Rule's Obsession

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Rule's Obsession Page 4

by Lynda Chance

  As her eyes landed across the room, Angie noticed a tall man enter from a side door. He looked around, as if he were taking in everything the room held with a single glance. She sucked in a breath as she recognized his undeniable resemblance to Damian.

  Once Mrs. Rule regained her composure and began talking about her youngest son and his travels, Angie surreptitiously watched as the newcomer slid behind Courtney on silent feet and wrapped his fingers around her wrist. The younger girl’s face paled as she froze in place but didn’t move, and the man, unquestionably one of Damian’s brothers, leaned down and whispered something close to her ear. The girl’s face drained of all color and then immediately filled with heat, and before Angie could make out anything more, the man abruptly pulled her from the room.

  The maneuver was accomplished so quickly and silently that Angie doubted anyone else had noticed. Damian didn’t appear to realize that the woman who’d been standing next to him was no longer there as he continued conversing with the men around him.

  Mrs. Rule excused herself to check on dinner, and immediately, the man who’d been hovering next to Angie zeroed in on her, making her hackles rise. He slid his slimy gaze up and down her body and her stomach curdled in reaction. “So, you cut hair for a living?” he questioned in a pretentious, nasally tone.

  Angie took an obvious step back from him. “Yeah.”

  His eyes gleamed, making her feel a bit more nauseated. “Do you give massages too?”

  Angie never had time to form an answer or, for that matter, feel insulted. An arm snaked around her waist from behind as she was pulled into a hard, warm body that had about as much give as finely tempered steel. “Robertson,” Damian hissed under his breath. “I don’t believe I care for your tone or your question.”

  Angie saw the blood drain from the other man’s face as he took a step back. “I didn’t mean anything by it.”

  “No?” Damian bit out.

  “I was only trying to make conversation.”

  The harsh look on Damian’s features made a lie of the congenial nod he gave. “You know, I’ve never cared for you. I’ve put up with you only because my mother seems to enjoy your company.” Angie felt his fingers tighten on her waist as his words turned menacing. “But all bets are off if you attempt, in any way, to fuck with my girl here. You insult her one more time, you’ll find yourself without a friend in this city so fast it’ll make your head spin. You get me, man?”

  The other man’s face turned a whiter shade of pale. “Yeah.”

  Robertson turned and fled the room, and Angie was left semi-alone with Damian, his arm still wrapped around her. She swallowed and tried to digest the scene that had just taken place. “Wow,” she said as she turned toward him, facing him while his other arm came around to enclose her entirely within his grasp. “And I thought that I could act.” She tapped him on the shoulder, because she was floored and didn’t know what else to do. “That was amazing.”

  He stared down at her for a moment too long and Angie felt her insides turn to mush. His voice when he answered was deep and sure. “That wasn’t acting.” He shook his head as if to clear it. “I don’t know what the fuck it was, but it wasn’t acting.”

  With that, he grabbed her by the hand and led her into the dining room to join the others who were congregating there.

  Chapter Three

  The limo pulled in front of her apartment and idled, the privacy screen drawn up to provide a seclusion that Angie wasn’t quite comfortable with. The rest of the evening had been long and tedious, only because Angie’s nerves were affected. After the scene with the Robertson guy, the party had sailed smoothly with everyone else accepting her and including her as if she were one of them.

  And now, as they sat in the back of the car, the payment had already been made, and even though it had made her uneasy to take it, she knew she’d had to.

  She pasted on a smile and held out her hand, determined to give Damian a business-like shake before she went inside. “Well, good-bye.”

  He glanced down with a maddening hint of arrogance, his gaze riveted on her face before dropping to examine every inch of her. Something intense flared between them and her heart jolted, the prolonged anticipation of his touch almost unbearable. Slowly, he put his palm against hers, wrapping his fingers around her hand, squeezing, but not letting go. “Are you planning on escaping with a handshake?” His voice was deep yet smooth, melting her insides where she sat.

  Her pulse pounded and she could barely form a word when she thought about what he might be inferring. “Yes?” The word that should have been an affirmation sounded like a question, even to her own ears.

  He frowned as if he couldn’t fathom that she might want to escape from him. “After all those hot little looks you gave me from across the dinner table?”

  He’d given her hot looks all evening as well, and even now, the expression on his face was both seductive and filled with virile appeal. “I thought that’s what you wanted from me. You said it had to look real.”

  His steady gaze bore into her, making her stomach tingle. “You went far beyond what I expected, though.”

  Was it apparent to him that any acting on her part hadn’t been necessary? Mortification filled her and she attempted to divert him from the truth. “I’m sorry. I’ve never taken acting classes or anything. I was flying by the seat of my pants.”

  “Yeah, but now for the sixty-four thousand dollar question.” He slid a single finger down her cheek. “Was it all an act?”

  The smoldering flame in his eyes was beginning to panic her. This would so not be a good idea, no matter what the tingle between her thighs was telling her. “What … what do you mean?”

  “Your hot little looks indicated you wanted nothing more than to get me naked.” He glanced up from her lips and his eyes caught and captured hers. “Is that the way it is or did I misread you?”

  Damn. “Um … “

  “It would be good, you know?”

  Jesus, he smelled good. Concentrate, Angie. “Yeah, but it wouldn’t be a good idea,” she managed to say, her eyes glued to his.

  “I agree with you.” Angie’s heart almost stopped when his fingers dropped to the top swell of her breast. Without looking away from her eyes, his thumb flicked just once against her nipple and she froze. “It’s a bad idea.” His gaze dropped to her breast as he hissed out, “It’s a fucked-up idea.”

  Angie attempted to maintain control though it was all but impossible; her heart was racing so fast she could barely speak. “Bad idea … nothing in common,” she rattled.

  “I wouldn’t go that far.” His palm enclosed her breast entirely and he squeezed just hard enough that the immediate pleasure she felt was enhanced by a tiny frisson of pain. His gaze lifted and stayed riveted to her eyes as he rasped, “We have one thing in common.” He squeezed again, his thumb spearing across her nipple. “We want to fuck each other so badly we can hardly stand it.”

  Angie attempted to rear back from him but he wrapped his beefy fist around her upper arm. “Not so fast. We’re only talking. You can take that frightened look off your face.” The blood rushed through her veins making her light-headed but she didn’t attempt to get away again.

  “I’m not frightened.”

  “No?” He looked doubtful.

  She shook her head.

  “The fact that I want to take you home and strip you butt-assed naked and sink into you from behind doesn’t scare you? Not even a little bit?”

  Angie was held spellbound, unable to answer as the descriptive image caused wet heat to pool between her thighs.

  His eyes ran over her lips before clashing with hers again. “Doesn’t the fact that I have a hunger for you that makes me want to restrain you to a flat surface and do obscene and salacious things to your body scare you?”

  Oh. My. God. Angie couldn’t tell if her pulse was pounding so quickly she couldn’t feel it anymore or if it had stopped completely. “What … what kind of things?”

>   “Sweetheart, that’s not a fair question if you’re still planning on escaping unscathed tonight.”

  She felt the blood drain from her face. She couldn’t afford to get involved with this guy. She had some kind of self-preservation reflex that was screaming at her to get out of the car. “Okay. Scratch that question.”


  Leave it be, Rule.

  You’re playing with fire.

  Getting back at the little witch with looks and innuendos was one thing.

  Sinking his fingers around her breast and telling her exactly what he wanted was taking it one step too far; he was only punishing himself because he knew he couldn’t have her. Sure, he could probably have her, but there was a goddamn pounding in his head that was warning him that once he’d had her, it would be far from simple to let her go. But hell, he couldn’t seem to stop himself from making it worse. His damn hand was still wrapped around her breast, following the dictate of his cock, and his fucking mouth was on automatic pilot. “It’s too late to scratch the question.”

  She blinked up at him; she was so close he could see the pulse pounding against the silky white column of her neck. Without taking his eyes from her, because he couldn’t drag them away, he slid his hand from her breast and wrapped it around her throat, holding it there. He felt her pulse jump and quiver, saw her eyes close before opening again in panic. He felt his nostrils flare in response. Oh, yeah, he wanted to fuck her. He’d probably die if he couldn’t. He would die, because he couldn’t let himself have her.

  He couldn’t have her, but he couldn’t stop from pressing against her throat, couldn’t stop his mouth from falling to her ear. “Has anyone ever owned your body? Because that’s how it would be between us.” He bit her earlobe and sucked it into his mouth, savoring her taste, her scent, before continuing, “If you were mine, it would appear to the world as if you had a normal life, you might even feel as if your days were your own. But that would be an illusion; it wouldn’t be just fucking with you and me. If you ever made the mistake of sleeping with me, it wouldn’t be just sex. So, I’m warning you now. I’d own you. I’d own your body; I’d own your orgasms. I’d strip you naked, spread you wide and play with your body to my satisfaction before I’d ever let you experience release. Don’t get me wrong, you wouldn’t ever want to get away from me, but sweetheart, your life as you know it would be over. So before you ever let me sweet talk you into bed, understand that I’m just a little bit insane when it comes to you. It’s the reason I’ve never put a move on you before, and it’s the reason I’m going to let you slip away untouched tonight. I’m going to try my fucking best to stay away from you, but I don’t know how long I’ll be able to manage it. So if I come at you sometime in the future lying through my teeth and telling you it’ll only be for fun, don’t you fucking believe me. So, consider this the only warning you’re going to get. I’m going to let you run from me tonight, but before you go, I have to taste you.”

  Damian slid away from her ear and fastened his mouth to her lips and took the kiss he needed to retain his sanity. Her lips were soft and trembling; he tried to be gentle but had no clue if he was succeeding. If this was the only kiss he would be allowed, he needed to make it count. He pushed inside; she tasted like the sweetest drug. He imagined kissing her between her thighs, putting his tongue there and tasting the magic he knew he’d find.

  She mewled in his arms and his grasp became tighter. Her scent was sending a scorching need through his veins, his cock was hard, pulsing blood in a cadence that was screaming at him to pull her skirt up and rip her underwear aside. His abdominal muscles tightened in pure lust; she was everything he’d ever fantasized about. More. She was more. She was dragging oxygen into her lungs in rapid inhalations, and he felt a growl erupt from his throat at the same moment he shoved his hand up her skirt.

  He found stockings. Thigh-high stockings that wouldn’t impede him in the slightest. He pushed his tongue deep into the recesses of her mouth and then pulled it out again. “Want to fuck you.” His words were guttural. He invaded her mouth again, as his hand found the tiny triangle that covered her feminine heat. Even through the thin layer of material, he could tell that she was completely slick and smooth. Waxed. Clean-shaven. It was so fucking erotic that he had to clench his muscles in order to retain control. He tried to keep his touch light and teasing because he refused to scare her, but he knew he was failing. It was taking everything he had to go slow, but he could feel the subtle tensing of her muscles and knew he had to be careful. He maneuvered her knees further apart, pulled the flimsy material away from the wet core he needed to sink into and positioned his middle finger at her entrance, ready to impale her. He lifted away from her mouth and watched the expression on her face, waiting for her to open her eyes.


  Angie’s nerves shifted when she felt her knees shoved apart and her panties pushed roughly aside. Her eyes flew open and she found him staring down at her. “I thought … I thought we weren’t going to do this.”

  “Not going to fuck. Not going to screw you. Just have to feel you.” Angie vaguely recognized that his usual urbane method of speech had fallen by the wayside and that he was grunting like a caveman. She was barely cognizant of anything except for the thick, blunt finger swirling around her opening, teasing her.

  She couldn’t let him.

  Against her will, her world was filled with lights as a sharp arrow of pleasure pierced through her and her eyes closed with a volition of their own.

  She knew she only had a second or two before he plunged inside, and against everything her body was screaming for, she reached between them and gripped his hand in denial. He hissed out a flat sound that threatened repercussion, but after an abbreviated, tension-filled moment, he let her control the movement of his hand long enough to lift it away from her body by a degree. The sharp hold he had on the material lessened just enough that her panties snapped back into place, covering her.

  Her eyes flew open and they stared at each other, breathing deeply. She loosened her hold on his hand just enough that, instantaneously, it went back to her feminine center, and he began touching her over the material of her underwear, and within seconds, her panties were completely damp.

  Her flimsy underwear offered little protection; his touch felt almost as good as it had before the material created a barrier between them. His eyes held hers, sharp and assessing, refusing to let her look away from him. Her reaction was swift and violent. Sexual arousal held her in its grip and she began moving against his hand in a subtle motion that she tried to control, but it was enough that it brought her to the edge so quickly that it almost panicked her.

  His fingers slid over the material in a provocative motion, they slid over the slit that concealed her wet opening, to her clit and then back again. His teeth gritted, the words rattling from his throat in a disjointed sentence that reflected his struggle for control. “Make you come like this.”

  The words scared the living shit out of her. They scared the arousal straight from her body. She slammed her eyes closed again, shutting him out. She didn’t want him to make her come. It was too soon, too intimate, way too intimate, and she didn’t know him or trust him enough to let him see her without any control. She hurtled back to earth as she stiffened under him.

  He must have felt her withdrawal because his hand tightened on her momentarily before releasing her. With icy precision, he reached up and fisted his hand in her hair. She opened her mouth to try to speak, but closed it again as she was silenced by his dark, purely frustrated expression. Her heart beat loudly in her ears as his features turned brooding.

  He held her tightly, and whether he was testing himself or her, she didn’t know. His control seemed to be on a knife edge, it could go either way, and she held herself perfectly still, wanting to run and flee, but longing to stay within the irresistible prison of his arms for a few seconds more. She exhaled a shallow pant as a shiver of response ran down her spine as he continued to stare at her
with a look of barely-concealed lustful intent.

  With a hungry hiss escaping from his chest, his hand dropped to her breast. Angie’s face paled, thinking it was about to start all over again.

  He felt her defensive reaction and snarled deep in his throat as he released her breast. “Fuck.”

  He lifted his hand from her hair and sat back, his jaw clenching tightly as he looked away and stared out the window. He took several deep breaths and cracked his knuckles. “Goodnight.” The word was rough.

  Angie sucked in a breath as disappointment and relief mingled within. She looked at him with a question in her eyes as she hastily pushed her skirt below her knees.

  He turned back to face her. “Go on. Get out of the car.”

  Angie reared back from the harsh demand and put her hand on the door handle, but still she hesitated, even though she didn’t understand why.

  His muscles tightened and his nostrils flared. “You remember my warning?” His eyes narrowed, almost threateningly. “You best get out of the car, Angie, while I’m giving you the chance.”

  She watched him for the space of three seconds, apprehension rioting within her, and then she took the advice she was given, opened the door and fled.


  A week later, Damian silently castigated himself as his hair was being cut. What. The. Hell? What the fuck was wrong with him that he couldn’t stay away from this place? He could have easily gone another week before getting a haircut to begin with, but coming here again? He needed his fucking head examined.

  The hairdresser, Janice, was exceptionally talkative today, and although he tried to drown her out with his thoughts as he looked around for the little witch, he couldn’t help but hear at least half of what she said.

  “So, anyway, I can’t thank you enough.”

  His eyes snapped back to hers. “I’m sorry, what?”

  “Thank you for the money. I mean, I realize that it actually came from Angie, but you gave it to her, and without the generosity from both of you, I’d still be in a fix. I can’t tell you what it means to me. I’m sure Angie told you about the situation my ex left me and my daughter in.”


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