Panther Magic

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Panther Magic Page 8

by Doris O'Connor

  His panther growled, and paced to and from, for once not itching to come out and do damage but concerned about his mate. Kate stirred and lifted her head up, and Zeb rubbed his hand over her still denim clad ass in an absentminded manner.

  “Sir?” Her hesitant question shook him out of his internal musings, and he focused his attention back on her. “Are you finished?” she asked, and his eyebrows rose at her question. “’Cause I gotta tell you, Sir, if that’s the best you can do, then you hit like a pussy cat.”

  She stuck her tongue out at him as she said that, and his panther snarled at her. She swallowed hard when he shook his head and dropped his voice.

  “Is that so, girl? Well, we’ll have to see about that then, won’t we?” He knew, of course that she was goading him in to a reaction, to see how far he would go, and sure enough she gasped when he ran his hands under her hips, until he found the button of her jeans, and tugged it loose. Another whimper escaped her when he slid the zipper down and pulled, and she lifted off the bed to help him take her jeans off. He smiled at the eager way she kicked off her trainers, and jumped when he divested her of her socks, and let his claws trail up the underside of her foot.

  A groan escaped her when he dug them in, and slowly traced them up the inside of her legs until he reached her lacy panties. The pale blue material covering her crotch had darkened to a much deeper color, soaked through as it was with her arousal, and he could feel the heat radiating off her abused ass cheeks. Acting on instinct he used his claws to slice the pretty underwear off her, and it was his turn to groan when he saw the red hot globes of her ass. They carried his handprints, and he ran his claws through the marks.

  A deep throated moan escaped his girl at that action, and when he sheathed his claws and ran them through her soaking wet pussy, she surprised him by tumbling into an orgasm.

  Zeb swore and tunneled two of his fingers into her clenching pussy hole, while he lifted her ass up with the other hand and sucked her clit in his mouth. The sweet aroma of aroused woman was his reward, and Kate gushed around his fingers, as she panted through her release, and Zeb wished like fuck it was his cock her internal muscles were squeezing to death instead of his fingers.

  When Kate stopped trembling, he pulled his fingers away from her far too tempting pussy, and licked them clean with an appreciative murmur.

  “So fucking wet for me, but I think you can do even better than that.”

  Without warning he brought his hand back down on her ass in a series of open handed swats that echoed around the stillness of the room. Every few swats he stopped to run his fingers through her slit and flicked her little nub. The deep throated moans Kate made in response, and the way her muscles tensed as she tried to rub herself against his digits, told him how close she was. When she was about to tumble over he withdrew his fingers, and resumed paddling her behind.

  Kate moaned and cried, her fingers held in a white knuckled grip in the bedcovers, but she didn’t safe word on him.

  After the umpteenth time of revving her up and keeping her hanging, Kate murmured something that he couldn’t quite catch and he leaned down better to hear her.

  “What’s that, girl?” he asked, and his stomach hollowed out when she struggled to push herself up on her elbows. He took pity on her and pulled her up and across his lap, and Kate winced as her red hot ass made contact with his legs. She yanked on her blouse and bra and taking the hint, Zeb helped her out of them, until she sat on his lap naked as the day she was born. His breath stalled seeing the myriad of bruises that covered her abdomen, and his panther whined as he ran his fingers over them.

  Kate burst into tears, and Zeb could have kicked himself. He should have checked first. This right here proved he was no good for her.

  “Fuck it, baby, you ought to have told me. I never would have hit your ass so hard had I known. Why didn’t you safe word?”

  Kate shook her head and snuggled into his chest, even as her tears soaked him, and Zeb settled for simply holding her. When the worst of her tears had stopped, he grasped her chin to make her look at him, and the love shining back at him from her tearstained eyes brought him to his emotional knees.

  “I told you, I won’t. I’m not afraid of you, and I want to be yours. Please claim me. It’s the only way to save you.”


  Kate held her breath as Zeb studied her. She couldn’t breathe, daren’t breathe under his intense scrutiny, and despite the pain in her ass, which seemed multiplied by the myriad of aches and pains left over from yesterday’s attack, she wanted nothing more than to shift slightly until the hot, hard length of him slid into her body.

  She positively ached with the need to feel him inside of her, so turned on that she would combust if he didn’t let her come, yet still he kept her at bay, and it was driving her insane.

  “Please, Sir … I need you.”

  The most curious smile played around Zeb’s lips, and she gasped when he slid his hands down between her thighs and flicked her clit. The bundle of nerves jumped and pleasure surged through her so intense she saw stars, and she screamed when he took his fingers away again.

  “No, please … no.” She was aware she was begging, but she didn’t even care, and a hiss of relief escaped her, when he lifted her up until she faced him, and then lowered her slowly onto his cock.

  “God, yes … yeeeessss….” Kate shut her eyes, and let the incredible feeling of fullness consume her. Nerve endings sprang to life as her internal muscles clenched around his cock. She groped blindly until she could hold onto his bulging biceps, and tried to move, but Zeb grasped her hips and dug his nails into her abused ass to hold her still. The sharp pain dulled her arousal somewhat.

  “Look at me, girl.”

  She forced her eyes open at his growled command, and he nodded.

  “Tell me, are you doing this just to save me? Or…”

  Kate shook her head and clenched around his cock, making them both groan, and he slid the last inch or so into the tight clasp of her body as he relaxed his hold on her.

  “Is that what you think?” she gasped the words as his dick twitched inside of her, and he lifted her up and brought her back down, seemingly unable to resist moving. Teeth clenched, muscles bulging, sweat dotted on his forehead with the effort required to hold back, and he gave her a tight nod.

  Kate wanted to strangle him, but she didn’t have the energy for that, so instead she growled at him. His panther growled right back at her, and she swallowed down tears of frustration.

  “Then you’re a fucking fool, Sir,” she finally said, and Zeb gave a short humorless laugh and then thrust up into her.

  Kate screamed and slumped over him as her long denied orgasm burst from her, and before she knew it, she was back face down on the bed with Zeb fucking her from behind like a madman. Every thrust into her body sent waves of heat across her abused ass, and meant her orgasm went on and on, and when he finally pulled out of her, ran his fingers through her slit and then used them to coat her asshole, Kate could only whimper.

  “Did my brother have you here, little wildcat?” Zeb growled the question, his voice more animal than human, and with her body still shaking in the grips of her orgasm she barely managed a croaked, “No.”

  “Good, because this ass is mine. You. Are. Mine.” Zeb accentuated every word with a thrust of his slick fingers past her ring of muscle, and when he finally lined up his cock with her anus and pushed in the brief pain of his entry soon morphed into all-consuming pleasure, and Kate pushed back against him.

  It seemed to be what Zeb had been waiting for, because he drew her hair back and then bit down on the shoulder Arran hadn’t marked, and Kate screamed and shook as waves of ecstasy pulled her under. Everything seemed heightened at that moment. Fire raced over her skin, stars exploded behind her closed eyelids in a myriad of colors, and blood rushed in her ear with the frantic beats of her heart, before she fell into the oblivion of darkness, and everything stopped.


>   Pleasure surged through every part of Zeb’s being, and the deep connection he felt to his little wildcat at this moment in time made his panther growl. His claws ran out and sliced through the covers, as the rhythmic clenches of her orgasm tightened her muscles around the base of his shaft and squeezed every last drop of cum out of his dick.

  Zeb frowned when Kate grew still and unresponsive under him, but he couldn’t do anything but hold her, and let the waves of pleasure consume them, so intense that his limbs refused to cooperate with the demands of his brain, and he collapsed onto the bed. He had the foresight to roll slightly so as not to squash his precious girl, and when his dick finally stopped twitching and softened slightly he pulled out of the tight confines of her butt.

  A pang of unease made his gut churn, when he saw his cum trickle out of her. He hadn’t even thought about using protection, not that it was a huge problem. He could smell that she wasn’t fertile right now, and as a shifter he was immune from passing on any possible diseases, but still. He always used protection. Then again, Kate was his mate, which changed things somewhat. Zeb let that thought sink in, and he knew he was grinning like a fool. Come what may she was his now, his and Arran’s, and if they did take his head off tomorrow, he would die a happy man, knowing that he had at least shared these few precious moments with her.

  Zeb inhaled deeply, and his grin deepened. She didn’t smell human anymore, even though he knew she still was. His little wildcat smelled of him and Arran, mixed in with her unique sweet musk that meant she was theirs. Addictive and alluring, and his.

  Kate moaned, and he gently rolled her over to reassure himself she was coming round. She was too still for his liking, even though he sensed that she was okay, and his beast roared at the bruises left over from the attack on her. No one would ever touch her again. Another moan escaped from Kate’s kiss swollen lips, and he watched in fascination as the gash on her collarbone disappeared, followed by the bruises on her throat. The fingermarks faded away as though they had never been, as did the purple boot prints on her abdomen. The marks their scene had made on her silken skin also disappeared, but he couldn’t bring himself to care about that, too fascinated by witnessing the changes in her, brought about by the mating bond.

  If he’d had any doubts that he’d done the right thing by claiming her they disappeared along with the fast fading blemishes on her body.

  When Kate’s eyes fluttered open, and she struggled to focus on him, he smiled.

  “Welcome back, sweetheart. How are you feeling?”

  Kate stretched like the wildcat he called her, and his dick hardened anew at the inherent sensuality in that act. Her little nipples firmed under his silent perusal, and she offered him a shy grin, and then frowned.

  “I feel amazing, nothing hurts anymore, but why are you blurry? Oh. My. God. Nothing hurts, but why? And damn it, there’s something wrong with my eyes.”

  Her heartbeat sped up in her agitation, and his panther whined in answer, while Zeb pulled her closer so that he could kiss her. It was meant to be no more than a brush of his lips over hers, but when she moaned into the kiss and immediately opened to the soft sweeps of his tongue along the seam of her mouth he had to take the kiss deeper. Hands buried in her hair he angled her head to his satisfaction, as he drank in the scent of his woman. Breaking the kiss he nibbled along her jaw, inhaled into her neck and licked his mark on her shoulder. A shiver went through Kate, and she locked her hands behind his neck and rubbed her breasts against his chest, her nipples hard little points of need that he couldn’t ignore. Abandoning his mark on her, he licked and nibbled his way down her chest, until he reached the small handful of her tits and sucked first one and then other tight nipple into his mouth.

  Kate writhed under him, unintelligible sounds spilling from her lips, and she spread her legs in a silent invitation he found hard to resist. Mindful of where he’d last taken her, however, he scooted down and used his mouth on her instead. It took mere moments of his licking at her sweet cunt before Kate exploded for him again, and he drank in her juices, until the last of her tremors subsided. Licking and nibbling his way back up her delectable body, he frowned when he tasted the salt of her tears on his tongue. He kissed them away and claimed her mouth again in a tender kiss that made her cry harder.

  “Ssssh, sweetheart, there’s no need to cry. It’s okay. Everything will be fine.”

  Kate shook her head and eyes screwed shut she reached for him, and he turned them both until she sat in his lap, and he studied her.

  “Look at me, little wildcat. Why the tears?”

  Kate’s eyes fluttered open, and again she struggled to focus.

  “I can’t … damn it. I can’t see you properly, and I want to see you.”

  Zeb smiled and kissed her nose.

  “You wear contacts, right?” She looked adorably confused at his question, and he wanted to fuck her silly again, but that would have to wait. There were running out of time, and he had to get her cleaned up and presentable before Cole Jackson came through that door, and there was so much he wanted to say to her yet.

  “I do, why?” she asked, and he kissed her nose.

  “Take them out. If my hunch is correct you won’t need them anymore.”

  “But that’s impossible. I don’t…” He shut her up by kissing her again, and then gently extricated himself, when the kiss quickly turned passionate.

  “Trust me, little wildcat,” he said, and Kate sighed. Cheeks flaming in seeming embarrassment she proceeded to rid herself of the lenses in practiced moves and gasped

  “Oh, wow, you’re right. I can see—but how is that even possible, and…” Her words trailed off again, and her hands checked her belly and then flew up to her throat.

  With a strangled cry Kate shot off the bed, and raced to the bathroom. Zeb followed at a more sedate pace, and grinned at her wide eyed reflection in the mirror, as she twisted this way and that, muttering to herself.

  To give her a moment, he busied himself by running them a bath, and by the time it was filled to his satisfaction, Kate seemed to have her emotions back under control.

  He smiled at her as he stepped into the fragrant bubbles, and held out his hand for her to join him.

  “Let’s get cleaned up. Cole will be here soon, I dare say.”

  A cloud crossed over her expressive features, and he inwardly kicked himself for killing the moment. Even more so when she moved, frowned and then stared at the thin trail of cum that trailed down her thigh.

  “Yes, about that. I got carried away, and I should be sorry for that, but I’m not. I can’t give you any diseases, I can tell you’re not currently fertile, and, besides, it’s fucking hot to see you dripping in my cum.”

  A brief flash of anger made Kate’s eyes spark, and he was half expecting her to give him a verbal dressing down, before she shrugged her shoulders, and surprised him by throwing herself at him.

  It was only due to his shifter reflexes that they didn’t end up half drowned in the bath. As it was the water sloshed over the sides, and Kate laughed.

  “Whoever cleans this place is going to hate us. Well, you. I was never here, after all. And there’s no need for condoms. I’m on the pill. But you should have asked me.”

  She sighed when Zeb snuggled into her neck, and pulled her down between his legs until her back rested against his chest. Picking up the sponge from the side he proceeded to wash her breasts, and Kate squirmed under his ministrations.

  “Hold still, and let me do this for you, my love,” he said, and Kate froze. A sob escaped her, and when he turned her head to be able to see her expression he wasn’t entirely surprised to see renewed tears clinging to her eyelashes. He smiled and pulled her closer.

  “And I am very glad you were here, because whatever happens tomorrow, we’ll have had these moments. I’ll die a—“

  “No, you won’t.” Her shrill shriek stopped him, and she scrambled to her knees and turned around fully, until she was kneeling down facing him, and p
ut her hand over his mouth. A shudder went through her when he licked her palm, and she shook her head.

  “Stop trying to distract me, and you will not die tomorrow. I simply won’t let you. You have to tell them what happened, and that you killed those fuckers for attacking me, and they’ll have to let you off. They will or I’ll … I’ll…” Her words trailed off as she seemed to run out of ideas as to what exactly she could do, and amusement bubbled up inside him, and he slid her hand off his mouth and sucked her digits one by one.

  Kate went a little cross eyed at that action, and his balls ached with the need to impale her on his cock once more, but he could hear the door open, and Cole’s scent hit him in the gut. Their time was up.

  “We’re in the bath. Give us a minute, will you?” Kate jumped at his shout and blushed the most delightful shade of crimson when Cole’s bear growled in answer.

  “Cole?” she whispered the words, and Zeb nodded and got of the bath.

  “I’ll keep him busy for a second, my love, to help you get dressed. I’m afraid I ruined your panties, but the rest ought to be all right still.”

  Kate nodded and swiped away renewed tears, as he wrapped a towel around his hips, and left the bathroom. Zeb gave a grim looking Cole a curt nod, picked up her abandoned clothes, and took them back for his girl. She was in the process of drying herself, and Zeb swallowed a groan at the sight of her bent over. Her piercings led his gaze straight down to her ass cheeks, and her still swollen cunt. When this was all over and done with, and God willing he was free, Arran and he would have to spend at least a week worshipping every inch of her body. He willed his twitching cock to behave, and handed her the bundle of clothes, when she straightened up and swung round.

  “I can’t do this. I don’t want to leave you, Sir.”

  “I’m afraid you’ll have to, Kate.” Cole’s deep growl from the door made her shriek and yank her towel up, and Zeb spun round ready to tear a chunk out of the bear shifter. Cole put his hands up and turned his back to them.


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