Bull, Associate
Motto: Diamonds protect their own
A large group of immigrant workers from the South African diamond mines settled in Bridges in the early 1500’s AC. Proud of their unique identity, this disparate group of families began to call themselves “Diamonds” and exclusively intermarry.
Patriarch: Julius Diamond (wife: Rachel)
Jack Roland Diamond (Black Jack), age 26
Jonathan Courtenay Diamond, age 26, his twin brother
Gardena Diamond, age 24
Daniel, manservant (deceased)
Octavia Diamond, a nanny
Roland, a small boy
Motto: Ready for anything
Descended from Appalachian and Chinese workers, Crispin Hartmann led one of the early street gangs of the early 1700’s. This gang called themselves the Harts and were one of the major players in the looting and other unpleasant acts seen during the Coup.
Patriarch: Charles Hart (wife: Judith)
Heir (and Inventor): Etienne Hart (wife: Helen, daughter: Ferti)
Under protection:
Joseph Kerr, age 23
Josephine Kerr, age 23, his twin sister
Polansky Kerr IV, age 87, their grandfather
Marja, their housekeeper
Motto: A golden harvest
Clover Banditerna was a worker on a farm near the zeppelin until the Alcatraz Coup. Seeing an opportunity, he and his fellow workers called themselves the Clubbs Of Justice and seized the zeppelin station, along with the controls to the aperture.
Knowing that no one could go in or out of the city without going through them, the group charged exorbitant rates and became extremely rich.
After the Coup, Clover Banditerna changed his name, calling himself Johnny Clubb.
Patriarch: Alexander Clubb (wife: Regina, granddaughter: Calcutta)
Heir: Lance Clubb, age 23
Other players
Spadros quadrant:
Eleanora Bryce, a widow
Herbert Bryce, age 16, her son
David Bryce, age 12, her son
Nicholas (Nick, Air), her son (deceased)
Madame Marie Biltcliffe, a dress shop owner
Tenni, age 17, her shop maid
Vig Vikenti, a saloon owner
Gypsy gal, a working woman in Vig’s saloon
Constable Paix Hanger, a policeman
Market Center:
Bridges Daily, a newspaper
Acol Durak, the editor
Thrace Pike, a reporter (wife: Gertie)
Swan, map room caretaker (Records Hall)
Anna Goren, an apothecary
Jacqui’s Ma, a brothel owner
The Masked Man, rumored to be a quadrant money-man
Ely Kerr, a drunkard
Major Blackwood, an old Army man
The Red Dogs, a children’s street gang
Stephen Rivers, age 15, a “chip”
Clover, age 18, an “ace”
Morton, their trey leader/Blaze Rainbow, a gentleman
Golden Bridges, a tabloid
Frank Pagliacci, a scoundrel
Zia, a maid
Peedro Sluff, a Party Time addict
A novel is, by necessity, a team project. Many people have helped me along the way, and I’d like to thank them. I appreciate the willingness to read a partially finished book and the wonderful input given by Andy Loofbourrow, Bekah June, Sharon Lee, Samantha Ashpaugh, Tasha Reese, and David Bridger. I’d also like to thank Dennis McDonald for his support, advice, and example in self-publishing, Erin Hartshorn for her generosity and meticulous proofreading, Anita Carroll for her gorgeous cover art, and Jerry Bennett for his boundless enthusiasm. You all inspire me.
This book would not be what it is today without the hours spent by my son Corwin Loofbourrow reading and re-reading my many edits and haranguing his mom to make my work the best it could be. Thank you.
About the Author
Patricia Loofbourrow is a writer, gardener, artist, musician, poet, wildcrafter, and married mother of three who loves power tools, dancing, genetics, and anything to do with outer space. She also has an MD. Heinlein would be proud.
You can follow her blog at JacqOfSpades.com and find her on Twitter (@Jacq_Of_Spades), Tumblr http://red-dog-conspiracy.tumblr.com/ and The Jacq of Spades Facebook page.
Note from the Author
Thanks so much for reading The Jacq of Spades. If you liked the book, please contact me, or leave a review where you bought this.
Read more by Patricia Loofbourrow
The Jacq of Spades
The Queen of Diamonds
The Ace of Clubs
The King of Hearts
Gutshot: The Catastrophe
The Alcatraz Coup
The Jacq of Spades Page 24