Passions Wild And Free

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Passions Wild And Free Page 15

by Janelle Taylor

  One morning, Payton shockingly revealed that Dee was going to be away from home for two weeks to help a neighbor, which was a common practice. Randee knew something terrible was at hand. She tried to reason with them about how dangerous it was for a woman in Dee’s condition to take a rough trip and to be around sick people. Payton told her that it would be good for his wife to help another woman deliver her baby and then to take care of mother and child, to refresh Dee’s memory and skills! Dee, wanting to please her husband, agreed with his plans. Randee knew it was a trick, and dread filled her.

  Randee said it would be better if she went to care for the neighbor, but Payton refused, claiming she wasn’t experienced and she was needed to do the chores around the house. He revealed that one of his men was driving Dee over in a buggy slowly and carefully, and would remain there with her to make certain she was safe and healthy. Randee caught his meaningful look and realized the man was being sent to serve as a threat. If Randee didn’t cooperate with Payton, Dee would be in peril.

  Later that day, Payton entrapped her in the stable to disclose the evil which she had feared. When he told Randee it was time to take full possession of her, she knew what he meant and nearly became physically ill at the thought of his ravishing her. To date, he hadn’t made any flesh-to-flesh contact with her private parts; her garments had always been between his hands and those intimate regions. He told her that he would kill Dee and all witnesses at the other ranch if Randee made any suspicious moves against him. She was petrified, but determined to defeat him. She had to take her chances that others would be safe after she was out of Payton’s reach. She could not allow that beastly demon to destroy her. Dee was leaving in four days, so Randee knew this was the moment to escape the horror which controlled her life. Surely Payton would not slay his wife when she was carrying his first child, especially if Randee kept his vile secret.

  Yet, other horrible speculations had entered her mind since Payton’s insidious scheme had been revealed. She had to run away within four days, even though his guard would be heightened at this time. If Payton was allowed the time and opportunity to ravish her, then use her at will, she could become pregnant with that devil’s evil seed and never be able to break free of him. Was saving anyone’s life worth making that unholy sacrifice? Her stepfather seemed to crave her spirited resistance. Did he enjoy that even more than her mother’s submission? If Payton decided he preferred a feisty virgin over meek Dee as his wife, her mother would be in more peril later than she was now. Worse, the insane bastard could try to make both of them his slaves, as Dee would be too afraid and devastated to battle Payton.

  Randee made plan after plan, but they all seemed fallible. She pretended to be totally under Payton’s control, which was possible because he didn’t come near her as he eagerly anticipated their two weeks alone. At the last moment, he told Randee that he was going along to get Dee settled at the neighbor’s house, but he would return by nightfall. He told her there would be several guards left behind to make sure she didn’t try to escape, and one would be left with Dee to kill her and their neighbors if Randee disobeyed any of his orders.

  Randee could not permit him to continue blackmailing and terrifying her. She made her plan and carried it out. She did not try to dupe Payton’s guard or escape while he was gone, as they would be on her trail instantly and all could be lost forever. She packed as many belongings as she knew she could carry on horseback and hid them beneath her bed. She prepared food and supplies and concealed them with her possessions. She took her final look around the ranch her father had created and nurtured, a place which would one day belong to Payton Slade’s child because Randee could never return as long as Payton was alive and Dee was under his spell.

  Randee was going to miss this place, but it wasn’t home anymore. Payton Slade had violated it. She didn’t care if the guard was dogging her, because a daily ride shouldn’t cause suspicion, and she had to say farewell to this part of her life. Lastly, she wrote her mother a note in which she claimed she was running away to New York to seek adventure and to give Dee, Payton, and the baby privacy. She claimed she couldn’t accept Payton in her father’s place and she was miserable on the ranch, but she wished them great happiness. She promised to write home after she was settled somewhere, but she knew she wouldn’t, because she couldn’t risk Payton locating her. She hid the note in her mother’s linen closet, where the woman would find it shortly after her return. Everything was done, and she must take her chances.

  When Payton returned at twilight, Randee met him at the door in a lovely floral nightgown, with her honey blond hair tumbling over her shoulders. She had scrubbed her body with fragrant soap and dabbed on French perfume. Her green gaze was soft and seductive as she falsely admitted, “I know when I’m defeated, Payton, so I won’t fight you anymore. I’m tired of being unhappy and nervous all the time, and scared Mother’s going to find out about us. You win; do as you wish.”

  Payton’s eyes traveled over her very slowly, and he grinned. “I knowed you’d see it my way an’ obey me. You look real pretty, girl, an’ I’m itching to get at you. But we don’t need to rush our fun; Dee’ll be gone for weeks. It’s been a long ride an’ I need to get settled.”

  Randee was delighted to hear that non-unexpected news, and continued her daring ploy. She knew that the man wanted to savor each moment of his game and victory, which gave her time to carry out her devious strategy. “You’re such a smart and strong man, so I guess you know what’s best for all of us. Since you practically own me, I guess you have the right to do with me as you please. I just had a hard time accepting you and the truth, but I’ve done lots of thinking today and decided I should be grateful and obedient. You did save our ranch and make Mother come alive again.” She enticingly fluttered her eyes as she lied convincingly, “I suppose I was just jealous that Mother was so happy, when I was so miserable. Heavens, she’s corralled her second husband before I can rope just one!” She pouted prettily as she fretted aloud, “I don’t even have a single beau calling on me. If you didn’t tell me how pretty I was getting, I wouldn’t even hear it or know it. It’s partly your fault I was so jealous and mean, Payton. You are a very handsome man, and I was forced to watch you two having all the fun while I was miserable and alone. And you treated me like a baby most of the time. I’m eighteen, almost nineteen. When am I going to get a chance at love and happiness? That sounds awful and selfish, doesn’t it?” she hinted coquettishly.

  Observing her submission, Payton beamed with pleasure and. satisfaction. “Course it don’t, my little Dee. You was scared an’ lonely too, just like yore Ma was afore I worked on her good. See how happy she is now? I know how to take care of women, an’ I’ll take real good care of you. Afore these two weeks are over, I’ll have you grinning and humming every day. But we can’t tell yore Ma we’re good friends, else she’ll get mad an’ jealous like you was before. She don’t want to share me with no other woman, an’. I wouldn’t want to whip her to make her mind, not with her carryin’ a baby.”

  “Even if Mother learns our little secret, you can keep her from punishing me or getting angry. She’ll do anything you say, just like I have to do from now on.” As she helped him remove his coat, and hung it on a peg, she said, “I know you’re probably cold and hungry and tired, so I prepared a special supper for us. I’m keeping it warm in the stove. I’ll serve it when you give the order.” She motioned to her attire and said, “I thought you might be eager to get at me tonight, so I thought it best to wear this and be ready to obey.”

  Some of Payton’s interest sagged at her groveling behavior—as Randee had assumed and was delighted to observe. Payton speculated on how he should behave to get the most pleasure from this first night with the fetching blonde. It would be too noisy to beat her, terrify her, and rape her. But he didn’t want a soft and pliable pillow beneath him tonight. He had one fawning slave. What he needed now was a hot-blooded vixen. He craved a fiesty challenge, but he didn’t want trouble, as
he hadn’t yet replaced all the Hollis hands with his own hirelings. “We’ll eat first, then I’ll teach you how to give me pleasure.”

  She licked her lips and pouted sensually as she murmured, “I hope you don’t mind that I took a bottle of your best wine from the cabinet for us to share. I don’t know about you, Payton, but I need to relax before we … turn in for the night. Would it be all right if after supper we lie before a cozy fire, and you can get me a little dizzy before you claim your golden treasure, as you call me. You will be gentle and patient with me, won’t you, Payton? I mean, I know I’ve been mean and rude to you, but you’ll forgive me and go easy tonight, won’t you? I promise I won’t give you any more trouble,” she ‘ vowed dishonestly, looking and sounding so like her mother.

  Payton actually frowned. Randee quickly said, “If you mind, I’ll put it back, Payton. Please don’t be angry with me. I’ll obey. Please, just tell me what you want me to do,” she entreated pitifully.

  “First thing, don’t whine and cower like yore ma. I thought you was a strong an’ smart girl, so quit actin’ like an old cow who’s’ ready to drop in ’er tracks. You got me all worked up ’cause you was so spirited, like a golden bronc worth a fortune; now, you’re actin’ like you’ve lost yore spunk. Git it back, girl, ’cause I loved it. If you don’t, I’ll have to provoke you into findin’ it agin,” he teased as he pinched her right nipple. He chuckled when she squealed and unthinkingly smacked away his hand. “That’s more like it, so keep it up. Pour yourself some wine, girl, but give me whiskey. After supper, I want you to put on some old clothes, so I can rip ‘em off of you. That’s real excitin’ for a man, If you want me to, I’ll give you the first lesson by the fire, but I want you to tussle with me. You know, girl, give me a little fight, like you don’t really want me to hump you. A woman who just lays there or yields happily ain’t no fun, no challenge.”

  Randee understood perfectly. She put on an innocent expression as she replied, “If that’s how you like it, Payton, of course I’ll pretend to battle you. I think there are some old clothes in that chest in the spare room. If not, I’ll find something for us to use. We’ll hurry with supper so we can get started with … my lessons.”

  As she poured him a drink and herself some wine, Payton chuckled and teased, “I think you’re excited about tonight, ain’t you?”

  Randee’s back was to the man, so he couldn’t see the hatred and cunning deceit in her eyes. Her voice was velvety soft as she whispered sultrily, “Does that mean I’m wicked, Payton? I’ve watched the way you carry on with Mother, and I’ve heard you two … playing in the house and barn and bed at night; it seems so … so exciting.” She used his favorite word and saw anticipation flush his face as she turned toward him. “I’ll be nineteen in April, so I’m a grown woman, a woman who doesn’t know anything about men. Don’t you think it’s time I learn about such things? And who better to teach me than you, my handsome and virile stepfather?”

  Payton’s mood began to change as he conceitedly assumed she was not cowed but actually tempted by ravenous desire for him. The surge of a new kind of power and ecstasy charged through him as he convinced himself he had bewitched and conquered an old enemy. This girl who had once hated, resisted, and avoided him was now eager to bed him! Her gullible mother had become such a slave to him that Randee craved to learn how and why the woman was so enchanted by him! No, the girl wasn’t a coward; she was a brazen vixen! He laughed heartily. “Why, you sly little trickster,” he jested. He gulped down his drink before accusing devilishly, “You’ve been wantin’ me an’ this all along. I got you real hot by spyin’ on me an’ Dee, just like I planned. You didn’t know I was gettin’ you ready to be cooked one night, did you?”

  “Payton Slade, that was mean and cruel,” she scolded playfully. She swiftly adapted her strategy to his changing moods. “I couldn’t help but get all stirred up, and it made me real irritable. There you were, heating me up and coming after me, when I was too scared to let you have your way. My father would have killed us if he’d been around to catch us carrying on behind Mother’s back. And I was afraid one of your men might tell somebody by accident; you know men get loose tongues when they get drunk.”

  She forcefully quelled her repulsion and bravely snuggled against his chest. As her fingers toyed with his shirt, she murmured sweetly, “I don’t want to hurt Mother, but I can’t help craving you, Payton. I know this is wrong, and we can get into terrible trouble if I got pregnant, but I don’t care anymore. It’s been too hard rejecting you and trying to be good. I thought if I made you mad at me you would quit tempting and tormenting me with these crazy feelings. But every time you touched me, I got all weak and hot inside. I’ve really tried to keep away from you, because you’re Mother’s husband, but I can’t keep lying about my feelings for you. Besides, I have to obey you, don’t I? So I’m not to blame for being bad. We’ve got two weeks alone. Isn’t that … exciting?” she finished and laughed provocatively.

  Someone knocked on the kitchen door, and Randee unthinkingly headed to answer it. Payton halted her by pointing to her scanty attire. She blushed at her oversight and stepped behind the door, amusing her stepfather. She winked and grinned as she hid there, convinced that she had her insidious stepfather right where she wanted him.

  The foreman asked if there were any further orders for the night. Payton smiled and said, “Take care of everythin’ for the next few days. I’ll be real busy here at home.” Randee kissed and erotically licked her stepfather’s fingers, which were curled around the open door. Payton added, “Make sure I ain’t disturbed for any reason. I’ll talk to you when I take a rest in about three days. For no reason, understand?”

  The foreman grasped the evidence of a successful seduction in progress: the hard bulge in Payton’s pants, the telltale flush on the man’s face, the smell of Randee’s perfume on his shirt and in the air; the rancher’s heavy breathing, the muffled sound of movement behind the door, the victorious grin on his boss’s lips, and the fiery glaze in Payton’s eyes. He acknowledged his orders and grinned knowingly. “Nobody will come near this house until you give the word, boss.”

  After closing and locking the door, Payton looked at Randee and chuckled. His hands covered her breasts and fondled them, and Randee smiled disarmingly. “We’ll eat later, girl. You got my stick hotter than a brandin’ iron that’s been in a campfire all day. You go find them old clothes while I have me another drink or two.”

  Randee was thrilled to get her victory under way. It would have been difficult to swallow a single bite. She briefly tolerated Payton’s touch, as she didn’t want him catching on to her lies. She kept herself from tensing and paling when he asked a hazardous question.

  “You sure you want me this bad, girl? This ain’t no game just to get me on your side ‘cause you’re scared, is it?”

  Randee boldly trailed her fingers over his protruding groin as she whispered seductively, “I’m probably hungrier than you are, Payton. You’ve had plenty of loving from Mother, but I’ve never had any. I want you to teach me all you know, and we’ll practice those lessons day and night until Mother’s return. then you can figure out a place we can meet safely. Where do you want me after I’m dressed?”

  “I’m burnin’ up. Let’s get on with it right now,” he said, lust shining brightly and feverishly in his eyes. He reached for her garment.

  She captured his hands and warned, “Wait, Payton; this is Mother’s favorite gown. She’ll miss it if I burn it afterwards, and I’ll have to if it gets torn. Let me change first. I want you to… . to rip my clothes off like you promised. Please. You’re always so gentle and playful with Mother. I want it to be different for us, lots of fun and real exciting. You be the lusty rogue and I’ll be the reluctant virgin. We can play all kinds of games before Mother’s return. We’ll take turns making them up. Of course, I’ll learn more as we go along, so don’t get disappointed with me too soon.”

  Lecherous laughter filled the room and the man
eyed her greedily. “I knowed you’d like the same stuff I love. Go on, but hurry, girl.”

  Randee kissed him lightly on the mouth and hurried away, thanking him and humming happily. She peered around the dark corner of the hallway and watched the man hastily down two more drinks of strong whiskey. Things were going better than she had planned or dreamed. She had assumed she would only have hours tonight to get away, but her lustful stepfather had given her “about three days” before either of them would be missed. In that length of time, she could travel far away from this awful existence. She slipped to her room and quickly donned an old dress, then returned to find Payton sprawled on the floor on a blanket in front of a colorful fire.

  “I’ll get the wine and join you in a moment,” she told him, needing a weapon that wouldn’t arouse his suspicion. Thankfully, he didn’t argue with her or halt her, but downed another whiskey.

  She sat down beside his prone body, sipping the rosy liquid as she did so. “Is wine supposed to relax you or stimulate you?” she asked.

  Payton took another drink, too enticingly provoked to be aware of his recklessness and peril. “It does both, girl. Finish it quick ‘cause I’m more than ready for you,” he told her as he stripped off his shirt and started to work on removing the pants.

  Randee was glad he hadn’t undressed while she was gone, as this was placing him in a nearly helpless position. As he bent forward to yank his pants off his legs, Randee smashed the wine bottle over his head. When he collapsed unconscious to the blanketed floor, she smiled vengefully and pummeled his chest to relieve her tension and fury. Lying there almost naked and powerless, his pale body didn’t look intimidating anymore. Randee’s hatred and desire for revenge seemed to ooze from her every pore, and she struggled to control herself.


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