Defender of the Empire: Cadet #1

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Defender of the Empire: Cadet #1 Page 28

by Catherine Beery

  Westley took a breath and added “Begging your imperial pardon, sir, but Rylynn is right. Jason or Prince Gaelen, is an asset to the Legion Fleet.” He, also apparently, was having trouble deciding what to call my fellow 5th class cadet. I saw Marius nod in agreement with what had already been said.

  The emperor blinked slowly like a cat at us before glancing at the stunned admirals behind him. When he turned back his gaze was admiring and he was smiling. His humor made the gold in his eyes glitter. “Thus the loyalty of friends raises its head once again.” He said. He glanced at his son. “You are lucky to have such friends.

  Jason stood taller and met his sire’s gaze squarely “Whatever happens, we are in it together.” He said quoting Westley.

  The emperor nodded slightly and studied the four of us. I caught his glance at someone near the door, but because I was at attention I could not see who. But I could see the admirals… The sight made me swallow uncomfortably and wish I could adjust my collar again. What trouble had I gotten us into? The emperor turned to see everyone in the room. “When I came in you, my admirals, were deciding to remove them from the Challenge. Doing so is your prerogative, however they have done more than win and have already gotten to meet you and I. Which, unless I am mistaken, was part of the prize.” L’Seral smiled at his words and nodded. And I realized he was kind of right. But I hadn’t wanted to meet them so they could decide my punishment. I wanted to have a place to go once I got through the Academy. “That said, it is my prerogative to reward them for rescuing my wayward son. And unless I am mistaken, they have proven themselves capable and far ahead of their peers. I want them active as soon as possible.” I stopped breathing again as what he was saying became clearer and clearer. Was it possible I was hearing him right and could he actually do it?

  HE IS THE EMPEROR. Scrae said simply.

  The admirals were quiet for a moment before Admiral Knight asked hesitantly “forgive me, your Imperial Highness, but are you suggesting that they be given a commission?”

  The emperor smiled at him. “Exactly, my dear admiral. I believe the Hail Mary is in need of additional crew?”

  “But sire! They don’t know all that they need to in order to function…” Admiral Knight’s protest was stalled by the emperor’s raised hand.

  “That didn’t stop them from taking out a Zar’daken warship.”

  “That was luck.” Admiral Knight snapped.

  “Perhaps, but I know for a certainty that Captain Wingstar and his crew are excellent teachers and are qualified to fill in the holes of their schooling. Besides, they will have to wait a little longer before their departure since the Hail Mary still has to undergo major repairs.” The emperor added. Admiral Knight gaped at him like a fish and the other admirals were glancing at each other with wide eyes. I was suffering from the same kind of shock. Only Admiral L’Seral was grinning.

  The emperor raised his brows. “They get punished by you removing them from the Challenge but are rewarded for their courage and service to the Crown by continuing their education on an actual starship.” He summed up. “Both sides win.” The emperor smiled. “Now I do believe that the cadets should return to the Academy to prepare for their future ventures and you lot need to get back to your commands.”

  No one missed the obvious dismissal. I started to file out with my friends when the emperor’s voice stopped me. “I would, however, like to speak with Sinclair and Strausman. If you two would stay for a moment?” he asked, but I knew it to be an order. I pulled out of the line and returned to my previous position. Westley and Jason gave Marius and I puzzled looks and I just shrugged. Eventually everyone left except for the Emperor, Marius, and I. Oh, and the man I hadn’t been able to see before.

  The other man was tall with thick golden hair. I had got the feeling that the man could choose when he wanted to be seen or when he wanted to fade into the background. The man stopped before the emperor and placed his clenched right fist over his heart and bowed his head before he looked up with a smile. “Well met, Your Imperial Highness.” He said.

  The emperor nodded. “Commander Blackmore. I see what you meant when you told me about the girl. It is very hard to miss.” My eyes widened.

  “It’s okay, Rylynn.” Marius said putting his hand on my shoulder.

  I glanced at him. “Why are they talking about me?” I asked softly, but the two powerful men heard me.

  “Because you are a very special Shade.” Commander Blackmore said. I blinked owlishly at him and he and Marius laughed. The emperor smiled. “You never thought about it before, did you lass?” The commander observed.

  “I’m a Shade?” And yeah I can be very, very slow apparently.

  “A Shade isn’t a mystic, Rylynn.” Marius said seeming to understand my dilemma in trying to understand how they could possible put such a title on my head. “You are half bound to a spectral. That is all it takes to make you a Shade.”

  “A special Shade.” The emperor reminded us.

  Commander Blackmore nodded in agreement. “It takes a special corporeal to survive the many Spectrals you have draped around you.”

  “How do you know about them?” I asked.

  “Because we are Shades.” The emperor replied. “Though it would be best for it not to leave this room. There is power in people not knowing.” He told me with a faint smile.

  “Marius has told me how you ended up with the extra Spectrals, but I would like you to tell the emperor in your own words.”

  I glanced between them before asking. “Can either of you release them? They are kind of stuck with me.”

  “I can.” The emperor replied. “My spectral is a mythic, just like the one who draped the others on you.”

  “I thought you didn’t know how I got them.”

  “I don’t.” he assured me. “But I can recognize a mythic Spectral’s handiwork.”

  I nodded since it made a kind of sense. And so I told him how I had ended up with the Spectrals. I once again traversed that dark corridor on the Imperial Space Station and heard Kylesst’s pleas and threats. I witnessed afresh Mara Dane’s death by the man in shadow with the stone blade whose name I later learned. I told how Kylesst had told me later that the man was Admiral Knight. I recounted how the admiral had threatened me to remain silent and how I had met Marius. Marius who was the only person I could tell. I had no longer been alone in my quest to find some way to bring the murdering admiral to justice. But we still don’t have concrete evidence against him I thought sadly.

  The emperor’s eyes darkened as I spoke.

  “She is forgetting to mention that it was Kylesst who knew that the prince was going to be kidnapped.” Marius reminded me and I wanted to kick myself.

  “Just before the third challenge Kylesst did tell me that, in his annoyingly cryptic way. But he did warn me. And after the challenge he gave me the coordinates where to find Jason. He had heard them from Admiral Knight discussing plans with his allies.” I caught the near feral expressions of the commander and the emperor.

  “It wouldn’t take much to find the records of that conversation.” The commander said. “We have proof against the bastard now.”

  The emperor nodded and I felt elated. Myra Dane and all the other Shades who had been murdered would be avenged. And Admiral Knight would cease to be a danger.

  Epilogue – Loose Ends

  And so I survived my first month at the Academy. At the award ceremony for the Admiral’s Challenge, my team and I were not even on the podium. A point that Admiral L’Seral had seethed about, but the other admirals would not change their minds. They figured and I guess it makes sense, that we had been given a far greater reward. At first, though, our classmates had thought it strange that we were not on the podium. Some thought it was unfair since we had won the first two challenges and our third challenge had been interrupted by a mercenary attack. Admiral L’Seral had told us that we should have won. Others, like my roommate, thought it was not a bad thing that we were removed from the chall
enge. First, at least in Lassie’s point of view, as a colonist I shouldn’t have been allowed to participate in the first place. Others pointed out that we had an unfair advantage with Westley. And those who had lost to us were pretty much dancing about in glee. Especially the team that hadn’t quite made the cut to participate in the third challenge as they now had third place.

  Imagine how many of them choked when they found out that we had all been given a commission. A few had turned an interesting shade of puce when they heard that I had been risen not one, but five ranks and had a place as a crewman on the Hail Mary.

  I will have it known that I hadn’t told anybody this. I don’t know how it leaked out, but it had. I don’t think people knew how to react to it. Some were snide as expected but I didn’t care. I was the one who had a placement on a ship already. Better, it was a ship I already knew and her captain would now have plenty of time to tell me what he knew of my parents.

  What wasn’t known, except by the emperor, Marius, and Commander Blackmore, was that I was officially now a Shade: one of the mysterious eyes and ears of the emperor. Marius, as a senior member of the Order, became my teacher. Which worked well in more ways than one. First, we already knew each other. Second was our strange, yet, complimenting abilities. The commander had told me that I was, based on my ability to absorb energy in greater quantities than normal people, a Spectral Sync. Syncs were very rare. It explained why I could survive contact with more than one spectral at a time. I didn’t feel rare, but I was apparently the first Sync to be born in seven hundred years. Marius was another rarity in that he was what was called a Spectral Vampire. Such people were unable to absorb energy from his surroundings. Most people could, but only in small quantities. What made Marius a vampire was that he could link with a Spectral, but over time he would drain it of its energy. Eventually the Spectral would die.

  Our abilities complimented each other in that I could ‘feed’ him the extra energy in my system. We had done so before since that was the only reason I was still alive. So we would continue as we have been. Although, I didn’t have as much energy as I used to.

  After telling the emperor the story of how I had received the Spectrals he had done something that allowed them to be free. So now Luna and Scrae and the others are off wherever Spectrals go. I figured they were out looking for someone they could bond with since that seems to be what Spectrals do. I missed them. Even their constant chatter. Because now my head feels awful quiet. At least I have M. Kit to keep me company. Now that there is not as much energy in my system she finds that she can work a whole hell of a lot better. Her hardware doesn’t fry anymore.

  The only really depressing thing about my life now is that Admiral Knight has disappeared without a trace. Marius had told me at dinner that the guards had arrived to take him into custody but found his place empty. We’re not sure what gave him warning, but he was gone. Luckily, though, he had not been able to erase the evidence of his involvement in an anarchy movement. It proved to the courts that he was a traitor. Even if there wasn’t anything linking him to the murders of Shades a traitor was still a high crime. He had been stripped of his rank and title publicly. He was now a hunted man.

  As I walked back to my room from dinner I felt a pang of worry for Kylesst. The Spectral I was half-bonded to was still imprisoned in the Lous-eci’dalb. And that cursed weapon was still in Knight’s hands somewhere… out there. I’m so sorry a thought whispered in my mind so softly I wasn’t sure if it was me to Kylesst or him to me. I didn’t have much time to think about it since pain hit me so hard that I blacked out.


  Kylesst writhed as his essence was stolen by the foul Soul Shadow. She took delight in hurting him. She took joy in draining him to dangerous levels. There were times when he wished she would just end it. But that would be too merciful of her. He could just hear her malicious laughter and in that part of him that was too deep for her to touch, yet, he wondered how much more joy she would experience if she knew she also hurt Rylynn. He could feel the girl suffer as he did and he begged her forgiveness for not being able to protect her.

  PLEASE! He begged aloud at some point. He was amazed that he could still make some kind of sense. Though who he was begging he wasn’t sure. And what he was begging for was beyond him.


  NO. Kylesst denied.

  IT IS YOUR DESTINY. LOOK FORWORD TO IT. And she left him alone in the dark. Well, mostly alone. The other trapped Spectrals still screamed about him, but he was so far gone that he could barely hear them.


  The end

  Rylynn’s adventures continue in The Defender of the Empire: Facades Book 2

  Here is a preview

  Once he had a name. Once it had been a proud and glorious thing. But that had been so many ages ago… He no longer remembered it. Now he was known as the Betrayer. He had earned that name. Everyone he ever knew he had betrayed. His own kind, the people he mixed with… His enemies, his friends… he snorted as he walked the hall of shadows. Friends. Now that was inappropriate. Betrayer didn’t have friends. He had tools. All to get what he wanted.

  What did he want?

  Ah, now there was a universe of possibilities...

  He reached the room with his pets. “Greetings of the day to you, Lady Sylvia Foréss Sinclair.” He said spotting the frail woman with light chestnut hair. She didn’t meet Betrayer’s gaze. Shame, she had such beautiful moss green eyes. “I’m surprised that you kept that name, since it tied you to me.” He continued.

  “Not you. The man I loved.” She replied softly.

  “You mean the man who never existed? That man?” He asked cruelly.

  “What do you want?” She asked softly.

  He smiled and she shrank satisfyingly away. “What I want is to hear are the screams that are coming. To watch things tremble. They have been static for too long.”

  “What are you going to do?” She asked in growing horror.

  Betrayer grinned at her. “Use your imagination, Sylvia. You have a nice one.”

  Books by Catherine Beery

  (Click on titles to jump to order page)

  The Ways of Mages

  The Ways of Mages, #1 -Revised July 2012

  The Ways of Mages: Two Worlds, #2 - Aug 2012

  The Ways of Mages: Starfire, #3 January 2013

  The Ways of Mages: Three Swords, #4 - 2013

  Defender of the Empire

  Book 1: Cadet - 2014

  Book 2: Facades (summer/fall)*

  Books by Andrew Beery

  The Catherine Kimbridge Chronicles

  Inception, #1 - July 2012

  Redemption, #2 - January 2013

  Exploration, #3 - 2013

  Retribution, #4 – 2014

  Liberation, #5 – 2014 (Summer/Fall)*

  *coming soon

  Check Out these other titles on Amazon

  The Catherine Kimbridge Chronicles #1, Inception

  Chapter One - A Beginning...

  Personal Log

  2067 was the year I died for the first time… It was painful. Had I known how often I’d be expected to die over the next several millennia, I might have made a stronger effort to stay dead.

  The year actually started off rather nicely. I finished my PhD in high energy physics and was promoted to Lieutenant Commander in the United States Air Force. My first posting after the promotion was to the Lunar One Air Base where I worked with my father, Dr. Robert Kimbridgeon“The Project.”

  “The Project” was our name for a VASIMR Ion Drive interplanetary space craft that used Thorium LFTR reactors for both shielding and power. Capable of a sustained point one G of acceleration, our prototype was expected to make the Mars run
in less than a week. By the end of November, the ESX Arizona was ready for her first trial runs, and I was her pilot. History has an odd way of repeating itself.

  * * *

  The newly promoted Lt. Commander Catherine Kimbridgesat at the controls of her highly modified light cruiser. The Air Force, along with most of the world’s militaries, had recently adopted uniform rank designations. Officers O1 and above utilized naval rank designations while enlisted personnel and warrant officers W4 and below utilized Army ranks. It still seemed strange to her to be in the Air Force and hold what, until a few years ago, had been a naval rank. Of course, the newness of her rank was in its own way strange.

  The craft had originally been designed to transport a crew of fifteen between Lagrange Point Two (L-Point2) behind the Earth and the various lunar bases dotting the moon’s surface. Before the ESX Arizona had been thoroughly modified by herself and her father, the craft had been expected to make such a trip in roughly a week. Now the much larger VASIMR engines could heat the Arizona’s fuel to a plasma state in microseconds and provide enough thrust to make the trip to the inner planets in a comparable time frame.

  The addition of several Liquid Fluorine Thorium Reactors (LFTRs), as well as the fuel pods for the VASIMR drive, limited the available space to three people. This was of little concern to the petite redhead because for this first trip she would be the only occupant. Her goal was to achieve insertion into a Mars orbit in 6.4 days. Considering the best time to date for a manned spacecraft was on the order of ninety days, this would be quite an achievement.


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