Sacrifice (Revelations Book 1)

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Sacrifice (Revelations Book 1) Page 17

by Mia Bishop

  She had been seeking answers when she had wound up at Hex. A man approached her as soon as she entered the club. He was strikingly handsome. Black short hair, the bluest icy eyes, and a mild Italian accent. Abby blinked as the memories washed over her, she could swear she could smell the man's cologne in Nico's house. She shook her head and suddenly she wasn't in the shabby little house in the middle of the desert, she was at Hex watching the man approach the image of herself.

  She tried to scream at herself, tell her to ask questions but no words would come out. She simply watched it all replay in front of her.

  The man extended his hand. "Jane, you are seeking answers?"

  "How did you know my name? Who are you?"

  "I'm here to help, but you must understand anything I do won’t change what will happen."

  "I don't understand."

  "I know." He held out a card.

  Abby remembered the card, it held a name and coordinates. "Who's Arveda?"

  "The one who can give you answers."

  "I thought you were going to give me answers. You know what is happening to me. You know why, don't you?"

  "Yes, but I cannot help. I'm bound by— well let's just say I am bound by familial bonds. I can't help you, but nothing says I can't guide you to find someone who can."

  "But who are you? Who do I say sent me?"

  "You don't say anything, the who and whys won’t matter in the end. All that matters is what you, and the other one, choose to do to stop her."

  Abby stiffened. Knowing what she knew now, she understood the context of what he had said to her. The "her" he had spoken about was Rosa. And the "other one" had to be Nico.

  The vision vanished and she was back in the house. The mysterious man was gone. On Abby's lap was a feather. Larger than a normal feather and as black as ink with midnight blue tips. She glanced around. "Who's there?"

  Silence answered her back. She knew the drill, even if someone was there they weren't going to show themselves. She had a clue now, but a clue to what she wasn't sure. The feather could mean anything. Instead of dwelling on it she closed her eyes and tried to focus on another memory to piece together her past. She remembered borrowing her father’s GPS to find Arveda. The Striga had been exceptionally happy to get a visitor looking for a reading. Technically she hadn't said she wanted a reading, she'd told the woman at the door she was there to see Arveda to get answers. That was apparently Striga-code for "a reading". Abby had been dumbstruck seeing Arveda for the first time. Seeing the eldest Striga through her own innocent eyes, instead of how she viewed the manipulative witch now, was something else. Arveda practically glowed, she possessed a timeless beauty, like Grace Kelly and Aubrey Hepburn. She was classical, refined, and full of power. Even without knowing why, Abby knew to be afraid.

  She'd explained her blackouts to Arveda and the woman had held her hand, turned it over, took one look at her palm and jumped out of her seat. She demanded Abby leave town immediately and never return. She said the blackouts would pass in time if she left, but they would only increase if she stayed there. She refused money for the quick reading and sent Abby on her way. She'd had a feeling Arveda was lying, but since the woman who was supposed to help her had refused, she headed back to the city.

  The last of what was hidden came flooding back so fast Abby didn't have time to process it. It was the memories of what had happened in the pictures. When Abby had returned home from visiting the Striga, she was confronted by her parents and Chris, asking what she had done, where she'd gone. She told them everything. The blackouts, the smells, and running into the man at the bar who sent her to see a witch in the desert. Her parents were furious. She'd never seen them mad before, but Chris's reaction had surprised her most of all. He'd struck her hard enough she lost consciousness.

  When she woke up she'd expected to see her father laying her boyfriend out or calling the cops. Instead they were in a tight huddle whispering about what to do next. Abby sobbed. "Dad? What is he still doing here? Didn't you call the police?"

  "Shut up, child," her mother spat.

  That’s when Abby tried to get up and found herself strapped to the wooden table in the hidden room. "What’s going on? Let me go!"

  Her mother groaned. "Twenty years old and still complaining? Can't you do as you're told for one second?"

  Abby's cries for help were ignored. Her parents all but forgot about her as they concocted something in the beakers and burners. Chris however stayed nearby, checking her restraints and laughing when she would beg him to stop. He shook his head. "You know I never loved you. Hell, most of the time I couldn't even stand to be around you. Little Miss Perfect. Everyone just loves Jane. She's so smart. She's so kind." His eyes flashed red. "Turns out, you weren’t very smart after all. You never knew we were using you."

  Abby's father voice grew tight. "Don't talk to her, Chris."

  "Fine," he replied.

  Abby thrashed against her restraints. "Please, I'm your daughter. You can't do this to me."

  Her father looked up and finally heaved a sigh. "Janie. Here's the truth of it all. You aren't our daughter. We adopted you... Well, adopted isn't quite the right word. More like you were given to us."

  "What the hell are you talking about?"

  Her mother shook her head. "Honey, stop talking to her. She doesn't need to know all the details. Let's just get on with it.”

  He nodded. "You're right. Chris, it's time. Prepare her."

  Her boyfriend pulled at the skin on his face, ripping it right off. Abby screamed as he shed his human disguise and beneath the surface he was more horrifying than the pictures had shown. The smell alone was enough to make her gag. Sulfur. Her eyes widened. "It was you. You were making me blackout."

  He laughed and shook his head. " It wasn't me, it was your mother’s potions, but they never seemed to work."

  She swallowed hard. "You've gotten it right this time?"

  "Sure have." He crawled up over her caging her with his massive paws on either side of her head. "Now comes the fun part."

  The assault to her body was nothing compared to the assault on her mind. Chris's demonic hands and tongue roamed her body, something caught her eyes. The mark of the highest order of demons under Chris’s tongue. She shivered knowing now that her boyfriend had been a Brimstone Demon all along.

  His claws ripped the clothes from her as her parents chanted in the background. Abby could remember everything about those horrible moments, she remembered how she survived. She couldn't keep her mind safe without shutting it off so that’s what she did. Abby stopped fighting and stared blankly at the ceiling vaguely aware of the monster violating her body, but in her mind she was somewhere safe. Someone was with her, a strong hand held on to hers, the smell of whiskey and fire filled her lungs. It shouldn't be a comforting smell but nothing had ever made her feel safer. She gripped the imaginary hand tighter as something warm trickled down her throat. Her body erupted in flames, her back arched as she screamed until she couldn't make another sound.

  Her teeth elongated to sharpened points, her vision became clearer, her hearing was impeccable. She flexed and the leather straps started to give. She might be able to escape.

  "Hold her down, get the demons in her now." Her father shouted. They held her head back, Chris pried her mouth open, and her mother poured a putrid concoction into her mouth.

  It invaded her body. Suddenly all the strength she had was sapped away. She couldn't breathe, it was as if she were drowning. She would gulp for air only to have more of the slick substance slide down her throat over and over.

  Then there was nothing but darkness. She couldn't remember her name, who she was, or what was happening. She could hear herself speaking, but it wasn't her, it was something inside of her, something else was in control. The only thing she could make out clearly was that she was supposed to go to Dusk. But for the life of her she couldn't remember what Dusk was.

  Whoever was in control of her could feel her struggling for do
minance. It taunted her in her mind telling her how she would never regain control. That one way or another she was going to die and fulfill her purpose in life. She would unlock the Gates of Hell and unleash hell on earth. Then everything went black.

  Abby shot up from the bed, panting. Never again did she want to relive memories in such a whirlwind. A new sensation hit her. Her heart pounded. Beat after racing beat. She clasped at her chest, tears pooled in the corner of her eyes but she refused to indulge in them. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and took a deep breath. The feeling of her heartbeat steeled her resolve. One day she’d find a way to make the people who pretended to be her parents pay.

  Her pulse started to slow down and by the time she'd gotten dressed and headed for the door her heart was silent once again. She had to get to Nico and tell him what she remembered. At least she was with him now and he would protect her. She wouldn't die and the Gates wouldn't open, because he wouldn't kill her. She was sure of that, even if she couldn't be sure of anything else.

  Lobo's was packed more than usual. Abby pushed through the crowd and made her way to the bar. "Hey, where's Nico?"

  "Ah, the good priest is taking a meeting in the back." Lobo handed her a glass of water. "Not sure if you want to go back there right now."

  She tilted her head and sized him up. "Why not?"

  His ears twitched. "Some of the people he’s meeting aren't too keen on working with you."

  "Why? I’m helping."

  "I know that, and you know that. And most of all, Nico knows that. But these people," he pointed a thumb at the door to the back room, "They’re a bit highbrow in the smite-them-all-ask-questions-later department."

  "More nuns?"

  "Oh god no. Pretty sure we've had our share of psycho ex-nun's showing up in town."

  Abby laugh and nodded in agreement. "Have you seen her around?"

  "Nope, I can smell her though and she's not too far."

  "Must be planning her evil schemes."

  "I think considering what we know about her that's pretty much a given."

  Abby leaned back against the bar taking in the scene. Many of the people weren't locals and the outsiders were eyeing her like she had a target in the middle of her forehead. She nervously looked away and swung back to face the bar. She'd rather watch Lobo hand out drinks than be on the receiving end of the death glares. A rush of relief washed over her as the back door opened and Nico waved at her. She waved back and then frowned when he shook his head and motioned for her to come inside the room. Giving a quick glance at Lobo she pushed her water aside and whispered. "Here goes nothing."

  "You'll do fine, kid. Just don't eat anyone." Lobo called.

  Her cheeks burned red as the entire bar fell silent and all eyes were on her. She did her best to ignore them and ducked her head as she headed for Nico. As soon as she was inside she found a familiar face grinning over at her. "Lucas! What are you doing here?"

  Nico laid his hand on her shoulder. "I've asked him and his brethren here to help. Along with the Personifications, some of the other neutral factions, and a representative of the Dei Caduti. However, he never showed up."

  Lucas cracked his knuckles. "What did you expect from Enzo, the wretched beast wouldn't have helped us anyways. He's too busy with his specter."

  Abby held up her hand. "Um, who and what are you guys talking about?"

  "Nothing." They both said in unison.

  "Okay, so if Lucas is here he's helping right?"

  Lucas looked down and Nico rocked back on his heels. "Not exactly."

  "What?" She could feel the outrage and knew it was showing in her eyes. "How can you not help, for Chloe's sake at the very least?"

  "Trust me, Abby. I want to help and I wouldn't just be helping for Chloe's sake, you and Nico are my friends. But it's complicated."

  She waited. Waited for some sort of explanation but instead both men motioned toward the other side of the room. A woman dressed in armor and white gossamer coverings stood quietly. Abby gave her a once over. She looked like an angel and an Amazon mixed together. "Who are you?"

  "I'm Hannah. Leader of the Virtues."

  "You are why Lucas can't help us?"

  "No, you are why I am having trouble giving our assistance to Father Lynch."

  "Me? What do I have to do with it?"

  "Well, you aren't human. You are a creature of the night." She held up her hand to stop Abby's protests. "Yes, yes. I'm quite aware you were never bitten and you are afflicted by a spell which makes you appear to be suffering from Vampirism. Be that as it may, you still have the instincts of a Vamp. You still crave blood, do you not?"

  "Well, yes, but—"

  "No buts. It's a fact that must be addressed. And you and I are going to address it now, before I swear my allegiance to this cause."

  Abby clenched and unclenched her fists. How could this woman do this? They needed reinforcements and she wanted to discuss Abby's feeding habits. "You know what, this isn't helping. You can interrogate me all you want but the bottom line is this town is ground zero for the end of the world and we have to save it. We have to save everyone. I don't eat people, I have a supply of food and I don’t hunt humans."

  "Dear child, you can't save everyone."

  "You know what I mean."

  "Do I?"

  "I'm not naive, I know I can't save everyone, but we can at least try to do as much good as we can for as long as we can."

  "And what if you die?"

  "If I die fighting than at least I died for a cause."

  "And what if Father Lynch kills you?

  "Then the Gates of Hell open. I can't stop that, but I haven't given Nico a reason to kill me and I will fight by your side until this is finished."

  "I see." Hannah glanced at Nico and Lucas and gave the slightest bow of her head. "We shall join this army then. I will call for a gathering, but for now the Virtues who are already here will fight."

  Abby heaved a sigh of relief. "Thank you."

  Hannah headed to the door. "Do not mistake my allegiance as friendship, if you go bad I will be the first one to thrust my halberd through your heart. I'll deal with the consequences afterward."

  Abby eyed Nico who was shaking his head but neither of them said anything until she'd shut the door behind her. When she was certain Hannah wasn’t coming back Abby cleared her throat. "Was she the only hold up or do the Personifications have a leader who doesn't want to work with me too?"

  Nico draped his arm over her shoulder. "No, Justice, their leader, doesn’t care about what you may or may not be. They are in it for two simple reasons. One, it will be a good death to die in battle. And two, they don't want the world over run with demons any more than the rest of us. If demons take over, then the scales tip and personifications are all about balance. Too much of either side is bad as far as they are concerned."

  She smiled. "I don't care what their reasons are, I'm just glad I don't have to justify my existence to anyone. So, we have the Virtues, the Personifications, you said there was some neutral factions. And what the hell is a de-whatever you called them?"

  "Dei Caduti, the fallen. One Fallen in particular, his name is Enzo."

  "Is he their leader?"

  Nico shook his head. "No, they don't have a leader per se. He's extremely powerful, but more importantly he has spent centuries collecting secrets. I was hoping he'd know some way of breaking the spell."

  She nodded and crossed her arms over her chest. "Without the fallen angel there’s no chance of me being human?"

  "Arveda is still working on trying to break it. I just thought Enzo might be a quicker route." Nico gave a nod to Lucas, "Go ahead and go, I know you are dying to see Chloe. She's locked up at Arveda's."

  Lucas gave an aggravated groan. "Why does Arveda have her on lockdown again?"

  Abby cleared her throat. "Um, there's this guy who came to town and when Chloe saw him she freaked. She's hiding and he says... Well... He says they know each other but she doesn't
seem to remember, all she knows is she's scared of him and wants him to go away."

  All the color drained from Lucas's face. "Jack..." he snapped. Something flashed in his eyes, a murderous glare Abby never thought Lucas would be capable of.

  She swallowed hard. "You know him? Who is he to her?"

  "He's—" Lucas headed to the door. "If he's here and searching for Chloe than its worse than any of us could have imagined. As much as I don't like him being around, if he's here it means the end is coming. He's—"

  Nico interrupted. "He's John of Patmos. We know."

  "Then you know the End is here. He needs Chloe and I'm afraid it will destroy her."

  Abby couldn't make heads or tails of what he was saying. "He's going to hurt her? But he swore he wasn't going to do that."

  Lucas shook his head. "I don't know. I've got to see her."

  He was out the door before either of them could ask anything else. Abby started for the door but Nico pulled her over to a small couch instead. "Come and sit. Let him go. You know no matter what he won't do anything to hurt Chloe. He'll protect her with his life." She nodded and sunk into the soft cushions. Nico kept his arm around her and pulled her closer. "Now, what took so long for you to get here tonight?"

  In all the excitement of Hannah, Lucas's revelation of knowing Jack, and the bar full of newcomers she'd forgotten about what happened earlier. Sitting up she tucked her legs under her and splayed her hands over Nico's chest. "I remembered. I remembered everything. My old life, what happened, who put the spell on me, every minute of it." She shuddered thinking about what Chris and her parents had done to her. "All of it."

  Nico frowned. "How did you remember it all?"

  "I was looking through those photo albums again and I found some pictures hidden in the back. Next thing I knew I was remembering everything. I remembered how I ended up finding Arveda the first time. There was a man at Hex who sent me to her, but he said he couldn't stop what was going to happen. Then I remembered..." She lost her focus and stared past Nico. Her voice became flat as those memories rolled over and over in her mind once more. "It was my parents and my...boyfriend. They did this to me. He was a demon, I never knew it. They had been planning this ever since—"


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