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2BookBoxSet Page 28

by Nicety

  Chapter 13- clue

  Cocoa walked up to find Sin sitting at the front of the church in the very first beau. It looked as if he had been sitting there praying for years. She called out to him but her voice did not reach a level that could be heard. She looked around to see if anyone could help her but to no avail. As she attempted to walk towards him to see if it was really him the room appeared to be moving further and further from her. Cocoa was getting more pissed off with every step. She wanted to run but felt there was no use. She tried screaming again. Her voice got a tad bit louder than before. The room slowly stopped drifting backward, which made it possible for Cocoa to run at this point. She started to run as fast as she could. At last she was able to walk up to Sin and touched his shoulder.

  “Hey you…”

  Sin turned around only to reveal his skeletal face. Cocoa screamed in disbelief. ****

  Cocoa bit her lip as she woke up in a cold sweat. She wiped her face with her hands to get it together and slowed her breathing wiping her face clean. Cocoa then got up from the bed and went to the bathroom. Spooning water into her hand to drink she began to think about preparing a plan to get her life back on track.

  She was determined not to let this beat her down. Everything had been going wrong so she figured there had to be a way out of her hellhole. Instead she cried. The more she thought about her fucked up life the more it depressed her. She cried and cried and wanted to pull her hair out. She tried to replay over and over in her mind if she did anything wrong. Her misfortune was of no fault of her own, but if that were true, how was she so fucked up without a pot to piss in.

  Banging on the door riddled her brain just as she was about to rip her face off. Cocoa got really still and quiet as if the person was in the room with her. She crept over to the nightstand shaking. She debated about answering the door seeing as though no one should have known that she was there in the first place. Bang! Bang! Bang! BANG! Before answering she grabbed a fingernail file out of her purse that she carried for emergencies. Before she could answer, a voice spoke.

  "I know you're there. I'm afraid I need to discuss a matter with you. I won't harm you I just want to talk. I can assure you that I am unarmed."

  How the hell did this dude find her and who was he? Her initial thought was that Drew had sent someone to follow and kill her. She peeked out the window to get a look at the guy. He was finely dressed in a suit and was a clean-cut older white guy. He looked like a hit man. She secured her fingernail file in her hand and slowly unlocked the door standing behind it.

  She knew as soon as he whipped out a gun she would stick him in his neck over and over until the son of a bitch quit breathing. The man walked in confidently with his hands down by his side empty.

  "Alright who sent you?"

  Cocoa ran up and wrapped her arms around his neck pointing the file at him.

  "I am not able to disclose that information to you at this time but I can assure you that I am not here to harm you."

  Cocoa slowly let the man go then patted him down before backing up from him. She watched the man very closely just in case he made any sudden moves.

  "Well what the fuck do you want?"

  The man said nothing more. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out an envelope then handed it to Cocoa.

  “What the fuck is this?”

  The man stood there with his hand out not saying a word.

  Cocoa looked at it then back at the man and snatched it out of his hand. After she took it the man walked out the door and left. She proceeded to stop him but by the time she got to the outside hallway he was gone like a ninja. She went back into the room and set the envelope on the nightstand next to the bed. It was rather heavy but she did not know whether she should open it or burn it. Cocoa stood there staring at the envelope pacing back and forth chewing on her nails. Suspense killed her, so she grabbed it and slashed it open.

  It was a letter and it read:

  You have been selected to play a game. Since you accepted this letter already, should you decide not to play the game you will be killed. Should you choose to play the game if you win you will receive $20,000,000 cash. With that said you have 6 tasks that must be done in order to complete the job. You must follow the directions completely miss one and you die. Should you be caught you will be killed. If you lose you will be killed. You have 24 hours to complete this first mission so I suggest you get started. Your first clue is listed here you will find the others later.

  1.) Steal a yellow and black with red trim Kawaka motorcycle limited edition with chrome. Steal the wrong bike and you die. If you need to, store things in your garage. Your next clue will be taped to the stop sign near the bike. Clue: In the area of National bank on 79th & Halsted.

  A bomb has been placed in this envelope so you have 30 minutes to leave this room.

  What the fuck!!!!! She thought as she grabbed her purse then slipped on her shoes and ran out the door. The day couldn't get any worst. Even though Cocoa was skeptical about how a bomb that was tiny enough to fit in an envelope undetected, was going to blow up an entire hotel room. She stood on the corner of the motel to see if the room would actually blow. She waited and waited but nothing happened. The bus was coming and she couldn't wait any longer. Cocoa boarded the bus and went straight to the back and sat down. She looked at her cell phone and realized it's been about 32 minutes and still no........ BOOM!!!

  "Hmm, I must've miscalculated."

  The bomb went off in the room as discussed but Cocoa wondered if this shit was really real or was this some old guy power trip trying to fuck with her. She was tired of getting dicked around by muthafuckas. It seemed like ever since her house got busted up, nothing was going right for her. She had gone through her depressed phase already so she wasn’t about to return. Now she was plain pissed off. Even though she had reservations about this shit she decided what the hell. There wasn’t shit else left that she had to lose but her fucking life, so there was no reason not to see this through. She thought about who this asshole could be. The fact that this guy chose her out of the millions of people in Chicago seemed a little weird. Cocoa believed that who ever this was, they meant business.

  Cocoa exited the bus on 79th and Halsted to the location that the letter suggested. She was still a little skeptical but did not want to take any chances so she did as she was told. Hell the room did blow up and that wasn't about to be her. She walked up to the bank's parking lot and looked around for the bike but no luck. She walked around the entire block and did not see it. Growing tired and frustrated Cocoa went and sat down on the bus stop bench.

  She longed for her some dick and not just that but specifically she ached for a certain one’s, Sin. She missed Sin now more than ever and figured Drew’s crew executed him. She felt like he had sacrificed his life for hers and now she would never see his beautiful face again.

  Just then the bike shows up. Some young punk was driving it and it looked like he was going to work at the little donut shop across the way. He parked it, turned it off, and took his helmet off.

  "How the hell am I going to get this damn bike?" she said to herself.

  Moving slowly, she started out towards the dude. She pulled out the file and held it close to her palm like a knife then pulled her sweater's hood up over her head. Just as the dude was about to get off the bike she ran up behind him and stuck the file in his neck. In a man's voice she whispered,

  "Give me the keys and lay down on the fucking ground."

  Cocoa felt like this dude looked so familiar like she had seen him at Bangin Pussy Nights one night or something. The dude did as he was told and she hopped on the bike, put the helmet on and turned the key.

  The dude thought to fight for his bike and jumped up swinging at her face. She was stunned that this dude got up to fight her. She hadn’t pictured the scene playing out like that. She punched him back with all of her might. He punched her in the chest knocking the wind out of her for a second. C
ocoa really did not know how to drive the bike but she turned the key and geared it up while trying to pull off.

  "How hard could it be just stay steady, keep steady."

  The dude began running after his bike yelling and screaming for someone to help. People saw him yelling but everyone thought he might have been crazy, the way he was running hysterically. There on the corner of the bank was a stop sign. She had to stop and check for the clue without being caught by that dude or the police for that matter. Screeching to a sudden halt, she looked at the back of the stop sign and the clue was taped there. She hopped off the bike and jumped up to snatch the clue.

  Smack! The dude had run up to claim his bike back. He smacked her and punched her like she was a fucking man all while spitting on her and calling her names.

  "You stupid bitch. Do you know who I am? Think you gonna steal from me? Stupid punk bitch." he screamed.

  People were gathering around now and everyone was watching.

  The dude stomped Cocoa, shaking her and trying to bash her fucking head into the ground. He was so pissed that he did not even notice there were so many people standing there witnessing the shit. A guy soon discovered that dude was beating up a girl and decided to stop the fight. The dude was not having that and started fighting with the Good Samaritan. That guy took dude and basically flung his ass into the light pole.

  “Act bad now muthafucka!”

  The guy said waiting on dude to get up. Dude was dazed and amazed that he was fucked up like that. Cocoa saw that as her opportunity to get away. She looked for and grabbed the clue off the ground, runs and jumps on the bike and takes off. The dude shakes his confusion off.

  "Damn man! That bitch just stole my bike!"

  Everyone was looking around for what he was talking about. They hadn’t even noticed a damn bike with all of the commotion going on. There were police cars in the

  area and she heard the sirens ringing off. The police sirens appeared to be fading further and further away from her. After feeling like she eluded the dude and the police, she finally parked the bike in the garage. Having had all of that excitement she thought she would head off to work.

  When she got there, she sat in the dressing room for a while debating if she wanted go on stage and work. Cocoa felt really exhausted from all of that activity earlier and was still in shock as to what she had actually done. She checked her face for swelling but it was cool. All she knew is that she had gotten in way over her head with this hustle. It’s amazing what a bitch will do for money and wondered what other tasks were in store for her. ****

  Chapter 14- Stupidity

  Violet walks into the room with another girl, Cassie. Cassie was a sexy ass Latino bitch who liked to do whatever, whenever. But it was hard to know if she was telling the truth and because of that reason Cocoa couldn't trust her.

  "Hey Cocoa, you workin tonight?"

  "Naw, I'm just hangin out. Lookin’ for a place to crash since my house burned down."

  Cassie looked up with joy on her face.

  "You can stay with me! It will be so fun, we can be roommates!"

  “Eh, roommates?”

  “Yeah! It would be so cool. I have a big comfy couch and it would totally be no problem at all.”

  Cocoa looked down trying not to show the look of disgust that she had on her face. She told herself that when she looked back up she would not be mean to this girl because she did need her help. But this bitch was just too damn giddy about wanting to fucking help her. Still she maintained.

  “Yeah, Hun. Sure!”

  Cocoa looked up in disbelief but reluctantly accepted. She really did not have much choice since she really did not have any place to go or any more money to shack up in a motel. Cassie wasn’t trustworthy but that bitch was the only one to offer her crib to her with no problem. The girls left the club and hopped in Cassie’s car. As they headed to Cassie's house Cocoa dreaded going and expected the worst.

  She figured this bitch lived in the funky ass Ickes projects with no furniture and rats and roaches everywhere. She tried not to think about it or else she would jump the hell out of the car tucking and rolling trying to get away. It was amazing how much Cassie could talk while driving. With the day that Cocoa had, she just wanted to tell her to shut the fuck up so bad but she couldn't. She did not want to bite the hand that was about to feed her. They finally arrived at Cassie's apartment in the Auburn Gresham hood.

  To Cocoa's surprise it was actually nice. The hood wasn’t exactly quiet but it wasn’t that bad just a few kids outside wrecking havoc. The buildings were nice and there wasn’t much garbage flying around on the streets. As they walked through the door she glanced all around at Cassie’s nice things. She had a 52" inch flat screen TV and a nice big black leather sectional with beautiful glass end tables around it. It was nice and cozy and it felt safe to be in. She even had beautiful paintings on her wall.

  "Hey babe, you home so soon?"

  Said a man as he came from a back room in his boxers with his sexy physique looking damn good.

  "Who's this?"

  "Babe, this is Cocoa from work. She's going to be staying with us for a little while because her house burned up. Babe, Cocoa. Cocoa this is my husband James.”

  Husband? That was shocking!

  "Nice to meet you.”

  Cocoa said as she shook his hand and tried not looking at his chiseled chocolate chest. He returned the greeting and excused his self from the room.

  "I so did not know you were married. He doesn't mind what you do at the club?"

  Cocoa felt like she was asking nosily but it needed to be said. Besides she had listened to her rant and raving in the car, so she felt like Cassie owed her some gossip.

  Cassie went on to hand her a pillow and blanket and let out the bed under her couch and replied,

  "Well I never bring work home, accept you, but he doesn't care cause I'm not fucking guys. I never bring home to work ‘cause truthfully I don't fuck with them bitches like that."

  Cassie said that last part with a devilish smile on her face as if to sound conceited. Cocoa was seeing a whole other side of Cassie and figured living there wouldn't really be that bad. Cassie said goodnight and went into the back room.

  Staring out the window in the dark living room Cocoa decided that she would get started on the second clue tomorrow. She just wanted her hands on that money as soon as she could get it.

  As she tried to remember if she locked the garage door or not her mind drifted to what she would do if she had that money. She would pay off debt and move to Chile. She'd always wanted to go to another country and wondered how beautiful Chile would be. She put her purse under her blanket and lay on top of it.

  Just as she was drifting off to sleep, she got a tapping on her shoulder. She awoke and looked up to see Cassie's husband James standing over her.

  "Look I'm not on that shit can you please just leave me the fuck alone?"

  Cocoa said annoyed. Shit he was fine but she did not want to fuck up the one place she had to sleep. James forcefully got on his knees and propped his self up in between her legs. Cocoa fought him off pushing his head away.

  James was tired of the struggle so he stopped and stood up.

  "Just follow me please." He said as he walked towards the back room.

  She got up and hoped that he wasn't trying to stick her while his wife slept in the other room. He held a room door open for her waiting for her to step in. She was skeptical as she looked around then she walked in. Cassie appeared to be sleep in the bed. He circles Cocoa then stands behind her smelling her neck.

  Then he slowly begins kissing and licking it. She tried to resist but it felt so damn good. James reached around her with both hands and lifted her shirt as to take it off but Cocoa fought him. He whispered in her ear.

  "She wants to watch."

  But how the hell did she want to watch when she was sleeping? Her body needed and longed for some dick. Cocoa felt b
adly because she knew it was wrong. She started trying to find ways to justify it feeling that it wasn’t really cheating if she’s right in front of Cassie's face. Nobody could be that stupid. Nobody could sleep that soundly.

  Cocoa really did not want to fuck up her place to sleep for a quick midnight fuck but her pussy was saying something totally different. James went to turn on some romantic music and turned it up relatively loud. She looked at Cassie to see if she would budge but she lay still. He walked back over to her and passionately kissed her. Her pussy grew steamy and moist. She grabbed his bulky muscles and ran her fingers down his broad strong back. He finally lifted her shirt off of her and unhooked her bra.

  Her bra dropped to the floor then he kneeled down to suck on her perky brown nipples as he pulled her tightly towards him. Cocoa felt his majestic tongue on her tits and became weak in the knees. She loved when a man took his time sucking on her nipples, stroking her flesh, relieving a token of stress from her body.

  Moaning just a little bit while caressing his head, Cocoa looks over to see if Cassie had moved. She was still motionless. She knew that Cassie would eventually hear them and wake up in frenzy, wanting to fight.

  James worked his way down to her pants and pulled them down while kissing and sucking on her body. Cocoa knew she wanted it but felt the need to fight him anyway. She pushed lightly on his shoulders trying to get him to stop. He spreads apart her legs and sticks his finger in her pussy stroking in and out harder and harder then plants his face on her clitoris and licks it like a lollipop. Cocoa tries to remain quiet but ends up moaning wildly.

  James worked his tongue heavily all around her pussy swallowing all her juices, massaging and sucking. She did not know that she had woken up Cassie already who got out of bed, walked over and started sucking on Cocoa's tits. Cocoa looked down at Cassie sucking on her tits and began stroking her hair. She was so glad that she joined in because that was her reassurance that this nigga wasn’t lying. The shit felt so good to Cocoa that she moaned even louder.


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