Sun of the Sleepless

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Sun of the Sleepless Page 55

by Patrick Horne

  'Your powder burns came from a muzzle flash right next to your skin,' he said smoothly. 'Jackson was on the other side of the room to us when he fired so his shot couldn't have done that, not through your heavy jacket. You shot yourself, back at Krefeld. You shot yourself because you needed a plausible wound to make it look as though you were in as much danger as me and that was the only way you could have received powder burns, being shot at close range.'

  Jolene smiled widely but her eyes blazed.

  'When you threw that cup and Jackson accidentally fired, well, it was obvious that he was aiming directly at me so I couldn't just pretend that he'd missed. I had to think quickly and just went along with it. Once you had chased out of the door after him I had to give myself a real wound. If I'd have walked out of there without a scratch there would have been some residual suspicions, especially since Jackson and I worked so closely, so I didn't really have a choice. We had to place the threat of a double-agent fairly and squarely at Jackson's door.'

  She thought for a moment, disappointed and surprised that her ruse had not been entirely successfully.

  'If it is any consolation Dale, I always thought that you could have moments of brilliant intuition during the investigation, just like this one right now in fact. I'm not lying when I say that I really did enjoy working with you; you were a good team member although prone to churlish behaviour it has to be said.'

  Dale's jaw clenched tight and his cheeks became taut.

  'Well Jolene, with all due respect to your attempt at flattery, I always thought that you were a complete bitch.'

  She smiled lightly at the insult but her eyes never blinked.

  'You're entitled to your opinion.'

  Tilting her head slightly as she thought, Jolene continued in a matter of fact tone.

  'Of course, capable as I know you can be, when I overheard the doctor telling you about the powder burns I guessed that you might put two and two together - and here we are.'

  'You shot yourself at Krefeld to hide the fact that you were in league with Jackson and the team that came to help him, with the team that killed Oliver -'

  'Yes, it was a pity about Oliver, I understand that our team did its best to simply disarm them both. Jackson didn't mean to fire at me but I had to pretend to be hit and, as I said, I shot myself when you ran after him. Powder burns. The doctor didn't think twice, but you are obviously much more astute. The calibre of the bullets in a Desert Eagle is completely different to the .38 that I shot myself with, but who was going to check? Well done. It takes you a little time to get there sometimes but you do have good instincts. It seemed like such a small detail at the time, but, none of that matters now does it?'

  'No,' Dale whispered, understanding the double meaning of Jolene's last statement and suddenly feeling very tired as he tried to ignore the fatalistic shadow of expectation that was creeping over him.

  Smiling benignly, Jolene's tone became sincere and almost empathetic.

  'You know what I'm talking about don't you? You're trying to ignore it, hoping that you're wrong, but now that you're thinking about it, you'll know deep down inside that your pistol is feeling a little light.'

  Dale did not shift the aim of his gun but a smirk slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

  'You're right Jolene, I had noticed as soon as I drew, but as you know, I haven't really had the opportunity to do anything about it.'

  There was no malice in Jolene's voice, she was almost reassuring in her manner.

  'You know what it means though, don't you?'

  'You emptied my magazine when I was getting checked over by the Doc just now. I'm pointing an empty gun at you.'

  'Yes. I'm sorry.'

  Jolene meant it.

  'How will you explain it all?' Dale asked, surprised that he felt so conversational. He was not just trying to buy time, he really wanted to know, but he considered that she had been right when she had said that none of it mattered now.

  'Well Dale, I admit, I am going to have to improvise but it shouldn't be too much of a chore, after all, those Sun of the Sleepless people get everywhere and you never know where they are going to pop up next, I mean, I'm living proof of that.'

  'Just like Jackson I suppose? How long had he been a traitor?'

  Jolene's expression became quizzical.

  'A traitor? Jackson has never been a traitor as far as we are concerned; he has always been with the Sun of the Sleepless from practically the day he was born. His parents were killed in an automotive accident when he was very young and he was adopted into our Order using the guise of one of his grandparents. He has been on active duty since before I was even born and is one of our most respected Brothers in the Holy Order of Cherubim. Admittedly, I only became aware of his existence just after being assigned to this case, but everything has been engineered to allow me to take over the reigns after his retirement, after all, three decades is a long time to spend under cover.'

  Dale shook his head with some mark of disdain.

  'How are you going to get into his department? You don't exactly strike me as an academic type.'

  'I don't need to join the library services Dale,' she retorted. 'Times have moved on and I can be much more effective in an anti-terrorist role, advising even the President on some of our more esoteric enemies. I fully expect to get a promotion out of this, I mean, who else is better qualified to act as a consultant on the Sun of the Sleepless?'

  Dale thought for a moment.

  'Is that all you expect to get?'

  'Ahh,' smiled Jolene, 'still fishing for facts, or is it truth that you're after?'

  She paused indulgently before continuing.

  'Our aims were threefold actually. For years we had wanted to know what the US Intelligence Services knew about us and now we have everything that Jackson could never get his hands on before, courtesy of Deputy Director Kappel. As I've already mentioned, we also wanted to ensure that we had a smooth hand-over from Jackson to me, with a few adjustments to the role of course. Most significantly though, we had to protect our primary asset, the vortex cannon that will be used to enforce our demands.'

  'You screwed that up though,' quipped Dale, but he caught the look in her eye and it suddenly dawned on him that many things were not as they had originally seemed.

  'A decoy I suppose?' he questioned. 'You still have the cannon and nothing to stop you any more?'

  Jolene nodded.

  'We've done everything necessary to complete our objectives.'

  'New Age terrorism as an objective?' snorted Dale. 'I supposed that you spend the rest of the time chanting and burning incense? You're just deluded fantasists with a weapon of mass destruction. You're no different to any other cult that springs up, dressing up in robes to perform melodramatic rituals to justify themselves. I suppose you've found your inner self and think that you are better than everybody else?'

  Dale sneered but Jolene just smiled sympathetically at his rancour.

  'You need to pay more attention. Our Order has existed since the demise of the Sumerian civilisation. We've seen the birth of Krishna and Hinduism, Abraham and Judaism, Buddhism, the life of Jesus Christ himself and the rise of Christianity in all its forms. We existed at the height of the Roman Empire, before Islam, the Crusades, the Middle Ages. We have been here the whole time so don't for one moment kid yourself that we are just some 'New Age' conspiracy.

  'We pre-date the founding of America by thousands of years so you're in no position to cast aspersions against our origins. Don't get me wrong, our Order has changed dramatically throughout the ages, but we're survivors and we have earned our existence just like any others, just like Jackson has earned his retirement in our Order.'

  'Jackson?' Dale frowned and his face became darkened with suspicion. 'He'll spend his retirement feeding the worms in the ground, or do you go in for burning Viking ships at sea?'

  'Dale!' There was a hint of amused reproach in Jolene's voice. 'You don't really think that Jackson is dead do yo
u? Why do you think I had to give myself a bullet wound? The gun was filled with blanks. After Jackson dropped it I gave it to you, remember? In fact, you've now been caught by the same trick twice. Come on, think, you ended up firing blanks at him! It was just as well that Stanley and Oliver were contained as they would have realised immediately and certainly wouldn't have missed.'

  She suddenly remembered that Oliver had died and she felt real regret at the outcome. She drew a breath and continued.

  'The whole event at Krefeld was simply Jackson's retirement farewell. Personally, I thought that his death throes were a little over the top - I saw them from the window before I shot myself - but you obviously thought they were authentic enough. I have a sneaking suspicion that he wanted a grand finale to his last act, don't you? I mean, thirty-two years is a long time to play the same role.'

  'So all that stuff with Jackson, that was just for my benefit was it?' Dale asked needlessly. 'Something to convince me that he was the bad guy all along?'

  Jolene rolled her eyes in mock affront.

  'That was the plan, but I had a much more simple ending in mind, I was supposed to shoot him with the blanks during his getaway but the whole thing took a decidedly risky turn after Jackson overplayed his part; we really just needed to ensure that you were convinced of his guilt.'

  She chuckled to herself, animating her conversation as if she were simply discussing a colleague who had played an April Fool's Day practical joke on her.

  'I'm really going to chew him out when I see him again. He was supposed to roll-over and get shot without too much trouble but he was enjoying his part way too much. He made me work for his confession and I almost forgot that all I had to do was dial the phone to show that he had it in his pocket. I had to make up all those accusations off the top of my head. I have to admit, he had me a little flustered for a while, especially when he started accusing me of being a mole. He is rather mischievous, don't you think?'

  She looked at Dale's face as it flushed with anger and she adopted a reassuring tone.

  'Jackson had been released from his service and wanted right out of his cover. It all fitted in with our plans and our Order had advised him that there would be a signal for him to come to Europe, although the details were not entirely explicit because we couldn't know how events may transpire. Even so, he had been tasked with coming up with a plausible background story for the investigation that I was undertaking. Not too much or too little, just something to grab Kappel's attention so that we could gain access to the so-called 'hidden-archives'. He was entirely right about the US trying to get their hands on the cannon but we also knew that he would do his utmost to see it destroyed first. It was relatively well-known that he had developed something of a conscience about his work.

  'We used him, just like we used you to corroborate everything that we did. Faber didn't even know about the text messages that Jackson had sent, we didn't want to compromise his position until we were ready to incriminate them both but it had always been Jackson's decision to go down in flames. It provided him and us with a nice clean ending. He'll no doubt be go on to an advisory role within the Evocati, our retired Brothers and Sisters who are retained for further service. He has so much experience it would be a shame to let it go to waste, I'm sure that the Order still has plans for him.'

  Dale almost gasped at the surreal situation he found himself in.

  'Yeah? So what is the plan for me now? I suppose that you'll come up with some story where I die at the hands of a fictitious intruder but you get away without a scratch?'

  'Yes, I couldn't have put it better myself,' Jolene grinned, 'I would guess that since we did so well in wrapping up this case the Sun of the Sleepless may have felt a need for some revenge, something along those lines. There is no evidence that anything untoward happened back at Krefeld since I collected the blank cartridges from the ground and replaced them with shells I had fired earlier, I also swapped the magazine out so there wouldn't be anything suspicious about that. Special Forces picked up the shells that I had left for them when you caught me staggering from the castle. Of course, I was meant to fire the blanks at Jackson but it worked out well enough - even better in some respects.'

  Jolene's assessment made Dale slump, but she continued with her narrative.

  'I'm thinking that the Sun of the Sleepless sent in a gunman, perhaps dressed as a doctor and fully intending to kill both of us, but their man was surprised to find us together and although you managed to get a couple of rounds off during the ensuing struggle, unfortunately you were hit during the exchange of fire. Of course, I'll have to give myself yet another injury, maybe pistol whip my chin, nothing too serious but enough to show that I put up a fight, however, what with my previous bullet wound and the shock of seeing you shot, the gunman managed to get away from me. I'm sure nobody noticed him even though this is a relatively small hospital. It would be easy for an intruder to disappear since the place is full of medical staff and of course, teeming with students.'

  '- and you come through it all as the heroine who saved the day?' Dale sneered.

  Jolene smiled sympathetically.

  'Well, like I said, I'll have to improvise but I'll make you a hero, I promise you. I seem to remember saying to you right at the beginning that there would come a time when I wanted you front and centre. Now is that time.'

  With his next exhalation Dale felt his body deflate completely and he became aware of a cavernous emptiness in the pit of his stomach. Looking down into the unwavering black eye of the muzzle of the silencer, he noticed Jolene's forefinger begin to clench tighter as she slowly started to squeeze her trigger.

  Chapter XXXIII


  The harsh echo of boot heels digging in against floor slabs echoed around the stone walls of the great hall of Burg Schwarzstein castle. Rey was attired in the full dress uniform of a Knight Errant in the Holy Order of Thrones and was marching with the precision to be expected of a parade ground to stand before Senator Dru and the three Cardinals that attended him.

  Rey finally snapped to attention and saluted, his right arm jerking up so that the flat of his palm faced his senior officer, an ancient mark of respect that illustrated that no concealed weapon was carried and that his sword hand was empty.

  Senator Dru returned the salute and then nodded.

  'Stand at ease Knight Errant, Patrician Faber.'

  Assuming the more relaxed position with a smart movement of his left leg and interlocking his hands behind his back, Rey felt the stiff white collar of his shirt dig into his neck and he stretched his head up slightly to ease the tension. His black uniform with its cavalry breeches and knee high boots was immaculate and bristled with the decorations he had received over a lifetime of service.

  His membership of the Order of Thrones was signified by a Death's Head motif on the right collar of his tunic and his rank was attested by the single oak leaf on the other. As a 20th degree initiate, the wrist band around the left arm of his jacket showed the Roman numeral 'XX' and badges of merit across his chest indicated that he had been the leader of a number of special projects, termed as 'Orders' and earning him the title of 'Praefectus' for each leadership role he had attained.

  Rey was singularly proud of his decorations, the most highly sought after usually being awarded only to members of the Thrones - the Death's Head with oak leaves, swords and what was know as the Adamas Oculus. It was the highest award for bravery that could be bestowed and the crowing glory was the diamond that represented the 'Eye of Providence', glinting brightly whenever it caught the light.

  Senator Dru approached as the Cardinals looked on, reaching out an arm to shake Rey's hand. Rey stood to and then relaxed slightly, meeting the cool firm grasp and engaging in one firm shake.

  'You've done very well Patrician Faber,' the Senator said quietly, 'your mission has been completed to perfection and even with the eventualities that ensued you met every challenge with distinction and honour. The Order of Merkur has fulfill
ed its raison d'être and will be dissolved with honours for all of the former members, living and deceased. It is now the responsibility of others to build on your achievements and continue our Great Work.'

  Staring straight ahead, Rey nodded curtly.

  'Thank you sir.'

  Glancing quickly back at the Cardinals, Senator Dru continued.

  'You may have heard that Knight Commander, Tribune Sprenger has been promoted to Knight Elector which, of course, leaves an opening.'

  He delved into a pocket and withdrew a silver decoration, an intertwined motif of two oak leaves.

  'The two leaves of a Knight Commander,' he said, 'congratulations on your promotion!'

  There was a moment of silence before one of the Cardinals standing behind Senator Dru spoke up.

  'There was the other matter, sir?'

  The piercing blue eyes of the head of the Holy Order of Thrones flicked to one side as he glanced back.

  'Yes, quite, it will shortly be officially announced that I am retiring from active service, which inevitably means that a reshuffle will occur in the ranks. You know how it is. I am not at liberty to mention the name of my successor but it does mean that the Order of the Black Dragon has a new Praefectus, Knight Elector Sprenger.'

  The mention of the 'Black Dragon' made Rey stiffen slightly; it was the internal security force of the Sun of the Sleepless, the statute of which required it to defend the Order from all enemies, both internal and external. It was natural for Frans to have been promoted to lead it and of course, there was an implicit suggestion that he should follow his old boss into the organisation.

  'Knight Elector Sprenger has indicated that you would be an excellent choice for his second in command. What do you think? It would be a highly prestigious position for a newly promoted Knight Commander.'

  Rey swallowed drily before answering.

  'I had not thought about what I should do next, sir, I was just looking forward to some rest and recuperation. My activities with the Order of Merkur took a heavy toll to be honest, sir.'


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