Double Alchemy: Climax

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Double Alchemy: Climax Page 6

by Susan Mac Nicol

  “Old friend, you do realise we’re going into the lioness’s den? Valensia will relish this opportunity to get one over on me.” He chuckled drily, realising what he’d just said. “Literally, as well as figuratively. How the hell I’m going to tell Cade about this one, I have no idea.”

  Quinn changed gears expertly as he watched the road ahead, busy and congested despite the lateness of the hour. He’d probably get home just before midnight at this rate. But it was worth it to spend time in his car, a quiet solitude where he could think and plan and enjoy the simple mechanics of driving, something he’d always been partial to. When he got home the house was in darkness and he crept into bed quietly. For a while he lay there, listening to Cade’s steady breathing and wondering how to break the news to him that he needed to see an old flame who was still intent on jumping his bones regardless of any relationship he might be in—and was not averse to using magyck to do so. Quinn could have kept it from Cade, he supposed, but if anything happened and he found out he hadn’t told him, he had the feeling he’d lose his lover. No, best to come clean and hope he took it well.


  “Fuck, Quinn, how can you even think of going to see that bloody woman after what she did to you?” Cade looked at Quinn in disbelief as he waved his hands around excitedly. Quinn sat at the dining room table, sighing heavily as he fiddled with the cutlery. They’d just finished a late dinner and were enjoying a glass of wine before going up to bed.

  “The woman kept you as her sex slave for three days, and now you need to go see her so she can maybe do the same? Can’t someone else go and see this crazy bitch?”

  Cade had forgotten how amusing he’d found Quinn’s original story, faced now with the fact that it could happen again.

  Over my dead fucking body! Cade paced the room in agitation. He’d never felt this possessive of anyone else Before Quinn—or as he preferred to think of it, “BQ”

  Quinn sighed again. “Valensia won’t even think of speaking to anyone else about this matter. Unfortunately for me, she still feels she has a claim on me. We didn’t part on particularly good terms as you could imagine. The woman is a bloody menace but I need her.”

  Cade scowled fiercely. “Really?” His temper flared at those words.

  Quinn amended his statement hastily. “Not like that, you muppet. I need to get her to give me the book.”

  “Well then, I need to come with you and make sure she doesn’t touch you and that she knows who you belong to.” Cade blatantly ignored Quinn’s raised eyebrow at the fact that he “belonged” to someone as he continued his tirade. “I’m fed up having bloody witches thinking they can do what they want with you. Just like Mary-Sophie when she took on more Fey blood and tried to get you to hump her.”

  Quinn leaned forward, his elbows on the table, one hand propping up his chin, his eyes glinting. “Firstly, there is no way in hell that you’re coming with me. I don’t need a bloody bodyguard and if I did, it most definitely would not be you. I’d end up with a major girl fight on my hands. Secondly, whilst I love the fact that I ‘belong’ to you”—his voice was silky and Cade sensed the slight ire in it—“this is not the time for emotions to get in the way of what needs to be done. I have to get that book in order to save lives and that means I go alone.”

  Cade glared at him. “Mr. ‘The End Justifies the Means’? Does that mean if she wants you to screw her before she gives you the book, you would? If that was what it took?”

  A wave of anger flooded his chest as well as the feeling of pure fear that that was indeed what Quinn would do.

  Quinn regarded him angrily, his jaw tensing. “I have no intention of prostituting myself, not even for the book. I don’t know how you can think I would.”

  Cade shook his head. “You’ve looked at me in the eye and told me a bare-faced lie before without flinching.”

  Quinn’s eyes narrowed.

  Cade continued mercilessly. “The night you went to see Andrew de Vere and Jeremy on the yacht. You told me Percy and Magnus would be with every step of the way. But they weren’t, were they, Quinn? Once again, it was just you, alone. And look how that turned out.”

  Quinn remained silent and Cade knew he had no comeback on that because it was true. Quinn stood up, his arms rigid at his side as he turned to look out of the picture window at the misty heath beyond. “I know what I said at the time but I didn’t want you worrying.” His voice was harsh. “Forgive me if I tried to spare you the gory details.”

  Cade’s heart sank at his tone. He knew Quinn was currently stressed with everything going on and he probably wasn’t helping matters. “I do understand you trying to protect me. It’s what you do. But who protects you?”

  Quinn turned to face him, his eyes softening at Cade’s worried face. “I’ve been protecting myself since I was seven years old, longer even. And I have Taliesin, don’t forget. He’s no fan of Valensia either, for some reason I haven’t quite gotten to the bottom of yet, and we’re more prepared than we were last time. Last time I couldn’t even invoke him so I could disappear. This time will be different.”

  A look of relief crossed Quinn’s face at something his Withinner had probably said. He reached out his arms to Cade and pulled him into them, wrapping his arms around his waist. Cade encircled Quinn’s neck with his arms and laid his forehead against his. Quinn smelt of cinnamon and musk, a result of his shower gel. It was addictive and Cade breathed it in, loving the fragrance of Quinn.

  Quinn sighed. “I promise you I will not let that woman take advantage of me again. Taliesin agrees.” He grinned slightly. “I’d rather commit hara-kiri than let her get her claws into me. I know most men think it would be a noble thing to be shagged to death by a beautiful woman but I’m not one of them. I’d rather come home to you and let you do that.”

  Cade reached up, taking Quinn’s chin in his hands and kissing him ardently. When he released him, he stared into his eyes intensely.

  “You make sure you do, or I’ll be hunting the two of you down. Hara-kiri will be the least of your worries if that happens.” He grinned and Quinn’s body and face relaxed as he grinned back.

  “Deal.” Quinn moved his hands away from Cade’s waist and looked at him mischievously. “Talking of shagging to death, it’s time we went to bed. I have to be up early in the morning to meet Valensia and I’d like to get some shuteye before I go. So if we get up there now, you’ll have time to show me that new Kama Sutra position you’ve been researching.” He saw Cade raise his eyebrows. “Yes, I’ve seen you reading all about it on the internet. You really should switch on private browsing, Cade.”

  He disappeared up the stairway with a wicked chuckle as Cade followed him, his face flushing. The bloody man was infuriating in ferreting out secrets and had an uncanny knack of always being a step ahead of him. The slinking form of Marco Polo sidled up the stairs, no doubt in the hope he might be able to acquire a comfortable spot on the bed.

  “No chance of that, kitty. With what I plan on doing to that man, there’ll be no room for you and you may find yourself getting squashed.” Cade snorted. “I’ll give him something to think about tomorrow when he meets that old flame of his.” His voice sounded jealous, even to his own ears. “He’ll be so worn out, he won’t have the strength to do anything else.”

  Cade reached the top of the stairs and pushed open the bedroom door with a definite sense of purpose.

  Chapter 7

  The following morning, aching everywhere and definitely needing more sleep than he’d gotten the night before, Quinn drove up to the Praetorium for his meeting with Valensia. He felt a little like a boy going on his first prom date—apprehensive and hoping he was well prepared enough to meet what lay ahead. He had no condoms in his wallet but he did have a veritable plethora of spells, chants and protective magyck surrounding him and Taliesin. It was almost enough to publish their own Book of Shadows on ‘How to avoid being targeted by a sex-crazy witch.’

  Cade had been fairly quiet this morn
ing when Quinn had left and he knew Cade had visions of him being seduced and constantly used as a living vibrator, but he’d assured him he would allow no such thing. Quinn had insisted on meeting Valensia at a public place and was going nowhere near her private home in Chelsea.

  The witch on reception nodded at him warmly as he walked across the marbled floor of the grand Praetorium and leaned on the shiny wooden counter.

  “Mr. Fairmont, the Regina is expecting you. She asked if you’d take a seat for a minute as she’d like to collect you personally.”

  I’ll bet she bloody does!

  Quinn nodded and sat down in one of the deep armchairs scattered around the entrance hall. He observed the comings and goings in the reception area, a vast network of people entering the hall, being escorted up the long, curved, gleaming wooden staircases to the second floor, where most of the Praetorium staff held their meetings, strategy sessions and anything else. Witches, Feys of varying description, Warlocks—Quinn saw them all, some of the Warlocks looking distinctly uncomfortable upon seeing their Grand Master sitting waiting. They looked around anxiously to ensure someone was coming to fetch him. Quinn watched in slight amusement as one of them approached the woman on reception and quietly asked her if she knew she had the Grand Master of the Consortium waiting like a common person. The witch smiled and said she did indeed know and that the Regina was on her way. The man scowled, looking at Quinn with a raised eyebrow. Quinn inclined his head graciously in thanks at the man’s intervention. The man shook his head in disgust at the Regina’s tardiness and moved on with a mutter.

  The hall had been noisy, the sounds of people talking, debating and even arguing. When there was a sudden lull, Quinn knew that Valensia was coming down the staircase. He watched her as she glided down the stairs, one hand laid languidly on the banister. She’d always been an exceptionally beautiful woman and the maturity that surrounded her made her even more so. Valensia was tall, about Quinn’s height, with an hourglass shape and a tiny waist currently clinched in with an ornate gold belt, held by a buckle shaped like a pentagram. Her dress swirled around her like burgundy fog, swathes of darkened silk that clung to her form and highlighted all her considerable attributes.

  Her hair was long, past her waist, jet black and lustrous. As she moved toward Quinn, her deep blue eyes regarded him in sheer avarice. He already felt the pull of her half-Fey blood even though he’d taken Mirrabar blood and various other herbs and potions to counter the effect. Quinn felt the familiar stirrings in his groin and the dryness in his mouth and he stood up, wanting to take any action that may relax him.

  His Withinner stirred in greed inside him and he cursed silently.

  Taliesin, you need to control yourself too. I can’t have you going off half cocked—or fully cocked, as it may be. Remember our agreement and our plan. Don’t fucking fail me on this one or I’ll come in and rip your bloody heart out.

  Taliesin sighed. She is even more alluring than I remember. She is perfect.

  Quinn regarded Valensia mildly even as he cursed his Withinner.

  Fuck perfect! Get a bloody grip! I thought you didn’t fancy her?

  “Quinn, you look wonderful as always. Have you been working out more? Those shoulders certainly look as if they grown a few inches since we were together last. You’ve become even dishier with that extra maturity. Being with men obviously agrees with you.”

  Her voice was slightly spiteful, low, seductive, sounding like black velvet would if it could speak. She’d never forgiven Quinn for breaking it off with her and making a life solely as a gay man. She’d be twenty-eight now and looked years younger. Her hand reached out and softly caressed his arm, causing a tingle to run up from his wrist to his shoulder. He remembered the last time a witch had done that. Mary Hawthorn had planted a hex on him that way and getting rid of it had nearly killed him.

  He’d trusted Mary. With Valensia he was impervious to such things. He’d grown up too. His magyck was a lot stronger than it had been seven years ago when he’d first met her.

  “I gym. I could say the same for you, Valensia. You look wonderful.”

  She chuckled. “And here we stand exchanging pleasantries like civilised people. Wonders will never cease.” She turned and motioned for him to follow him. “Follow me, handsome. We have a lot to talk about. It’ll be more private in my suite upstairs.”

  Quinn followed her as she shimmied up the stairs, the perfect globes of her backside tautening as she walked. Quinn couldn’t resist. He watched them all the way up the stairs, cursing himself for doing so but unable to help himself. He’d known there would still be some attraction, the spells and chants couldn’t deplete it altogether, but he still resented it. He thanked the stars Cade wasn’t there to see his roaming eyes at work. The man would have a conniption.

  They reached Valensia’s “suite,” a palatial accommodation of office and living room with a very large leather sofa in the one half of the room, a large Flokati rug on the floor and a fire burning in the hearth. Quinn immediately became uncomfortable. This looked far too inviting for a business meeting. Valensia sat down behind a solid six-foot-wide teak desk and planted her long legs with their elegantly booted feet up on the desk. She leaned back in her chair, raising her arms above her head in a faux stretch so her breasts tightened against the silk of her outfit, the dress unbuttoned almost down to her midriff. The dress slid silkily off her long legs, leaving a bare expanse of tanned, perfect leg that seemed to lead up to her navel. Quinn swallowed, seeing the tanned skin and curves of her breasts underneath and her nipples through the fabric. He tried to remain expressionless as he raised his eyes to her mocking ones. Taliesin appeared to have the same control problem.

  Breathe, my friend. Remember Cade at home. I will try help but I must confess I am struggling too. We have to help each other.

  Quinn scowled. I know I’m into guys and so does she but my dick seems to have a mind of its bloody own, what with the Fey attraction.

  Taliesin snorted in silent amusement. He sounded breathless and Quinn wondered grimly what the hell his Withinner was doing in his time. The images conjured up in his mind made him shiver with distaste and he tried hard to cast them out before he went too far with them.

  Valensia eyed him up and down. “So, I know why you’re here. You want my Book of Shadows. God, the only thing that could ever hold your attention—other than someone with a penis—was a book. I was never sure which one actually would win out if you had to choose.”

  He ignored her barbed comment and nodded. “Spot on as usual. It’s not that I want the book. It’s that I need the book. It holds some valuable information that the Consortium needs so we can stop the Witchfinder general from killing any more of us. The battle is coming. I can feel it. It’s building up, and when it starts, it’s going to be like nothing we’ve ever seen unless we find out why this human vessel, Jeremy Payton, is so much more powerful. And why he’s currently so quiet. That doesn’t bode well.”

  “What makes you think I don’t want the same thing? I have people here who are more than capable of figuring out the book’s secrets themselves if I want them to.” Her voice hardened.

  Quinn shrugged his shoulders. “Without being derogatory, you know that the Consortium and its resources are infinitely more powerful than the Praetorium and its witches. You can’t argue that fact. A Warlock’s power with a Withinner is seven times that of a witch. You know that we’re the right ones to take a look at the book and deal with the Witchfinder. Obviously we would need your help. I wouldn’t consider a plan that didn’t have an alliance of both of our kind on one side.”

  She apprised him mockingly. “You Warlocks, always so macho and manly.” Her face grew darker. “I have to say I liked that attitude when you were inside me, Quinn. I don’t like it when you’re sitting in front of me trying to convince me to do the right thing according to you.”

  Her beautiful face broke into a scowl and she took her feet off the desk and stood up. “I’ve taken a lo
ok at the book myself and although it definitely is someone’s Book of Shadows, the spells in it appear fairly harmless. That stupid High Priestess of the Ravenbrook Coven couldn’t shed any more light on it.”

  Quinn was relieved that Misty hadn’t said anything to Valensia about her feelings about the book originating in the seventeenth century. He watched as Valensia prowled the room like a panther, her feline strides angry.

  “I can assure you I wasn’t being chauvinistic.” Quinn remarked mildly. “You know me well enough to know that’s not how I think. But we have the Reponosium too and our research facility is far better than yours. I only want to look at the book and you can have it back when we’re done with it.”

  Privately he thought there was no hope in hell that she’d be getting that book back and he knew she knew that too. It was a game waiting to be played.

  “Darling Quinn. If I was disposed to give you this book, what would my reward be?” she purred as she walked over to him and stroked his cheek gently, her long fingernails trailing across his skin causing a reaction that was all too familiar.

  Quinn thought of Cade and he looked up at the witch, his eyes narrowed and his voice steely. “That might have worked once but it won’t work again. This time we talk like adults, not like two sex-starved teenagers who can’t get enough of each other. Last time you tricked me and it won’t happen again.”

  She laughed softly as she sat down on his lap, winding her arms around his neck and leaning in toward him. He smelled her perfume, her arousal and felt heat rising off her body. He also felt the traitorous stirrings below and his heart beat faster as his hormonal body reacted to her closeness and the magyck she held inside in her blood.

  Quinn, in God’s name, remove her! I can hardly think myself.

  Taliesin sounded extremely agitated, his voice replicating the turmoil Quinn felt in his own body.


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