Atonement (A Science Fiction / Fantasy Romance)

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Atonement (A Science Fiction / Fantasy Romance) Page 6

by Fall, Carly

  “Okay. Nico, please take Hudson down to his quarters. Bev will be able to calm him down. Rayner, Jovan, and Cohen, you’re with Blake and me in the War Room for a little chat.”

  Blake opened his mouth to protest. The last thing he needed was to be the subject of the great SR44 Inquisition. In fact, what he really wanted was to leave for a few days and let the whole thing blow over, but was that even possible? Could he even be forgiven for leaving his gun out? He kind of doubted it.

  Chapter 14

  Blake sat down on the black leather chair and ignored the glares from the Saviors as they took theirs. Sure, he was happy Hudson wasn’t breathing down his neck, but he sure as shit didn’t need any of this drama.

  “So, do you want to explain how in the hell Killian ended up with your gun?” Noah asked.

  “Not really,” Blake mumbled.

  “Well, you’re going to tell it all, Blake, whether you want to or not.”

  At that point, all he wanted to tell them to do was fuck off. Noah had told him to get his shit together or to get out, and he guessed that Killian waving a gun around in his dad’s face didn’t qualify as pulling himself together. In fact, it was probably the straw that would snap the camel in half. He really felt he was on his way out the door.

  Glancing around the room, he took in the bank of computers and the large screen hanging from the wall. He recalled Noah trashing the place when Abby had left him, and how long it had taken Blake and Nico to suspend the new screen when it arrived.

  There had been good times in this room as well, but they seemed so long ago and so far away, he wondered if they had really been all that fantastic.

  He remembered sitting exactly in the chair he did now, Annis at his side while he held her hand. There had been plenty of laughs as the Saviors razzed each other, and him as well.

  “Start talking, Blake,” Noah growled. “I want to know what the fuck has been up with you. You’ve become so scatterbrained that you left a gun where the kid can get to it.”

  Blake sighed and looked at Cohen. Did Cohen know about Annis? He bet no.

  After a moment of silence, Cohen muttered, “Maybe we should let Hudson at him.”

  “Blake, I’ve told you this before,” Noah said, “but you’re on your way out, man. We want to help you, but whatever is going on with you is now putting people in danger. We can’t have that around here.”

  Screw it. If he was leaving, he was making a grand exit. He was going out with a bang.

  “Fine,” he bit out. He wasn’t going to tell the full truth of why he hid behind the bar—he’d make that part up so he didn’t look like such a loser. “I dropped my phone just as Annis and Liberty came into the room. They started talking about stuff that wasn’t any of my business, so I sat down on the floor behind the bar and waited for them to leave. My gun poked me in the dick, so I took it out and set it on the floor.”

  He glanced around the room, meeting every single pair of eyes. He recalled how he had once been good friends with Jovan, and he almost felt bad for the trajectory his life had taken. He would miss the bastard. Somewhere deep inside him, he knew he had distanced himself from everyone in the room. The relationship with the Saviors had started with Hudson knocking him unconscious, but it had built from there into a mutual trust. Now, he was about to blow it all sky-high. He was going to burn bridges and probably make it so they couldn’t be rebuilt. Perhaps the past few months of his downward spiral had been leading up to this moment and he hadn't even realized it.

  Rayner was a good guy, as was Noah. He remembered sitting at the bank of computers with Talin just a few weeks before his death as Talin educated him on the computer programs and Blake complained about his horrible body odor.

  He didn’t give a crap about Cohen, and he realized his next few sentences would deliver a crippling blow to him. He looked forward to watching him fall apart. Hate seethed within him for Cohen, for Annis, and for their happiness. Maybe he really was nothing but a half-breed Colonist. Perhaps the evil within him had overcome the good.

  “When I heard the fact that Annis is pregnant,” he sneered, his gaze never leaving Cohen, “and she’s not sure she wants to keep the baby, you can imagine my shock.”

  The silence in the room seemed to stop time for a few seconds, then Cohen shot out of his chair and lunged across the table at Blake. Blake stood and met Cohen midair. They landed on the carpet with Blake on the bottom. Blake landed a solid punch into Cohen’s kidney, and Blake took two hard hits to the face before someone hauled Cohen off him.

  “You lying fucker!” Cohen screamed as Rayner pulled him back to the other side of the table. “You just can’t handle it that she chose me over you!”

  “And she loves you so much she wants to abort your kid!” Blake shouted, trying to wrestle away from Jovan. He wanted to hit Cohen again, to draw blood, to make him hurt.

  “You’re done, Blake!” Noah yelled. “Done! I can’t have this drama going on in my house!”

  Abby, Annis, Faith, Liberty, and Alaina appeared on the other side of the glass wall.

  “Go ahead and tell him, Annis!” Blake screamed, still struggling against Jovan's hold. “Tell him how you don’t want his fucking kid!”

  Annis gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. Tears formed in her dark eyes.

  The room once again went silent as they all stared at her. She turned and left the scene, Liberty right behind her. Abby, Faith, and Alaina watched her go, and then turned back and stared at Blake, their faces filled with shock.

  All eyes were on him, gaping at him as if he had just grown another head. His Colonist side roared, satisfaction rolling through him as he glanced at Cohen. Yes, the news had been a debilitating blow to him. Cohen stared down at the ground, his body shaking, his face pale.

  “Out,” Noah snarled, running his hand through his hair. “You’re done, Blake. We don’t want you anymore. Jovan, get him the hell out of here.”


  Chapter 15

  Blake stared out the window of the Hummer watching the cacti go by while Jovan drove.

  After he’d let his little bomb drop, Jovan had hauled him to his room and stood there while he packed his duffel bag.

  “Why in the fuck would say that to him?” Jovan asked.

  Blake didn’t answer.

  “You don’t need to tell me,” Jovan muttered, standing against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest. “You hate him because Annis chose him over you. You can’t handle it. You heard Annis’s secret and you knew it would tear Cohen up.” Jovan shook his head. “You’re such a fucker.”

  Fifteen minutes later, Blake had everything he was going to take stuffed into his bag and Jovan escorted him out to the Hummer. No one came to say good-bye.

  As they drove, a bit of panic welled in Blake. He was truly on his own now, and frankly, it frightened him. However, he also felt an immense sense of relief. Never again would he lay eyes on Annis or Cohen, and maybe, just maybe, he could finally box up that part of his life and get on with however many years he had left. Gone were the Colonists, the Platoon, and the Saviors. He just landed himself a spot back in the real world.

  With that place came uncertainty. He still had that government-sponsored bounty on his head, and basically he was unemployable unless he found somewhere to score a new identity. That shouldn’t be too difficult, as he already waded in the darker side of life.

  “Where am I taking you?” Jovan asked.

  “Brandy’s,” Blake answered, and rattled off her address. He rested his head back and shut his eyes, realizing this would be the last time he touched the soft, caramel-colored leather. That sucked, as he really loved the feeling of the material against his skin. He had grown to like the Hummer more than he should, especially since he had no claim to the beautiful car to begin with. Rubbing his palm over the seat, he knew he was going to miss his baby.

  Man, he needed some Brown Sugar. It would soothe his worries, as well as the physical discomfort radi
ating throughout his body.

  A few minutes later, Jovan’s phone dinged, indicating a text message. Jovan read the text, then said, “So, Noah wanted me to make sure you aren’t going to do anything stupid, like give us up to the authorities or anything.”

  Blake smiled and allowed that little scenario to play out. No matter which way he imagined it happening, it never came out in his favor. Sure, the Saviors would get hauled in and cut up, but he was wanted on treason and who knew what else by his own government. That didn’t bode well for a happily ever after for him. Besides, he really didn’t want to see any of them cut open in the name of science. He just didn’t belong with them any longer. It wasn’t that he hated them or anything . . . well, most of them.

  “You shouldn’t text and drive, dumbass,” he mumbled.

  “Blake, I’m serious. You aren’t going to talk to the authorities, are you?”

  “Nah,” Blake said, glancing over at Jovan, “tell Noah not to worry his pretty, little head. I’ve got too much to lose by doing that. But text him after you drop me off. I’m not going to be a statistic on some insurance commercial about the dangers of texting and driving.”

  Jovan nodded, and his phone dinged again. After reading it, he asked, “And the Platoon? You wouldn’t give up our location to them, right?”

  Blake chuckled. It seemed the Saviors were a little nervous about kicking him out, and he liked the fact that he could make them uncomfortable and uncertain. Obviously, the Colonist genes were coming out to play again, and he wondered if he would go over to the dark side completely if he continued with the drugs. “No, Jovan,” he sighed. “Your secret is safe with me.”

  They rode the rest of the way in silence. Blake shut his eyes, his focus on getting his next hit. Once the drug was flowing through his veins, all would be right in his world again. His hangover, worries, and pain, both of the physical and emotional sense, would be gone. Right now, he just needed relief, so quitting the drugs would have to come later.

  Blake dozed briefly, but his eyes shot open when Jovan slammed on the brakes. He gazed up at Brandy’s apartment building and wondered how long she would let him stay, and if he should have called before coming.

  “Noah said your phone will be disabled in twenty-four hours,” Jovan murmured as he stared out the windshield.

  “Okay,” Blake said, a cold sweat breaking out on his brow despite the seventy-degree weather. He reached into the backseat and pulled his duffel bag into his lap, unlocked the door, and opened it.

  “Blake,” Jovan said, “something has you by your balls, and not in a good way.” He turned at met Blake’s gaze. “I don’t even know you anymore, man, and it’s so not right.”

  Blake stared at the dark eyes.

  “I hope you can get rid of whatever it is, Blake, and . . . I wish you well, man.”

  Blake knew he should probably say something sentimental, but he didn’t have it in him. His whole thought process was consumed with getting upstairs to Brandy’s apartment.

  “See you,” Blake muttered as he got out of the car.

  As Jovan drove away, remorse coursed through him for the loss of his friend, for the loss of what he once considered his family.

  Sighing, he knew he couldn’t focus on that. He'd done this to himself. As he headed into the building, he pushed the thoughts aside. Soon, none of it would matter. Once he got his hit, he’d be floating on his cloud and the Saviors, Annis, Cohen . . . everything would be completely irrelevant.

  Chapter 16

  Blake pounded on the door to Brandy’s apartment, but there was no answer. The older woman he had met before peeked out, shook her head, and slammed her door. Blake dropped his bag, unsure if he possessed the strength to walk over to the Black Cuff to see if Brandy was working. He checked his watch and knew that six o’clock was too early for her to go in. He doubted they were even open.

  He heard footsteps coming up the stairs and turned to see who it was. He prayed for Brandy, and for once in his life, his prayers were answered.

  Brandy stopped at the top of the stairs and stared at him. “What’s going on?” she asked.

  Blake shrugged. “I need a place to stay for a few days.”

  Brandy walked toward him, her gaze never leaving his. “And you chose me, why?”

  “Because I like you,” he said, smiling.

  She grinned and held out a plastic bag. “Well then, help me with the groceries.”

  He held the bag while she unlocked the door. Stepping in, he took in his new digs and depression set in. It gave off the same vibe as his home state Alaska: it was a great place to visit, but he certainly didn’t want to live there. The furniture was old, the brown carpet ratty, and the appliances had seen better days in the eighties. What could he say? He was used to high-end everything. Before, Brandy’s apartment had been a pit stop for drugs and sex, but now it was his day-to-day reality for as long as she’d have him.

  Fuck. What had he done?

  “So, are you going to be contributing to the bills, Blake?” she asked as they moved around the small kitchen putting away the groceries.

  He’d left the Saviors with exactly four hundred dollars in his pants. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a hundred dollar bill and slid it across the counter to her. “That should earn my keep for a while.”

  She stared at the bill, then shoved it in the pocket of her jeans. “That will keep you . . . for a while.” She leaned against the counter and crossed her arms over her chest, a smile playing on her lips.

  Blake caged her between his arms and pressed his body into hers. He slowly brought his lips down to her neck. “Maybe I can earn my keep in other ways as well,” he whispered in her ear.

  She chuckled. “Maybe you can, Blake, maybe you can.”

  “Can I get a hit of H from you?”

  “And what’s in it for me?”

  “Anything you want.”

  She gazed at him while chewing on her bottom lip. Her eyes narrowed and sparkled, and he could smell the faint scent of her soap. There was a beat of silence, and then she whispered, “I’ve got to be at the Black Cuff in an hour.”

  Blake smiled. “I’ll work fast and send you to the Cuff with a smile on your face.”

  Brandy tilted her head as if she were weighing his proposition. Finally, she nodded and grabbed his hand. “Let’s go.”

  Chapter 17

  Sophia smoothed the white gown down the front of her body, and then lit some lavender-scented candles in the bedroom. Inhaling deeply, she counted on them to relax her. She simply wasn’t going to mate with Jael, so her body needed to accept Micah’s seed.

  Exhaling, she realized she would do whatever Micah asked. If he requested she mate with Jael, she would. The thought sent a shiver down her body and bile rose in her throat. He was an animal, and she hated being in the same room with him, let alone allowing him to violate her body.

  He had come to the house with Micah a few times, and the male had been aloof and downright strange. She cringed as she remembered him dismembering one of the regional rabbits that lived within the property walls. From that day forward, she decided Jael was unstable and simply wasn’t right in the head.

  Gazing at herself in the mirror, she pushed her hair behind her ears, determined to conceive.

  There was a knock on the front door, and Sophia hurried down the hall stopping at Megan’s room. She tapped once and opened the door. Megan sat on the floor with a book titled Harry Potter. Sophia worried about the contents of the book being too mature of Megan, but all the books for her age range were too easy for her.

  “Micah is here, Megan,” she said.

  “Okay, Mama.”

  “Would you like to come say hello?” Sophia asked.

  Megan shook her head. “Just tell him I’m in bed. I’ll be super quiet,” she said, crawling under the covers with her book.

  “All right,” Sophia said. She hesitated a moment. It was always difficult reminding Megan that she needed to stay in her room
until morning. The last thing Sophia wanted was for Megan to see her and Micah trying to conceive. “You’ll need to stay in your room for a few hours.”

  Megan sighed. “I know, Mama. I promise I will.”

  Sophia shut the door and went to greet Micah.

  “Hello, Sophia,” he said as he stepped inside.

  “Hello, Micah. Are you hungry this evening?” Sophia had prepared extra soup and bread in case he was.

  “Not tonight, but thank you. Tonight I stopped by to complete our mating, and then I must leave.”

  Sophia took a deep breath and tried to smile. “Very well,” she said. “Allow me a few minutes to prepare.”

  Micah nodded, and Sophia walked down the hall to the bedroom.

  She entered the bathroom and opened the cabinet under the sink. She took out a small tube and squeezed the lubricant onto her fingers. Then she sat down on the toilet and placed the cool gel on the tender flesh between her legs. After rinsing her hands, she went into the bedroom.

  Sophia undressed and folded the nightgown, laying it neatly on top of the dresser. She pulled the bedcovers back and lay down on her back. Closing her eyes, she prayed that Micah’s seed would take.

  A moment later, Micah entered the room. She watched out of the corner of her eye as he disrobed, his huge frame casting shadows around the room in the flickering candlelight. He stared at her as he fisted his sexual organ, making it come to life in his palm. “It smells nice in here,” he murmured.

  “Thank you,” she whispered, trying to hide her disgust at the act about to take place.

  A moment later, he came to the bed. She spread her legs as he lowered himself on top of her. His thick shaft entered her quickly, and she grimaced at the intrusion. Micah’s hips moved back and forth, he grunted, and Sophia fought the tears threatening to fall. The burning sensation between her legs increased with each thrust, and she focused on the flickering flame of the lavender candle. Her thoughts turned to the male who could see her during her astral travels. He’d been handsome, but there was something wrong with him, as if he were ill. His dark hair was worn a little long, and his eyes were the most interesting color she’d ever seen. She was used to seeing blazing colors or just black irises, so his hazel eyes took her by surprise. They were really a gorgeous color.


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