My Billionaire Boss

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My Billionaire Boss Page 21

by Gold, Bella

  “So no more dates, Em. I’m finished with them. Don’t ever set me up with a guy, not ever.”


  “They’re all shallow assholes.”

  “Not all of them, Tan. They can’t all be like that.”

  “I will never, ever meet a man who doesn’t judge me on my looks. Hell, half the women do it too. They all figure I’m some kind of egotistical amazon who thinks she’s better than anyone.”

  “I didn’t.” Emily raised an unsteady hand to indicate her loyalty.

  “You’re one of the few.”

  “No, I mean I didn’t think you worked for Amazon.” Emily exploded with laughter. Tanya shook her head, smiling sadly.

  Chapter 4

  “I had an idea!” Emily called, the moment Tanya walked into work.

  “Can it wait until I get onto the system?” Tanya asked. Emily practically bounced on the spot as Tanya booted up the reception computer.

  “It’s so great, I don’t know why I didn’t think of it before.”

  “Okay, spill.” Tanya laded her fingers together and rested her chin on them.

  “I saw a movie last night about two people.”

  “That’s nice,” Tanya said with a smile. “It’s good that you’re taking the time to watch educational stuff.”

  “Smartass. The movie had them going to a restaurant in London called Noir something.”

  “Noir something?”

  “Yeah. The point is, the place was in darkness.”

  “They don’t have electricity in London?”

  “They do it on purpose.”


  “So the diners get a better experience. With the food.”

  “How can—”

  “Not seeing the food changes the way people taste stuff. Or something.”

  “So why not use blindfolds?”

  “I don’t know. So they don’t mess up people’s hair? So people don’t peek?”

  “Is there a point to this, Emily?”

  “Yes, yes. The point is, the diners can’t see each other, either.”

  “Riiight…” Tanya said slowly.

  “Which means, they don’t judge each other on looks.” Emily released a long breath as if the tale had exhausted her.

  Tanya met her friend’s gaze. “You’re thinking I should go to London?”

  “Or we can set up something at my place. Make it completely dark. Or something?”

  Tanya shook her head. “Where do you get your ideas from?”

  “I could ask you where you get ideas for music.”

  “You asked me that before. I still don’t know.”

  “It’s the same for me.”

  “Although you watched a movie.”


  “With two people sitting in the dark.”

  “It might have been four. I’m not sure now.”

  “But the point is—”

  “—it wasn’t my idea, I know. But what do you think?”

  Tanya sagged down in her chair. “I don’t know, Em.”

  “At least think about it, okay?”

  “Okay, I’ll think about it.”

  “It’ll be great, you’ll see.”

  “Sure, Em.”


  As promised, Tanya thought about it. “How are you going to explain this to the guys? ‘Sorry, but my friend is albino and can’t stand the light?’ Or ‘She likes to pretend she’s blind in case anything ever happens to her eyes.’ I can’t see anyone not thinking this is weird.”

  “I’ll tell them the truth. I saw it in a movie and everyone had a great time.”

  “You’re excited about this idea, aren’t you?”

  “How can you tell?” A huge grin split Emily’s face. Her heels were bouncing against the floor and her hands performed circles in front of her body.

  “I don’t know,” Tanya said. “Just a wild guess?”

  “Can we try it? If you’re not sure, we can do it together, you and me, to test it out. I’ve got some great foodie ideas.”

  Tanya sighed. “All right, I’ll give it a try. When did you want to try this crazy scheme?”

  “Saturday night.”

  “What if I’m busy—”

  “You’re always inside watching TV on Saturday. But not this week.”

  “How are you going to make your house dark in the middle of summer?”

  “You let me worry about the details. Just be there.”

  “I might send someone else. You’ll never know it’s not me.”

  Emily rolled her eyes. “I’ll be answering the door, dummy. Of course, I’ll know if it’s you.”

  “Oh, yeah.” Tanya winked. “Never thought of that.”


  “I’m still not sure any guy will go for it. They’ll imagine I’m deformed or badly scarred or something.”

  “And if he doesn’t show, then he’s an ass and not the right guy for you.”

  “I guess…”

  “It’s a bit like a princess dressing up as an ordinary citizen and going out on a date.”


  “She wants to find a guy who likes her for who she is, not what she is.”

  “Oh, right.”

  “I’m heading off home to research what foods are best in the dark.” Emily headed for the door.

  “How about carrots?” Tanya called. “They’re supposed to be good for the eyes.”

  “Myth!” she said over her shoulder.


  “That story was invented to explain how fighter pilots could fly in the dark when radar was still secret.”

  “How do you know that?”

  Emily rolled her eyes. “My brother is an airplane fanatic.”

  Tanya nodded. “Well, I’ve learned one thing today.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Rabbits see in the dark because they use radar, and not because they eat carrots.”


  “I know, right?”

  “I’m going home.”

  “You could make glow-in-the-dark Jell-O,” Tanya called out.

  “Enough, already!”

  “Ultraviolet soup?”

  “Good night, Tanya.”

  Chapter 6

  By the time Saturday arrived, Tanya was nervous as hell. Not a waking moment had gone by where she hadn’t fretted about what she ought to wear, whether make-up was necessary, or how she should style her hair. She’d Googled the movie Emily had described and confirmed it had involved a ‘blind dining’ restaurant in London. And the London venue wasn’t unique in the world. The same people had opened restaurants in Moscow, Barcelona,

  and Paris. So Emily was experimenting with a growing phenomenon, even if it was on a small scale.

  “Wow, Em. Go, you…”

  Although Tanya trusted her friend to prepare sensible food, she figured it was better to wear something practical, so she didn’t spill anything on one of her best outfits. After a great deal of thinking, she chose a sleeveless dress, which boasted a very short skirt. It was something she no longer dared to wear in public because men turned feral, women turned green with envy, and became fiercely possessive of their partners, imagining Tanya was on the prowl. But in the dark, she could feel both comfortable and sexy. Plus, exposed skin didn’t stain. Expensive dresses did.

  She tied her hair back to keep it clear of any misguided forks or spoons, then applied light make-up. She could easily have skipped that part, but it was a difficult habit to break. Besides, it boosted her confidence, and there was always the chance she might encounter someone she knew. No, she wasn’t going to Emily’s party looking like a bag lady, darkness or not.

  The taxi ride across town was relatively uneventful, although the driver spent more time examining her face and figure than watching the road ahead. Every time she glanced at the rear-view mirror, his eyes were on her. Fortunately, he didn’t try to engage her in conversation, for which she was grateful.
  Emily took longer than normal to answer her door, and the reason quickly became apparent when the front door closed behind Tanya. The pair were plunged into almost total darkness. Only a sliver of daylight touched the wall, having crept around the blackout Emily had taped to the door glass. Before she’d lost sight of her friend, Tanya had noted Emily’s shorts and vest top. She suddenly felt overdressed for the evening and said so. Emily laughed and reminded her friend it didn’t matter. Besides, shorts and a small top meant less material to spill food onto.

  “That was exactly my thinking,” Tanya said. “Although I never considered shorts.”

  “You look hot in that dress, babe,” Emily remarked. “Tim’s gonna love you.”

  “Tim? You mean he’s already here?” Tanya suppressed a groan. She’d hoped for some time to talk with her friend.

  “He arrived twenty minutes ago. Relax…” A soft hand brushed Tanya’s bare arm. “I’ll get you a drink, then we go in and chat to the guys.”

  “Won’t we be busy eating?”

  “The food won’t be ready for an hour yet. Drinks first, chat and I’ll get everyone served when the time’s right.”

  “How are you going to get the food to the table without—”

  “Let me worry about the details, babe. Your job is to relax, and charm Tim with your wit, wisdom and repartee.”

  “Okay. I hope he likes me.”

  “Why would he not like you?”

  “Oh, because…” Tanya frowned. She had no real answer. Most relationships went sour after very little time, so her expectations were low.

  “He’s not going to use any of the no-no words.”

  “You can’t guarantee that, Em.”

  “No, I can’t. But it’s a lot less likely if he can’t see how drop-dead gorgeous you are. But think about the eye candy he’s missing out on.” Emily slapped her friend’s butt, making her squeal.

  “That’s the whole damn point, isn’t it? I don’t want him to see me. I don’t want him asking me if I model, or which movies I’ve been in.”

  “I wish I had your problem, babe.”

  “No, you don’t. Really, you don’t. Every guy who lays his eyes on me either thinks I’m too far out of reach and gives up or he sees me as a challenge, a trophy conquest for his ego.”

  “Maybe that’ll change tonight.”

  “I hope so, Em. I really hope so.” She smiled, then realized the futility of her gesture. “Thank you for going to all this trouble. I really appreciate it.”

  “It really wasn’t a lot of trouble, babe. Not for you. Best friends, remember?”

  “Best friends,” Tanya agreed. “But still, thank you.”

  “My pleasure. Now, let me get you that drink before we go through.”

  Chapter 7

  Armed with a glass of red wine, Tanya let herself be led from the near-darkness of the hallway into Emily’s living room. Although she’d walked through the same door many times, and had a pretty good idea of which piece of furniture stood where Tanya’s shins immediately contacted a coffee table.

  “Ouch! Em, what the hell?”

  “Oh, sorry. I moved that so no-one would hurt themselves.”

  “Good plan, Em.”

  “Is anyone hurt?” a male voice asked.

  “Yeah. Does anyone need CPR?” another man asked.

  “Em?” Tanya whispered.

  “Hi, guys. No-one’s hurt.”

  “That’s not what my shins are telling me, Em.”

  “Sorry. Tanya walked into my coffee table.”

  “Which was originally in front of your sofa,” Tanya reminded her.

  “Sorry—again. Can I introduce Tim, and Matt?”

  “Hello, both of you. I’d come across and shake hands but I can’t see you, plus my legs are broken.”

  “Matt is on the left, and Tim is on the right,” Emily explained.


  “They’re sitting about three feet apart—I think. Say hello, guys. But one at a time.”

  “Hello, Tanya. I’m Matt.”

  Tanya turned her head toward where she thought Matt was sitting. “Hi, Matt. Are you Emily’s boyfriend this week?”

  “Hey!” Emily protested, then laughed.

  “No, I’m Tim’s buddy.”

  “Hi, Tanya,” Tim said. He had a slight accent, which she couldn’t place. Tanya turned her head to the right.

  “Hi, Tim,” Tanya said.

  “I invited Tim to meet you, babe,” Emily said.

  “And where do you know Tim from?”

  “We met online., Tan. I put out a call on one of the social sites, to see if there was anyone crazy enough to try dining in the dark. Tim answered.”

  “So you’re crazy, right Tim?”

  “Maybe a little.” He laughed softly.

  “And I suggested he bring a friend—so I wouldn’t feel left out.”

  “Uh-huh…” Tanya said. Emily’s voice had a sly undertone, which Tanya recognized instantly. Her friend was hoping to get laid this evening.

  “Come on, let’s sit down,” Emily suggested.

  “Any more obstacles I should know about?” Tanya asked.

  “Only soft, cushioned ones.”

  “Then lead the way.” She raised her arm, and her hand bumped into Emily’s waist. Her friend took her by the hand and led her across the room to where the guys were sitting on the sofa. Emily turned her friend, and the pair sat down.

  “Hi, Tanya,” Tim said from a few inches away.

  “Hey, Tim.”

  There was no such casual greeting from the other two, only wet noises and a soft moan.

  Oh, boy, Tanya thought. They’re off to an early start.

  “So you’re Emily’s best friend?”

  “Have been for years.” Tanya’s reply was automatic. She was distracted by the soft, breathy noises to her right. Clothing rustled and wet skin moved against wet skin. They could only be kissing, surely? A strange warmth spread through her body and she realized she was trembling.

  “So have you done anything like this before?” Tim asked. He shifted his weight on the sofa. Was he already moving in on her? Tanya wondered how close he really was. Not as close as the pair beside him. She could feel body heat against her right leg. Emily changed position, and her knee pressed against Tanya’s.

  “Uh? What?” she asked distractedly. “Sorry, what did you say?”

  “I said, do you work together?”

  “Oh. Yeah, sure we do. Do you?” Tanya was listening intently to the heavy breathing next to her. She tried to picture the scene; two people who’d only just met, French kissing less than a foot away from her. And what else were they doing? Where were their hands? And what had happened to Emily’s idea of a nice meal together, or getting to know each other through conversation? That particular plan seemed to be on hold.

  “Em,” she whispered, then leaned closer. “Em.”

  “Mm-mm,” her friend mumbled. “Not now.”

  “Okay.” She straightened up. “I’ll be over here if you need me, enjoying my wine.”

  “Maybe you should leave them to it,” Tim said in a low voice. Instead of replying, Tanya buried her face in the wine glass. She was embarrassed. Her friend had lured her here, then forgot all about her as she played with Matt. What was Tanya supposed to do now? As long as Em was making out, it would be impossible to concentrate on any small talk with Tim. Maybe she ought to leave.

  “Oh, my god…” Emily groaned.

  “You like that?” Matt asked. Small, wet noises reached Tanya, and she knew immediately that the pair had moved on from kissing.

  “Fuck, yeah…” Emily groaned.

  “Okay!” Tanya jumped to her feet. “I think I should go now.” A hot hand reached out, patted her leg, her hip, then caught her hand.

  “Don’t go, babe. I’m sorry.”

  “No, I think I should leave you to enjoy each other.”

  “Please don’t go,” Emily begged. “We were having a kiss and
a cuddle, that’s all.”

  “Then maybe you should get a room?”

  “We will, we will,” Emily promised. “Hey, don’t do that!” Tanya heard a slap, followed by a chuckle.

  “But you’re so wet, baby.”

  “Oh, my god, that’s it.” Tanya tugged against Emily’s grip, but her friend held on.

  “Please don’t leave me alone in the dark with these two guys.” Her voice adopted a mischievous tone. “Anything could happen to me.”

  “You’re not saying it like it’s a bad thing.”

  “Oh, but it would be. Terrible things might happen.”

  Tanya imagined her friend winking. “You’re not selling the danger element, Em.”

  “Please stay,” Emily begged. She tugged her back toward the sofa. Another hand touched her waist, urging her to sit. Tim’s hand?

  “I might—if you tell me what happened to the whole ‘eating in the dark’ idea.”

  “I… might not have specified what we would be eating.”

  “Or what might be eating us? Goodbye, Em.”

  “Tanya. Babe. Please stay. I really did make dinner, but it won’t be ready for an hour, at least.”

  “Plenty of time for a little appetizer, right?”


  “Oh, Em. Why didn’t you tell me you set this up?”

  “Would you have come if I had?”

  “Probably not,” Tanya admitted.

  “Then chill for a while. Let your hair down.”

  “And listen to the pair of you making out?”

  “You can do more than listen… if the mood takes you.”

  “It’s okay, Tanya,” Tim said from nearby. He’d risen to his feet and was standing close to Tanya. “We can sit and chat if you like. No pressure.”

  “I’m glad to hear it. Unlike my friend here, I’m not prone to the whole casual thing.”

  “Are you calling me a slut?” Emily asked.

  “She’d be right,” Matt said. A sharp slap, followed by mixed laughter made Tanya shake her head. There was only one way this party was going to end, and it wasn’t a cozy chat over dinner in the darkness. So what was she supposed to do? Wait around to see how everything turned out? Or bug out and leave the three of them to it? She sighed. What was there to go home to? A dull night in front of the TV in her jammies? An evening of wondering what she might have missed out on? She sagged, then let Emily persuade her back to the sofa. Tim sat down at the same time she did. His arm slipped around her shoulders, which was presumptuous, she thought.


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