Chemical [se]X

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Chemical [se]X Page 9

by Неизвестный

  She knew she would be late and Danny had every right to be livid, although he rarely was. Poor guy, all he wanted to do was please her and she felt like a shit for being so hard on him yesterday. She pulled out a golden foil wrapped chocolate sphere and popped it into her mouth.

  “Delicious,” she mumbled incoherently as she chomped down on the perfectly rolled ball of chocolate, her salivary glands working overtime. She licked at the corner of her mouth trying to keep the drool from running down her chin.

  “Hopefully this does what Dottie said and maybe poor Danny will finally get a little sumpin’ sumpin’.”

  She looked up and was relieved to find that she was talking to herself.

  “Shit that could have been embarrassing.” She giggled.

  Carly rushed out from the air-conditioned lobby into the sweltering heat, and half ran, half walked to the entrance of the subway station, where she knew Danny would be patiently waiting. Instead, she spotted him emerging from the candy shop that was next to the stairway, shoving a pack of orange Tic Tacs into his pants pocket. While she walked towards him, she began to feel heated inside, and instantly cursed the weather.

  Their eyes met as they moved towards each other, but Danny’s mood was unfathomable. Carly, however was feeling more than just heated inside, she was burning up. Every step caused another strange tingle to ripple throughout her tightening core, like a series of small orgasms. She slapped her purse against her crotch in the hopes it would stop the building desire.

  What the fuck?

  “Why do you look like that?” Danny said when she walked over to where he stood waiting.

  “Let’s go,” she said, totally ignoring his question while she panted loudly.

  Not the place or the time.

  They slowly descended the steps, each movement bringing her closer to the edge. The movement of walking, simply brushing one leg against the other, triggered another small orgasm.


  Did she just moan out loud?

  The look on Danny’s face confirmed she did.

  Jesus Christ.

  When she reached the bottom of the stairs, she was unable to think clearly. Her thoughts scattered like shards of glass splintering inside her mind. She momentarily closed her eyes and prayed she would make it home before she imploded.

  Unfortunately, there was no time…she was unable to think of little else.

  Glancing around nervously, she quickly scanned up and down the cavernous tunnel until she noticed a janitorial closet with its door slightly open. She grabbed Danny by his hand and purposefully walked towards it, dragging him behind her.

  “What the fuck? Where the hell are we?” He stopped just inside the cramped closet, but she pushed past him and closed the door. “Carly? Are you fucking crazy?”

  He looked at her questionably, not quite grasping the situation. “Move Carly, we have to get out of here.” He tried to squeeze past her but she wouldn’t budge.

  Carly’s eyes were crazed and her breathing erratic. She lifted her skirt up, revealing the tiny G-string she wore underneath. A slow smile curved her lips and Danny felt a tightening in his pants. He brought his hand up and involuntarily squeezed his cock.

  “I need you to fuck me. Now,” she mewed as she drew small circles over her clit with her fingertips.

  He looked at her like she was clearly insane, but watched, mesmerized, as she unbuttoned her blouse. When she had four buttons open, she reached in and pulled a large breast out of her bra, followed by the other. Carly stood in front of him with her exposed breasts heaving, nipples taut. She stuck her finger into her mouth and pulled the wet digit out, then slowly rubbed it over the tightened peaks.

  Danny began to salivate, yearning to lick the glistening points, his heart racing in his chest. This was the single most erotic thing she had ever done since they began dating.

  Her fingers fumbled at his zipper as she tried to remove his now fully hardened erection.

  “I don’t know what’s gotten into you…but…”

  “I know what I want in me.”

  She turned to face the door and bent over, pushing her ass against the tip of his cock, moving it’s roundness up and down, caressing him with each stroke.

  The door wasn’t fully closed and she felt a slight breeze caress her face. A slow smile began tugging at the corners of her mouth as she spotted people passing by just outside the door they were half naked behind. Occasionally she caught a passerby slowing, trying to peer into the dark closet. She smiled wickedly, the thought of being discovered just made her hornier.

  She placed her hand against the darkened window, her palm flat against the cool surface. He quickly tugged the skimpy undergarment backwards, inadvertently ripping it off.

  She smiled mischievously until…

  “Jesus Christ!” she called out over her shoulder.

  “Like that?” He murmured, his voice oozing sensuality.

  Her body jerked involuntarily and she brought her other hand up slapping it hard next to the other, the sound of the smack simultaneous with her loud moan.

  “What are you fucking doing?”

  “I’m fucking you.”

  “No shit. But what are you doing?” She demanded. “With. Your. Finger.” Her words stuttered.

  “I thought it would add a little, you know…” his voice faded.

  When she felt his finger circle the rim of her softly puckered opening, she felt like she would go mad. Her clit continued throbbing craving the attention her ass was getting.

  Carly felt a sudden tightening in her core—like a knot twisting deep inside her—the likes of which she’d never experienced before.

  “Jesus Christ!”

  “You already said that.” He mumbled, his mouth against her back, his breath instigating.

  He pulled her hips to him and pushed harder against her, further into her, filling her with his thick cock.

  “Just. Fuck. Me.” Her words escaped in huffs of pent up air.


  “Don’t stop…just…” at a loss for words she just rocked her ass against him and her body began moving in a rhythm as old as time. Removing one hand from the glass window she lowered it, teasing her clit with the tips of her fingers.

  The ground began to vibrate as a train approached.

  “Oh. My. God!”

  Carly moaned loudly as a subway train came to a squealing stop, feeling wave after wave of pleasure course through her trembling body. Danny’s cock pulsed inside her as he screamed out her name, the sound muffled by the grinding of metal wheels against tracks.

  She ventured a look up and noticed throngs of people quickly entering and exiting the cars. The doors chimed—a clear signal of their imminent closing.

  He pulled away from her, his body still trembling from his release. Carly turned around to face him, still caged by his strong arms. Looking down she pointed to a small bag.

  “Give me another.”

  “I plan to.” He smirked.

  “No, give me another chocolate.”

  “You’re hungry?” He asked with a questioning look.

  “No. I want you to try one too.”

  “I don’t eat chocolate.”

  “Take my word for it, this is not just chocolate.”

  She lowered her skirt a little and bent down picking up the small brown paper bag resting on top of her purse, feeling their combined wetness run down the insides of her thighs.

  “Dorothea gave me these.”

  “Carly, I’m not hungry.” He smiled, “but I do want more.” He rubbed his hands up and down her naked hips.

  Carly unwrapped another gold-foiled sphere biting off a small piece of the chocolate truffle pushing the larger piece into Danny’s gaping mouth.

  “Chew it…” Her voice was sultry, she was clearly excited, and he found himself drooling, but couldn’t ascertain if it were over the delicious half of the truffle in his mouth, or the sultry look in her eyes. He chewed, his gaze fastened on he

  “Not bad,” he admitted. “I didn’t know Dotty cooked, or baked…or…” his voice trailed off.

  “She didn’t, she bought them in Brooklyn, some ‘special’ chocolate shoppe.”

  She smiled slyly as she let the chocolate melt in her mouth, coating her tongue with milky deliciousness, then looked up and watched his face intently, waiting for the telltale sign.

  The wait was short, and a few minutes later she was rewarded with a slow knowing smirk tugging at his mouth, his very kissable mouth. She ran her tongue along the edges of her teeth, wanting to lick him from neck to thighs.

  He lowered his eyelids until his eyes were mere slits and she could sense the incredible build up deep inside her body. She got excited when she saw the dreamy look replace the shocked look he had minutes ago. A veil of blissfulness washed over his features when she reached over and wrapped her hand around his hot, moist, swelling cock.

  “What the fuck?” he whispered as his smile slowly widened.

  A flush rose from his neck to his cheeks and he began pumping his stiff erection in her hand, his movements almost involuntary.

  “Aphrodisiac.” She mumbled nodding.

  Leaning in she licked his lips with her tongue, spreading the powerful stimulant along his lips. Carly ran her free hand down his chest, and smiled when she saw the intensity of his passion rapidly building behind his eyes.

  “Aphrodisiac…like in aphrodisiac?”

  “Yup.” She said into the nook between his shoulder and neck. She ran her tongue up his neck to his strong jaw then crossed over, dipping the wet tip into his ear. His quick intake of air was all the instigation she needed as the effects of the chocolate took hold of her as well. She leaned her back against the dark glass and metal door—the only thing separating them from the busy rush hour crowd that pushed past each other, trying to make their way home.

  She stretched out and pulled him closer to her, raising her skirt all the way up to her waist. His hand slid down her body, stopping for a moment as he inserted two fingers deep inside her; he smiled finding her wet and warm. He leaned his hips closer, still pumping in her hand, and removed his fingers. Grabbing her leg he lifted it up, wrapping it around his midsection. Her other leg rose up onto the ball of her foot as she balanced herself precariously.

  His pants fell down around his ankles when he lifted her other leg up, the sound of the Tic Tacs shook inside his pocket. He pressed her body up against the door, using it as leverage, and nuzzled his face into the nook of her neck, breathing in the scent of her skin and hair.

  He started moving his hips faster and faster, frantically pumping into her. The door moaned with each thrust. Each movement was intensified by the ‘magic’ in the chocolate. He heard his heartbeats in his ears, felt her breath on his cheek each sense heightened; the surface of his skin tingled.

  She lolled her head back and her face contorted in ecstasy.

  “Don’t stop. Don’t stop. Don’t stop,” she cried between pants.

  He dug his fingers into the soft flesh of her ass holding her to him; the slapping sound of his hips pounding against her body reverberated in the small space.

  Danny watched her face and just as she started to come he inserted his finger back into her puckered softness, she shuddered and bit down on her lip so hard, he saw a small dot of blood gather at the corner of her mouth. He leaned in and sucked her bloodied lip, knowing his release was imminent.

  “Goddamn” he called out against her mouth as he pushed into her harder and harder, then abruptly stopped. His head rolled back and he moaned as he pulsed inside her, feeling each drop leave his body, as though in slow motion.

  He could hear himself sucking at her lip, moving his finger in and out of her.

  He never came so hard.

  He never felt such intensity.

  He rocked slowly in and out of her, emptying himself inside her warmth, feeling her pussy tighten around him, convulsing, milking him as she came again.

  Danny shook his head in surprise; astounded to feel himself begin to get hard again. He slowly lessened his grip on her, letting her down to her feet, and without a hint of what was to come, turned her around so her ass was to him again. Bending her over, he placed her small hands on the doorknob and held her in position–one hand softly on her neck, the other on her hip—then leisurely inserted his rock hard cock into her slick opening, once again giving into the drumbeat within his body, pushing and pulling. The door creaked with each shove.

  She reached one hand down between them both, and using her fingertips simultaneously rubbed his balls and her swollen clit until they both came again, screaming their pleasure out; neither of them holding anything back.

  Spent and nearly legless, they adjusted their clothing, grinned foolishly at one another and finally exited the small closet. He took her hand in his as they walked slowly towards the platform to await their train.

  They both smiled broadly at the small crowd of people that had gathered nearby, obviously aware of what was happening on the other side of the closet door, and they laughed together.

  “Remind me to thank Dottie,” he said, a slow smile curving his lips.

  “How do feel about threesomes?” she asked, a dreamy quality to her voice.

  “I’m feeling very into them.”

  “Want another chocolate?” she asked, her lips against the skin of his neck. “It’s pretty late. Cars should be fairly empty. I always wanted to fuck you on the subway. You know, sit on your cock, rock back and forth, feel the vibration of the subway under me as I came?”

  Her voice so hot he could feel himself harden.

  “Yeah, give it to me.”

  He took the proffered chocolate, placed it on his tongue and bit down. Then he pulled her mouth to his and passed the other half through her waiting lips. They both smiled knowingly.

  He closed his eyes enjoying the creaminess of the candy, the taste of her lips. “Babe, I can’t tell you how happy I am you wore a skirt today.”

  Dinner for Three

  L Maretta

  I opened the oven door and the thick, heavenly scent of chocolate filled my kitchen. Grabbing a towel, I removed the two round metal pans and set them atop the stove to cool and then replaced them with my masterpiece, a rack of lamb that had been marinating in red wine for the last eight hours.

  My husband Nate was due home any minute and his boss, Troy Duncan, was to be our dinner guest for the evening. Nate was hoping for a big promotion and he wanted to have Troy over to talk to him about his future with the company over drinks. First, however, I was to impress Troy with my fabulous culinary skills.

  I had gone all out for the occasion, setting the barely used dining room with our fine wedding china and stemware, complete with linen napkins and long tapered candles. In addition to the lamb, I was making roasted rosemary potatoes and a minted pea puree with a crème fraìche. For dessert, a cake with cherry filling, cream cheese frosting, and a thick drizzle of chocolate ganache on top. All made from scratch, of course.

  Nate and his boss arrived just as I was frosting the cake. Their voices echoed in from the front entryway and I quickly checked my reflection in the glass of the microwave door. I left my chestnut hair in soft waves framing my face, and wore minimal make up, trying my hardest to epitomize the “wife of a company bigwig” look. I think I succeeded in choosing a simple fitted black dress and I could see the approval in Nate’s smile as he said hello. I also noticed that Troy’s eyes lingered a little longer than necessary over my curves as I welcomed him and took his coat. He seemed to appreciate the shoes I was wearing as well, a pair of black strappy stilettos with a six inch heel.

  This wasn’t the first time I was meeting Troy but it was the first time I’d had him in my home and would get to know him more intimately than as just Nate’s boss. He was a handsome man, just a bit older than my husband, probably forty-five-ish. His dark hair was peppered with flecks of grey and beneath his suit I could tell he was in good shape. He h
ad very dark eyes, which made him a little mysterious and very intimidating; nothing like my Nate who had bright green eyes and sandy hair and looked like someone who spent more time on the beach than in an office.

  I shooed the men into the den for a pre-dinner cocktail, assuring them dinner would be served shortly. Checking the clock, I had just enough time to put the finishing touches on the cake before the lamb would be ready. I began to heat heavy cream in a sauce pan on the stove and then went to the pantry for the chocolate chips.

  Shit! The chocolate chips!

  Oh, I knew I had forgotten something from the market that afternoon! I searched the shelves, hoping there would be at least a half empty bag left over from the last batch of cookies I made but no luck. Damn, the cake wouldn’t be as good without the ganache. I moved further into the pantry, pushing boxes of pasta and cans of vegetables out of the way, getting frustrated. Just then, I glanced up and noticed a small gift bag, high on the top shelf. Standing on my toes, I retrieved the bag and peeked inside.

  I had forgotten all about this. A few weeks ago I went to an old college friend’s bachelorette party and took home a goodie bag. Inside was gold box filled with naughty shaped chocolates. I hesitated for a second, wondering if it would be odd to decorate a cake for my husband’s boss with phallic shaped sweets but then shrugged. I was melting it anyway; neither Nate nor Troy would know they were eating chocolate penises. Chuckling, I began breaking the chocolate apart and adding the pieces to the boiling cream on the stove.

  “That was delicious, Theresa,” Troy said after finishing his second serving of lamb and sitting back in his chair.

  “Thank you. I hope you saved room for dessert,” I answered.

  He placed a hand on his stomach and said, “Oh, I don’t know, I’m stuffed.”

  “You have to try Theresa’s cherry chocolate cake,” Nate said, “it’s famous.”

  Troy’s eyes lit up and he didn’t put up any more of a fight. “I do love chocolate,” he said.


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