The Lucky One (Carolina Connections Book 3)

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The Lucky One (Carolina Connections Book 3) Page 2

by Sylvie Stewart

  With Nate gone for the week, Mark and some of the other guys were picking up the slack at Built by Murphy, my family’s construction and contracting company. Nate, Mark, and I all work there, along with Gavin, although he only works part-time.

  My father started the company when he was my age, and over the last thirty-odd years it’s grown into a sizeable local operation with a stellar reputation. Nate and I knew from a very young age that our dad’s hope was to pass the company along to us, and we’ve done little to discourage that—even though I know we’ve both had reservations.

  Nate reconciled his last year when our dad had a heart attack and Nate was forced to return home to North Carolina and take over the construction side of the business. After some false starts, he found his groove and hasn’t looked back.

  I, on the other hand, have not come to terms with my feelings about the company. Perhaps I should rephrase that. I know exactly how I feel about it—I just haven’t told the most significant person about my feelings. I’m generally very good at telling people exactly what I think—sometimes too good. Except when it comes to my dad.

  One day, I’ll work up the courage to tell my dad I’m leaving the company and pursuing my real dreams. One day.

  Until then, I had Sunday with Satan and my nephew to survive.

  Chapter Two



  Her hand slid down my chest, brushing over my sternum on its way to where I needed it the most. She didn’t disappoint. My cock pulsed in her hand as her grip tightened and I groaned in her ear.

  “You are so fucking sexy,” I told her.

  I could feel her smile against the skin of my shoulder and I let my hands explore the perfect round globes of her ass. My fingers flexed along with my cock.

  “I need you,” she whispered, nipping my skin.

  “I need you too,” I returned.

  “I need you to run to the store, Jake. We’re out of coffee.”


  I looked back at the blond goddess in my arms, but the bed was empty next to me.

  I blinked.

  “Sorry, I’d go but I need to get ready so I can cover the lunch event for Fiona today. Poor girl.”

  I looked to the doorway of my bedroom and saw my mother adjusting her robe while she checked her phone.


  I took a quick look toward my junk to make sure my painful hard-on wasn’t on display. Thankfully, the bedding disguised my awkward situation.

  Damn. I’d had that dream again.

  Ever since the night of Nate and Laney’s wedding, I’d had the same dream. It always involved the blonde and it never ended how I wanted it to.

  “What?” I shook my head to clear the cobwebs and looked back to my mom.

  “Sorry, sweetie. I have to cater a lunch event on my own today since Fiona’s sick and can’t make it. We’re out of coffee and I’m not going to make it without caffeine. Can you run and grab some? Please?”

  Only processing about two words of what she said, I ran my hands over my face and nodded in agreement.

  “Thank you so much!” My mom turned and sped down the hall toward her room.

  I had to get my own place. And soon.

  That damn dream was still gnawing at me twenty minutes later while I walked through the coffee aisle of Food Lion.

  A quick check of my phone confirmed what I already knew—no responses to my multiple text messages.

  What in the hell was wrong with me? I didn’t pursue women who made it clear they wanted nothing to do with me. It was way past time to move on.

  Yet…I couldn’t bring myself to do it.

  It had been three weeks since I’d seen Bailey Murphy. Three weeks of unreturned calls and texts that had turned me into one of “those” guys. I shoved my phone back into my pocket and scrubbed my hands over my face and into my hair.

  I still wasn’t used to how long my hair had gotten. I’d sported a buzz cut ever since I joined the Marines out of high school, and I’d only recently decided to let it grow out a bit. That was just one of many changes I’d made lately.

  One short month ago, I’d moved back to Greensboro from Clearwater, Florida, where I’d been living and working for the last several years.

  The move itself had been an exhausting one. I’d driven straight through the night in a rental truck with all my personal shit in it, despite the fact that I’d worked a full day tying up loose ends with my condo and business. I proceeded to spend the following week coordinating the delivery and storage of my business’s heavy equipment, only to find myself rising with the sun to catch meetings with my new business partner here in Greensboro. Then I had to fly back to Florida to get my truck and make the ten-hour drive here.

  My back ached, my head hurt, and I had a mountain of paperwork to go through. But, apparently, none of that got me a get-out-of-jail-free card when Saturday rolled around and I was reminded by my brother, Mark, that I had a wedding to go to.

  “Can’t you just tell them I’m sick or something?” I pleaded with my little brother.

  “What are you, nine? Act like an adult and get dressed. You’re giving Mom a ride to the reception place on your way. She’s catering.”

  That fact made me feel a little more energized. Our mom and Fiona, Mark’s new crazy-ass girlfriend, were starting up a catering business together—which I thought was an awesome idea.

  In addition to being an absolute blast to hang around, Fiona is an amazing cook. If it hadn’t been so fun to watch her and Mark annoying the shit out of each other while simultaneously panting over one another, I would have totally tried to get in there. If anybody deserved a happy ending, though, it was those two. Or those three, if you include our mom getting a new job. And the fact that Fiona and our mom get on so well was a bonus.

  Life hadn’t been great in our house when Mark and I were growing up. Our parents had a toxic relationship, due to my dad being a giant asshole, and the situation left our mom struggling with depression while assuming the role of primary breadwinner and caretaker. We’d survived, but, I’m ashamed to admit, I bolted as soon as possible after my high school graduation—leaving my fourteen-year-old brother to hold shit together.

  Everything eventually worked out okay, but I would always regret not stepping up for my family when I should have. So, seeing my brother in love with a cute little hellion and my mom finally beginning a career she enjoyed helped mend my soul a bit.

  It did not, however, make me any more excited to attend a damn wedding.

  But I’d gotten to know Laney and Nate, and they’d both helped out tremendously when we’d all found ourselves in a bad situation a few months back. The least I could do was celebrate their big day with them and buy them a toaster or something.

  That’s how I found myself in a suit and tie, sitting in a church pew with complete strangers while my little brother stood up with Nate and his soon-to-be brother-in-law, Gavin. I’d just resolved to make it an early night when the music started and the entire congregation’s gaze shifted to the back of the church.

  My breath actually caught in my lungs and I had the brief inclination to put a fist to my own chest. There stood one of the hottest chicks I’d ever laid eyes on. She was tall and blond with a perfect rack and a stunning face. She was wearing a blue strapless dress that showed off acres of creamy skin along her neck and shoulders. A pair of hot-as-shit high heels perfectly accentuated some of the longest legs I’d ever seen.

  My plans changed in that instant. I might still make it an early night, but hopefully I wouldn’t be doing it alone.

  “I got your coffee!” I called out to my mom when I returned home.

  She hustled in from the back hallway and reached up to plant a kiss on my cheek. “You’re a life-saver, Jake.”

  “Why, yes, yes I am,” I told her as I handed over both the grocery bag and a large latte I’d gotten at a drive-thru on the way home.

  She gave a little gasp and then shrugged. “That’s it.
You’re now my favorite son.” Taking both items in hand, she retreated to the kitchen.

  “What do you mean?” I called after her. “I thought I already was your favorite!”

  She turned to smile at me when I followed her into the small kitchen and I watched as she took her first sip and relaxed her slim frame back into the countertop.

  “So, anything else I can do to help? Looks like you’ve got a busy day,” I offered.

  “Thanks, but no. I think I have it covered. It’s just a small luncheon and it’s recipes we’ve done before. Mostly cold things that have already been prepared.”

  I nodded in response and took a seat at the wobbly kitchen table. She needed to get rid of this damn thing. It was the same one I’d grown up with, and it was past time for a fresh start.

  “I just feel so bad about Fiona, the poor girl.”

  “What’s wrong with her?”

  She waved her hand. “Oh, nothing really—she’s just got strep throat. She’ll be fine, but I know she’s feeling awful about not just the lunch but about Rocco too. She was supposed to be watching him while Nate and Laney are gone.”

  I’d forgotten that the happy couple had postponed their honeymoon to make sure their son, Rocco, got settled into his first year of school okay. I thought it was kind of nice that they’d done that, and I guess it made sense since the kid was kind of sensitive.

  “That sucks. So, who’s watching Rocco then?” The kid was a hoot—he had more questions than the world had answers, and he knew everything there was to know about turtles—both the real and mutant-ninja variety.

  “Bailey, I think. Nate’s sister. You may have met her at the wedding.”

  I practically choked on my own tongue.

  “Anyway, hopefully Fiona will be better soon—until then, though, I think I’m going to be busy,” she said with a shrug and then left to finish getting ready, I assumed.

  But my mind was not focusing on my mom’s new job and her busy day anymore. No, I had new plans for my Sunday. Plans that involved a sneaky blonde who thought she could give me the slip.

  Was my behavior a little stalker-y? Perhaps. But I wasn’t about to let Bailey and the best sex of my life go without doing my damn best to secure a date and who knows what else—at the very least, a replay would be nice.

  When it comes to women, I’m a middle-road kind of guy. Yes, the occasional one-night-stand is not unheard of, but I tend to leave that decision up to the girl. Left to my own devices, I’m what you might call a serial dater. I love taking girls out. Sometimes it’s just one PG date with no follow-up, and other times we hang out for a few months and run the full gamut of the motion-picture rating scale. If a girl wants to spend a night or seven, that doesn’t faze me one bit—I enjoy waking up to a soft, sweet body warming the bed next to me.

  And who doesn’t love morning sex? These guys who cut and run the night before don’t know what they’re missing. I prefer to let a relationship run its course and then move on. It’s not that I’m not open to a long-term relationship—I just haven’t found one that fits. And I’m not actively looking either.

  I’m in my early thirties. I figure I’ll get there one day, but it’s not worth dwelling on—especially when I’ve got so much else going on in my life.

  But Bailey Murphy? I wasn’t willing to give up on her just yet. I rose from the cheap kitchen chair and made my way to the hall bathroom to shower and shave.

  I had a girl to call on.

  Damn if there wasn’t an actual spring in my step.

  Given the unreturned texts and calls, I determined that showing up without warning at Laney and Nate’s house would not be received well by my reluctant conquest. A small bribe might be in order—and who doesn’t like burritos?

  While I waited for my takeout order at Barberitos, I tried to develop a plan of attack and anticipate Bailey’s reaction. This could go any number of ways, from a coy tilt of the head and an invitation to come in, to an abrupt slam of the door in my face.

  Perhaps burritos weren’t going to cut it.

  “Jake!” The kid at the counter called my name. I went to retrieve my order when a strong hand grasped my shoulder. I turned and found myself faced with the shit-eating grin of my new business partner, Jax Crosby.

  “I thought that was you,” he said, extending his hand for a shake.

  Jax is one of those guys who is consistently two steps ahead of the game and enjoys the hell out of being so. Shit-eating grin is his go-to facial expression.

  “Hey, man, how’s it going?” I replied, taking his hand. I quickly grabbed my bag of food as we moved out of the way to make room for the other customers.

  “Good, good,” he said in his lazy accent. “I was gonna call you this afternoon.” He scratched his shock of wild blond hair and threw his chin out toward me. “Got a lead on a landscaping project. Thought we could talk it over if you’ve got time.”

  Shit. I had a bag of hot burritos and a sexy girl to attend to, but this was my job—my brand-new livelihood. It was nothing to dick around with.

  He seemed to sense my hesitation before I could mask it. His gaze transferred to the oversized brown bag of goodness in my hand, and his lips twitched up on one side. “Aaah, I see how it is,” he drawled. The guy missed nothing.

  “Nah, man. It’s fine. I’ve got time,” I tried to protest.

  He was shaking his head before I could finish the first word. “No way. Far be it from me to stand in the way of a man and his mission.” Out came the grin again.

  I couldn’t help but return it. “Well, I have to admit—I do have something quite…delicious waiting for me.” I raised the bag of food in mock acknowledgment.

  “Carry on, brother.” Jax patted my shoulder and turned toward the counter. “Call me when you’re done and we’ll chat then,” he finished as he sauntered over to place his order.

  “Will do.” I walked out the door and to my truck.

  My thoughts lingered on our brief chat. A potential customer was nothing to ignore, especially since I was unknown in this town for my professional work. I’d busted my ass learning the ins and outs of the landscape design industry and I was determined to make a go of it here in my hometown.

  As I steered the truck north, I vowed to myself that I would call Jax as soon as I got back to my mom’s house later—which reminded me, yet again, that it was high time to get my own place.

  But it wasn’t like staying with my mom was a hardship. I loved having concentrated time with her after my long absence and infrequent visits home the last several years. It was inexcusable when it came right down to it, but I had been so used to avoiding my family back when my dad was around that I hadn’t ever truly transitioned to normal visits once he’d left.

  All of that was in the past now, and I could enjoy time with my mom and brother. But that didn’t mean I had to permanently crash in my old twin bed, surrounded by plastic debate-team trophies my mom kept as a shrine honoring Mark’s old days as a teenage loser.

  Damn, I had to be careful what I said about my baby brother these days—that dude could kick my ass if he had a mind to.

  I pulled into Laney and Nate’s driveway and put my truck in park. One deep breath and then the burritos and I were on our way to the front porch. But before I could even raise a finger to the doorbell, an ear-piercing scream tore through the house and had me dropping the bag to the concrete while my fists automatically pounded on the door for entry.

  Chapter Three

  Clichés and Chupacabras


  “Well, where did you see him last?” I asked in a panic, trying and failing to hide my crazy.

  Rocco, looking equal parts guilty and devastated, brought his eyes up to mine while his lower lip quivered. “I just wanted to hold him.”

  No no no! I was a dead woman. Not only had I bought my nephew a contraband pet, I’d now inadvertently broken the boy’s heart! Although, I was a tiny bit proud of myself for being more concerned about these issues
than the one of a goddamn lizard being loose in the same dwelling where I was expected to sleep tonight!

  “It’ll be okay,” I promised with completely false sincerity. “We’ll find him.”

  “Promise?” Rocco asked, his face the picture of despair.

  This kid had a lucrative career as either a beggar or an actor ahead of him. Either way, he’d clean up.

  “Promise,” my mouth said while every other part of me screamed at it to shut the hell up and get out of the house.

  Nate was going to owe me huge after this mess.

  “He’s probably just scared and hiding somewhere,” I told the kid.

  He latched onto that idea right away and got down on hands and knees to look under his bed. “You think?”

  “Yeah. Definitely.” I joined him down on the carpet, careful to let his face be the one closest to the potential hiding place of the devil.

  What?! He’s the one who wanted the damn thing.

  “Not here,” Rocco said as he lifted his head up and peered at me with concern.

  Now that I knew it was safe, I made a half-hearted attempt to glance under the bed as well.

  “There he is!!” was the last thing I heard before my head swiveled of its own accord and I found myself eye-to-beady-eye with the leathery form of Satan Quasimodo Holy Shit Motherfucking Gecko.

  I vaguely recall wondering who was screaming before black spots swam in front of me and a horrible pounding noise echoed through my brain. There wasn’t anything after that.

  I assumed the lizard ate my brain.

  At least my death was a swift one.

  “Did she hit her head on anything?” I heard a deep rumble by my left ear. I’m relatively certain lizards don’t talk.

  “No, she was already down on the floor. She just screamed like a monkey and then fell asleep. It was weird.” This voice belonged to my nephew for sure.


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