Passions Wild And Free

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Passions Wild And Free Page 33

by Janelle Taylor

  “Certainly not,” she responded softly, cuddling up to him as a distraction. “He said the search for me sounded more exciting and lucrative than his job offer in Austin, or some place down that way.”

  The lawman said hesitantly, “I hope you understand why I couldn’t come searching for you. I don’t have any authority in Indian Territory and I don’t know my way around there. I could have made things worse for both of us. I figured the Army knew what was best and was trained to handle situations like that. I’ve missed you terribly.”

  Randee claimed boldly, “I’m glad you didn’t rush off to save me. They would have killed you, Brody. White men they hate, but white women they tolerate. You did the right thing, and I’m glad he decided to accept your offer after leaving town. He can be a most unpredictable and exasperating man. And real bossy too. But I finally got used to him. Or rather, I learned how to get along with him.”

  As the sheriff leaned away to separate their bodies so he could kiss her, the silver necklace which Marsh had given her became tangled on one of his shirt buttons. As he freed it, he asked, “Where did you get this? It’s new, isn’t it?” Knowing Spanish, he mentally translated the message, and jealousy flooded him as he wondered if Storm Hayden had given her the necklace.

  To conceal her startled expression, Randee glanced down at the cherished item. Quickly coming up with what she considered a plausible story, she replied in a casual tone, “While we were in Fort Worth, a saloon girl named Flossie gave it to me. I slept in her room at Sloan’s Pleasure Palace one night because the hotels were full. Flossie liked me because I helped her fend off a mean customer with flaming red hair, so she gave me this necklace. It says ‘Friends Forever.’ I think one of her many admirers probably gave it to her. She must not have liked him very much, or she wouldn’t have parted with it.” As she lightly fingered the silver circle before dropping it inside her denim dress, Randee added, “It’s lovely and it seemed to mean a great deal to her for me to accept it, so I did.” She felt Brody force himself to relax, and she tried to do the same.

  Brody believed her because her voice and look were so convincing, so innocent, so radiant—or he read what he wanted to see. His lips covered hers and he was thrilled when she responded eagerly to his action. He kissed her hungrily as his hands roved her back and played in her silky hair, which was bound with the blue ribbon he had given to her on May eighteenth. His mouth nuzzled her neck and ear, and she laughed softly and nestled into his arms.

  “I love you, Dee. Will you become my wife now?” he asked.

  Randee met his gaze, and prayed hers didn’t reveal her trickery. She didn’t know how she had endured his touch, but she had. It was time to enlighten Brody about her future plans, and persuade him to accept them. “I can’t just yet, Brody. I’ve agreed to partner up with that gunslinger to help hunt down clues on the Epson Gang. We— “

  Brody was stunned. He interrupted angrily. “You can’t leave with him! He’s only after you and your money! It’s too dangerous!”

  Randee smiled and teased, “Don’t be jealous of a man like that, Brody, and don’t be so angry and harsh with me. He isn’t the kind of man I could love or marry; you are. Don’t you understand? I can’t remain here endangering you and this town. Until that gang’s locked up or slain, none of us are safe. I have to do this for all of us, especially for you and me. I was captured because of that gang, because I was cowardly running away from them. And because of them, I can’t come home or marry you. They’re controlling and ruining my life, Brody. I have to help thwart them so I can settle down with you.”

  Brody hoped he was hearing and understanding her correctly; yet, he was concerned over her imminent intentions. “What are you saying?” he questioned anxiously. He eyed her closely, intently.

  She laughingly responded, “I’m saying I’ll marry you just as soon as it’s safe to do so. That’s why I came back to visit rather than sending you a letter or a telegram. I wanted you to hear this answer from my own lips: I accept your proposal, but our wedding has to wait a while longer.” She saw his smile fade gradually and knew she had to do some fast and clever talking. “After what I’ve been through recently, I’m not afraid of them. Besides, according to rumors and newspaper stories, lots of them have been killed in the last few weeks. They’re getting careless and weaker, and leaving clues behind. Once those clues are collected and passed along to the law, they can be halted. Then, we’ll be safe and we can marry and settle down here.”

  “What kind of clues have you discovered?” he asked eagerly. “I’ll help you track them down so we can finish this matter quickly.”

  Randee shook her blond head and told him, “You can’t go along, Brody; they might recognize you as a lawman. That would put us all in peril. We have to be very cautious and sneaky. Don’t worry about me,” she coaxed as she teased her fingertips over his cheek. “I’m a good shot and a skilled rider, and so is my partner. As for those clues, I promised I wouldn’t reveal them to anyone except the State Police in Austin. That’s where we’re heading when he comes after me Sunday. Hopefully before this month’s out, we’ll have that gang leader and his bunch behind bars or buried so they can’t harm anyone else. All I can say is that some people have seen him and a few of his men, and given us descriptions. With what she told me, the State Police will be able to make up some posters real soon and circulate them.”

  Brody trailed his fingers over her shapely lips and smiled. “Posters should help all lawmen lend a hand with their captures. I’ll make sure the State Police send me plenty of them to post around here. But why do you have to tag along with this notorious gunman? He can’t be trusted, Dee. And this isn’t a job for a woman.”

  Randee clicked her tongue disapprovingly. “Now, Brody, don’t go telling me that men are better at riding, shooting, and tracking than women are. My father taught me how to do all of those things and do them better than most men, and that isn’t idle boasting. I promise I won’t take any unnecessary risks, but I have to do this. Don’t you realize how involved I am by surviving one of their raids? I won’t be safe until they’re defeated. And until I’m safe, we can’t begin our life together,” she disclosed cleverly. “I’m tired of running and hiding from danger. I was right in the beginning with my plan, but I let you and that gunman dissuade me from trying it. Now that he’s seen I can take care of myself on the trail and he’s willing to let me hire him, I have to proceed with my original idea. I honestly think they’re up to something clever like a land grab. If we can prove it, their real leader and motive will be exposed. That lame boss isn’t the gang’s leader. Someone very cunning and powerful and wealthy is.”

  “Where did you come up with such ideas?” he inquired curiously.

  Attempting to prove how smart and brave she was so he would back off, she revealed, “It’s obvious to me because they only raid in a certain area. I don’t see why the law hasn’t grasped that reality and investigated it. I suppose you heard about those careless raiders who were gunned down by soldiers from Fort Richardson. It seems those beasts and their leader like to visit saloons when they’re not ravishing innocent women during raids. She’ll be the death of him,” she asserted coldly, unaware of the revealing slips in her own words… .

  “I still don’t want you chasing after that gang. What happens if you do locate them? You couldn’t kill anybody. Turn your evidence over to the authorities and let them handle it from here on. That bunch isn’t stupid, Dee. They’ve been raiding for over a year and haven’t been caught. What makes you think you two can defeat them?”

  “They’re not stupid, Brody, but they aren’t smart either. Whoever their real leader is, he’s the one making the plans and giving the orders. Once he’s unmasked, those raiders will get out of Texas as fast as their horses will carry them. Men like those are cowards inside. Another thing, with small groups of them being ambushed here and there, if we’re lucky, they’ll believe their boss is finished with them and is having them wiped out a few at a ti
me. Just think of the damage to that gang if they start distrusting their real boss.”

  “But how can you tell who’s involved? What if you two slay innocent drifters or do something illegal?” Brody reasoned desperately.

  “That’s where instincts come in, Brody. Criminals are given away by their behavior. We simply watch for strangers in town.”

  Brody shook his head and refuted, “Nothing’s that simple, Dee.”

  She gazed into Brody’s worried expression and asked, “Have I gotten, any mail or visitors while I’ve been away?”

  “Yes, but we aren’t through discussing this matter.”

  “Mail or visitors?” she asked, ignoring his last words.

  “Mail, two letters. Hear me out, Dee, about— “

  “Where are they?” she pressed, cutting him off sweetly.

  Brody frowned at her persistence. “A letter came from Kansas for the Carsons, so I guess it’s yours now. The other letter is from a land company in Fort Worth. I guess it’s about you selling the ranch. I put out the word you were seeking a buyer. I’ll get them.”

  Brody reluctantly released her to locate the letters in his desk. He handed them to her and said, “You can read them later. Right now— “

  “Brody Wade, you’re impossible,” she softly scolded, then kissed his mouth lightly and tantalizingly. “These could be important. Let me go over them quickly. I. promise you can say anything and everything you want, but I’m not changing my mind. You’re wasting your breath and our short time together by arguing with me. If you love me and want me back swiftly, you’ll cooperate with me.”

  “Cooperate!” he scoffed. “Cooperate by letting you take off on a reckless scheme with a black-hearted rogue like that!”

  She corrected, “He isn’t so bad. He’s good with a gun and he isn’t scared of anything. Don’t you see, he keeps me from getting into trouble out there? I can assure you that all he wants from me is money. If that weren’t true, he would have tried something with me by now. I’m only using him to get my life back to normal so we can marry. Is that so terrible? What can I say to convince you he can’t come between us while we’re working together?”

  “I love you, Dee, and I can’t bear the thought of losing you again. Stay here and forget this nonsense. Or let me go along and help.”

  Randee shook her tawny head and narrowed her green eyes to appear serious and steadfast. “I can’t do either one, Brody. I have a deal with him, and I gave my word. I have responsibilities to myself, to you, to this town, to my murdered kin. Haven’t you heard a word I’ve said? I love you and I’ll be back to marry you soon, but only when it’s safe and justice has been done. Isn’t that enough for you? If it’s not, then I’m sorry, because I’m going to do what I have to do. You can’t stop me or interfere, or I’ll leave and never come back.”

  Brody exhaled loudly and scowled. “You beautiful vixen, you’ll be the death of me with your courage and stubbornness. I can see it’s useless to quarrel, but I’m not through reasoning with you. Read your letters while I fetch us some coffee. I need to settle down and gather my wits.”

  Randee ripped open both envelopes and read the letters, slowly and carefully. She stuffed the one from her mother to the Carsons into her pocket, but she pensively tapped the one from the Mid-Texas Land Company against her lips.

  Brody handed her a cup of steaming coffee and asked, “Well?”

  Randee fused her gaze to his and questioned, “Have you ever heard of this company before? Mid-Texas Land Company of Fort Worth,” she supplied when he looked puzzled.

  “I don’t think so,” Brody told her, then sipped his coffee. “Why?”

  “On our way back here, we made several stops along the trail at old raid sites. Lots of them had been purchased by this same company. Don’t you think that’s odd? Perhaps suspicious?” she hinted.

  Brody’s dark brow lifted and he thought a minute before shrugging. “Odd for a land company to buy land? I don’t see your point.”

  Randee slapped the letter against her palm several times as she informed him, “If there’s a sinister motive behind these raids, what if this company’s involved? It’s happened before, lots of places. Why would this area be so valuable to someone?” she asked, walking to a map on his wall and circling the target area with her fingertip. “Why would a company want this territory so badly? What’s there to crave?”

  The sheriffs brown eyes studied the area before he speculated aloud, “Nothing unusual or exceptionally valuable. Several huge cattle drives pass through this area on their way to market. You also have stage routes and freight lines taking these roads. Someone could fence off the land routes and charge a toll to cross them, but that’s a little far-fetched. Even purchasing the land cheaply to be sold later for a hefty profit is improbable. I don’t deny it’s superior graze land, but to go to such bloody and risky lengths to obtain it … . No, Dee, I doubt there’s a sinister scheme involved. Just mean, greedy, lazy villains who want what others have. Who owns the company?”

  “We don’t know. Its lawyer won’t say. Have you heard of George Light?” she inquired, her tone and gaze skeptical of the man.

  Brody chuckled. “Of course, I have. Few people haven’t. He’s widely known and highly respected in Texas and the South. He’s handled lots of business for the governor and other important men. I got to meet him once when I was in Fort Worth delivering a prisoner to the jail there Seemed very nice and pleasant, very powerful. From what I’ve heard, when he used to be a trial lawyer, he never lost a case.”

  Randee scoffed, “Such an upstanding citizen. I wonder why he’s connected to this land company. If I sold them my ranch, the owner would have to sign the sale papers. Perhaps his name would give us a clue. I’ll write to Mr. Light and say I’m accepting the company’s generous offer.”

  “Generous?” Brody echoed, baffled by her tone and expression.

  “Most of the offers have been small, practically steals. This one is more than fair. Another odd thing, Brody, the Carson ranch house is the only home that’s been spared by those bastards. I wonder why . .. . Do you think this boss wants the house for some reason?”

  “It is beautiful, but so were lots of those that were destroyed. Maybe they were in a hurry that day, or one of them didn’t carry out his duty. I wouldn’t want to live there, not where people, especially family, were brutally murdered. I think you’re wise to sell it. But I think your imagination is playing games with you about this land grab plot. Who could have enough power, wealth, and men to carry out such an enormous scheme? Or be that cold-blooded?”

  She looked him in the eye and vowed, “I don’t know, but I aim to find out before this task is done.”

  “I can’t let you go, Dee. I can’t let you get yourself killed. Don’t you understand what kind of men you’re dealing with? War made a lot of them this way.”

  “The war’s been over for six years, Brody.”

  “Plenty of men haven’t gotten over it and some never will. Many lost everything they had and they haven’t been able to start fresh. During the war, men did and saw horrible things. I’ve seen men have gut-ripping nightmares about what happened to them and others, about things they were forced to do to survive. Once you’ve killed, it gets easier every time you do it again. War makes men hard and bitter. Losses make them greedy and death doesn’t affect them anymore. The gang you’re after is like that: cold, cruel, and heartless. I can’t even think about what they could do to you. I love you, Dee. Stay here and forget this nonsense.”

  Randee eased her arms up his chest and laced her fingers behind his neck. Pressing her sensuous body close to him and using her most seductive look, she murmured, “If you want me, Brody, you have to let me do this. Please don’t try to stop me or interfere When this is settled, I’ll come home and marry you.”

  “You’re right, I’m wasting my breath and time trying to change your mind. If that gunslinger gets you …” He halted and his eyes brightened. “There’s something I
have to tell you about him, Dee. He isn’t who you think he is.”

  To thwart his impending argument, she disclosed, “I know he isn’t the Durango Kid. His name is Storm Hayden. I don’t care who he is, because he’s as good as the Kid, and better than most gunmen. If you’re worried because of those reward posters that claim he’s an outlaw, a murderer and a thief, there’s no need to fret. Those charges have been dropped in Nebraska. He wasn’t guilty. As soon as all of those posters are out of circulation and the real killer’s apprehended, no one will be chasing him. And he won’t have to use the Kid’s identity to prevent trouble. That’s why he tricked us when he came to town.”

  Brody looked surprised, and disappointed. “He told you about that trouble he had in Nebraska? And you believed him?”

  “You must have too, or you wouldn’t have hired him to come after me,” she teased, making a clever point which he couldn’t argue.

  He stated gruffly, “I had no choice. I was desperate to save you. Still, I don’t trust him and I don’t like you traveling with him.”

  “Calm down, Brody. He’s been a perfect gentleman. We have a deal which he doesn’t want to damage, so he’ll be careful. I can assure you, I’m safer with Storm than I would be staying here.”

  “Where is Storm Hayden now?” Brody inquired.

  She answered casually, “Visiting a friend south of here. He’s to return Sunday for his money and his partner. You can talk to him and see for yourself that I’ll be just’ fine.”

  “I’ll do just that, even if it annoys both of you. Will you tell him we’re in love and planning to marry, so he won’t go after you?”

  “He’s already guessed our feelings and plans. That is why you sent him after me and it is why I’m here now. He understands.”

  “If I swear I won’t tell a soul about what you’re doing, will you promise to visit me and write me as often as you can? Please don’t make me worry about your survival.”


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