Chemical [se]X

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Chemical [se]X Page 2

by Неизвестный

  “Oh, my!”

  He looked up at me. There was a drop of candy in the center of his bottom lip. I pulled him up by his collar, then licked it off. The tastes of cocoa and coffee mixed with sugary flesh made my pussy heat up even more. He pulled the pencil from my hair as we devoured each others lips.

  “The skirt, take off the skirt.”

  I fumbled with the zipper. “It’s stuck.” Wyatt’s nimble fingers worked their magic and then I stepped out of my shoes.

  “Holy shit, leave the socks on. Damn, that’s hot.” Wyatt fed me another small bit of the special recipe, then dripped a spoonful of the liquified version over my tits. “Chocolate covered boobs, could life get any better?” His hot tongue lapped up every drop.

  “Get naked, Wyatt. Show mama that cute ass.”

  He stripped off everything and I groaned. Underneath the frat boy wardrobe was a smokin’ hot piece of man cake. Tight pecs, coated with dark hair, and six pack complete with happy trail that lead right to a thick, uncut cock. Muscular legs and sexy toes, he smelled like male musk and body wash. I wanted to dip his entire body in chocolate, then devour him, but I decided to start with his ass.

  “Bend over, cutie. Let mama eat you up.” He was trembling a bit as he leaned over the counter. His tight ass cheeks felt like ivory velvet under my fingers as I kneaded them.

  “I, um, took a thorough shower this morning. Real thorough.”

  I giggled, then spread open his ass cheeks. His crack was lightly furred with dark hair that I had to push out of the way to get to the part I wanted to see. There it was, like a delicate pink shell, a part of the male anatomy that I had never wanted to have in my mouth. Suddenly, it seemed like the most natural thing in the world.

  “First, a candy coating.” I took a spoonful of the white chocolate and drizzled it over his crack, hiding his dusky pucker under a layer of cream. He mewled like a kitten, which turned me on even more. “Now mama is going to lick you clean.”

  My tongue lapped up the sugary goo, which caused Wyatt to fuck the table and whimper. “Holy shit, I’ve never gotten rimmed by a chick before.”

  “How about a guy?”

  Wyatt laughed. “Only a few. Five. Okay, maybe ten. I was in a fraternity, you know.”

  The image of Wyatt playing with other men caused me to have another involuntary orgasm. I rested my head against the small of his back and tried to catch my breath. I was drunk on lust and cocoa beans, not to mention the mysterious herbal extract. My fingers were drawn to his ass crack, and I ran them up and down, enjoying the feel of the wet skin and hair under my fingertips. He spread his legs wider and pushed against my hand.

  “You’re gonna make me come!”

  “Turn around!”

  His cock was fully erect, the end wet and deep scarlet. I pulled back his foreskin and sucked the head behind my lips as I lapped at his saline tinged slit. My pussy was throbbing and I could feel my juices dripping down to my knee socks. I looked at the three pots of melted candy.

  “Let’s try mint this time.”

  First, I had him lay face up, with his knees bent and legs drawn back. I drizzled a small amount of the mint recipe over his small, firm balls, then alternated sucking each one. The strong scent stung my eyes but the flavor was glorious.

  “Ow, the mint’s a little tingly, Jane.”

  “Sorry.” I licked off every bit, then coated his entire cock in the orange flavored version. When I was finished, it reminded me of the chocolate covered frozen bananas I used to crave as a child. The way Wyatt’s cock curved up to his belly button only enhanced the vision. “Mmm, looks good enough to eat, I almost want to roll it in chopped peanuts first.”

  “Damn, baby, you’re turning me on like a mother fucker.”

  I licked up one side and down the other, then wondered if my habit of eating frozen bananas as a girl had somehow grown into my love of sucking cock. Wyatt began to moan loudly as I nibbled on the tip, then arched his back when I flicked my tongue under the flared edge.

  “Jane, I’m really gonna come!”

  I kept lapping up chocolate as his cock vibrated in my hand. The ribbons of milky white were gobbled up by my greedy mouth, adding another layer of flavor to my already overloaded senses.

  “Jane, switch places with me, I need to eat you now.”

  I quickly climbed onto the table, then put my legs in the air and spread them wide open. As much as I hate to admit it, the socks were quite fetching, especially when I pointed my toes.

  “I’m going to implode,” Wyatt said as he ogled my dripping snatch. He perused the candy coatings, then dipped a spoon into the minty one. He dripped a large dollop right over my clit. “Whoops, I just drowned the little man in the boat.”

  “You’d better make a rescue, then.”

  He dove in and sucked my clit into his mouth. “Mmm, peppermint pussy.”

  “Just in time for Christmas. Oh, you’re right about the mint, it stings a bit.”

  “I’ll make sure I lick up every speck.”

  Wyatt gave my clit a thorough tongue massage, which caused me to have a powerful orgasm that curled my toes and caused me to pinch my own nipples. As soon that one was finished, I fell headfirst into the throes of another.

  “Wyatt, don’t stop. It’s so fucking good.”

  “Stop, are you kidding? I could do this all day.” After two more strong climaxes, courtesy of Wyatt’s hot tongue, I pushed his head away, panting. He bit off the head of another ducky truffle, then fed me the other half. “Did I ever tell you how extremely gorgeous you are, Jane?”

  “No, you usually spend the day making fun of me. And adjusting your sack.”

  “That’s because I’m fighting off a boner most of the day.”

  I stared at him, stunned, I had no idea he felt that way about me. My clit began to feel swollen again, and a deep ache started deep inside my pussy.

  “I want you to fuck me, Wyatt. I want you to fuck me deep and hard.”

  “Oh, baby, I thought you’d never ask.”

  I scooted down so that my ass was even with the end of the table, then spread my legs as wide as they would go. Wyatt crossed himself, then slowly slid his cock inside. Once he was buried deep, he began to thrust, which caused me to throw my head back and unleash a stream of dirty talk that would have made a sea captain blush.

  Confession, part two: I’ve heard of the mysterious g-spot, but I’ve never found it. Sure, I’ve tried, even bought a special dildo called “The Grafen-Master” but the magic spot remained as elusive as a yeti in the Canadian wilderness. Until Wyatt’s delicately curved penis found its way up my snatch. He found my g-spot alright, he found it, then made it sing Zippity-do-dah. A light might have opened in the ceiling to beam down upon us, and a chorus of angels may have started singing, I’m not sure. What I am sure of, is at that moment, with that man, I embarked on a sexual journey that ended in an earth shattering climax that made me scream like a female gorilla in heat.

  “Jesus, Jane, are you okay?” Wyatt’s eyes were wide in terror, and he was clutching his chest.

  “Oh, baby, I’m fan-fucking-tastic. More, Wyatt, don’t you dare stop fucking me. I want you to fuck me until I am nothing but a smear on this table!”

  He grinned, then resumed thrusting and I’m fairly certain my eyes rolled back in my head as I rode the roller coaster back up. I grabbed his ass and ground him against me while I sucked his lips into my mouth. He was keening like a caged animal. I felt his cock grow slightly before filling me with a deluge of wet heat.

  “Jane, Jane!” Wyatt buried his face in my neck and gasped for air.

  “Just a little more, I’m so close.”

  “Do it, come for me, I want to hear you scream again.”

  I didn’t just scream. I sang an operatic aria that peeled the paint from the walls. Wyatt giggled, then rested his head on my chest while I stroked his silky hair.



  “That was the single greate
st sexual experience of my life, even better than Greek orgy night at Phi Kappa Psi.”

  “Give me ten minutes, and I can go another round.”

  “Mmm, you smell like jizz and peppermint.”

  Wyatt put another of the aphrodisiac duckies between his teeth, then leaned in close. I bit off the other side, then kissed his sweet lips. As the cocoa butter laden treat melted against my tongue, I ran my hands over his butt, squeezing gently. And that’s the exact moment when I heard the door unlock.

  “Oh my freaking god!” Ben was standing there, white as a sheet. “You two are naked. And the room smells like sex! Do you know what this means?”

  Wyatt covered his junk with both hands, while I struggled to put my legs together. “Um, does it mean that we’re fired?”

  Ben lit up in a huge grin. “It means we are going to be filthy, stinking rich!”

  Wyatt popped a truffle into Ben’s mouth, then pulled him into the lab by his tie. “So, Ben, tell me, did you ever belong to a fraternity?”

  I smiled a wicked smile as I locked the door.

  The Connection

  Jade A. Waters

  His eyes said it all: I want my wife back.

  It wasn’t just Terence’s eyes, though. Aubrey felt it in the strokes of his fingers when he sat beside her on the couch and rubbed her feet, and in the forlorn way he gazed at her across the dinner table. It felt like only yesterday that he’d last touched her, and yet she knew as she lay on her side of the bed every night that it had been far, far longer—two years, in fact, and she hated it. But somehow, between the overtime and the busy day-to-day dealings of bills, laundry, dishes, and everything else, she’d let it slide.


  This was the very thing that brought them together all those years ago, the connection that made her gush over dinners and phone calls with close friends. For the two of them, sex was worlds apart from that shared by the average married couple.

  And then it just…stopped.

  Some nights, Terence caressed Aubrey’s leg, and a tingle of memory would charge up her thigh as his fingers grazed her nightgown up to her hip, then smoothed along her waist. But Aubrey—once a veritable vixen, a hyper-sexual creature since the first time she’d discovered the act—would lie perfectly still, her breath held in the dark, all of her aching to make a move and yet not knowing how to respond. She didn’t like the foreign feeling, nor did she understand it, and as time kept ticking by she fell further down this rabbit hole of unfamiliarity, coldness, and desperate longing for something to alleviate her doubt.

  That’s why, Friday night, Aubrey bought the chocolates at the confectionery store on the way home. She’d seen the small gold box tucked in the corner window display a few days before, the discrete label beckoning her with pristine cursive forming four decadent words.

  Chocolates for Adults Only.

  She’d heard about these chocolate truffles when she watched the news one night with Terence. They contained an extremely potent aphrodisiac harvested from a Brazilian rain forest, their effects extensively tested before release to the general public. Apparently, the truffles had increased sexual activity across the country at a surprising rate, and while Aubrey couldn’t originally fathom buying chocolates to spice up her marriage, something needed to change.

  Once she arrived home, she put her purchase on the counter and eyed it for a solid minute. The quarter-pound box had cost seventy-five dollars, but the weight of its contents—not the hefty price—had sent a tremor through her all the way home. Heavy and taunting, the container had banged against her hip when she hoisted her purse over her shoulder, its presence as poignant as the need deep in her sex when she pondered what might happen after Terence came home. The wonder burned on as she waited for him, and when she ran her fingers across the top of the box, she tilted her head coyly to the side. Aubrey could actually smell the truffles through the cardboard and the wrapping, the scent definitively chocolate with a whiff of crisp mint and grass beneath. But there was something else, too. It was earthy and rich, she realized, much like arousal.

  Her arousal.

  Aubrey wanted to wait for Terence, but she ached to know what these chocolates could do. Lifting the lid, she admired the six candies inside, each piece tempting her from within the black and white polka-dotted foil cups. The store clerk had explained this decorative packaging as specific to the premium box, “guaranteed to satisfy” or her money back tomorrow.

  How could she resist?

  Quickly, Aubrey grabbed a chocolate and took the smallest nibble, then nested the candy back in its cup. The dark chocolate tingled along her tongue and down her throat when she swallowed, the sensation peculiar and warm. It had to be her imagination, but the lid was barely back on the box when the feeling spread through her neck, her breasts, and her arms. It was powerful, overwhelming and sweet—exactly how she felt when Terence thrust inside her, making her whimper and writhe in passion.

  Aubrey gasped.

  That. Yes, that.

  Her mind raced with images of her husband then—over her, in her, touching her, kissing her…until Aubrey jolted with the bizarre realization they hadn’t had sex in two whole years. Who were they? Certainly not the couple they were in college, fucking in the back seats of cars under parking lot lights or sneaking romps on park benches when their fellow campers went to bed. She wanted that back.

  She wanted Terence back.

  Before she knew it, Aubrey leaned against the counter with her fingers at the top of her blouse, unfastening the first button, then the next. After she undid every button she tossed aside her shirt, then stripped off her bra to cup her naked breasts. The strongest rush of desire filled her as she pinched her nipples, and immediately she tugged off her skirt and panties. The pang in her core made it unbearable to delay touching herself, to prevent her fingertips from spreading apart her folds to tease her shockingly swollen clit.

  “Um, honey?”

  She moaned, the sound primitive in her ears, and the need circulating within her as she slipped a finger inside her impossibly wet pussy. Terence dropped his bag to the floor and faced her, his eyebrow arched, his hands freezing at his sides. His slacks tented at his crotch, and despite the smile growing on Aubrey’s face, the expression on his was confused.


  “I bought the chocolates,” she growled, nodding at the counter behind him. “Look.”

  Terence spied the box, then glanced from it to his wife. Now, he understood. He’d been there on the couch during the news broadcast, calmly massaging her feet, likely knowing just like her that they needed an icebreaker, something to shake up the distance and bring them back together.

  “How are they?”

  “Eat one.”

  It was all she could muster, her hands distracting and amazing on her skin. But she needed more, wanted more.

  Terence didn’t touch the chocolates, instead watching the movement of Aubrey’s hands and undressing himself. Aubrey worked her swollen nub harder once he stood naked in front of her, the orgasm rising so fast within she gritted her teeth.

  “Terence,” she whispered. “I miss you. And now I’m going to come.”

  And she did. Right there, in front of him, she came on her own fingertips, crying and shuddering beneath his stare. Terence didn’t move. His mouth opened and his shaft stiffened, until finally Aubrey stopped shaking. She felt slightly better, but with the way her pussy continued to spasm, she knew she could do this again. And again.

  And over again.

  “How much did you eat?” Terence asked.

  “Not even half of one. You should, too.”

  “Do I need one?”

  Aubrey laughed. “Probably not. But it would be fun if we both did.”

  Her husband was a smart man—he popped open the box and ate a nibble from the same chocolate she had. Immediately, his pupils dilated and a fine layer of sweat coated his shoulders and neck. Terence offered her another nibble and breathed, “Holy shit.”

  “Right?” Aubrey took a tiny bite of the chocolate as Terence pressed himself against her. He wrapped his hands around her waist and lowered his lips to hers, and Aubrey sighed into his mouth, surrendering to a kiss wilder than they’d ever shared in over a decade together. Terence’s cock throbbed against her hip, and when he guided himself between her thighs to graze her dripping sex, Aubrey curled her hands around his ass and urged him into her. Both of them groaned when he sank inside, and Aubrey felt his heart pounding through his chest in sync with hers.

  “It tingles everywhere. Do you feel that?”

  “Yes.” She pulled him tighter, both of them gasping as he nestled into her depths. The vibrations started all over in her, rippling through her torso, heating her cunt. When Terence withdrew and plunged again, her body shook with greedy need.

  “I want you so bad right now,” she murmured.

  “You’ve got me,” he said. “Forever.”

  Their next kiss was frantic, as if easing the distance that had kept them apart. Between them rose the scent of lust, of longing, their bodies grinding together as Terence thrust. His movements grew faster, his breath tumbling over her face, and when he latched onto her neck with a groan, Aubrey threw her head back in a cry of bliss. She clawed at her husband’s ass as he came inside her, both of them trembling against the counter and panting like they had in the wild times of their youth.



  Terence kissed her, the residual taste of chocolate on his lips. Aubrey’s body felt more alive than it had in years, and though this substance had helped, it was their connection, deep down, that drove this spark between them.

  She never wanted to lose that again.

  Terence pulled away and grinned into her face.

  “I’ve missed you.”

  “You too.”

  He glided his hands over her hips, then slipped one finger between them to strum her clit. “Should we eat more chocolate?”


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