft flesh, reaching in enough to find a nipple to squeeze. A man across the room saw them playing. His smile suggested it pleased him. Adam only removed his roving hand when the waiter came with their dinner.

  They ate in relative silence, her eyes twinkling merrily, having just a pleasant degree of intoxication to make her warm everywhere. While each bite of her salad and warm roll stirred her palate, she wriggled her naked puss against the silky fabric beneath her, knowing that there’d be a damp spot there when she rose from the chair. It amused her to think how the next patron would view her female nectar. Halfway through their meal, Adam looked up from his salmon and caught her with a sharp glance.

  “I’m taking you to Jacob after dinner tonight,” he said almost as easily as if he was telling her about the weather.

  Her face went white, her heart went mad with anger, and yet her enlivened crotch tightened with an electric erotic charge.

  “My, no …” she droned out of her shock. “Whatever for?”

  “Your nightmares have returned,” he said.

  “Just once.”

  “I hate you lying. I know you tried to hide the one last night and the one the night before. But I can feel the terror in you, it strikes terror in me.”

  “Perhaps we’re too close if you’re feeling me so closely.”

  “Perhaps you’re getting afraid again.”

  “But Jacob? What possible good could it do to be with him again? That is what you’re suggesting?”

sending you to him for as long as I feel necessary.” All the sensuous romance of the night disappeared as he spoke to her in in the same grim voice he used when he talked about his messy legal cases. “I want you to promise me you’ll remain with him, you’ll obey his orders as dutifully as you’d obey mine. You’ll make yourself his lover and slave and serve him as he wishes. You’ll take his beatings and the bondage, everything he gives you.”

  “And where will you be?” she groaned desperately.

  “I’ll be working my ass off on three upcoming trials.”

  “So, you’re trying to get me out of your hair,” she said with a petulant pout.

  He grimaced nastily. “You make another statement like that, I’ll pull you over my lap and spank your naked ass right in front of these people.”

  “I’m sorry,” she said quietly. Though she wasn’t sorry at all, and she was hardly assuaged, and her heart was still beating as if he was sending her to the gallows, or worse yet, the dungeons of hell. Still, she was hot between her thighs.

  “I want your promise to me.”

  She looked back at him defiantly, not speaking.

  “Promise you’ll stay with him,” he repeated.

  “And if I don’t?”

  “You’ll ruin what we have together,” he stated simply. “Whether you like it or not, it’s what I want from you. You don’t have to understand and it doesn’t have to make sense. Either you trust me or you don’t.”

  Hearing it so simply put, Eden surrendered as he wished.

  In the car on the way to Jacob’s apartment she let her mind go. Resting her head against the backrest she brought the picture of Jacob to her thoughts, not memories of him, but the essence of who he was: the erratic vagrant, the sharp-tongued ruthless wild man, the changeable dominant who was one minute gentle as a lamb, the next deviously cruel. Strangely, the picture of Adam seemed to overlap that of Jacob. She imagined that the man she loved with her whole heart was hardly different than her former lover. It was just in degrees, in civility and polish that they seemed so unlike. Otherwise, they were reckless with her for their own pleasures and happy for it. She resented the promise he extracted from her, but she loved him still. And though she’d give herself as she was ordered, she would doubt the wisdom of this move.

  chapter thirteen

  Eden was with Jacob in the diner of the old train station, hearing the rumbling thunder of the mighty machinery as it moved in its ponderous way from one place to the next. The haunting screech of the wheels and the sound of the train whistling in her ears took Eden back in time to when she and Jacob lived in an apartment near the tracks. Was he trying for that recollection, or was it just an accidental circumstance of his plans that day?

  They’d been together again for several weeks, the feel of submitting to him much the same as it had been before, except that Adam Cady was always in the back of her mind. She wouldn’t forget that he was her real master and that he sent her to be with Jacob until this demon was cleansed from her.

  She was wearing black again, this time a simple black sheath that was cut with a plunging neckline in front and cut deep in back. Fitting snugly over her hips, the skirt descended to mid-calf. Underneath she wore a skin-tight leather bustier. There was a leather collar at her neck and a wrist cuff on her left wrist. Over her clothes was a winter overcoat, and on her feet heels four inches high. She had to grab hold of Jacob walking from the taxi to the station door. It was icy from a February storm two nights before.

  Jacob drank stale coffee while she sipped on a coke. He ate the greasy hamburger he ordered while her stomach growled from lack of food, yet the thought of even one bite of his burger made her nauseous. As he ate, Jacob made her open the coat so he could look at her attire. This was one of the few times that dressing for him had been important.

  Checking the clock at ten p.m., Jacob suddenly threw several dollar bills on the counter, and grabbed her arm, leading her from the diner to the station platform. She had to hustle to get her coat over her shoulders, and by the time that was accomplished the biting wind had climbed its way inside the dress so she was shivering cold from within.

  Boarding the passenger car, Jacob walked swiftly toward the back of the train with Eden at his heels. She was having a difficult time keeping up and he was impatient for her to follow him closely. Far back in the train they passed through two cars for baggage and freight. Finally stopping, Eden found herself abruptly blindfolded from behind, immediately sensing that she was surrounded by men. With her coat stripped away, a second wrist cuff was attached to her right wrist and both hands where drawn high, fixed above her. She felt a metal post between her breasts and the feel of hands combing her body through her dress.

  Her legs were parted wide, ankles attached to a spreader bar, and so bound, she was left alone.

  The train jerked to a start and as it picked up speed so her heart began to pound in that same anxious rhythm. Her cunt was juicing, but she was too afraid to feel sexual with her mind running wild. Roaring into an unknown night there was nothing to soothe her except that rhythm, and the drone of the noisy din of the train filling her ears. It was no musical masterpiece, but there were melodies in her head because of it.

  After a time, she felt a tether clamped to the ring at the back of her collar, jerking her head back and down. Other hands reached around, and grabbing her dress, tore it away, exposing her upturned breasts to the cold chill of the baggage car. Ripping the dress off completely, she was left in nothing but the bustier, heels and blindfold. What had become a mass of loose unruly curls dangled down her back tickling her skin.

  A hand at her cunt pulled hard on her tuft of pubic hair. Pulling steadily, she was afraid the pain of it wouldn’t stop. Her eyes were wet behind the blindfold, and though her captors couldn’t see the horror in her expression, they could easily read what was on her lips in the form a harrowing grimace. With a dildo strapped inside her ass, a cane followed, laid hard against her breasts. Each sting was accompanied by the sound of her screaming until a ball gag was shoved in her mouth.

  With her head back upright, her cheek was crushed and tied to the post in front of her so she could feel the cold metal make her jaw cold. But then the cold quickly vanished as some man’s hand added fire to her ass, beating it hard with a whip and a paddle. Searing hot, the treatment fired all her atoms as if they’d been suspended waiting to be awakened. A wild roar of lust commenced as each new shot at her behind made her want it more—yet she hated it when it struck. Once thoroughly abused, she was untied and pushed to her knees where there were pricks bobbing in her face. With the ballgag removed, she ate them ravenously one after another going back and forth between four of them. She dined on them as though they could feed her food to nourish her soul, if not her body.

  She heard Jacob’s voice mocking her, calling her “bitch”, “fucking whore”—names she’d heard from him many times. Feeling the occasional sting of a hand on her cheek, she knew that was Jacob, knew as much by the smell of him, his cock recognizable. She knew it well. She lavished on the four men every ounce of desire they’d given her body in the whipping, performing her task eagerly. When they splashed their cum over her face and torso, she felt a strange sensation of peace pervade the rocking baggage car as it continued to speed its way through some nighttime land.

  Finished with her, she was brought to her feet and her arms tied behind her to a metal post. Left by herself, the last man out the door took off her blindfold—Jacob.

  “You were made for this bitch,” he said sneering. “Good show.”

  She could see her torn dress at her feet. Trampled on, it looked like a black dust cloth. She was dusty too from the floor and so many hands on her body. Looking down, her pushed up breasts were marred with a half-dozen cutting lines. A trickle of blood on the left one had already dried into a bumpy line.

  She was molten between her legs, her cunt grabbing for the air like it could fuck her where she needed it. She ached with a agonizing pain from
her bonds. As time went by and no one came, she feared most being left. Like being sequestered in Adam’s woodshed, she felt desperate and lost.

  An anonymous man rescued her. Leading her by the tether at her neck, her arms were still bound behind her and her feet were still pinched into the painful spike heels. They moved from car to car in silence, through two baggage cars, though one empty passenger car, to a sleeping car where she was pushed inside a compartment. Before she could see inside the darkened space before her she was pushed to the floor. A boot at her neck pushed down while her head was at the same time jerked by the collar. It was impossible to move.

  With her hind-end poked with a baton, she raised it high to the command of Jacob’s voice. She focused on him, realizing that it was his foot on her head and his hand with the baton. Exchanging the baton for a leather slapper, he spanked her raw ass, centering his attention on her parted cleft. She could enjoy the feeling as long as he kept the slaps without a bite and aimed them directly over the anal hole. It was a sexual trait of hers he knew well. Eden loved her anus paddled. Though when he laid the leather so the mean edge drove into the tender flesh, she squealed and tried jerking away.

  With that place so tortured she was in tears.

  When the beating finally stopped, it was replaced by an attentive mouth rimming her back door with a tongue and priming the hole with two fingers driving deep. She imagined the rest before it even happened. Four dicks in her rear door, the most ever in one night.

  Eden relaxed quickly with the first one—a rather modest cock working its way deep. This so easy, she was rudely awakened when the second stiff erection was as mighty as any she’d had in her ass. She screamed, “NO!”, into the ballgag a hundred times, though she wasn’t heard. As savage as it was, the man’s inherent kindness displayed some sympathy. He didn’t pound her hard to start. As enough time elapsed for her to relax, that fat cock began to glide as easy as any cock into her dark channel.


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