Love on Ice (Cannon City Series Book 2)

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Love on Ice (Cannon City Series Book 2) Page 5

by Lauren Marie

  He smiled. “Yep.”

  “Good. I’m on the pill, but better to be safe, right?”

  “Yes ma’am.” His hand moved up her side and felt a ridge running along her ribs. He looked down and saw a mean scar just under the bottom of her rib cage that ran around to her back. “What happened?”

  “I was in an accident a long time ago. It’s nothing.” She moved his hand up and kissed the palm. She then took his thumb into her mouth and spun her tongue around it.

  He watched her lips and smiled. “That’s very nice,” he whispered.

  She popped his thumb out and moved his hand to her breast. He cupped the luscious mound in his hand and flicked her nipple through the lace. She pushed up a little and undid the hooks in back. The lace loosened and he moved the straps off her arms. He dropped it on top of his shirt on the floor.

  “Beautiful,” he said and leaned over. He took the bud into his mouth and his tongue circled it slowly. His teeth lightly nibbled the hard bud and he heard her moan and suck in her breath, quietly. He bit a little hard and felt her squirm underneath him. He kissed down her stomach and when he got to her sweatpants he stood up and started to pull them down. He took them off her legs and then went after the white, lace panties.

  He started to lower himself between her legs, but she sat up and put her hands on the top of his pants. She undid the top button and worked the zipper down. His pants started to slide down his legs and she pulled the Jockey underwear down at the same time. She leaned against his leg and said, “Foot up.” He put his hands on her shoulders and lifted his foot. She slid them off and then did the same with the other side. He felt her hand move over the scars on his knee and she kissed and licked along his thigh.

  She sat back up and looked up at him. She arched her eyebrow and licked her lips. Moving her hands up his legs, she reached around to his rear end and felt his cheeks. He watched as her lips took the head of his shaft and her tongue rubbed the underside hitting a nerve that sent electricity through his system. She kept the head in and slid him into her mouth. Jay closed his eyes and felt the sensation hit his system when she swallowed.

  “Kate, your tongue....oh God, that’s incredible,” he said in a hoarse voice and felt her tongue trace the underside of his shaft again as she pulled back. He put his hands in her hair and held on as she moved a couple more times down his length. She put her hand around his penis and kissed the head again.

  She looked up at him. “Where’s your condom, Jay?” she asked and stroked him with her warm hand.

  He looked down and tried to understand what she’d asked. He finally got it. “Oh right...God your hand, it’s...Condom, right, where did my pants go?”

  She leaned over and grabbed his jeans. He took his wallet out and found the condom. He dropped the pants and wallet immediately and she snapped the foil wrapper out of his hand and opened the package. She started to slip it onto his shaft and smoothed it down.

  Kate pushed up on the bed and lay back. Jay was in a state of elation. She looked so beautiful and he wanted her head to toe. He crawled onto the bed and stretched out between her legs. His hard penis rubbed against her warm, soft folds and caused her to moan, again. He planted himself on his elbows and kissed her lips.

  “Why didn’t you come to the rink this morning?” he asked as he pecked at her lips and chin. His hand moved over her breast and pinched her nipple. She squirmed under him and rubbed her warm folds over his shaft.

  “I had to do laundry and walk over to the grocery. I have to be honest that you were on my mind a lot during my chores.”

  “You were thinking about me?”

  “Yeah, particularly at the grocery in the beef and laundry detergent sections,” she laughed.

  “I’m not sure about the soap, but think I get the beef.” He kissed her and moved his hand down to his penis. “Would you like to play hide the hotdog?” He pressed the head to her opening.

  “I bet I can...find it.” She sucked in her breath as he entered her channel. He adjusted his hips and pushed all the way into her. “Oh feel so good.”

  She moved her legs around his waist which caused his penis to slide in another millimeter and he could feel her walls tighten around him.

  “Babe, if you keep that up, I’m going to pop too soon.” She did it again and he groaned. “Sweet, that is just sweet.”

  He pulled out and slammed back into her over and over and continued to pick up the pace.

  This day just got better and his brain was in such a strange space. He’d never expected anything like this to happen.

  “Kate, I’m sorry, but I can’t...I’m...” He moaned and pushed into her hard. Her legs tightened around him and her hands grabbed at his back. “Oh Kate, please let this be real.”


  She held him tight and felt his warm breath blow on her ear as she tried to slow her heart rate down. She did think about him most of the morning and when he showed up at her door, it was unexpected. She’d even let herself daydream about him seducing her at the door and wondered if it would happen. She almost felt like she was going to cry. She moved her hand through his hair and let herself believe for a moment.

  “Jay, I believe this. I think we’re real,” she said.

  He propped up on his elbow and smiled down at her. “I owe you an orgasm though.”

  “That doesn’t matter. Just don’t move for a while. I like this.”

  “I haven’t been with anyone for a long time. I think I got excited too fast.”

  “That’s sweet, but I’m just glad you showed up.” She put her hand on his cheek and kissed him. “I kind of daydreamed that you would seduce me at the front door.” She crinkled her nose and laughed.

  “What time do you get off work tonight?”

  “Sunday nights can be pretty slow. I might be able to convince Harry to let me leave by eleven.”

  “Why don’t you come over to the rink, but wear sneakers.”


  “Yeah, I’ll teach you Broom Ball.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

  “Right, Broom Ball. You wear sneakers to play this game?”

  “Uh huh.”

  “Now you’ve got me interested.” She kissed his lips, again. “I’ll be there.”

  “Cool.” He leaned down and nuzzled her neck. “I have something finally to look forward to. I can’t wait.”

  “Me, too. Work will suck.”

  He started to laugh. “I’m being serious here.” He propped back up. “I know I’ll be clock watching.” He started to move to her side. “I have to get off my knee.”

  “Oh God, I’m sorry.” She moved her leg down so he could roll off of her.

  “There’s no need to be sorry. I just get stiff.” He put his arm around her and she rested her head on his chest. “It hasn’t been used much in this position and will need more practice.”

  She could hear his heart beat and for the first time in a while she felt alive. She didn’t know the words to tell him how grateful she felt. He’d pulled her out of the fog she’d existed in for so long. She knew when she had a chance to think, all her doubts and fears would come back to haunt her, but for now she didn’t want to think.

  She felt Jay tap her on the head. “Hey in there, did I lose you?” he said.

  “No, I’m listening to your heart beat.” She ran her hand over his chest. “You have a strong heart.” She looked up at him. “Sorry, that’s kind of weird.”

  “No it’s not.” His hand covered hers. “Would you mind very much if I went on an exploration?”

  “To the very deepest part of the jungle?” She laughed.

  He rolled her onto her back and propped up on his elbow. “Hmm...I didn’t think of it that way, but you aren’t hiding any bears or tigers?” He lifted the sheet and looked down at t
heir bodies. His lips kissed the tops of her breasts, while his hand moved down to her pelvis and along her hips. He looked up at her and smiled. “You have the most gorgeous eyes I’ve ever seen, Kate. Whenever you look at me for very long I start to lose myself in them. They’re very hypnotic.”

  Kate felt his finger move down the center of her folds and slide into her channel. She’d been with a man before, a very long time ago, but he’d never done anything like this to her. Jay lightly circled her nub and Kate thought every nerve ending was just lit on fire. She sighed and electricity ran up her legs into her chest.

  She opened her eyes and saw his lips move around the nipple on her breast. His tongue and finger made slow revolutions around and around and when he put his finger down hard on her nub and let his teeth graze over her nipple, she was caught up in a storm she’d never felt before. She began to pant and squeaked in delirium. She realized she was experiencing her first ever orgasm. She’d read about them in books, but never felt one capture her body the way this one did. Her back arched as he continued to press on her live nerve endings and then gradually, he slowed the pace down.

  His lips moved up to hers and he licked the side of her mouth. She turned her head and accepted his kiss. “Now we’re even again,” he whispered. “But I’m not keeping score or anything.”

  They continued to kiss and touch one another for the afternoon. She held on to him and when she realized it was four o’clock and she needed to get ready for work, she reluctantly left his arms and got into the shower. The warm water felt so good and her body felt more alive than it had in years. When she started to wash her hair, the reality of the situation moved into her head and she thought she’d just jumped off a cliff. She didn’t want to have the thoughts about leaving Jay and Canon City and tried to shut them off.


  After Kate got up, Jay lay on the bed for a few minutes. He heard the shower come on and thought about joining her, but felt it might be too soon. They’d only really known each other for a few days, but he’d watched her for a week or two. He didn’t want to get in her way.

  He swung his legs over the side of the bed and found the spent condom attached to his thigh. He saw a Kleenex box on her nightstand and used a couple of them to pull it off. As he stood up, he glanced into her closet and it struck him as odd. He went over and looked in. There were only a couple of hangers with tops, a jacket and her uniform. She owned a couple pairs of jeans neatly folded on the shelf and on the floor were two pairs of shoes. One pair of sneakers and some snow boots with tread. He saw the box with her skates behind the shoes.

  Jay felt himself frown and then got stabbed with a guilt attack. He shouldn’t snoop in her things. He walked into the bathroom and tossed the tissues in the garbage can by the toilet.

  “Hey, Kate?”


  “Can I join you?”

  “I was just going to get out, but sure, for a minute.”

  He moved the curtain and stepped into the hot spray. He smiled at her. “You are a beautiful woman.”

  “Thank you. I haven’t showered with anyone since junior high school phys. ed.” She started to move so he could get more of the water.

  “Have you washed your hair yet?”


  “That’s too bad. Next time, I get to soap you up. It may have something to do with the laundry detergent aisle.” He smiled and pulled her up close to him. “There will be a next time, right?” He leaned over and found her lips open and ready for him.

  “If you keep kissing me that way I’ll hope for a lot of next times.” She moved him back into the water and stepped out of the shower.

  He heard her drying her hair and he shut the water off. He opened the curtain and saw she’d already dressed. She set the hair dryer down and turned to him.

  “Jay, I only have one towel. I tried not to get it too wet.” She picked it up off the toilet and handed it to him.

  “Would you dry me off?” He smiled and licked his lips.

  “Yes, but...”

  “No buts, remember, babe. The only butts are the ones God gave us.” He saw her pause.

  She continued to hold the towel out and looked down at the floor. “I don’t like to be late for work and I need to finish drying my hair.”

  “Kate, what just happened?” He put his hand around her wrist and tried to pull her toward him. She looked up at him and he could feel fear come off her in waves. He took the towel and let her go.

  He watched her turn to the sink with her eyes closed. She clasped her hands in front of her and opened her eyes. As she stared at herself in the mirror, he could only guess at what just happened. She picked up the dryer and aimed it at the back of her head. He slowly dried himself and watched her.

  She switched off the dryer and continued to stare at herself in the mirror. “Old fears have a way of creeping back in on me and I start to doubt a lot. It’s not you, Jay. It’s just me.” She looked at him in the reflection of the mirror and leaned against the counter. “I’ve never had a decent relationship and you seem like a good guy. I want to really try to not let my old fears overwhelm me, but I’m going to need some patience. There are times I freak out really easily.”

  Jay dried himself off and wrapped the towel around his waist. He stepped out of the shower and moved behind her. They stared at one another in the mirror.

  “You’ve got it, sweetheart.” He put his hand on her shoulder. He moved her hair and kissed her neck. His other hand moved around her waist and he felt her hands on his arm. “Kate, I don’t know what happened to you and I hope you’ll be able to tell me one day. I can feel you shake and I don’t like the idea that I scare you. I said it before and I swear it to you again, I’ll never hurt you.”

  “I know. It’s not you; please don’t think I’m afraid of you. I’m not. I hope I’ll get there. I really want to be with you. I’d be stupid to not try.”

  “Good.” He kissed her neck again. “Now, finish drying your hair and I’ll drop you at the diner.” Jay moved out of the bathroom and got dressed. He used the towel to dry his hair and then hung it over the shower curtain bar.

  Kate came out of the bathroom and sat on the end of the bed putting on her socks and shoes. Jay sat down next to her and bumped her shoulder.

  “After we have your first Broom Ball lesson, I’d like to show you my house.”

  “You have a business and a house? How cool is that?” She leaned against his shoulder. “Jay, do you think we’re moving a little too fast? We’ve only known each other for a day or so.”

  “You know, no one could have predicted our response to one another. When I came over today I had every intention of asking you to go zip-lining. Who knew we were going to have a chemical reaction?”

  “The big-bang.” Kate smiled.

  “I want to kiss you again, my dear. I want to crawl back into bed with you, too. However, you would be late for work and I can’t be responsible for making Harry mad at you. He needs to let you off early tonight.”

  Jay stood up and held his hand out. Kate stood next to him and laced her fingers through his.

  “Oh wait, I have to bring some clothes to change into...Oh crap. I completely forgot my laundry.”

  He smiled as he watched her race off to another door. In a couple of seconds she moved past him with a few more pieces of clothing. He watched as she folded the pieces on her bed.

  “I like those lacy under drawers you wear, my dear.” He grinned at her.

  She looked at him over her shoulder. “I’ll have to be sure to wear only the lacy ones when I’m with you.”

  “This is going to be a really long day,” he mumbled as he felt excitement make his shaft twitch.

  Chapter Eight

  Kate spent the late afternoon and early evening trying to focus on her orders and not J
ay. It was very difficult and during her dinner break, she found a quiet corner in the locker room to sit and let her mind wander. She tried to figure out if maybe she’d gone nuts. One minute she’d left to go home and pack up her stuff to leave Canon City. The next minute she remembered the way his arms felt around her and the way his penis twitched in her hands when she’d put on the condom. It caused her to get warm and all the fears returned like a jack-hammer. Both pounded on her - part in her head and the other part below her waist.

  She thought about the last eight years and accepted the loneliness she’d felt, but now wondered if there could be more for her with Jay. Was that the reason she’d let him into her life? she asked herself. She liked Jay, but was afraid she’d hurt him in the end if she just took off one day. The other question that started to run through her brain was If she broke it off with him and left now, would it be better for him?

  She didn’t want to end it now. She liked him and didn’t want to not see him or be with him. All the nights she’d been alone and wanting a man in her life added up to a big zero and it made her brain hurt. She knew her hormones took her over and her logical brain was on ice right now. She decided to take it one day at a time. It was a boring cliché, but that would have to do for now.

  When the dinner crowd slowed down in the evening Harry agreed she could leave early. She changed her clothes and left her uniform in the locker.

  She crossed the street to the rink and walked through the front doors. She saw Jay sat with his feet crossed on a table. A notebook lay open on his lap and he seemed to make notes. She looked at him and felt warmth run into her body. He was so handsome and giving. All thoughts she’d had of walking away crashed headlong into a brick wall.

  She decided then and there, she’d have to figure out a good time and way to tell him the truth about her past. Then she’d know if he could understand and accept her. All of her emotions would be out and she’d know if she should stay or go. She needed to do it soon.


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