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2BookBoxSet Page 10

by Nicety

  “Don’t worry about the money, girl. I got this. And you gon’ have to get on the phone and make it happen with your people. It ain’t right for you to leave them out.” Truth walked off to the kitchen to through the garbage away.

  He wasn’t about to let her jack up the funeral for Venus. She deserved much more than that. Besides, he felt badly about the whole situation. He didn't want to mention it but he did believe that she killed herself because she found out about the two of them. It was unbelievably romantic yet tragic and his only way of coping with it was for him to give her a beautiful homegoing. He walked back into the living room to find Goddess sitting down in Venus’ Lazy Boy recliner staring up at the ceiling. He figured she needed some time and worked around her without a peep. Goddess watched as he cleaned without question around her noticing that he looked up every few seconds to see if she would cry.

  “You need some tissue, babe? It’s okay to let it out you know.” Truth spat as he walked over cuddling balled up papers in his hands.

  “No, I’m good. I have some right here in my pocket.” Goddess replied as she pulled out the perfectly folded up tissue holding it up in the air.

  Truth shot her a short smile then headed for the kitchen. She looked at the tissue opening it up realizing it was the same one from last night. She raced up to the eerie bathroom sloshing through the settled water and headed towards the toilet tossing the tissue inside. She quickly flushed the tissue down feeling a sense of relief knowing that her only obstacle now was waiting on the coroner to release the body. The sooner Venus was in the ground the better.

  “What are you doing?” Truth said peeking around the corner to see what was going on.

  “Ah! You startled me babe. Sheesh! You should really make some noise next time you come into a room.” Goddess shrieked placing her hand on her rapidly breathing chest.

  “Uh huh. What were you doing?”

  “I was…just…throwing some tissue away. I felt like I had to throw up so I came up here. It is the only bathroom you know.”


  “Listen babe, we shouldn’t be afraid to come in here just because of that. It can’t control our lives.” Goddess explained rubbing his arm reassuring him that everything was okay.

  “Let’s just clean it up first before we do anything in it.” Truth side eyed her as he left the room headed back to cleaning the ransacked first floor.

  Goddess sent one right back as she turned around gazing at the flooded room. In her mind it had to be done. It was better her than she. Her time to shine was now and with Quetta in jail for the murder of Scully she was feeling herself tenfold, ready to take on the world. She pranced up out of the bathroom, trotting back down stairs to see if she could guilt Truth into some consoling sex.

  Chapter 13

  Watch It

  “Alright guys its Monday morning and for all you newbies I want you to remember that you must be accurate in all of your counting. Short drawers are not tolerated here at Chase. Don’t forget your buttons under the counters in case of emergency and if you have any questions never hesitate to ask. Anyone here can help you. We are more than coworkers, we’re family.” Cole recited to the opening tellers at the morning meeting.

  He walked out the door leaving them to their coffee and conversation, heading over to the bankers for their quick private meeting before opening. Goddess didn’t even pay him any attention happy that she had had the upper hand on him during their last encounter. She wasn’t used to rejection but she didn’t care anymore about him because she had Truth and no one compared to him.

  “Hey babe. I just wanted to let you know that I’m at work and I’ll see you tonight.” She said stirring her coffee with a short skinny red and white straw.

  “Alright baby. You have a good day and remember, no stress. Okay?” He replied in the most soothing tone.

  “Yes darling. I don’t know what I’d do without you. Later.” She said as she hung up the phone.

  It was five to nine and Cole was about to open the doors for the few customers waiting in line in the cold outside the door. Goddess was nervous but she knew she had this job in the bag. She manned her station having already counted down her drawer and logged into her computer. She took a deep breath and turned to the girl next to her who was wearing a fierce pair of this season’s silver Manolo Blahnik's with a sparkling flower jewel embellishment. Goddess knew labels like the back of her hand and missed wearing the new ones so much. She was grateful that Truth had bought her an updated phone so she could Google fashion and dream of it’s loveliness.

  “Hi, um, Desire is it?” She asked leaning over bringing her voice down in respect.

  “Yes and before you ask yes it’s my real name.” Desire responded cockily.

  “Um, no. I was just going to ask you where you got your Manolos from.”

  “Oh! Ha! Girl excuse me. I’m not usually this bitchy early in the morning. But I got into it with my husband and my son is driving me insane with his early morning wake up calls. Girl I ordered these, or should I say my dip ordered these from Barney’s for me.” Desire replied modeling them out of her seat for her.

  “They are so beautiful. I wish I had a nigga trickin’ off for me like that.” Goddess laughed with Desire.

  “Shit you can. You just gotta find the right kind of simple ass nigga that will do anything you want so long as he can smell your dirty panties.” Desire flicked her booty length auburn weave around to her backside and took a seat.

  “Hmm. I bet.” Goddess mumbled under her breath as she turned in her seat.

  Desire’s makeup looked like she had gotten it done at a Carson’s make up counter everyday. She wore dark long fake eyelashes and her French manicured gel nails were fresh like she had just came from getting them done. Her uniform of the blue Chase polo and dark navy slacks was freshly pressed and clean as if it were fresh out of a cleaner’s bag. Her dark chocolate smooth skin complimented her blue contact lenses making her look exotic but she was American all the way and if it weren’t for her having this job, Goddess might have mistaken her for a dumb hood rat.

  The day breezed by without any problems or concerns on Goddess’ end. She worked her window like she was a pro at it, like she had been a teller for years. She was excited to finally be putting her life to good use. It was only a stepping stone until she found a salary job in her field that would hire her without any experience but until then she was happy right behind the thick paned glass helping people with their bank accounts. Quitting time couldn’t have come soon enough as she took care of her last customer and logged out of her computer. She unlocked her drawer and took it out noticing she was the first one to count down as she headed to the back banking room.

  “Ah, Goddess Young. How was your first day?” Cole asked as he ended his conversation with the assistant manager who turned taking a sip of her coffee.

  “It was actually great! I think I’m going to love it here.” Goddess replied sitting her drawer down on the nearby table. The assistant manager pulled her cash out ticket up on the computer then wheeled her chair over to begin counting down her drawer.

  “Hey, I got it, Mary. It’s cool. Go on home.” Cole said walking over, taking over the project.

  Mary waved them both off anxious to get the hell out of there. The door clicked behind her as she exited and Cole dug his hand in the drawer beginning to count the money. An awkward silence between them filled the room as he continued to count. Goddess folded her hands standing there rocking back and forth casually like she was waiting on an elevator. Cole smiled inside knowing that she was trying to figure out what to do with herself while she waited and decided to put her out of her misery.

  “So, you think you will be here for the long term? He asked throwing the drawer in a big silver lock cabinet and sliding the slip across the table for her to sign.

  “Maybe. We’ll see how life pans out.” Goddess smiled as she signed and slid the slip back over to him and
headed for the door.

  “Uh, hey Goddess. I’d really like to talk to you about the other day.” Cole stopped her dead in her tracks.

  “You know what, Cole. Don’t worry about it. I mean you were under the impression that I was lazy and I get that. No harm, no foul. I’m over it.” She replied placing her hand on the door handle.

  “But I’m not.” Cole spat walking over to her. “Let me apologize.”

  “Okay…I’m listening.”

  “I didn’t mean to blow up at you like that. I just really like strong independent women and when you came on to me…forget that. I misjudged you. You are obviously very beautiful and very well educated and I’m sorry.” Cole said giving her right arm a slow sensual rub.

  “Thanks. Apology accepted.” Goddess retorted sternly as she attempted to walk out but was halted by his hand.

  “Very…beautiful.” Cole recited again before leaning in to kiss her gently on lips.

  “Wait. What the hell are you doing?” She asked arching her back and leaning away from him.

  “I’m giving you what you wanted. And don’t worry I can give you way much more.”

  “Who said I wanted that anymore?”

  “What? You know you want me girl, quit playing.”

  “I see your ego is a lot bigger than I originally thought. It’s a shame but you’re too late. I have a man sweetie.” She smiled bringing a reasonable amount of space in between them.

  “Damn you got a man that fast?”

  “Well when a real man sees something he wants he goes after it and those that study long, study wrong.”

  “Come here baby. I’ll show you a real man.” Cole spat as he grabbed the small of her back pulling her aggressively close to him.

  “Cole stop. This is unprofessional.” She fought.

  “Um, excuse me. I’m trying to get in here!” Desire came barging in with a stank attitude pushing the door and whoever was behind it. “Dang, what’s going on in here?”

  “Oh, nothing sugar dip. I was just congratulating Goddess, here, on a fine job today. We’ll see you tomorrow sweetie.” Cole said snatching the drawer out of Desire's hand rather harshly.

  Goddess rolled her eyes and shook her head at his poor display of cover up and lies. Interpersonal relationships were strictly forbidden at Chase Bank as it stated on page nine of the employee handbook but obviously that meant nothing to him. It would have been a nonfactor to her as well had he not rejected her from jump.

  It was neither here nor there because she was with Truth and that’s where her heart lied. He was too good of a man to disrespect like that and she wasn’t about to risk ruining a good thing. Desire walked up to Cole pecking her lips with his a few times then turned looking sinisterly into Goddess’ eyes. Goddess smiled knowing that she had no idea what her so-called man was up to.

  "Oh, uh, by the way Cole. My grandmother died yesterday and eventually I'm going to be needing a few days off for the funeral." Goddess spat crossing her arms.

  "A few days? But you just started." He replied side eyeing her.

  "Yes but I'm sure that won't be a problem, right?" Goddess gritted her teeth. "One of the girls was even telling me that I could get up to three paid days."

  Cole looked up distraught by her comment. He knew she was lying but feared it was the wrong time to call her on it. He stood eyeing her down before giving her an okay nod.

  "We'll discuss this in my office in the morning." Cole spat as he hoped to catch a glimpse of her round backside as she left.

  She walked out of the office knowing that her man had to have been waiting on her leaving Cole to his regretful thoughts.

  “Babe, what the fuck was she doing in here alone with you?” Desire asked poking her lips out with puppy dog eyes like a sad little baby.

  “Girl calm that shit down, alright. I was just doing my damn job.” Cole replied sternly and upset.

  “All I’m saying is if you plan on fucking around on me you could at least do it with a bitch that doesn’t work here. Damn! These bitches ain’t badder than me no way.” Desire said gyrating her expanded hips and oversized ass in front of his face while he sat counting her drawer.

  “You’re short again Desire. Three hundred dollars this time, really?”

  “And? Nigga you got that shit.”

  “Ugh! I’m tired of carrying your ass. These past few years you’ve been slacking just because you throwing ass in my face. If I quit your ass then what are you going to do?” Cole said slamming the slip on the table.

  “Nigga you ain’t gon’ quit me. You love this shit.” Desire made her way over to his lap plopping down gently while he ran his hands across her backside. “You want this shit.”

  Cole began caressing and squeezing her nice firm ass loving the way it felt and the way she kept it tight for him. Despite her looks, it was beyond frustrating for him to keep dealing with someone so ignorant and lazy and it was mostly the reason why he was looking to move on to someone more suitable to his aspirations. Desire used to be that person but she got too comfortable with him spoiling her. She no longer even tried to impress him anymore and he began to feel as if she was always only in it for the cash. The only thing still tying them together was the long hours of steamy hot sex they had almost every night. He was thirty-five and she was twenty-six and wearing his ass clean out.

  “Alright you gotta get up before the rest of the girls come in here to cash out.” Cole gave her ass a few little taps as she rose and signed her slip.

  “Meanwhile, if you ever think about leaving me, I’ll make your life a living hell.” She said as she headed for the door.

  “That’s funny you should mention hell when you forgot a major detail.” Cole responded.

  “What’s that?”

  “You’re fucking married!”

  “So. What my husband doesn’t know and hasn’t known for the last three years won’t hurt him. As long as I’m bringing home that bacon, he has no complaints.”

  “I’m sure he would be interested to know what you’re doing all of those late nights you are supposedly hanging with your girls.”

  “My husband is only concerned with what I tell him. So you can threaten all you want but you won’t get very far.”

  “What’s done in the dark always comes to the light, Desire. I don’t have no ties to anyone, so I’m good.”

  “Nigga shut up all that cheating talk and worry about meeting me at the Holiday Inn at Midway. Don’t be late this time. You know how I hate waiting, especially when I’m horny.” Desire winked her right eye and shot him a smirk as she walked out the door.

  Cole shook his head as she walked out of the door and the other tellers filed in. He knew that getting rid of Desire was going to take the work of God because doing it himself seemed to be difficult. He had tried many times before but he was always weak for her flesh. His pockets were long from stacking his money right the whole nine years he had been working at the bank so it was never about the money. It was about the yearning for the touch, the feel, the essence of a beautiful intelligent woman and Goddess fit the form.

  Chapter 14

  The Truth

  "Hey babe. How was your first day of actual work?" Truth asked as Goddess slid her voluptuous backside into the passenger seat of his Hybrid.

  "It was good. I thought it would be hard but it was actually easy as hell. How was things at the shop?" Goddess replied giving him a small peck on the cheek.

  "Shop's closed on Mondays, baby." Truth spat vaguely.

  "Oh. Well, what did you do all day?" Goddess asked curiously wondering why he didn't mention that before.

  "Ah, shit baby. I just chilled. I was gonna go sit up with my dudes for a second but they were playing video games and shit. I can't stand that shit." Truth retorted tossing her a sack and a grape Swisher.

  “So you just chilled, what, at home?” Goddess interrogated in no mood to smoke an L right then.

  “G. What’s w
rong with you? You had a stressful day or something?”

  “Ugh. I’m sorry babe. I just have a lot on my mind.” She wasn’t lying.

  Her mind had been racing a mile a minute trying to stay on her toes and patiently awaiting the call from the coroner. It looked bad for her to be involved with a murder in one state and then be the relative of a death in another. Once Venus was sleeping with the worms her skies would be blue again. It was then that she figured out the ultimate cover up. Her heart skipped a beat from excitement just thinking about her plan.

  “Have you put any thoughts into funeral plans yet?” Truth asked as he drove on.

  “No and I gotta tell ya I really don’t feel like talking about that right now.” Goddess felt the nastiness in her voice but she was dog tired and couldn’t bring herself to be nice and apologize.

  “Well the coroner should be calling soon so you might wanna put some thought into it.” Truth fired back as he pulled up in front of Venus’ house feeling all of his old feelings coming back for her.

  Goddess looked over at the house, dreading entering it. “Truth, maybe I should be alone tonight.”

  “Oh now you wanna be alone?”

  “I just don’t want to fight over this shit.”

  “You are the one still bringing it up, Goddess. I’m done with the conversation. Man, I don’t think it’s good for either of us to be alone tonight, babe.”

  Goddess felt badly that she wanted some space but they had been up under each other for the past few weeks. She hadn’t had much time to breathe and take their relationship all in yet. Spliff’s death was still fresh in her mind and she was still in mourning. She hadn’t sorted out yet if it was even right for her to be dating someone else since she wasn’t over her one true love. But Truth’s skin was so velvety smooth, his lips released all the right words, his body made all the right moves, and his taste was beyond measure.


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