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Protect Page 5

by LK Shaw

  “Is the salad ready? I can wash the lettuce and cut up the veggies if you need me to. You don’t have to do all of this for me.”

  “Nope. You just sit and relax.” He looked over at me. “You deserve to be taken care of.”

  Daniel turned around and went back to the meal prep before I could think of a response. My entire body melted at his words. This man was making me fall for him.

  Chapter 11

  It was good hearing Katie’s laughter. I had a feeling that life had dealt her a shitty hand, but she was tough. Her being in my house felt strangely right. I’d checked in on her earlier when she hadn’t responded to my soft knock on her door. When I’d quietly opened the door and saw she was asleep, I’d watched her for a few minutes. The fear and worry that had been on her face the last couple of days had disappeared. She’d looked so young lying there, except her lush body spoke differently. Feeling like a creeper for staring at her unaware, I quickly shut the door and headed back to my office to get some work done.

  After an hour, my stomach had growled; since I wanted to have dinner ready for Katie when she woke up, I shut down my computer and headed to the kitchen. That had been thirty minutes ago. Katie now sat at the island looking beautiful but still exhausted. I didn’t know if nightmares were plaguing her sleep, but I knew she was suffering over the loss of Jackson. I made a mental note to go see O’Reilly tomorrow. See what he had to say about his missing jewelry. I was hoping my surprise visit would catch him off guard and he’d let something slip. I highly doubted it since O’Reilly hadn’t made it as high up the crime ladder as he had by being twitchy.

  “Tell me about yourself.” I shot the question over my shoulder as I poured the sauce in the pan with the noodles and meatballs. I planned on letting it simmer for a little bit while I finished putting together the rest of our meal.

  “There’s not really much to tell.” I heard the hesitancy in her voice as though reluctant to share anything personal with me.

  “You said Emmett was like a surrogate father to you. What happened to your dad?” The only explanation I had for pushing her was that I wanted to know everything about her. It didn’t help that as a detective, I was naturally curious.

  I stopped what I was doing and looked at her. She fidgeted uncomfortably in her chair. Just when I was about to tell her to forget about it, she spoke.

  “I have no idea who my biological father is. I doubt my mom did either. My mom died of a drug overdose when I was seventeen. She was never really around when I was growing up anyway; she was constantly chasing after her next high. Emmett mostly raised me. Or at least was always there for me.”

  “I’m sorry, Katie. I didn’t mean to bring up bad memories.”

  She shook off my concern. “It was a long time ago.”

  I walked around the island and took her hand as I sat on the chair next to her. My other hand went to her chin and turned her face so she was now looking at me. Shame shone from her eyes.

  “That doesn’t mean it doesn’t still hurt.”

  We stared into each other’s eyes; mine were filled with sympathy for the young girl who’d lost her mother to the terrible disease of drug addiction. As a cop, I’d seen what drug addiction did to families, and I hated that Katie had grown up that way.

  I’d just leaned forward, unable to stop from kissing her, when a hissing sound from the direction of the stove had me jumping back.

  “Shit.” I released her and hurriedly removed the pan from the stovetop as sauce bubbled over the edge and sizzled against the burner. Damn it, I needed to focus on not ruining dinner.

  Once the pan was removed and the burner was turned off, I finished preparing our meal in silence.

  “If you don’t mind grabbing some plates out of that cabinet, I’d appreciate it.” Katie followed my gesture to a cabinet next to the fridge. She set them next to me. “Have a seat at the table and I’ll bring everything over.”

  “Are you sure I can’t help?”

  I shooed her off, and as she sat, I plated our food. I dished out the salad, set everything on the table, and then joined Katie. As we ate, our conversation steered clear of anything related to the case. I talked about my sisters and all my nieces and nephews. Food and wine flowed throughout the evening. I tried to ignore how nice it was to have a home-cooked meal with a beautiful woman across from me. I could easily get used to it.

  Halfway through the meal I opened the second bottle of wine and refilled our empty glasses. Finally, we finished eating, and I rose to clear off the table. Katie followed me back to the kitchen and took her place at the island, sipping on her wine.

  “Why aren’t you married, Daniel?” Her words sounded slightly slurred. I made a mental note not to refill her glass again. I’d had my fair share of the wine so I was feeling a little buzzed as well. I finished loading the dishwasher, added the soap, and hit start before I turned around to look at her. Her elbow was propped on the island, and she’d rested her chin in the palm of her hand looking far too relaxed. And beautiful. She studied me in a way that had me hot beneath my collar.

  “My career has been my life for the last fifteen years. I’ve busted my ass to get where am I. I work long hours, and it’s not the safest job. It’s hard dating someone when you may have to cancel at the last minute because of getting called out to a case. Or who you may only see for short periods of time because your work schedules conflict. Finding a woman who is willing to put up with that for the long haul is even more difficult.”

  Her nose crinkled in the most adorable way. “Well, that’s just stupid. I mean, if she loved you, she’d understand how much your job means to you, how important it is, and she would just try to make the most of the time you do have together. I know I would.”

  Damn it, this woman was going to bring me to my knees. Every muscle in my body tightened as I resisted the urge to cross the room and take her in my arms. Something must have come through in my expression, because I watched as Katie suddenly set her wine glass on the counter and rose from her seat. She circled around to my side of the kitchen until she stood toe to toe with me. I flinched when her fingertips touched my arm, and she traced a path up to where my tribal tattoo peeked out from beneath my sleeve.

  Her fingers danced across my skin, lingering slightly in certain places, as though not sure if she should proceed. I was frozen with indecision as well. Nothing good would come of this, but I couldn’t seem to stop myself from letting it happen. When she sensed I wasn’t going to stop her, she continued her exploration. Her palm cupped my cheek, and a giggle escaped her, as if the bristles of my unshaved face tickled her skin. My fists clenched with the need to reach out and touch her.

  Her index finger traced my lips, and on impulse, I tasted it with my tongue. A shudder ran through her. The sensation pushed me over the edge, and I could no longer resist touching her in return. My hand reached out to lightly grab her wrist. I clasped her hand as I licked her finger. My tongue flicked it a few times before I sucked the whole finger in my mouth. It glistened with wetness when I slowly removed it. A whole silent conversation flowed between us as we stared into each other’s eyes. Every interaction since we’d first met had been leading straight to this moment. We both knew it. It was time to stop fighting and let it happen, no matter how wrong it was.

  In one fluid movement, I bent slightly and, with my hands under her ass, picked Katie up, forcing her to wrap her legs around my waist. Her arms instinctively went around my neck as our lips collided, tongues dueling for control. Only by luck did I back her out of the kitchen, her whole body plastered to mine, and through the rest of the house until we arrived at my bedroom. Moonlight filtered through the blinds, and I didn’t even bother to turn a light on as we both collapsed onto the bed, never breaking our kiss.

  I put every emotion I was feeling into the kiss. Even if I couldn't say the words, I wanted Katie to know how much I cared about her. She was everything I ever wanted. Hating to break our connection, I reluctantly pulled back. Her we
t lips shone in the moonlight, and her hair laid spread out over my pillow, a backdrop of glorious silk I wanted to run my fingers through. My hands skimmed down her sides until I reached the bottom of her shirt.

  I slowly tugged on the material, sliding it up her frame until her breasts were exposed. Katie leaned up as I pulled it up and over her head, tossing it aside. Then, she raised her hips as I removed her pants. Plain pink cotton underwear, that shouldn’t have been sexy, but was, covered her sex. Needing her naked, I quickly divested her of those as well. My heart stuttered when I saw her bare pussy already slick with wetness. I licked my lips in anticipation of her flavor. Without removing my eyes from her body, I hastily disrobed, haphazardly dropping my clothes next to hers on the floor beside us.

  I quickly returned my mouth to hers as both our hands began roaming and learning each other’s bodies. Hers was soft and smooth in complete contrast to the hard planes of mine. I could spend eternity touching her and learn something new about her each time. I knew I would never tire of hearing the little sighs and moans she made.

  One of my hands traveled the length of her side until I made it to my intended destination. Her breast fit perfectly in my palm. I lightly squeezed and caressed it, the tip hardening under my expert touch. Katie pushed her breast further into my hand, begging for more.

  “God, yes, Daniel. Like that.”

  I loved when a woman told me what she enjoyed. I wanted to know all the ways to please Katie. What set her on fire. Where her most erogenous zones were. I wanted to learn them all. I drew small circles around the rigid nipple before sucking it into my mouth. My tongue followed suit, and I drew patterns around the tip before lightly biting down on it with my teeth. Katie’s back arched, and a small scream escaped. Her fingers clutched my head, pulling me closer to her as she moaned out her pleasure. Every sound Katie made was like a song to my ears. I wanted nothing more than to please her, but the realization of finally being inside her was more than I could handle at the moment.

  “I need you, Katie. I don’t think I can wait.”

  “Make love to me, Daniel. I’m yours.”

  I reached into the nightstand then clumsily ripped open the condom wrapper before shakily rolling it down my length. I jerked when Katie reached out to surround my cock with her small hand. She directed me to her heat and placed me directly at her opening. Without waiting another second, I plunged my throbbing cock deep inside her.

  Katie’s fingernails dug into my back as I began to fuck her with everything I had. My entire body screamed in ecstasy at finally being inside her. The reality was so much better than any fantasy I could ever have.

  I pulled one of her knees up to change the angle of my thrusts.

  “You feel so good inside me, Daniel. God, touch me, please.”

  That was all the instruction I needed, and I moved my hand from her knee and reached down to rub her clit in a coordinated dance as I continued thrusting. Her pussy squeezed my cock, causing a groan to escape me. The muscles in her body tightened, and I knew her orgasm was seconds away. Increasing the pressure on her clit, I quickened my thrusts as my balls drew up. I was about to explode, but she needed to come first. My prayers were answered when her pussy contracted against my dick, and the orgasm rushed through her.

  Katie’s head was thrown back, and she screamed my name with the force of it. At the same time, my cock erupted as her pussy continued to milk every last drop of my seed. When the final tremor ceased, I pulled out of her and quickly disposed of the condom. For a brief moment, I wish it had lasted longer. My cock twitched with the need to be inside her again. Instead, I settled back on the bed and pulled her body close to mine, kissing her on the forehead. She wrapped herself around me and closed her eyes. Within moments, I knew she was asleep as her entire body relaxed and a small sigh left her lips.

  “You regret it already, don't you?”

  I turned my head from where I’d rested it on my linked fingers while I stared at the ceiling, thinking about all the mistakes I’d made in my career. I looked into Katie’s eyes and saw her fear. I unlinked my fingers and pulled her closer to me. I kissed the top of her head.

  “I thought I would. I mean, I should regret it. You’re a key witness in a murder investigation, Katie.” I couldn’t help but sigh. “But, no, I don’t regret it. I don’t know where this leaves us, but I’m willing to see it through to the end.”

  Her fingers traced random patterns over my chest and then followed the lines of my tattoos before she began to play with the barbell through my left nipple.

  “Who says it has to end?” Her voice came out soft and unsure.

  “Oh, Katie. You don’t want to waste your life on someone like me.”

  She quickly moved to an upright position and stared down at me, not caring or paying attention to the fact that the sheet pooled at her waist giving me a full view of her glorious breasts.

  “Don’t patronize me, Daniel. What gives you the right to decide what’s best for me? The last time I checked, I was a grown woman who was fully capable of making her own decisions.”

  “I didn’t say you weren’t.”

  “Yes, you did. Maybe I don’t think you’re a waste of my life. Maybe I think you could be one of the best things to ever happen to me. Did you ever think of that?”

  During her tirade, Katie’d jumped out of bed and begun gathering up her clothes that had landed around the room. She balled the clothes up in front of her as though using them for a defensive shield.

  “I’m not afraid to go after what I want, but I’m also not going to push myself on someone who isn’t interested. Don’t hang your insecurities on me, Daniel. I hope your beer keeps you company when you get old.”

  I remained silent as Katie walked out the bedroom door. I heard hers slam behind her across the hall, the echo of it mocking me in the darkness.

  Chapter 12

  Sleep eluded me after I walked out on Daniel. I’d felt closer to him than anyone else in my life, and he had to go and be a damn man and ruin shit. After tossing and turning for forty-five minutes, I’d given up on sleep. I needed some fresh air, and I figured a walk would do me some good. Help me clear my head. I threw my clothes back on and my sneakers and headed out into the neighborhood.

  The sun had barely come up over the horizon, and I basked in the beauty of the purples, reds, yellows, and oranges in the sky. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d seen such a gorgeous sight. You didn’t get these kinds of views in the city. I’d been walking about ten minutes and had turned back toward Daniel’s house. I knew I had to face him again, but I wasn’t looking forward to it.

  Every touch last night had been filled with care. Not just about pleasure, but with true feeling. There was something between us. Something strong, magnetic, and not to be ignored. I didn’t know if it was something that would stand the test of time, but it was certainly something powerful and worthy of further exploration. And I knew I wasn’t the only one who felt it.

  I was so lost in my musings that I didn’t hear the sound of a door opening or the footsteps behind me until a sack was thrown over my head and rough hands wrapped around me, trapping my arms against my sides. I screamed and kicked as I was dragged backward and unceremoniously thrown inside the running vehicle. Tires squealed and I was thrown against the wall; hitting my head so hard I saw stars.

  When the dizziness subsided, I ripped off the bag and gulped in deep, cleansing breaths to get rid of the stale air inside my lungs. I was in the back of a windowless van. I leapt from the floor toward the door and had just grabbed the handle when another searing pain shot through my head as someone grabbed a fistful of my hair and yanked me back down to the floor. The muzzle of a gun appeared before my eyes, and all the blood drained from my face as I backpedaled away from it.

  “Don’t try that again, bitch.”

  I slumped against the wall, my eyes never wavering from the man or the gun in his hand. Slowly, he turned and settled back into the front passenger seat of the
van. I studied his profile. He was bulky, all shoulders and no neck, with wet-looking black hair slicked back with too much gel. He wasn’t fat, but completely solid. He reeked of Polo cologne and was clearly hired muscle. He had a bulbous nose, long forehead, and a wicked scar ran down the left side of his face. He had “don’t fuck with me” stamped across his entire body.

  From my position I couldn’t see anything of the driver except the back of his head. There was no rear view mirror for me to catch a reflection. I absently rubbed my still smarting head and desperately tried not to think of what the hell was going to happen to me. My only thought was that whoever wanted me, must want me alive. At least for now. Otherwise, these goons would have just popped me as I walked down the sidewalk and left me for dead.

  Instantly, my thoughts went to Daniel. I prayed he would find me and that my last words to him wouldn’t be ones of anger. I prayed like I’d never prayed before. I estimated we had driven about forty minutes when the van slowed. From my vantage point, I couldn’t see out the front window. Eventually, a shadow fell over the front window as we pulled into a building, and I could see the metal rafters of what looked like the inside of a warehouse. Finally, the van came to a stop.

  The front doors opened and both men stepped out. Light spilled into the interior of the van when the side door was pulled open. “Scar-face”, who again had his gun pointed at me as though I was going to make a run for it, stood in the open doorway.

  “Get out.” His gruff voice echoed in the air.

  Slowly and gingerly, I crept out of the vehicle until I now stood beside it. The warehouse went dark, except for some dim overhead lights, when the driver, I assumed, closed the large metal door of the building, shutting out the outside world and freedom. Fuck. Scar-face gestured with the gun for me to move, so I started walking across the cement floor. I kept moving, him right on my heels, toward an open door on the far side of the building where, inside the room beyond, a deep voice grew louder.


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