Splendor and Darkness (Rebel Angels)

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Splendor and Darkness (Rebel Angels) Page 6

by Cyndi Friberg

  “That’s why you feel desire when other angels do not.”

  She nodded. “We feel desire and jealousy, hatred and rage, all emotions unknown to other angels. Angels can speak only truth. Obviously we are no longer bound by that restriction.” He smiled and warmth pervaded her being. She raised her hand to stroke his cheek, but her fingers were intangible.

  His gaze moved over her face then focused on her eyes. “How did you lose your sight?”

  * * * * *

  Enos scooped Byleth up in his arms and transported to the forest far above. He couldn’t stand the stench of the Netherworld another moment. She stirred, clinging to his neck as the velocity startled her awake.

  “What…? Where are we? Does Makatiel know what you’ve done?”

  He chuckled, sliding her body against his as he set her on her feet. “Makatiel has relinquished your training to me.”

  Her eyes widened and her lush lips formed a perfect O.

  “Does this please you, little fledgling?”

  She relaxed her features into a more natural expression, but shock and suspicion remained in her eyes. “You challenged Makatiel? I thought you said you weren’t part of their—”

  “I’m not. Makatiel and I want the same thing and he has entrusted you to me so we can get it.”

  “Me? What do you need from me?”

  His gaze ignited with demonic intensity. “Everything, sweet Byleth. I’m a different sort of master, but make no mistake, you belong to me.”

  “Aye, sir.”

  Anticipation surged through Enos, setting his senses on fire. Demons were tied to the Netherworld. It was the source of their power. His choice to live among mortals had forced him to find other ways of replenishing his energy.

  He’d experimented with humans. Leeching their sexual energy could sustain him for a time. Fear was a bit more powerful, but still insufficient. Regardless of his eccentricities, Enos was a demon. He needed demonic energy.

  “You said if I released you from Makatiel, you would grant me anything within your power.”

  She pulled her tunic off over her head and eased her hose along her firm thighs. Kicking the garments aside, she stood before him naked, waiting for instructions. He motioned toward a fallen tree. “Lean forward and brace your hands against the trunk.” She moved into position and spread her legs wide.

  Did this sort of mindless obedience really excite Makatiel? Enos lived for the chase. He enjoyed the destination but reveled in the journey. Moving behind her, he paused to admire the view. She was open, waiting, a conquered receptacle.

  He must enter her body to establish the link. Enos shook his head with a smirk. When had he ever passed up the opportunity to rut? Loosening his lacings, he freed his flaccid cock. Now this had never happened before.

  “Is something wrong?”

  “Nay, I’m just deciding how I want to take you.” He absently stroked his shaft, waiting for desire to stir within him.

  Perhaps that was the problem. He’d already enjoyed the eager slide of her warm, wet mouth, and the snug heat of her passage. He’d even claimed her tight back passage, riding her hard while Makatiel urged him on.

  She was supple, yet rounded just the way Enos liked his females, so why was his cock still limp within his hand?

  Lowering himself to one knee, he parted her folds and inhaled her evocative musk. Ah, there we go. His reluctant body gradually awakened, sending tingles through his abdomen. He licked her slit, circling her core with his tongue.

  “Oh sir. That’s so good.” She canted her hips and wiggled, pressing herself against his lips. “I long for your tongue deep inside me. Let me ease your hunger.”

  He grinned against her damp flesh. She had no idea what he intended for her or she wouldn’t be so eager to please. The irony thrilled him, excited him as ordinary lust never could.

  Pushing to his feet, he drew her away from the log and turned her around. Then he urged her to the ground on her back. She bent her knees and held herself open, eyes gleaming through the shadows.

  He knelt between her thighs and thrust his entire length into her slick passage. She gasped and her breasts bounced, jostled by the violent impact.

  Clasping her hips, he held perfectly still. Her inner muscles pulsed with the frantic beating of her heart. He focused on the rhythm, aligned his heart to hers. Shifting her hips, she pushed up against him, grinding her mound against his groin.

  He ignored her antics and scanned, searching for the center of her being. There, black and shriveled, he sensed the rotted remnants of what she’d once been. He connected and melded, establishing the needed link.

  Her eyes widened and she tensed. “What did you just do? I feel strange.”

  Drawing his hips back, he slammed into her, driving the breath from her lungs. She held her legs back as he moved, accepting each of his long, hard strokes.

  He concentrated on what came next, letting anticipation sweep him along. The acrid stench of fear curled around him, filling his head. He inhaled deeply, savoring the scent. Byleth moaned, arching her back as he pumped faster. Her core clutched and relaxed in powerful ripples, but he resisted his own release.

  She might think this was nearly over, but he was just getting started. He drew out and repositioned against her other opening. She whimpered and closed her eyes.

  “Nay. Look at me. No matter how intense the sensations become you will keep your eyes open.” He infused the command with compulsion, ensuring her obedience.

  She stared up at him, her expression revealing her uncertainty. He pushed hard against the tight muscle guarding her back passage. Her body resisted for a moment then released and he slid halfway inside her. A fresh surge of lust hardened him further as she gripped him like a fist. So tight and so amazingly hot!

  “Your body has brought me much pleasure,” he pulled back then drove in even deeper. “But we are essentially spiritual beings.” She relaxed and he moved more easily, sliding smoothly in and out. “I’m ready to take our intimacy to the next level.”

  “Next level?” She shifted restlessly, obediently accepting his possession, but obviously not aroused. “What have we not done already?”

  He chuckled. “The intimacy of which I speak transcends the physical. I want you inside me.”

  She gulped in a breath, her brow creased with confusion and anxiety. “I don’t understand.”

  “I know you don’t, and it is far easier to demonstrate than to explain.” He slipped one of his hands between their bodies and located her swollen nub. She was so wet, his fingers glided over the sensitive trigger. “Concentrate on the slide of my cock. Let each stroke draw us closer.”

  She licked her lips and her nipples hardened as a rosy flush spread across her cheeks. Lust reignited in her gaze and she bared her teeth. “What else must I do?”

  “Surrender. It’s that simple. You need only surrender completely to me.” He grabbed the backs of her knees and pushed them toward her shoulders. Her body folded in half and she took his entire length with each sharp stroke.

  She moved her hands to the ground on either side of her head and stared up into his eyes. Surrendered, utterly accepting, she yielded herself to him.

  Invigorated by her submission, he unleashed the full strength of his demonic nature and revealed himself to her. She screamed, her body trembled, but her eyes remained wide open. He beckoned her, drawing her forth with the command of one ancient of days.

  Power surged through him with intoxicating intensity. His head swam as he delved deeper, absorbing more of her, consuming all of her.

  She struggled, heightening the pleasure for him. Come, Byleth, come to me now. There’s no point in resisting.

  She clawed at his arms and tossed her head as the color bled from her face. He shoved into her one last time and used the force of his physical release to complete the transfer.

  He siphoned the last of her essence from her quaking body then pulled out half a second before the lifeless husk turned to dust and
scattered across the forest floor.

  Enos stood, his muscles rippling as he stretched with contentment. Her being still struggled within him, prolonging his ecstasy. It had been too long since he devoured a soul! He’d forgotten about this euphoric rush and the blast of power.

  He was tempted to savor her, to slowly absorb her vibrant energy into his own. But, alas, he had a mission, a use for his little fledgling.

  Calm yourself, Byleth. You’ll soon have another body in which to play?

  Chapter Five

  “You said your quest had already begun when you lost your sight,” Nate prompted, keeping his tone light and gentle. Lailah stood beside the bed, wavering in and out of focus. At times he could easily see through her then her image would sharpen with vivid detail. She wasn’t a dream. He knew her name. “Are you able to talk about what happened?”

  She hesitated. Her golden light diminished and her human form solidified. The blue faded from her eyes. Compassion clenched his heart. She dwelt in darkness again. He had never seen anything as extraordinary as her sparkling, ice-crystal eyes. Pulling her long braid over her shoulder, she sat on the edge of the bed. Even braided, the strands hung to her waist.

  “Angels are often created in pairs,” she began. “Alyssa and I had always been together. When the seeds of discontent took root in me, the deterioration of Alyssa’s attitude wasn’t far behind.”

  He sat beside her, needing to be near her, yet unsure how to comfort her. “She was one of the seven?” Unable to help himself, he caught the end of her braid. The silken curls wrapped around his fingers and he sighed.

  “Alyssa was also a Rebel Angel. Her challenge was to discover truth. It took her nearly one hundred years, but she managed to find me in the mortal realm.”

  “One hundred years?” He sucked in a breath, staggered by the implication. “How old are you?” Quickly pressing his fingertips to her lips, he kept her from answering. “I apologize. That was rude. Are you immortal?”

  “That depends on the outcome of my quest.” Her lips brushed his fingers as she spoke.

  Stunned by her casual reference to her possible destruction, he released her hair and stroked her cheek. She might not have realized it yet, but she’d acquired a companion for her quest. “Tell me about Alyssa.”

  “Judith needs to hear the details of Alyssa’s quest as well, so I’ll wait until the morning, if you don’t mind?”

  “Now you’ve made me curious. What has Alyssa’s quest to do with Judith?”

  She chuckled. “There is a definite connection between the Rebel Angels and the Monthamn family, but you asked about my eyes. My sight was destroyed by a demon named Paimon during Alyssa’s quest for truth.”

  She stated the facts in one concise sentence, obviously not wanting to elaborate. He had countless questions twisting through his mind, but he steered the conversation away from her injury. “Was Alyssa’s quest successful?”

  “Aye. She resides in peace with her husband Sariel.” She paused. There had been expectancy in her tone, as if she were waiting for him to react to the names she’d mentioned. “Have you heard the name Gadrayel?”

  “Gadrayel is the angel on the Monthamn standard. He is rather like a family mascot.”

  Her lips pressed together and laughter flashed in her eyes. Why did she find that amusing?

  “How do you know about Gadrayel?”

  “I’ll explain tomorrow. I’ve grown weary of words.”

  Moving closer, he outlined her lips with his fingertip. “One last question and I’ll let you rest. Do you know why you could see little Anna?”

  “I have suspicions, but I need to spend time with her before I’ll be able to determine if there is any validity in my theory.”

  Nate gazed at Lailah as longing built inside him. He reveled in her softness, savored her sweet scent. Abandoning himself to the dream had been so easy, but everything was different now. His life had resumed. He had responsibilities and people who depended on him. Indulging a fantasy had been one thing, but Lailah was real. She was alive, vital and…not human. Desire still simmered. The slightest encouragement would escalate the spark to a flame. Still he hesitated.

  The image of her spread wings shimmering in the darkness had permanently imprinted itself on his brain. She was an otherworldly being, a Rebel Angel. What sort of future could there be for them? Another image insinuated itself over Lailah’s angelic splendor. He saw Catherine’s gentle smile, her warm, trusting eyes. Estel’s laughter echoed through his mind and Nate stepped away from the bed.

  “Rest well.” He ignored her confused expression and took up the thick candle he’d lit earlier. Not giving himself time to reconsider, he rushed from the bedchamber.

  Dank and cold, the corridor stretched off in either direction. Nate couldn’t succumb to desire again. Believing she was a fantasy had allowed him to suppress his inhibitions. He knew better now. With long, purposeful strides, he headed for the family chapel. His hounds stirred as he crossed the great hall. He commanded their silence.

  A brisk draft assailed him in the narrow corridor leading to the chapel. He cupped his hand in front of the candle’s flame. He eased the door inward and made his way to the vigil lights. Kneeling before the angled bank of small candles, he lit four from the flame of his larger candle then heaved a heavy sigh.

  “I figured I’d find you here.”

  He looked to the left and found Judith just inside the chapel’s arched entrance. She’d removed her headdress, revealing her thick raven hair. Contained in a mass of narrow braids, the blue-black length brushed her hips.

  “Why is that?” He stood and faced her, confused by the hostility in her dark eyes.

  “You’ve avoided this place ever since your return.” She walked past him, drawing his attention to the markers lining the chapel’s walls. The ones they’d lost in the ambush were interred in these vaults. “I figured guilt might finally motivate your goodbyes.”

  He narrowed his gaze and clenched his fists. Judith was never one to mince words, but anger surged through him at her provocation. “My goodbyes were spoken long before I returned. This is not how I choose to remember them, but they are not forgotten.”

  “If guilt didn’t prompt your visit, what brings you here tonight?” She strolled beside the vaults, pausing in front of Catherine’s.

  “What do you want, Judith? Clearly there’s something on your mind.”

  “I saw the way you looked at her.” Any hint of congeniality fled from Judith’s manner. “You know this woman. I suspect you know her intimately.”

  “Mind your own affairs.” He kept his voice even yet resolute.

  “It became my affair when her blind eyes saw my daughter! Who are they? Why are they here?”

  “Lailah will explain everything in the morning.”

  Judith scoffed. “You expect me to believe one word that woman says?”

  Nate clasped his hands behind his back. “We will figure out why Anna is visible to Lailah, and I will see that no harm comes to her.”

  “To whom?” she snapped. “Anna or Lailah?”

  * * * * *

  Judith stormed through the castle, her hands balled into fists at her sides. Her gown billowed out behind her with each agitated stride. Why didn’t Nate comprehend the danger? Or did he simply not give a damn? He was blinded by lust! Judith had no idea when or how they’d met, but Lailah and Nate were lovers.

  Stepping inside her bedchamber, Judith shoved the door closed and slammed the bolt home. “That irrational son of a whore.” She flipped open the trunk at the foot of her bed and gathered a massive armful of clothes.

  “Going somewhere?”

  She gasped at Daniel’s amused question. Some of the gowns spilled from her arms as she tossed the rest onto the bed. “How did you get in here?” The door was still securely bolted.

  “You disappoint me.” He ambled toward her. She stubbornly held her ground. “I didn’t take you for the kind to slink away in the dark of night.”
Bending, he picked up the fallen garments and handed them to her.

  He stood so close she could see tiny flecks of gold scattered across his dark eyes. “I will do whatever it takes to protect my children.”

  “Your only hope of keeping them safe is remaining within the castle walls.”

  Her chin lifted and she clutched the crumpled gowns to her chest. “You are an imposter at best, part of the threat at worst. Why should I accept your counsel?”

  “Because you have no choice.” He took the clothes from her and piled them on top of the others.

  A stray gown remained on the floor. She stooped as if to pick it up but launched her shoulder into his belly instead. Grunting, he stumbled. She retrieved her dagger from the sheath strapped to her calf and faced him with new confidence.

  “There are always choices.” She deftly twirled the knife, her gaze boring into his. “Yours is to live or die.”

  “By your hand?” he mocked.

  “No one harms my children.” She sneered and threw the knife.

  Daniel batted the blade aside and reached her in three long strides. His arms encircled her like iron bands and she collided with his chest. Judith flailed and twisted. How had he moved so fast? Her knife should be embedded hilt-deep in his shoulder. Her aim was true!

  “You’re not leaving the castle. In fact, you’re not leaving this room without me by your side.”

  His angry words interrupted her confusion, inciting her temper again. “Are you going to bind me to a chair and—”

  “I think the bed will serve us better.” Ignoring her indignant gasp and frantic struggles, he pushed her against one of the thick bedposts and snatched a braided belt from the pile of clothing.

  “Release me this instant or I’ll scream down the house!”

  He chuckled, holding her in place with his powerful torso as he tied her wrists behind her back. Hot, hard, male, his body rubbed against hers. His hair brushed her cheek and her breasts pressed against his chest, the nipples tingling. All she had to do was scream. Why wasn’t she screaming?


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