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Passions Wild And Free

Page 34

by Janelle Taylor

  “I’ll contact you whenever possible, but don’t get nervous and come after me. You could endanger all of us. I’ll answer these letters tomorrow, and you can mail them for me on the Tuesday stage.”

  Brody started to tell her that a new mail route had been established since her departure— with a pickup in the morning—but he didn’t. His mind was on a crucial task to be handled that afternoon.

  “Tell me about the raid yesterday morning,” she coaxed.

  Brody reluctantly complied, then said, “Those aren’t the words which should be filling these lovely ears. Wedding vows are.”

  “Did that Marshal Foley Timms visit here before or after the raid?” she questioned, ignoring his last statement.

  “Marshal Timms?” he echoed, looking baffled. “Why?”

  “I was just wondering. It seems he’s usually around at such times. I’m trying to decide if that’s odd.”

  “You mean ‘odd’ as in suspicious?” he queried.

  “Yes. Was he around either time?” she pressed.

  “Not that I know about,” Brody responded.

  “If he does show up today or anytime soon, let me know.”

  “You’re getting yourself in deeper and deeper with these crazy, suspicions. Foley Timms isn’t a man to cross. He used to be a Texas Ranger, and they can be tough and mean when need be. If you’re asking questions or making insinuations about him, I’d be careful. He was hired by the governor himself. He has quite a large reputation for bringing in the worst vermin alive. It’s my guess he’s after that gang too. Surely you’ve heard that Rangers fear no man or mob. You met him before you left town. Did he seem like a villain that night?”

  She jested merrily, “If you’ll recall, my mind was elsewhere, so I didn’t notice much about him. If he’s so famous, why haven’t more people heard about him and his daring exploits?”

  “I thought everyone knew his legend. You sure they don’t?”

  Randee shrugged. “They didn’t seem to when questioned. At least I know he’s a real lawman now, so I can strike him off my list of suspects. He just seemed like the perfect scout for that gang.”

  Brody laughed aloud. “Ex-Texas Ranger and U.S. Marshal Foley Timms, a gang member?” he jested, then chuckled again.

  “It does sound impossible, doesn’t it?” She pretended to concur. “It’s getting late. Right now, I need to get to the bank before it closes. Storm will be angry if I don’t have his money. You want to walk me over and guard me?” she invited cheerfully.

  “I’ll take the time, but we’ll have to hurry. I was about to leave on duty when you arrived. I’m to pick up a rustler at the Klemens place. I should be back by dawn. How about you come with me? We can talk and have more time together,” he coaxed.

  “I’m too tired, Brody, but I’ll spend all day with you tomorrow. Before dusk, I need to get some clothes and a hotel room. I’ll write those letters and rest while you’re away. You understand, don’t you?”

  “I’m sure you’re exhausted, Dee. You rest and get your chores done while I’m gone. Tomorrow I plan to convince you to remain here and marry me,” he warned with a playful smile.

  “I’m certain you’ll try,” she laughingly retorted.

  At seven o’clock, Randee was sitting in her hotel room, relieved by Brody’s absence. She had purchased some jeans, shirts, and vests at the mercantile store. She had the five thousand dollars packed in the canvas bag she had bought, which also contained her new trail garments. Her purchases and bank withdrawal had been actions to throw Brody off guard. She had eaten a tasty meal downstairs, then retired to her room to write her letters and to wait for Marsh’s return late that night.

  Randee knew that she and Marsh would be heading back to Fort Worth during the night to visit the land company, but she couldn’t tell Brody and she knew her letter to them would mislead him. She had sworn him to secrecy about her actions and questions, and believed her deluded fiancé would honor his word to avoid losing her. One thing she was positive about, Brody Wade wanted her fiercely.

  In her Mid-Texas Land Company letter, she asked, “What are your plans for my ranch if I agree to sell it? Since it is my home and I will be living in Wadesville as the wife of Sheriff Brody Wade, I could not bear to see it ruined …. I must ask you to increase your offer because the house is still intact. My ranch is valuable and beautiful and I hate to part with it. I will do so only because of the grief and tragedy which I endured there. I want to sell as quickly as possible, but I will not give the place away …. Unless this date is unacceptable, I will be in Fort Worth on June thirtieth to discuss the matter with you …. I am interested in purchasing a smaller ranch near Wadesville if you have one available, perhaps partly in exchange for the Carson place. Please hold this news in strictest confidence as it is to be a surprise wedding gift for my husband-to-be, Sheriff Wade.” Randee sealed the letter. If anyone read it, it should be cleverly misleading.

  To her mother, she wrote a letter from “Sarah Elizabeth Carson.” She didn’t want her mother to continue to worry about her, and this was the only way she could get word to Dee Slade without alerting Payton to her whereabouts. “Everything is fine here and everyone is busy with the cattle and crops …. I do hope and pray your health is fine. Please send word about the baby’s birth and how you’re both doing … . I received a letter from Randee last week from New York.” She created a lovely and colorful story to fool Payton and to lessen Dee’s worries. She wrote that “Randee has a job at a publishing company. Isn’t that fun and exciting? She’s being courted by a lawyer and sounds very happy. Don’t worry about her, Dee, because Randee is mature and brave and she’s safe .… . Randee hinted that she might be coming home for Christmas, probably with her new husband …. Randee told me about running away, but children are like that sometimes. Ranching isn’t much of a life for a single girl of nineteen who loves adventure … . She wanted to give you two lovers more privacy. I’ll let you know if I hear from her again. She didn’t include an address, so I don’t know where to contact her … . “

  Randee sealed the second letter and laid it atop the first one. She wrote Brody a note, telling him Storm Hayden had returned early and wanted to leave immediately for Austin. She apologized for departing before his return, but it was necessary. She claimed she loved him and would contact him soon. She ended the note with “Maybe it’s best this way, Brody. I can’t let you stop me. Please understand and be patient. I’ll return soon and marry you. Remember your promises not to follow me and to keep my confidence. I love you, Randee.”

  When she had purchased the writing paper earlier, the clerk had told her about the new mail route and schedule. She went downstairs and handed the three envelopes to him. She paid him to mail the two letters the next day, and to give the sealed note to Sheriff Wade upon his return to town in the morning.

  In her room again, she gathered her belongings and went to the water closet down the hall to bathe.

  Hours away, Brody Wade was meeting with several of his men. If he wanted his dream to come true, he had to stop Storm Hayden’s intrusion. Soon, he would be rich and powerful beyond belief. Once his primary goal was attained, he would sell off the excess land.

  He had ordered the Carson home spared because he knew Randee would be hiding somewhere inside. Even if she had been, sighted, none of his gang would have harmed the woman he loved, loved as much as his dream. He knew Randee wouldn’t be suspicious of his departure today, because he had invited her along, knowing she would not accept. He had gathered numerous clues, disturbing clues, from Randee’s words, words which had told him where his problem areas were located, words which had revealed just how smart his beloved vixen was. He had to correct his errors and oversights immediately. He had to order that bigmouthed prostitute slain. He needed to warn Carl Bush and Foley Timms to be more careful.

  Now that he had a poster on Storm Hayden, he could hire a bounty hunter to hunt down that notorious outlaw without suspicion falling on his head. He woul
d tell his gang to be on the lookout for Randee and the galling gunman, with orders to slay Storm and orders to keep Randee safe from all harm. After which, he would find a way to “rescue” her and entrap her. He wanted no more clues, mistakes, or tracks left behind. To cover himself, he needed to order raids in other areas to throw Hayden and his love off the right trail, as well as any other foolhardy champions of justice like them. Now that he had Randee under his spell and would soon have his ultimate victory, he had nothing to worry about, nothing except staying on schedule. More time, that was what he needed, just a little more time and Randee Hollis beneath him on a marital bed.

  Brody smiled wickedly as he realized he had nothing to fear. No one would ever guess that a small-town sheriff had enough wealth, power, cunning, and intelligence to pull off such a daring scheme.

  He nodded to the men who approached the campfire. “Good to see you, Carl. Foley,” he acknowledged and smiled. “Jack, I have a new job for you,” he told the steely hearted bounty hunter.

  Jackson Fuller grinned, but his eyes remained cold and clear. As his fingertips lovingly grazed his gun butts, he said, “About time, boss. My fingers are itching for action. What you got for me?”

  “I need you to kill a man named’ Storm Hayden. As for you, Carl, you need to visit Pete’s place in Fort Worth and neatly slice a pretty whore’s throat. Let’s have a drink and get our business done. I have a woman waiting in Wadesville to become my wife.”

  Hours passed as Randee dozed and waited. She was packed and dressed, ready to leave the moment Marsh arrived. When he did, he shook her lightly and aroused her.

  “How did. it go?” he asked as she stretched and yawned.

  “Like we expected, he fell right into your clever trap.” She told him about the two letters and her answers, and he smiled approval. However, she didn’t tell him about her questions and revelations because, after mentally reviewing her visit with Brody, she knew he would be angry. Since he had plenty of secrets from her, there was nothing wrong with her havinga few from him! Brody wanted her badly, so he would keep his mouth shut. How else could she get answers if she didn’t poke around? Besides, she was a little puzzled and annoyed about Marsh’s continual dishonesty: He had claimed Foley Timms probably wasn’t a real lawman, when the man was a legend in Texas! If he would delude her on one point, perhaps he had done so with others. Why, she didn’t know. Marsh did seem genuinely amused by Brody’s reaction to’ her claims about Storm Hayden. Yet, he didn’t ask about what happened between them personally, and she wondered why.

  “What did you learn today?” she asked.

  “Nothing new. I searched the Carson Ranch, but it eludes me why they spared it. I also checked out that other raid site. No clues there either. As we agreed, I didn’t ask any suspicious questions. ‘Course that was easy, because I didn’t see anyone at either place.”

  “At least we have one victory; the land company did contact me about selling out. That gives us the perfect excuse to visit them and do some snooping. And, I did learn that my mother is doing fine and Payton isn’t out searching for me.”

  “We have another victory, woman: If Brody hears about our travels, he won’t get suspicious and come running after you. You did convince him of your undying love, didn’t you?”

  “That was my order, boss man, and I carried it out successfully.”

  “I know it must have been difficult, Randee, and I’m grateful.”

  She looked at him oddly. He appeared totally serious. “Actually, it wasn’t as hard as I imagined it would be, nor the first time I’d duped him on your request. Under the right circumstances, a person can be quite an efficient liar. You’d better watch out, Logan, or I might get too good at this acting and fool you one day.”

  He caressed her cheek as he asked roguishly, “Why would you ever want to do that?”

  “For the life of me, Durango—I mean, Storm—I mean, Marsh—I can’t figure out why I shouldn’t be totally honest with a man like you who never keeps secrets from his trustworthy partner.”

  “Why don’t you forget I’m anyone except Marsh Logan?” he suggested, pulling her into his arms and kissing her.

  When their lips parted, she replied, “That would be easy if I knew the real Marsh’ Logan. Frankly, I’m not sure he exists anymore. You’re a lot of different men rolled into one body, and I doubt Marsh can ever be totally and successfully removed from the others.”

  Marsh fell back wearily on the bed. “I guess you’re right.”

  Randee watched him for a moment, then laughed softly. “I wasn’t insulting you or scolding you, Logan. There’s nothing wrong with being a complex male, nor with being a private person. I was only saying I don’t know much about you. Nothing about Durango is true about you, and I know little about Storm Hayden, even less about Marsh Logan. I suppose it makes me a little nervous to be so deeply involved with a stranger, even if he is a handsome and irresistible rogue. Perhaps you’ll enlighten me after this mission is over.”

  Marsh sat up and yanked her against his hard chest. “I’ll make you a promise, woman: When this task is over, I’ll tell you everything and anything you want to know about me. Just trust me and be patient.”

  She laughed against his lips as she murmured, “Both will be difficult, partner, but I wouldn’t refuse a promise like that one.”

  Marsh stood, and pulled Randee to her feet. He cuddled her in his arms and. revealed huskily, “Let me get you out of here before the sun rises and Brody comes a callin’ again. If Brody looked me in the eye, I doubt I could fool him about having no special feelings for you.”

  “I doubt that, partner, because Brody sees what he wants to see. If not, he wouldn’t have fallen for my terrible ruse today. I cringed every time he touched me. So far, this has been the hardest part of our job,” she confessed, snuggling closer to his entreating body.

  “Does that mean he’s lost his hold over you?” he asked hoarsely.

  “Brody Wade means nothing special to me, Marsh. I thought you knew that by now. As you said once before, I only have enough time and energy for one lover, and I’m pleased with the one I have.”

  “Good, ‘cause I’m more than pleased with the one I have.”

  He lifted her chin and fused their lips, his tongue skillfully darting into her mouth and intoxicating her with his flavor. As his mouth roved her face and his hands stroked her back, he murmured, “We’d better get out of here before we start something we don’t have time to finish. Brody has his watchdog sleeping downstairs to guard you.”

  Randee revealed in an emotion-filled voice, “Brody’s out of town, Marsh. He left this afternoon after our talk. He had to pick up a prisoner and he won’t be back until morning.”

  Marsh glanced toward the window and assessed the time. He muttered, “I don’t like hurrying when I’m in bed with you, woman. We should have been on the trail an hour ago.”

  She traced his strong jawline and caressed his cheek. “I ‘ suppose you’re right. It’s just been so long since Sunday night.”

  His loins burned and ached. He chuckled and teased, “It was early Monday, but that’s still too long to go without having you.”

  Marsh undressed them and placed her on the bed. As his mouth and hands sought her lips and body, he murmured, “Yep, much too long.”

  Their bodies flamed with desire, and passions raced wildly and freely as the bed squeaked sensuously beneath them ….

  Brody stood and stretched his fatigued body. Everything was set. It was time to get back into town. He was anxious to see Randee in a few hours, and to try once more to persuade her to give up her foolish scheme, which he doubted he could do. Fortunately for him, it wouldn’t last much longer, not after Jackson Fuller killed Storm Hayden and allowed himself to be talked. into bringing Randee back to Wadesville “to prove she wasn’t that outlaw’s partner.” Without Hayden to help her, Randee would relent and marry him.

  Come Sunday morning, Jackson would be ready to trail them and get rid of
his nuisance. Then, to throw off the law, raids would take place east of Fort Worth, outside of that “target” area which Randee had revealed. Frankly, he was amazed, even pleased, with his love’s Intelligence and courage. Randee Hollis definitely was the right woman for him. Soon, he would own enough land in vital areas to carry out his dream. Afterwards, as for what his clever wife might think or suspect, he would deal with that later ….

  Chapter Seventeen

  At three in the morning, a temporarily sated Randee and Marsh dressed and straightened the telltale bed. They sneaked from the hotel and left town without being sighted by Deputy Matthew Johnson or anyone else. Along the trail, they halted briefly to retrieve Randee’s hidden possessions and to bury most of the five thousand dollars.

  He cautioned, “Remember this spot, Randee, in case something happens to me. I don’t ever want you being vulnerable to anyone again. If we don’t succeed, I want you to get out of this area pronto. Go where you’ll be safe from this gang and your stepfather. Promise?”

  The moon was heading for its full stage in a few days, so she could see Marsh’s face clear enough to read the concern and affection displayed there. Recalling his promise to expose all there was to know about him when this task ended, she smiled and hugged him. “I promise,” she vowed before kissing him feverishly.

  Marsh chuckled as they parted, and he warned. “Don’t heat me up again, woman. We have to get our tails moving fast.”

  “Don’t blame me,” she playfully scolded. “I can’t help it if you affect me this way. You shouldn’t be so overpowering.” Her voice and gaze waxed serious as she added, “I really like you and enjoy you, partner, and I almost hate for this task to end.”

  “We still have that nasty job ahead in Kansas, remember?”

  “Afterwards, maybe I can persuade you to take me on another adventure. This kind of life gets in your blood, doesn’t it?”


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