A Billionaire Finessed My Heart 3

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A Billionaire Finessed My Heart 3 Page 3

by K. Renee

  “Yeah ok, that will be two a year for three years and we good,” Zelan said, and I laughed because this nigga was smoking that good shit if he thought I was having all those kids.

  Zelan pulled me into his lap, and it was just an amazing feeling being here with him and in-love. I heard a knock at the door, and I got up to go answer it.

  “Hey sis, what’s up?” I asked Ciera.

  “Sorry to bother you but I need you for a moment,” Ciera stated, and I went to tell Zelan that Ci needed me and that I would be right back.

  “What’s up boo?” I asked her.

  “Angela left me a message and I’m going to call her back. I wanted you here with me, so that we can see what she is talking about,” Ciera stated.

  “Ok, let’s call her now, so I can get back to Zelan,” I responded. Ciera pulled the number and dialed Angela putting the call on speaker.

  “Hello,” Angela said answering the phone.

  “Hi Angela, it’s Ciera and Ari,” Ci stated.

  “Hey girls, I’m glad you both called me back. I know things are all bad between us and I want to make everything right. I need help, I can’t live like this anymore, and I miss you two so much. Ari, baby I’m so sorry for what I did to you, I should have protected you. Ciera, I’m sorry for what I did to you as well, it’s just the drugs got me so messed up. I’m ready to really get help, if you both will help me,” our mother cried out, and so did we. I felt a hand touch my shoulder, and I turned to see Zelan standing there.

  “Ari, if you want to try and work through this with her. I will support you, but she gone have to show me some things, before I trust anything she says. You are my number one priority, and if she does anything remotely close to what she did to you before. I will put a bullet in the middle of her forehead, I just need you and Ciera to understand that,” Zelan said, and walked down stairs.

  “Angela, I will call you back in an hour. Let me figure this all out, and we will make sure you get the help you need,” Ciera stated. Just as Ciera ended the call Julez walked up the stairs, and Zelan was behind him.

  “Let’s talk ladies,” Juelz stated leading us in his and Ciera’s room.

  “We need to know what y’all planning on doing to help your mother,” Zelan asked.

  “Yeah, because with all the shit that she has done, I’m not feeling the come to Jesus meeting with her,” Juelz said. I can understand where the guys were coming from, but it was a decision Ciera, and I would have to make because she is our mother.

  “I know we have to watch her, but she is our mother, and we want to help her get better. She has grandchildren coming, and I want her to be a part of their lives,” Ciera responded.

  “Ciera, I will not stop you, just know if she fucks with you or my children. You will have to make some hard choices baby, because I will kill her. I promise you that, if it was my mother and she brought harm to my children, she would be dead no hesitation,” Juelz stated.

  “Julez, I get it, we will be careful when it comes to her,” Ci said.

  “I think we should just get her in a drug facility, and see what happens from there,” I told them.

  “Look ladies, I’m with you. We are just taking the proper precaution for the sake of you both, and my children. I have someone that will help you organize this baby. Let me get her on the phone so we can get a place for your mother,” Juelz said to Ciera. I truly hope that my mother was ready to get help and get her life back on track.

  Chapter Eight


  Ari and I were back on the patio drinking and listening to some music. I loved this girl with everything in me. She really caught me because Zel wasn’t with that relationship shit. Now this damn girl got me thinking about marriage. We are going to spend some time on this beautiful ass Island before we head back to New York.

  “Babe let’s go relax on the beach,” I said to Ari.

  “Ok, I’m down with that. Let me go put on my bathing suit, I want to get in the water,” Ari replied.

  “Alright, I will get our things together and more drinks,” I told her. Once we got all that we needed, we left the house and headed to the beach. Ma Lai, my mother, and Ms. Cynt were still outside partying and talking shit. I’m glad my mom, had built a relationship with Ma Lai, that lady was indeed important to me, and Juelz.

  “It feel so good out here,” Ari said, as she laid down on the blanket beside me.

  “Yeah, it does baby, so when do you start your classes online?” I asked her.

  “I start on Monday, and I’m ready to knock this shit out,” she stated.

  “Good, I never want you to lose focus on what you set out to do. I’m with you, just know when you ready to open that clinic I got you babe,” I told her, and she looked at me to see if I was joking. I was dead serious. If opening a health clinic is what Ari wanted to do, she could go ahead and start planning where she wanted her receptionist to sit. I will give her the world and gift wrap that bitch for her.

  “Zelan, are you serious right now?” She turned, and smiled at me.

  “Dead ass!” I stated looking out into the ocean. This moment was so just perfect for me, it had been a very long time since I was able to go somewhere and just relax. We were set to leave in a day or so, but tonight I was going to make it count.

  “Babe, I want to do something special for you,” Ari stated.

  “What you want to do for me lil mama?” I asked, looking over at Ari.

  “Toya and I use to go to pole fitness classes, and I got good at it. So, I would like to dance for you even though we don’t have a pole,” Ari whispered.

  “Ari, I better never find out your ass was a stripper. I’m going to fuck you up!” I yelled.

  “Babe, I wasn’t no damn stripper,” she stood laughing, at my statement.

  “Do your thang lil mama, I choose the song though,” I told her. I grabbed my phone and chose the song. “Fuckin with Me” by Tank began playing, and Ari began to gyrate her body to the beat of the song. I watched her as she began moving her body in a circular motion, and that shit was sexy as hell. Ari was a beautiful girl, and I was one lucky ass man to have her. I laid down and continued to watch her as she came closer to me dancing with her body over mine. Watching me watch her, this shit was beyond fucking sexy.

  Damn, she can dance for my ass anytime! I grabbed Ari and pulled her down, this shit was driving me crazy. Kissing her and sucking on her bottom lip, making sure I left nothing on her body untouched. Removing her swim suit, I continued to move my tongue all over her body, kissing and sucking on her until I made it to her pussy. “Earned It” by the Weekend came through the speakers, and I continued my assault on her folds.

  “Zellllll right their baby don’t stop,” Ari moaned in my ear. Sliding my finger in her pussy as I sucked on her jewel, caused her to scream out

  “Ohhhhhhh my god Zelan, pleassssseeee baby. I’m cummming babbbbyyyy!” Ari screamed. Before she could come down off her high, I spread her legs and eased inside her gently. I moved slowly so that she could adjust to my size, and once she started throwing it back I knew I was good. My pace picked up, and this shit was the best feeling ever.

  “Dammmn Ari, I love every bit of this pussy. Fuccckkkkk I can’t get enough,” I said as I gave her deep strokes.

  “Zel, this feels so good, I love you baby,” Ari whispered as tears rolled down her face.

  “Ari, you know how much I love you. You are it for me, this pussy is it for me. You have all of me baby, I swear I have never felt love like this,” I said truthfully, not because I was deep in her cave, but because my heart beat synced with hers.

  “Mmmmmm sssssssssss. Can I ride you babyyyyy?” Ari asked. I grabbed her up and rolled over as she got comfortable on top. Ari began bouncing up and down, and in circular motions gyrating her pussy back and forth. This shit was amazing, and all I wanted to do was love her. Ari and I stayed on the beach making love for a few hours, and then we took it back to the house and made love until the early morning. I gu
ess we would skip breakfast.

  The Next Day

  Knock. Knock

  “Babe get the door,” Ari said nudging me still half sleep.

  “If we don’t answer then they will go away,” I told her and rolled over to get comfortable.

  “Nigga open this damn door, before I kick it in!” Ma Lai yelled. I got up and slipped my sweats on to open the door for her.

  “What’s up Ma?” I asked her as I open the door.

  “Y’all some nasty asses, damnnn you fine with no shirt on son,” Lai said laughing.

  “You know I’m with your granddaughter, right?” I asked her with a smirk.

  “You know I don’t give a fuck, right? Ari get up pack your clothes we got to roll” Lai responded.

  “What’s going on, why we leaving?” I asked.

  “I came to tell you Juelz wanted you. He just told us to pack up, and for me to come get you,” Lai stated. I left the room in a hurry trying to find Juelz, he was in his room on the balcony talking on the phone.

  “What’s up bruh?” I asked as he ended his call.

  “We need to head back, Santiago Vega is coming to the states early,” Juelz stated.

  Why so quick, I thought he said in a week? I responded.

  “I’m not sure why the change of plans, but I want to be there when he arrives. Maybe because, I called him and told him what we learned about Mone. So, maybe he thought about it and wanted to get this over with. I’m not sure, but we just need to be on the home front, so that we can handle our business. By the way, I’m selling my home, and Ciera and I are moving into the home I purchased for her and the kids. We also have to deal with this Javier shit, we know he is not going to let this shit go,” Juelz stated.

  “Say less, let’s get back home,” I told him and walked off. If Javier wanted some smoke with us, we will give his ass all the smoke he wanted.

  Chapter Nine


  Ari, Grams, and I were on our way to the facility my mother was transported to the other night. They said she would have to stay here for forty-five days, and if she has improved she would be able to leave. If she feel she needs more time, then they would give her an option to stay longer.

  “Ci, this car is nice as hell. I think I need me one of these here,” Grams spoke as we were headed to upstate New York.

  “Thank you, Grams, and I need you to move out of the hood before you buy one of these cars,” I told her, as Ari was sitting in the back seat laughing her ass off.

  “Look you lil pregnant heifer, I don’t need to move to get me one of these bad boys. I wish a nigga would touch my car in the hood, the gang bang crew would be all over their ass!” Grams yelled.

  “Grams who the hell is the gang bang crew?” Ari asked, and I shook my head.

  “Ari, ever since we went to Angela’s house and confronted Mark. Grams has been on this gang bang crew thing, it’s just her and Ms. Cynt,” I told Ari.

  “No, the hell it’s not just me, and Cynt we got more members. You just a hater Ciera because I won’t let your pregnant, scary ass in the crew,” Grams said laughing.

  “Grams, can I be in the crew?” Ari asked laughing.

  “I will think about it, you got potential to rock with us. Go online and submit your application to www.gangbangcrew.com and we will get back to you with a denial or acceptance,” Grams said to Ari and we all fell out laughing. I really hope our mom gets better after this, I really want her to be a part of her grandbabies lives. Juelz has never met my mother, and she met Zelan on some really bad terms. Zelan, said he would support our decision, but I know he is not feeling our mother right now. We finally made it to the facility, and we all headed inside to see what was going on with Angela.

  “Hello, how can I help you?” The receptionist asked, when we walked up to the desk. “Hello, we are here to get some information on our mother Angela Voss,” I stated.

  “Give me one second to have someone come down to talk to you,” She stated.

  “Ok, thank you,” I said, and we walked over and took a seat.

  “This is a nice-looking place, where did you find this Ciera?” Grams asked.

  “I didn’t, Juelz had his assistant work on getting everything setup for us,” I responded. “Ohhh, rich people shit,” Grams said.

  “Grams you are truly too much,” Ari, stated, and I agreed with her.

  “Hello, are you all here for Angela Voss?” Some woman asked.

  “Hi, yes, we are her daughters, and this is her mother,” Ari stated.

  “Ok, right this way. My name is Kelly, I’m Ms. Voss’s counselor,” She responded as she led us into a room.

  “When Angela came in last night, she was in bad shape. She is going through the detox process and today she is going through the motions. I will let you all see her, but if she gets irritable we will have to end the visit,” Kelly said, and we nodded. She made a call, and about ten minutes went by before the door opened, and Angela walked in.

  “Hi mom, how are you holding up?” I asked her, and she just stared at us for a few minutes.

  “Not to good Ciera, but I’m going to get through this and get home. I just want to apologize to you and Ari, I know I have been a horrible mother this past year. Ari, I’m sorry for being so weak, I never would have let anyone harm you, if I would have been well. The drugs just took over, and I let a man come in and take advantage of that. I’m sorry to all of you, and only asked that one day you all will forgive me,” Angela stated, with a face full of tears. Ari, Grams, and I were crying with her. I wanted nothing more but for her to get herself together.

  “Mom, it is going to take some time to forgive you. But I’m with you, and I just want you to get better,” Ari said.

  “Everything is going to be alright, Angela just fight through this, and continue to pray. I want to see you win, and I love you enough to help you through this. You are my only child, and I will walk through this with you, just as long as you do right by these girls. They come first in my life, and I will not allow anybody to hurt them. Not even you, get right and everything else will fall into place,” Grams told my mom.

  “I know mom, thank y’all for not giving up on me,” Angela said. We ended our visit with our mother and headed to drop Grams off.

  “I think mom is going to be ok,” I spoke.

  “I hope so, she can have a good life with us,” Ari stated, and Grams agreed.

  “I hope she does the right thing, because damn she look bad. If I ever get hooked on drugs, I give y’all permission to whoop my fucking ass. I’m a beautiful woman, and if I start walking around looking like Ceily from the color purple, babbbbyyy tear my ass up! My daughter was a very beautiful woman, just like we are now. But now, those damn drugs got her ass walking around here, looking like a damn orangutan,” Grams said shaking her head, and we all burst out laughing this lady had no damn filter at all.

  “Well tell us how you really feel,” Ari said, still laughing at our grandmother.

  “Heifer, that’s how I really fucking feel! Hell, I have gone through some shit in my life, I lost my husband, and didn’t have money to bury his ass. No food to feed my child, and no damn job to pay my bills, when he died. But a woman will G up and handle her business any day. You can’t let the stress of life take over your mental state, and you lose the most important thing in your life, YOU!” Grams said, and I agreed with her. We made it back to Harlem and dropped Grams off. About forty-five minutes later we had made it back to Zelan’s house, and Juelz car was in the drive way.

  “Looks like your baby daddy is here,” Ari said, as we pulled up and parked.

  “Yeah, I guess he is,” I stated as we got out of the car and headed inside. We walked in and the guy’s, was at the bar drinking. I walked up to Juelz, and kissed his lips, and Ari greeted Zelan the same.

  “How was the visit with your mother?” Juelz asked.

  “Very emotional for her, and us,” I stated.

  “If this is going to be stressful for you Cier
a, you can’t go back. I can’t have you stressed, I don’t want anything happening to you or my kids,” Juelz said, getting up from the bar grabbing my hand to lead the way to the bedroom.

  “I will be fine Juelz, I promise,” I stated. Once we were in the bedroom, he went to the bathroom and I heard the water running.

  “Go ahead and get undressed, I’m running you a bubble bath,” Ju stated, and I did as he requested. After, I undressed I walked in the bathroom and fortunate by Maxwell was playing.

  “Juelz, why are you staring at me like that?” I asked.

  “Baby, I’m just thinking to myself, that I have never met a woman as beautiful as you are. Everything about you is perfect to me and for me, beautiful,” he spoke, as he walked up to me grabbing me by the waist and pulling me in for a kiss. I swear this man kisses is everything to me, just having him near puts me at ease.

  “Thank you, I have never had someone tell me I’m beautiful the way you do,” I said to Juelz smiling.

  “I will be the only one telling you that shit for the rest of your life, there will never be another man after me Ciera. You are going to be my wife one day, and that shit is going to be the best day of my entire life, besides having my children,” Juelz stated. I smiled, and he kissed my lips, I turned to step into the warm water.

  “Hmmmm, this water is so soothing. Do you want to join me?” I asked him.

  “Only if you want me to beautiful,” he stated.

  “I do handsome,” I responded, and he began to remove his clothes.

  Damn, the man above took his time creating this work of art. Juelz Kassom was indeed a very handsome, intelligent man and any woman would be blessed to have him. It just sucks that Kenya, and his best friend was so evil to him. He doesn’t have a hateful bone in his body, but I understand why he had to kill them. Shit, if someone came for my family the way they did him, I would have done the same damn thing. Well with a little help from the gang bang crew, I could only laugh at my grandmother. She is definitely one of a kind, for the rest of the night Juelz and I talked and made sweet love all over this bathroom, and bedroom.


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