Sacrifice (Revelations Book 1)

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Sacrifice (Revelations Book 1) Page 20

by Mia Bishop

  "I've reevaluated the terms of our allegiance and I've decided this war ends tonight."

  Jack finally spoke up. "And how do you plan on doing that?"

  "By reasoning with The Whore and putting a stop to all of this nonsense. Humans are petty and weak and regardless of her role to play in this she is still only human. I have sent one of our own to speak with The Whore. He will reason with her and usher in a peace between Heaven and Hell that hasn't been seen in eons. Your urge to draw blood is your downfall, John of Patmos, you've strayed from the path. It is only right that the Virtues set the path right and all will follow us."

  The crowd burst out in angry voices. The Personifications loudly proclaimed that if the Virtues were in charge than they would no longer side with Heaven. They refused to be under the boot of their Virtuous kin. Abby’s stomach knotted. All of this seemed wrong, why would Hannah do this now? She looked around. Nico’s nostrils flared. Jack stood locked in a staring contest with Hannah. The Virtues around her seemed unsure and rather petrified by her decision. Chloe’s wide eyes darted around the room. Abby knew what she was looking for, or more to the point, who she was looking for.

  The church was in chaos, angry threats were being hurled from all sides. Nico stood quiet, arms crossed over his chest, and feet wide apart. If it weren’t for the murderous look in his eyes Abby would have thought he was the calmest person in the room. On the surface he appeared still, but when she looked closer there was a ripple of energy coursing through him. A vibration of rage that seemed to buzz over every inch of his body.

  Nico took a step forward and Abby closed in behind him. He took another step and another. With each footfall the room grew more and more silent. His voice was so low that had everyone still been talking no one would’ve heard him when he asked, "Who did you send, Hannah?"

  A sharp intake of breath came from Chloe. Seconds ticked by before Hannah lifted her chin. Her voice came out sharp and defiant, but with a hint of uncertainty. "I sent the only Virtue that fit this task."

  "Who did you send?" Nico demanded.

  Hannah slightly turned her head, meeting Nico's glare. She raised one eyebrow and gave a smirk daring him to defy her publicly. "I sent Courage."


  A cry came from Chloe. Nico's shoulders sagged. Abby narrowed her eyes. "Who is Courage?" she whispered. In the pit of her stomach she knew who it was, but she couldn't believe it. She had to hear it out loud. "Nico? Tell me who Courage is!"

  He turned to face her, eyes full of regret. "I should have watched Hannah closer. I should have never allowed her to hold a meeting of her own."

  He shook his head, but Abby still needed answers. "Who is it?"

  Jack spoke, but directed it at Hannah. "How could you do this? You had no right, you don't know her."

  "And you do?" Hannah glared.

  "As a matter of fact, I do. I know her well and you are wrong. There is nothing human about her. You've sent him to his—" He stopped short and turned to Chloe. "I will do what I can to stop this from happening."

  Chloe choked back her tears. "Save him."

  Abby clasped her hand over her mouth.

  Nico kept his eyes locked on Hannah, but nodded as if he could hear Abby’s silent fear. "Courage is Lucas."

  The door to the church swung open and the sting of sunlight hit Abby's arm eliciting a sharp hiss. Jack was already halfway out of the threshold as he called out, "Sorry, Abby." He pulled the door closed behind him as quickly as possible as Abby slouched against Nico.

  "We can't go home now."

  He let out a sigh.

  Abby made her way to Chloe and wrapped her up in a tight hug. "Lucas will be okay, remember he's a Virtue, he's been around for hundreds of years."

  "I know." She choked out the words. "I just..." She clamped her mouth shut, then opened it as if to say something, but no words came out.

  Abby rubbed her back. "Come on, let's get you to a room. You need to rest. Your sisters haven't made it back from their patrols and I'm sure Arveda will be furious if you aren't well rested when she returns."

  Chloe’s shoulders slumped. Neither of them cared about Arveda's temper tantrums but it gave them both an excuse to give in to their exhaustion and rest. As they passed by the podium Chloe shot a glare in Hannah's direction and snarled. "I hope you get what you deserve."

  Hannah smirked. "I will inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, so yes, I will get what I deserve."

  "You'll go straight to Hell, I'll make sure of it."

  Hannah moved away from the microphone and knelt down to come face to face with Chloe. A visible vein throbbed in the woman’s forehead and her usually pale skin blazed red. Hannah’s angelic features tightened and her mouth curled into a vicious sneer. "Just so you know, I sent him because of you. You and he aren't meant to be together." Hannah narrowed her eyes while pointing at both women. "You are as much an abomination as she is. The only thing is you don't know it yet. You are nothing. Pure nothingness and Lucas, my Courage, deserves better."

  Chloe was lunging at Hannah but Abby pulled her back and held her. "You sent Lucas to punish Chloe? You’re risking his life, you bitch."

  "He won't die, but," she shrugged, "even if he comes away injured Chloe will know it was all because of her. It will be her fault and I’ll continue to take it out on Lucas until she realizes they were not meant to be together. He’s a noble being, she’s a disgusting creation. And a broken one at that."

  Hannah stood up and waved her hand in their direction as if dismissing them from her presence. Abby pulled Chloe down the hallway to find the shelter that had been made for Abby if she were stuck in the church during the day. When they entered the dark room Chloe dropped to her knees sobbing. "It's all my fault."

  "No, Chloe, it's her fault.”

  "But she’s their commander and I knew she didn't like me. I should have stayed away from him."

  Abby crouched down next to her and brushed the hair out of her eyes. "Do you love Lucas?"


  "Then you did the right thing by following your heart. He loves you too. Hannah is just bitter. Don't pay any attention to her. Nothing that happens is your fault, all the blame lies with her."

  Chloe wiped the tears from her eyes and started to pull herself together. "You need sleep."

  Abby laughed. "Now you're deflecting."

  "Yeah, but it's also the truth."

  There was no arguing with the truth. She could feel the ache in her bones and muscles, she did need rest. Whatever went down tonight she was going to need her energy. Both of them started making up the cots in the room. When they finally crawled into their uncomfortable beds they laid with their heads facing each other. Abby reached out and held Chloe's hand. Chloe yawned and whispered. "What did she mean, that I'm an abomination and I'm broken?"

  Abby squeezed her hand. "You're not an abomination. You’re a normal woman. And you’re far from broken."

  "What if she's right though?"

  "Chloe, she's not right. She's just jealous."

  Chloe yawned again. "You sure?"

  "Yes, I'm sure." Lifting her head, she gave Chloe a friendly wink. "And even if you were I would still love you and so would Lucas."

  Both girls were already falling asleep. Chloe muttered, "Yeah, that's true."

  Abby snuggled under the blanket and faintly recalled hearing someone else in the room whisper, "Goodnight" but she couldn't be sure who it was or if she'd imagined it.

  Abby was already pacing the entrance to the graveyard. The moment the sun went down all the groups started to gather. Everyone was waiting to see if Lucas could stop this fight before it began. The Virtues were the last to show up, Hannah made a grand show of her entrance proclaiming they didn't need to gather early as they had faith in Lucas bringing this war to an end. Chloe stood next to Abby and Nico, Abby reached over to squeeze her hand. "It's gonna be okay."

  Chloe took a deep breath and they fell silent as other factions started to mutter among

  Nico groaned under his breath listening to the gossip. His hand snaked around Abby's waist as he leaned over to whisper, "If this goes bad I want you to run."

  "Run? No way."

  "Abby, you have to promise."

  "I'm not running from a fight when my friend's life is at stake." She tightened her fists and set her jaw. "You aren't going to leave and neither am I. We stay together and we fight."

  "Alright, but stay close. I don't trust Rosa but even more I don't trust Hannah."

  "That's pretty sad when you can trust The Whore of Babylon more than you can trust the Heavenly Virtue of Faith."

  "You can gauge how evil will react, how they will respond. Faith is shaky, it can give way to jealousy, zealous behavior, and fanaticism. I'll take evil over fanatics any day of the week."

  "What does your gut tell you Rosa is going to do?"

  "Not accept a cease fire, that's for sure." He shrugged. "I think she’ll make a show of it, probably try to humiliate the Virtues, probably bruise some egos. Although I don't think they’re ready for an all-out war, but you never know, so be on guard."

  Abby nodded and absently let her fingers caress the hilt of her blade tucked in its sheath on her belt.

  Everything was quiet. Nothing happened. Groups of factions grew antsy, the Personifications began to leave. A few even suggested that Lucas might have had second thoughts and bailed although everyone knew that wouldn't happen. He went to Rosa, there was no doubt about it. They all just had to wait, this was going to happen on her time, not theirs. The Whore, unfortunately, was in control.

  The minutes ticked by, turning into hours. Noises rose from beyond the graveyard but no one made an appearance. The hairs on the back of Abby’s neck start to rise. The ground rumbled and she took a deep breath. She could feel Chloe's apprehension, her friend fidgeted next to her, rubbing her hands and shifting her weight. As Abby inhaled the predator instinct in her caught the smell of fear permeating the air.

  On the other side of her she could feel Nico stiffen, he was readying for a fight. She curled her fingers around the hilt of her blade. The ground rumbled again as the earth in the graveyard began to open. Her nostrils flared at the scent of fresh dirt and rotting flesh wafted over them. Every grave bulged, making the dirt rise up. A groan came from the graves, like a collective moan of pain from the Earth itself. Abby swallowed hard, more of a human reflex than something she needed to do. She leaned forward, squinting into the darkness and sucked in a breath. Then the first rotting hand reached up from its resting place. She gasped. "No..."

  Nico began to crouch. "Get ready."

  Abby’s voice quivered, "She's raising the dead?"

  "Peace isn't an option for her."

  The hands only rose about a foot out of the crumbling grave before everything went silent. Abby glanced from side to side. Everyone was waiting but the undead didn't dig themselves any further out from the dirt. They just stayed still. Then came the click of heels down the crumbling concrete walkway of the cemetery.


  It was as if the entire group had taken a collective gasp and leaned forward like they were watching a horror movie on the big screen. They all knew something bad was coming, and yet like children they stayed and leaned in to see what horrors the darkness would unleash.

  Out of the shadows walked Rosa. Gone was the innocent nun disguise. She stood tall, her bronze skin showing just a tad too much through her fashionably ripped black jeans, which looked more like bandages than actual pants. The matching black halter top clung to the curves of her body. Her brown eyes were framed with dramatic black liner, painted red lips curled into a devious smile, and the jet black hair she'd worn up in a bun before was now free and wavy. She was death in stiletto heels and the grin she cast made her look like the proverbial cat who ate the canary.

  Rosa had her hand over her shoulder, a leash trailing behind her. She tugged the leash and out stumbled Lucas. His face was swollen, bruised, and bloodied.

  Chloe lunged forward but Abby pulled her back. "Don't, she might attack if we move now."

  Her friend didn't say a word but her body relaxed. Like it or not, there was nothing any of them could do right now. The Whore had the stage for this round and for the safety of Lucas everyone held their positions.

  Rosa cleared her throat. "Glad you all could make it." She gave a little laugh. "To be honest, I was afraid you’d chicken out and miss all the fun." Nico took a step forward but Rosa spun in his direction. "Not another move, Priest."

  He held up his hands and took a half step back. "Okay, Rosa. We’re here. Let Lucas go and let's get down to what you're really after."

  She smiled, tugging Lucas closer so she could caress his swollen cheek. "Oh, but what I really want is him."

  "No you don't. Lies are beneath you at this point, what do you want?"

  "Fine." She huffed and poked her bottom lip out in a fake pout. "Maybe I don't want him, but he’ll have to do." Her perfectly manicured eyebrow shot up and her head jerked in the opposite direction. "Jack? Are you there? I know you are, lover. Come out, come out, where ever you are."

  The crowd parted as Jack slowly walked forward. "It's been a long time, Rosa. Why don't you let the Virtue go and you and I can go settle this like old times?"

  "Oh, the old times." Her smile widened and she ran her free hand down her side accentuating every curve. "I do miss the old times, Jack."

  "Well then, what are we waiting for?"

  "Hell to freeze over." She hissed. "Honestly? Do you think I'd fall for that? You’re working with them, trying to save them all. Hell, here you are pining away for the homunculus while still standing up here trying to save her lover. Look at how pathetic you've become."

  Abby watched as all the color drained from his face and his gaze settled on Chloe. Abby moved closer and took Chloe’s hand, but she hadn't seemed to hear or care what the two were saying. Her only focus was on Lucas.

  Jack stepped closer. "Cut the crap, let him go. You don't want him or need him. He's not part of your plan."

  "Oh, he's a part of my plan alright." She tilted her head and went back to scanning the crowd. "You sent the Virtue of Courage to try to talk me into peace and you know what? He knew what you were actually doing. I mean, come on people. He's the fucking embodiment of Courage, he's not stupid.” She took a moment to meet everyone's gaze until she settled on Abby. "You there, creature, step forward."

  Abby cast a glance at Nico as he reached out for her, but she shook her head. “I have to go,” she whispered.

  His hands tightened around her wrists. “I know, but—”

  She pulled out of his grip and moved through the crowd until she was at the front of the line. Lucas mouthed the words "I'm sorry," to her and her heart broke. Here he was caught by the enemy, put on display, and he was sorry for what was about to happen to her? Abby squared her shoulders and lifted her chin toward Rosa. "What do you want?"

  "Defiant. I like it." Rosa reached over and patted Lucas's cheek. "Do you wish for me to set him free?"


  "Very well. Do you know what I will require in exchange?"

  Abby blinked. She knew exactly what Rosa wanted, the Gates to be opened. "You want me to die," she said flatly.

  Rosa laughed. "My dear, don't be over dramatic. I mean, yes, I want you to die. But all in good time. No, the only thing I want from you is your word."

  "My word?"

  "Yes. It’s as simple as that. You can give me your word in exchange for setting him free, can’t you?"

  Abby blurted out, "Yes." Before even thinking about it.

  Rosa smirked. "I won't take that as your answer yet, you haven't heard what I want you to do." She deliberately raised an eyebrow at Nico and called out to him. "See how nice I can be? I'm not all bad." Turning her attention back to Abby she leaned forward. "Come closer, Abigail. Our bargain is just between the two of us.”

  Abby gave her weapons a reassuring squeeze as
she stepped through the cemetery gates. “Okay,” she feigned boredom in whatever Rosa’s proposal was even as her entire body was humming with anticipation. “What do you want?”

  Rosa leaned closer and whispered for only Abby to hear, “In two nights’ time I want you to meet me at the shed behind Lobo's, bring nothing and tell no one. That is what I ask. Give me your word, an oath that you will show up in two nights, and I will set him free."

  Abby fidgeted. It had to be a trap, but she couldn’t figure out what it might be. The crowd was muttering trying to figure out what was being said, and Nico wore a murderous look in his eyes. Abby kept her voice low in response, "That's it? That's all you want?"


  "What if I decide to kill you with my bare hands then and there?"

  Rosa gave a nonchalant shrug. "You can do what you want. I'm not binding you to anything other than your word that you will show up, unarmed, and without anyone else."

  "Fine. I give you my word."


  Jack was moving again, pushing through the crowd and yelling something. Everyone else was in a frenzy not knowing what just happened but only knowing Rosa had promised to let Lucas go. Nico yelled something she couldn’t understand. But Abby kept her focus on Lucas. His face had fallen as he stared at Abby. Had she done something wrong? Surely he hadn't wanted her to say no, unless he knew Rosa had something far worse planned for down the road. Abby watched as his gaze moved to Chloe. He called out. "I love you, Chloe. Always remember that."

  Rosa caressed his cheek to quiet him. "Abigail, would you come up here please?" Abby regarded her cautiously. Rosa continued, "We have a deal, remember? I just figured you'd want to help him."

  Abby nodded and moved further into the cemetery. There it was again, her heart started to beat. It was faint but it was still there and even worse, Rosa heard it. Her eyes locked on Abby's chest. "Ah, it seems that spell can't always mask your beating heart. Interesting." She turned her attention back to Lucas, lovingly stroking his face. "I will miss you, Virtue, you've been so much fun to play with."


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