The Lucky One (Carolina Connections Book 3)

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The Lucky One (Carolina Connections Book 3) Page 21

by Sylvie Stewart

  “You’re just saying that because it’s not a possibility. It’s like me volunteering to give you my kidney, knowing we’re not a match.”

  “That’s completely untrue. If I could carry the baby for you, I would,” he stated firmly. “Wait, if we were actually a match you’d give me a kidney, right?”

  “Sure. Anytime,” I said, pulling a face.

  He grabbed my hand and kept his eyes on it. “Bailey, I don’t think you know how important this is to me.”

  I wasn’t sure if he was talking about me or the baby or even the damn kidney.

  “I am going to be here every step of the way. I’m not going to let you or the baby down. I hope you know that.”

  I just nodded. I did know that.

  “I’m not going to be that guy who makes a commitment and then bails. I know what it feels like to be on the receiving end of that.” His eyes moved up to mine. “My dad was a total asshole. I know you’ve heard all about it from Mark.” I nodded and he continued, “But Mark probably didn’t tell you I acted like an asshole too.”

  Huh? I looked at him in question.

  “Remember me telling you I went into the Marines out of high school? That was me running away. I had to get away from my dad, and I left my mom and fourteen-year-old brother to deal with him on their own. And not just that—they had to handle everything on their own. The bills, the house, insurance…everything. And I just ditched them.”

  “Jake,” I interjected, “you were a kid yourself. You didn’t do it deliberately.”

  “Maybe not, but I should have grown up faster and come back. I’ll never be able to undo what I did.” He looked at me earnestly. “So, when I tell you I’m here for you and this kid, I’m here. I’m not going away. Not ever.”

  I didn’t know what to say, so I just pulled him into a hug and held on tight. We stayed that way for a while.

  After that, Jake seemed a little uncomfortable with his confession so I tried to lighten the mood. I got us both a snack—a healthy one (yuck)—and grabbed my sketchpad and pencils.

  “Ever since I met you I’ve been dying to draw those cheekbones of yours.” I smiled and plopped back down on the couch.

  He grinned. “What cheekbones?”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me. Have you looked in the mirror? You have beautiful bone structure.”

  His lip curled. “Don’t ever call me beautiful again. That’s just…wrong.”

  “Too bad. Now, sit still so I can get the basics down.”

  “Are you going to ask me to strip and wear a giant jewel around my neck?”

  I snickered. “Not if you obey and be a good boy.”

  “I don’t like being a good boy.” He inched toward me and ran a hand up my bare leg.

  I smacked it. “That’s how we got into this situation in the first place, Captain Sperm Count. Now, sit.”

  He acquiesced, but only after letting his hand graze my inner thigh, causing goosebumps to rise on my skin. I sketched the main shapes of his face before I let him resume his reading. I tried to focus on the image as I glanced back and forth between Jake and the paper. But the tingling sensation from his touch proved to be quite the distraction.

  “Wow,” Jake declared a half hour later when I presented him with the finished sketch. “That’s really good.” His eyes flashed to my face. “You’re pretty damn amazing, Irish.”

  I brushed his compliment aside. “Well, it’s hard to mess up when my subject is so damn pretty.” I jumped from the couch just as his hand shot out to grab me. I was too late and he smacked my ass.

  “Ow! Abuse!” I yelled, unable to keep my laugh in.

  He managed to get both arms around me and pull me back down so I landed on his lap. “If you liked that, I’ve got a thing or two I could show you,” he teased.

  My insides clenched. Hmm, that was new. Apparently, pregnancy came with a fetish or two.

  My phone rang, interrupting the moment. I glanced at it where it sat on the coffee table and saw that it was my mom. I groaned.

  “What?” Jake asked, and then looked at the screen. “Oh.” We both stared at it for a moment while it rang. “Aren’t you going to get it?”

  I sighed and hit accept, raising it to my ear. “Hi, Mom.”

  “Hi, sweetheart. How are you feeling?”

  As I was still seated on Jake’s hard thighs, I was feeling pretty damn good, but I didn’t suppose that’s what she meant.

  “I’m good. A bit nauseous here and there, and I’m sleeping a lot, but I’m good.”

  “Oh, my. I was so sick with both you and Nate. They say it’s a sign the baby’s healthy, though.”

  I scrunched up my face and looked back at Jake. He was focusing on my neck and preparing to lean in. I gave him a scolding look.

  “Mom, I’m pretty sure that’s one of those things people tell you to make your suffering more bearable. ‘Hey, I see your severed limb is bleeding nicely. They say the more it bleeds the cleaner the cut. Good for you!’”

  Jake pressed his face into my back and chuckled.

  “Bailey Cathleen! I swear I don’t know who raised you.”

  I laughed in response, always loving to get a rise out of my mom.

  “Anyway, I was calling to invite you to Sunday dinner tomorrow.” I heard a voice in the background and then the sound of my mom covering the phone. There was some muffled yelling and then she was back. “Sorry about that. Um, what I meant to say was could you please bring Jake to dinner tomorrow? I’m afraid it’s the only way to avoid a repeat of your father’s behavior at the job site.”

  I looked back at Jake again. Clearly, he’d heard my mother’s voice because he suddenly looked serious.

  “So, you heard about that?” Not surprising.

  “Sweetheart, I think everyone heard about that. I have no control over that man. At least this way we can keep it somewhat contained. What do you say?”

  I gave Jake a pained smile as I spoke into the phone again. “Do we actually have a choice?”

  “Um, no.”

  Jake shrugged. I sighed. “Then, sure. Jake and I would love to come over for dinner.”

  “Wonderful. Oh, and I’m making pork chops, so bring your appetite!”

  I was more likely to bring my Pepto.

  I would like to say that after I hung up with my mother, Jake and I screwed like rabbits and spent the entire night devouring each other repeatedly. But that would be a lie. We ended up having spaghetti and salad and watching a movie on TV. Correction: Jake watched a movie on TV. I promptly passed out and was, once again, carried to bed by Jake. This pregnancy thing was doing nothing for my sex life!

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  The Irish Godfather


  I’d thought ahead this time and packed a bag, hoping I’d be spending the night. I got my wish, although Bailey fell asleep on me shortly after dark. But that was okay. I still got to sleep next to her sweet, warm body and wake up to her lazy, sleep-drunk smile. I was beginning to think I couldn’t go another night without her.

  I brought her tea—since coffee was apparently out—and some toast in bed so she, hopefully, wouldn’t get sick again.

  “This is really thoughtful, Jake. Thank you.” She was uncharacteristically sweet and agreeable. I figured the sass would be back once she got her legs under her.

  I felt a bit lighter today, having confessed my past behavior concerning my family and my feelings about it. I’d needed Bailey to understand where I was coming from so she’d feel more inclined to trust me and my intentions. So, things were looking up. I was even considering broaching the moving-in topic again since the last day had gone so well.

  The only difficulties weighing on my mind now were Mark’s lawsuit and the upcoming dinner with Riordan Murphy. I should probably have taken out some life insurance, but it was a little late for that.

  Bailey spent much of the morning painting while I ran a couple errands. On the way back I called Mark.

  “All set
for your meeting tomorrow?”

  “Getting there. Hey, while I’ve got you, can you do me a favor?”


  “I got a list of witnesses from my lawyer. I’m going to e-mail them to you and Bailey. Will you ask her to look them over and see if she recognizes any names? Best to have all the information we can get.”

  “Sure. That makes sense. I’m on my way back to her place now.”

  “Yeah, mom said you haven’t been sleeping at home much. I take it things are going better?” Mark asked.

  “I’m working on it. We’ve got dinner at her parents’ tonight.”

  “Oh, shit.”

  “I know. I’m not looking forward to another run-in with her dad.” I cringed internally at the thought.

  “No. Well, yeah, that’ll suck. But my ‘oh, shit’ was for a completely different reason. Do not eat the food, man,” Mark said in a cryptic tone.

  “What do you mean?” What the hell was he up to?

  “Erin. Do not eat her cooking. It might kill you.”

  “Shut up, asshole. You’re just setting me up.” He was undoubtedly trying to get me to embarrass myself. As if I needed more awkwardness with the Murphy clan.

  “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” He laughed and hung up.

  What the hell?

  “Oh my God. This is unbelievable.” Bailey scowled, smacking the arm of the love seat.

  “Ashley, Hannah, Taylor, Michael—these are all Anton’s groupies.”

  She was looking over the list of witnesses Mark had sent over.

  “Of course they’re going to side with him. They practically worship him.” She tossed her phone down in a huff.

  “Wait, are they his students or something?”

  “Sort of. I mean, some of them have attended his guest lectures, but they literally follow him around like puppies waiting for scraps.”

  “That’s great then, isn’t it?” I asked, picking her phone up and reading the list for myself.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, that makes them biased witnesses. I don’t think that’s allowed.”

  Her face brightened. “We definitely have to call Mark.”

  “Great, but let’s do it on the way to your parents’. I want to stop and buy flowers or something. There is no way I’m showing up empty-handed.”

  “Aww, are you scared of my big bad parents?” She smiled slyly.

  “Yes, and I’m not afraid to admit it. Your father is going to either make me a eunuch or challenge me to a duel.” I got up and grabbed my keys.

  “God, he needs to just butt out,” she grumbled. “I am so bad at standing up to him.” She bent down to put her shoes on.

  “I don’t think that’s true at all.” I stopped and looked down at her.

  She returned my gaze, confusion lining her brow.

  “You should have seen yourself on Thursday. You were a beast,” I teased.

  She smacked me with a shoe.

  “No, you got right in his face and told him to mind his own business. It was pretty hot.” I shrugged.

  She looked at the shoe as if it would aid her memory. “Huh. I kind of did, didn’t I?” It seemed like some kind of revelation to her. She stood still for another few moments before donning her second shoe and following me out the door.

  “So, Jake, how do you plan on supporting my daughter and this child?”

  Groans sounded around the entire table.

  “Dad!” Bailey interjected, but I grabbed her hand under the table to silence her. Riordan had the right to this conversation. He was protective of his family, and I respected that—I respected it a lot.

  “Well, sir, my business here in Greensboro is just starting up, but my practices are well-established and I’m partnering with a respected operation.”

  He grunted in response and Laney cut in. Yes, the whole family had been invited to witness my trial, even Rocco. He sat next to Riordan, stuffing his face with rolls and singing to himself. “Erin, could you please pass the potatoes?”

  The bowl exchanged hands until it reached Laney who winked at me. “Riordan, would you like some more?” Her tactic failed, although I appreciated the effort.

  “Aren’t you living with your mother?” Riordan scowled.

  I almost choked on my water. I should have been prepared for this. Why hadn’t I written note cards or something?

  “It’s a temporary situation. I need to establish a pattern of income before I can qualify for a mortgage. I have a plan, sir, I assure you.”

  “Dad, I have a condo of my own. Have you forgotten?”

  “And what about insurance? Have you thought of that, Mr. Beckett?” Riordan challenged again.

  “Bailey has the company’s insurance, Dad, as you well know,” said Nate, reaching for his own roll.

  Everybody seemed to be loading up on potatoes and rolls. In fact, as I looked around the table, I realized I was the only one who’d taken an adult-sized portion of pork chops.

  “And that will cover the baby too,” finished Bailey.

  I was about to speak up about my own insurance when Erin cut in. “Can we please talk about something else?”

  “Yes, please,” responded Bailey and Nate in unison.

  “Is it too early to start planning a shower?” Laney asked.

  “Ooh, so exciting! I don’t see why we couldn’t,” replied Erin.

  Bailey put an elbow on the table and covered her eyes. She spoke so only I could hear. “They’re not going to let me out of that, are they?”

  I smiled and squeezed the hand I still held under the table. “It’s not looking good. We all have our crosses to bear,” I teased. She squeezed my hand back—a bit violently, in my opinion.

  “I don’t understand why I’m the only person in this room who’s concerned!” shouted Riordan, who was immediately shushed by Erin. He continued in a calmer tone, “What happens when the baby comes and Bailey decides to stay home with the little one? Are you going to be able to pay the bills?”

  I admit I hadn’t really thought about that. What if Bailey wanted to stay home with our kid? What if I wanted Bailey to stay home with our kid? Hell, what if Bailey wanted me to stay home?

  “Dad, I’m not staying home, and Jake and I will work everything out. Can we just eat?”

  He let out a harrumph, but Erin patted his hand and I took that as my cue to dig in. I forked a large bite of pork chop and brought it between my lips. It was only then that I realized I needed to listen better when my brother talked.

  After several minutes of chewing, I managed to choke down the driest, toughest piece of meat I’d ever encountered. I then chugged my drink and set the glass back down, gasping. I believe there were even tears in my eyes.

  “Here, have some more potatoes,” Bailey said, holding out the bowl.

  I looked around the table and noticed Nate, Laney, and Bailey all wearing shit-eating grins. Bastards!

  “Hey, when can we get a baby?” Rocco asked. Erin clasped her hands to her chest in delight, and Nate and Laney immediately dropped their smiles.

  Then it was my turn. I put on my brightest fucking grin. “Yeah, when are you guys having a baby?”

  Bailey joined right in. “I think it would be swell if we had them close together, don’t you guys?”

  Subtle hand gestures were exchanged and we all went back to our food, the pressure thankfully off me for the time being.

  “I suppose it could have been worse,” Bailey joked, joining me on the front porch where I’d gone for a much-needed breath of fresh air. Seeing her smiling face was all I actually needed, I realized. I turned to her and grabbed either side of her waist, pulling her closer. I ran my hands up and down her sides as we both smiled moronically at each other.

  “You know, you may have Irish blood, but I’m the lucky one.”

  She just wrinkled her nose. “If you say so.” She was cute when she was embarrassed. “Oh, and speaking of blood, my dad might still be out for yours. Just

  I pulled back a touch with false indignation. “How is this still my fault?”

  “Uh, you kind of knocked me up,” she teased back.

  “Well, yeah,” I pretended to blow that off, “but I proposed.”

  “No, you didn’t.” She glowered at me. The teasing tone was gone.

  “I have a very specific memory of doing just that.”

  She tried to pull away. “You didn’t propose, you ordered!”

  “Same thing.” I didn’t release her.

  “In fact, the exact opposite, Jake.” She looked at me like I had the IQ of a doorknob.

  “Fine, will you please marry me?” I forced myself not to roll my eyes. Yeah, in retrospect, my tone was not ideal.

  “No!” She forcibly pulled away.

  I grunted in frustration. “What do you want from me?”

  She didn’t bother to answer. She turned around and went back inside, slamming the door behind her.

  “She wants you to love her,” came a deep voice from my left.

  I turned, startled, and saw Riordan’s solid form leaning against the side of the porch. It seemed somebody else had needed fresh air as well.

  How long had he been there? This was more than a little embarrassing.

  “Excuse me?” I asked before letting his comment sink in. Then, “Oh.” Well, shit.

  “Do you?” he asked, his eyes piercing me like daggers.

  “Yes.” It was the truth. Such a simple word, but it said it all.

  “Well then stop being an idiot and tell her.” He turned and walked into the yard.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Grabbing Johnny’s Ass


  I stalked upstairs to my old bedroom, angry with both myself and Jake. I kept letting my heart hope that he returned my feelings, but I should know better. I just couldn’t be with him when he was doing it out of duty and some kind of quest for redemption. I threw myself on the bed like I’d done a thousand times in my misunderstood youth. I punched the pillow. I had some serious decisions to make.


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