My Billionaire Boss

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My Billionaire Boss Page 40

by Gold, Bella

  “She left.”

  “Left to go where?”

  “She’s gone Tyler, back home.”

  Tyler was still half-smiling. He thought it was a joke or at the very least a sad attempt by his mother once again to make him not love Nicole. “No…she wasn’t supposed to leave until the day after tomorrow…Mother, what did you do?”

  His mother gave him a shocked, hurt expression and he knew that she had said or done something to drive Nicole away. “I didn’t do anything Tyler. She packed up and left without saying a word to any of us. She didn’t even bother to thank your sister for her hospitality, so rude.”

  “Nicole is not rude, ever. Maybe it’s one of her grandparents, maybe something happened.” Tyler had rushed for his phone and ignored his mother as she called out to him. She expected him to sit down and eat Christmas dinner as if things were normal. He wasn’t going to eat without Nicole. He didn’t want to be without her ever again. He spent days that turned into weeks trying to reach her. In the end, he’d left close to a hundred messages and she hadn’t returned a single one. She deleted her social media accounts and changed her cell phone number. When he called the bakery her mother answered. She told Tyler that all was well with the family but Nicole didn’t want to speak to him. When she did, she would call. Eventually, Tyler had to move on with his life. The money was pouring in and he was suddenly sitting at the helm of a multi-national, billion dollar corporation and it barely left him time to think much less dwell on how badly she’d hurt him. His mother had been surprisingly supportive and he even felt guilty for blaming her when Nicole first took off. If not for his mother’s hard work and dedication, Tyler’s home offices would have never gotten up and running in L.A.

  “Mr. Oshiro?” The voice of his receptionist floated into the room and brought him out of his reverie.

  “Yes, Alicia?”

  “I’m so sorry to bother you. I have a Miss Nicole Bennett on line one. I told her that you were busy and she’d have to leave a message but she claims it’s an emergency…”

  Tyler dropped his fork. “Did you say, Nicole Bennett?”

  “Yes, sir.” He didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

  “Put her through, Alicia.” He felt a knot developing deep in the pit of her stomach as he waited for the call to come through.

  “Hello?” Nicole’s voice. It had been five years since he’d heard it other than on the answering machine he left messages on that she never returned. He froze up and after a few seconds passed she said, “Tyler…are you there?”

  “Yes, I’m here.” He was surprised to hear how composed and cold his voice sounded. He reminded himself of his mother.

  “How are you?”

  He laughed…snorted, really. Was she kidding? Five years with no word and she wants to make pleasant conversation. “I’m fine,” he said, simply. “And you?”

  She sighed heavily and said, “This is so hard. I wish I could do this face to face but there’s no time for that.” Her voice sounded strained. It was clear that something was wrong. He was surprised that he had to force himself to remain detached. He wanted to forget the space and tie between them. Suddenly he was craving those ruby red lips that he hadn’t tasted in years. He didn’t tell her any of that, however. He wasn’t going to give in. She’d hurt him so badly. He wasn’t going to set himself up for that again. He was having those thoughts when she spoke again. It was funny because he thought he heard her say he had a child. He chuckled and said, “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear what you said.”

  “Tyler, we have a daughter. Her name is Natalie and she’s really sick. I need you to come home. We need you.” Tyler dropped the phone and the blood drained from his head causing him to be grateful he was sitting down.


  Twelve hours, two phone conversations and a plane ride later, Tyler had still not fully wrapped his head around what Nicole told him on the phone. Apparently, Natalie was born almost nine months after the day he left for California. He couldn’t get Nicole to talk about why she hadn’t told him before on the phone. She said they’d talk about it in person when the time was right. His daughter was nearly five years old. He thought it was way past fucking time…but he was doing his best to stay calm. Stepping off the plane and breathing in the fresh Vermont air that he’d missed so badly helped him some…that was until he saw Nicole’s face in the crowd.

  She was wearing a red cotton sundress that seemed to be flowing around her. Her skin was as flawless as ever, a rich cappuccino with just a touch of cream. Her tawny eyes were filled with tears and her curly hair was longer, almost to her waist. She wasn’t wearing a stitch of make-up like the women in Hollywood Tyler was used to dating, but she was so beautiful that when he looked at her he could hardly breathe. She smiled slightly and he still knew her well enough to know that it was her nervous smile.

  “Hi, Tyler.”

  “Nicole,” he kissed her chastely on the cheek. Her skin was as soft as ever and she still smelled like cinnamon and brown sugar. He had no idea how he was going to do this. He’d come here convinced that he would do what he could for the little girl, sign some type of child-support agreement and leave before any old or new attachments were made…but how could he? He never stopped loving Nicole and he was prepared to stay single the rest of his life because he couldn’t begin to imagine giving that ring, or any ring to any other woman than her.

  “Thank you for coming,” she said as they walked toward her car. She still drove the same 1990 Honda Civic she had since they were in high school. That seemed like so long ago to him now. He had amassed billions of dollars. He lost his best friend. He hated his life. He has a daughter. His head was spinning. He looked at her as he pulled open the back end and put his suitcase down and said,

  “What choice did I really have?” He slammed the trunk down and without waiting for her he went and got into the passenger side. As soon as she got in her side he said, “I want to know why you kept her from me. What did I ever do to deserve that?”

  Nicole started the car, put on her seatbelt and pulled away from the curb. Tyler didn’t think she was going to tell him, but when she started talking he listened in silence and then disbelief and finally with overwhelming anger…and sadness. His mother had been the one that pushed her away. His own mother had been the reason he lost the only woman he ever loved and his child. What kind of mother does that? What kind of monster was she hiding all of these years underneath that cool exterior?


  Tyler sat silently the whole time Nicole talked and when she parked in the hospital lot he reached for the door handle and got out, still without a word. She almost had to run to keep up with his long strides as he headed through the lobby of the hospital and toward the elevator. He pushed the up button and when the doors opened he stepped on and asked her abruptly, “What floor?”

  “Three.” Tyler pushed the number three and when the elevator stopped again he began to step off. That’s when Nicole surprised them both by grabbing his arm. He looked down at it as if it were burning him. Nicole felt something more like electricity run from where her hand touched his tense muscle all the way up her arm and down her spine. It culminated in a shiver.

  “Natalie doesn’t know about you.”

  He shook his arm and she moved her hand. “Then I guess she’s about to find out.”

  “Tyler, she’s four years old and she’s sick. None of this is her fault.”

  “What kind of monster do you think I am? You think I’m my mother? I know this isn’t her fault. Hell Nicole, I know my mother. I know this isn’t even your fault. What I don’t know is how to process all of this. How do I accept that my mother went out of her way not only to ruin my life but yours and our daughter’s life too?” Nicole had never seen Tyler shed a tear, not even when his father died. She could see him blinking them back now. “I was going to ask you to marry me, Nicole. That was before I even knew about Natalie. I would have been thrilled. I could have given you both so muc

  Nicole was blinking back her own tears. So many times over the years she’d thought about calling him, but the longer she let it go, the harder it became. She thought about the time he’d had to live without his daughter and her without him. A tear slid down her cheek as she said, “I’m sorry Tyler. I was just so afraid of ruining your life and getting in the way of your dreams.”

  Tyler nodded. “I know. I should have come looking for you. I should have known there was no way you’d hurt me like that.” He reached for her and with a shaky hand she took his. He pulled her into his arms and right there outside of the elevator in the long, white hospital corridor he kissed her. Nicole felt like the years between them and all of the heartaches were erased with that one kiss. She knew that wouldn’t be the case. They still had mountains to climb before things would ever be the way they were before…but at least they’d skimmed that first hill. When Tyler let her up for air he said, “Can I meet my daughter now?” She nodded and he hugged her again before taking her hand and letting her lead him to Natalie’s room. When they walked in her mother stood up and her eyes went to their joined hands. She smiled and stepped toward them.

  “Tyler, it’s so good to see you.”

  Tyler’s eyes were on the little girl in the bed. He tore them away to look at Nicole’s mother. The tears in his eyes were overflowing now. He opened his arms and hugged her tightly. “It’s so good to see you too, all of you.” He let her go and turned back toward the bed. His beautiful daughter was sitting up and rubbing her pretty, dark, almond-shaped eyes.


  Nicole went to her and she kissed and hugged her pretty girl before adjusting the scarf she wore on her head. She’d lost all of her silky black hair when she went through chemo. Nicole hoped it would come back in just the way it was before but she also thought her baby was the most beautiful bald person she’d ever seen. “Baby, how are you feeling?”

  “Just tired.” She smiled and Nicole’s heart melted into a puddle. Nicole learned more about strength from her child than she had from anyone or anything else in her life. Natalie was a fighter.

  “We’ll let you get some more rest in a minute baby. First, there’s someone here that I’d like you to meet.” Tyler took a step toward the bed and held out his hand.

  “Hello Natalie, I’m Tyler. I’m a good friend of your Mama’s.”

  Natalie scrutinized his face with narrowed eyes as she placed her tiny hand against his palm. Nicole glanced at Tyler’s face. He held a mixture of awe, sadness and even joy in his eyes. “Hi,” Natalie said. “You’re Asian, like me.”

  Tyler smiled and used his free hand to wipe the tears off his face. “Yes, your mother told you that you’re Asian?”

  Natalie nodded. “She reads me books about a girl named Suki who lives in Japan. Suki looks like me only her skin is not so dark. Mama says my Daddy’s family came from Japan. Did yours too?”

  “Yes baby, they did.”

  Surprising them all then, Natalie looked at her mother and said, “Mama is Tyler, my daddy?”

  Nicole was crying too hard. She couldn’t speak, she only nodded. Natalie looked back up at her father and smiled as she said, “You’re just as handsome as Suki’s daddy.” That was when Tyler scooped his daughter up into his arms and Nicole put her arms around them both. That was when for the first time since she walked away from him five years ago, she felt like she was at home.



  Nicole walked in through the garage and sat the groceries down on the counter. She’d gone into town and checked on her grandparents who now had full-time nursing care around the clock and were still pushing on. She’d stopped by the bakery to see her mother and listened to her rave about her new ovens and how happy they made her. Then, she’d gotten her groceries and headed to the only place in the world she was completely at peace…her home with her husband and their beautiful daughter.

  “Did you get Oreo’s Mama?” Natalie ran into the kitchen with her black curls bouncing. Her hair had come back in curly and in spite of Nicole’s wish it would come back in like it was, she loved it. Natalie was beautiful with straight hair or curly or with no hair at all.

  “Of course, I got Oreo’s. Mama ate Oreo’s when you were in my belly too. They’re my favorite.” Nicole smiled and rubbed her tiny bump. She was five months pregnant and every time she thought about Tyler being at her side when this one was delivered and came home from the hospital, she was so happy she could almost bust.

  “Mama! You know me and Daddy like to have our Oreo’s and milk together before bed. You’ll share with us, right?”

  Nicole laughed and ruffled Natalie’s hair. The color was back in her cheeks and she’d put on a good ten pounds since she’d been pronounced in remission four months ago. “Of course, I’ll share with you. That’s what families do.”

  “Well, there are the two most beautiful women in the world.” He came around the counter and kissed his wife. “I have to leave for L.A. in a week. You two better hurry and spend time with me. I’m going to miss you like crazy when I’m gone.”

  Nicole laughed. “You’ll only be gone three days.”

  “That’s three days too many,” he said. Tyler was working on moving his business to the east coast, but there was still a part of the film industry he could only reach in Hollywood. He bought a private jet after he and Nicole were married. Once they were moved into the big five bedroom house on ten acres of apple orchard he’d bought for them he spent a week in L.A. making the arrangements he needed to make so that he only had to fly out to California once a month for three or four days, but he was right, even three days were too many. Nicole adored her family and she felt like a piece of her was missing when one of them weren’t around.

  “Are you going to stop by and see your mom and sister while you’re out there?”

  Tyler cut his eyes over at Natalie and said, “Mama and I will be right back, baby girl.” He took Nicole’s hand and led her out of the kitchen and into the dining room. With his voice lowered he said, “You know how I feel about her.”

  “She saved Natalie’s life.”

  Tyler sighed. Once he’d arrived back in Vermont he was tested and they found him not to be a match for Natalie. Tyler left that night and flew to Oregon. When he came back with his mother Nicole was shocked. His mother was tested right away and she was a match. The bone marrow transplant was done and while both girls recovered Grandmother Oshiro and Natalie got close. The older woman grew to love the little girl and Nicole promised her when she left that no matter what she’d stay in touch and let her see her granddaughter when she could. Nicole knew that she had a right not to forgive Mrs. Oshiro for what she had done, but she had to ask herself who she was hurting by holding onto old hurts. Her daughter deserved two grandmothers that doted on her and Nicole wasn’t going to deny her that. Tyler was having a harder time getting over the past. “She did,” he finally said. “And I will be grateful to her for the rest of my life for that. It’s just going to take me some time to forgive her for taking almost five years away from us.”

  “You’ll have to climb that first hill baby.”

  He nodded. “If it will make you happy.”

  She smiled. “You make me happy. Every minute, of every day.”

  He took her into his arms and put his mouth to her ear. “You make me happy every second and as soon as the rug rat in there goes to bed, I’m going to show you just how much.”

  The way he touched her and the way he felt and just about everything about him still thrilled her the way it always had. She didn’t care that he was a billionaire or that some of the tabloids had written stories about her family’s past and the fact that she had his baby out of wedlock. She didn’t care that Natalie had parents that looked like they were from different parts of the world. All that mattered were that they were each other’s worlds now…and forever. They had kept their promise to each other. They were still best friends.

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  Fated Russian Mobster’s Wife

  By Bella Gold

  Copyright © 2016



  I was sitting in front of my laptop sipping my wine and scrolling through the home page of Usmanov Investment Group. I just got off my shift at the bar. I don’t drink at work, but I sure as hell need a stiff one by the time I get home.

  I finished my Master’s at NYU only three weeks ago. I’d done an internship for the past six months at an investment firm in the village. I’d been hoping they would hire me when it was over. They promoted from within to fill the only vacant position instead. I was pissed and even slightly depressed at first. I spent four years being harassed by frat boys while I poured their drinks, rarely ever sleeping, doing without things I not only wanted, but sometimes needed and graduated at the top of my class. I deserved better. When I picked up the paper the morning after I’d lost that opportunity a new one was staring me in the face.

  The ad read: Energetic, intelligent, motivated female wanted. Contact Usmanov Investment Group via Skype only. I’d thought it was a little strange that there was no job title or description in the ad, and even odder that they wanted you to apply over Skype, but figured it was worth a shot. I was given a very brief interview by a young attractive woman over Skype that introduced herself as Mr. Usmanov’s assistant. She asked if I had an objection to the interview being videotaped. Another oddity, but I told her that was fine. After we talked for a bit with still no clues given as to what they were looking for, she asked me to scan over my references and resume. I did that and an hour later she called back and set up an interview between me and a man named Ivan Kosovo, one of the CEO’s top executives. I was both ecstatic and scared to death.


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