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2BookBoxSet Page 30

by Nicety

  She made sure to lock the door back how she found it just in case Cassie and James came home trying to snap on her because she broke in. As she walked down the street she felt like a ninja in her outfit. It was at that moment that she put herself in a "Do what you gotta do" mentality. She felt hardcore and ruthless even with a sore asshole. It was on.

  On the bus headed to the garage she looked at her cell phone, 10:26pm. There was plenty of time to get to the bike and hit the streets. She called Cassie to confirm that she was still making the hit and everything was going as planned. There was no answer. Cocoa walked up to the garage and opened the door. Before getting on the bike she wiped it down really good as well as the keys so no one could trace her fingerprints. She got on the bike and put on the helmet. She took a deep breath revved up the bike then hit the pavement. Cocoa tried to remain in her frame of mind in order to go through with the plan. There wasn't much choice she had because it was either them or her. Cocoa was getting the hang of this whole bike thing making sure to pay close attention to what she was doing so she did not fuck up. She was still a little gone off of that pill so she had to get it together.

  As she rode through the night air on Lake Shore Drive she began to think about her mother. She often wished that if her mother was a better person that maybe she wouldn't be in any of this mess. Cocoa hadn't seen her mother since she fled the house in search of drugs that was a long time ago, which she thought she would be over by now. But something like being abandoned at a young age never really leaves your side. Her exit was coming up so she turned her signal on and turned into the right lane. She drove up passed the Pier checking out her surroundings as well.

  Cocoa had passed the stop sign nearest the meeting point so she decided to turn around to look at it. She drove right up to it but there was no clue taped to it. She wondered for a minute if she even had the right spot. Then she started to drive off and head back to the Pier when she saw a figure standing under a tree not 10 feet from the stop sign she had checked. He just stood there not moving. He did not appear to be looking at her but at the lake. 11:45pm. She hopped the bike onto the grass and pulled up to him.

  It was so dark outside and it was so late that it was quiet and eerie on the streets. Cocoa got off the bike shutting it off and took the helmet off and placed it on the bike seat. She walked up to the man slowly making sure she had focused so she could watch his every move. The man finally turned around. He looked as if he were Asian. He did not speak he just held out his hands. She handed him the keys and the diamond, which was wrapped in tissue.

  He put the keys in his pocket and opened the tissue paper. The man held the diamond up to his eye and slid it in his pocket as well.

  "I am told to make my choice to kill you.”

  The man said cocky looking up at her.

  “But if you promise to get the hell out of the country, I promise not to kill you."

  The man whips out a gun from behind his back and aims it downward by his side. Cocoa started to believe that he was one of the players in the game. She figured if she eliminated him then there would be one less person she was competing with and had to worry about.

  She stared at the man to see if he was fidgety or nervous. He seemed calm as hell and ready to make his move whenever needed. Cocoa felt her flesh around the piece in her boot. She stood there wondering and calculating how much time she had to grab it before he would get off a shot to her head. She had to think quickly on her feet and act fast. It was now or never and that never could land her ass stankin’ somewhere. She kept her head steady, her eyes went down then up like she was in an old western flick.

  Her hands were down by her side as was his. Cocoa remained very still as not to alarm the guy. He was ready.

  "So do we have a de....."

  JUPE! Cocoa was deadly with that pistol. She had speedily pulled it out of her boot and shot the man right between the eyes. There was brain fragments splattered all over the tree behind him. His body hadn't got the memo that he had been shot in the head because it was still standing but wobbling a little.

  Finally he dropped to the ground knees first and head following after. Cocoa looked around for clues of her being there. She made sure to wipe the bike and everything again to ensure her prints would not be found. She looked and noticed that he had the same gun as she did and thought that was odd. As she slipped her gun back into her boot she walked back to that stop sign and nothing was there. She looked around to see if there was another stop sign.

  There was one on the other end of the block. Cocoa began running toward it. As she ran she saw a car pulling away from it. It was unclear as to if it was just some random car or if that was the person fucking with her on this game. Stopping right in front of the stop sign she looked up and there it was. The next clue. She grabbed it and then she looked at her body using the streetlights to see if there was any blood splatter. There was only minor blood on her shoes but none that she could tell on her clothes so she decided to wipe them off in the grass.

  After that she ran across 3 blocks before hailing a cab to head for the apartment. Cocoa reached into her boot to check her cash flow that wasn’t much. She was going to have to come up on some money fast or go back to work. Her cell phone started vibrating.


  "Hey bitch its Cassie."

  "Oh what's up girly. I got the nex..."

  Before she was able to finish, Cassie interrupted.

  "Bitch we are in jail. The cops picked us up as soon as we made it home they got us. It's cool though we had warrants. I'm gonna need you to post bail for us. It's $500 each."

  "Cassie, you know I don't have that kind of money."

  "Bitch I don't care what the fuck you don’t got. You need to get the money and get us out of here."

  "Look, I will see what I can do but I can't make any fucking promises."

  Cocoa realized that Cassie was angry but what the fuck did she want her to do with no fucking money? She hung up the phone. If she wasted time trying to hustle up money to get them out, she would lose time on the game that was time she did not have. Besides they weren't in jail for the diamond heist, they were in there for their own faults. So she figured she shouldn't feel bad and that shit had nothing to do with her. ****

  Chapter 17- Distorted

  Seeing as though Cassie and James were in jail, Cocoa figured it would be cool to sleep in their apartment. The cab dropped her off at the apartment and she broke in again. She lay down on the couch and tried to get some sleep but it was difficult. She mainly tossed and turned all night thinking about all of the drama her life had entailed up until now. Slowly but surely she drifted off to sleep, her body weary from lack of nutrition and energy.

  One the other side of town, Cassie and James were sitting in a holding cell waiting to be processed. They were picked up hours ago as soon as they had dropped Cocoa off at Dirty’s crib. He recognized their faces from a previous meeting at his precinct about people with warrants in Chicago. The cop was overjoyed to see their faces as he was a rookie and couldn’t wait to get his feet wet in some action. But Cassie and James did not run. They said fuck it and decided with the amount of money they were about to come into with Cocoa, they could hire a lawyer and get off. When they got to the station, before they were separated, James yelled out,

  “Call her!”

  Cassie nodded and was escorted to her holding cell.

  Pacing around in the cell she awaited the opportunity to use the phone. That’s when her and Cocoa discussed obscenities if Cocoa did not make good on the bail money. Cassie was losing her mind being trapped up in a cell like an animal. All she could think about was not staying there long enough not go to court because if they go to court the judge could make them do hard time. Their only hope was to get out on bail while the state’s attorney still had that offer on the table.

  Neither Cassie nor James had family that they fucked with, their only hope seemed to be Cocoa. There were a few other bi
tches looking at Cassie up and down like they wanted a piece of her. Cassie kept rolling her eyes and looking away but that wasn’t going to last much longer. Those bitches were looking for fresh meat and Cassie’s was on the menu. She could only imagine what James was over there thinking but she knew it wasn’t pretty.

  “Man this bitch better come on with the come on or I’m gon’ beat the breaks off this bitch straight up.” Cassie said talking to herself.

  The next clue hadn't been read yet. She pulled the clue out of her pocket and cracked it open and it read:

  4.) If you are reading this it is because you were able to do what the other guy couldn't. When the Sears Tower opens in the morning, go down there and meet a girl at the 2nd elevator. She will give you the keys to her car. Then you must convince her to go with you. If she goes, you will drop her off at the Robert Taylor homes. Someone will be there to meet her. When she gets out of the car drive off and on the corner the stop sign will have the next clue.

  Note: If you tell her where you are taking her, the game is over.

  Cocoa thought this shit was getting crazy as hell. She wondered who were these people and why was she being involved with their asses. There would be a lot of questions that she would ask this game developer at the end and she hoped he would answer them. She also hoped that the fucking mastermind behind this shit wasn’t Drew. The sheer thought of him being the puppeteer in all this gave her an unwanted taste in her mouth. It was probably the taste of his old dusty cum going down her throat. As much as she hated that thought, she knew it had to be done.

  Staring out the window, she began to reevaluate what her life would be like with $20,000,000. Drifting off to sleep her mind took her to a beautiful place in Chile. There were beautiful blue skies and white sandy beaches with beautiful people and they waited on her hand and foot. Her mom was there and so was Sin. She had a beautiful beach house with black granite counter tops and 12ft high ceilings. It would be a place where everything and everyone was beautiful and she would never again have to suck a nigga's dick for $100. On the contrary, niggas would eat her pussy for money. They would be treated like the whores.

  Sin and her lay in the sun all day and hold each other sipping Mai Tai’s and getting bubbly from the richness of the vacation. Her mother was no longer a crack head but the beautiful woman she was before. Cocoa sat up from the beach chair and looked out unto the waters and took a deep breath. The air was so clear and crisp to her.

  There was something in the distance that appeared to be approaching at a rapid pace. It got closer by the second. People on the beach started to scream and run away. Sin and her mom stood up and behind Cocoa just staring out at her. She wondered what the hell was going on. Suddenly a giant whale came up and onto the beach with his mouth open.

  Cocoa couldn’t move even though she tried to run bad as hell. She looked back and noticed that her mom and Sin were gone. When she looked back to the whale he had already eaten her. She bean to scream and clutch her body as she tumbled down into the whale’s stomach. Money poured down onto her as well as she fell. But this whale’s stomach seemed to be endless because she just kept falling and falling.


  Breathing hard and looking around to confirm her surroundings, Cocoa wipes her sweat from her forehead.

  “Why the fuck do I keep having these dumb ass dreams?” She asked herself, lying back down and staring at the ceiling.

  A feeling overtook her stomach as she lay there trying to figure out what was happening to her. Cocoa got up and ran to the bathroom and raised the toilet seat breathing heavily into it.

  The smell of the toilet wasn’t helping because it smelled like sewer and ass. Cocoa barfed all over the place, all on the back of the toilet and everything. When she was done she flushed the part that actually made it into the toilet. Then she got the bucket from underneath the sink and filled it up with water and splashed it all over the toilet.

  It rinsed away the barf but made a big mess all on the floor. She went to the kitchen to get the mop but there wasn’t one. Cocoa gave up.

  “Fuck it. This ain’t my goddamn house any fucking way.” She said as she went back to bed and tried to go to sleep.

  The next morning Cocoa woke up, jumped in the shower, and put on an outfit from Cassie's closet again. She was having a ball shopping in this bitch’s closet because her little Latina ass had taste. A black and cream color jumpsuit that was well fitted and some black jumpers. She decided to where jumpers just in case she had to scrap with a hoe when she got to the Tower. The piece seemed like a necessity that she needed to keep on her always now so she put it behind her back like the cops did and unscrewed the silencer part then slipped it in her pocket. She put her important things and cell phone in her pockets this time and ditched the purse again then grabbed the gloves and shades and headed out.

  There was a bus coming when she got to the porch so she ran to the corner to catch it. The Sears Tower did not open till 9am and it was only 8am so she had plenty of time to get there. The bus arrived at the train station and she got off. It always seemed like people was watching her unless she was just overly paranoid. As she walked onto the platform waiting on the train she wondered again was someone following her playing this game. She began looking around scoping out the scene. There were people all around waiting on trains and checking their cell phones and notebooks.

  Most of the people were on their way to work or school. Others on the platform looked suspicious. She figured now that there had to be someone who was definitely following her along this path and leaving the clues as she completed the tasks. Somebody was definitely watching her because they were able to pinpoint times for her to do the tasks. The question was who and how close had they been watching her all this time? Do they know everything that she’s been through or was she just picked at random by some random rich guy? This shit was mad crazy and made entirely no sense. The train arrived and Cocoa boarded it. She found a seat and sat down next to the window.

  The trains in Chicago had a lot of advertisements in them at the top of the windows. There were some against abortion and some to encourage people to go to their college. Cocoa loved reading them and looking at the graphics. She had always had a thing for well-done advertisements with high maintenance graphics. Maybe if she could have gone to college that would have been her major.

  She then looked down at the people on the train. It was mighty empty on the train car she was in for a Thursday morning. Usually during workweeks the trains were full in the morning times. The few people on the train did not really seem suspect in the beginning. Then a guy came walking in through the doors in between the train cars as if he had been hopping cars for the past few stops looking for a decent car to sit in. He sat in a seat facing Cocoa four rows in front of her.

  When he first sat down he stared at her for a really long time then looked away. Cocoa wasn’t a hoe so she stared back at him. This man looked like he hadn't showered in days and he looked like some kind of stalker. His eyes were crippling with craziness. He was a black dude with a hairy face and beady little eyes. His trench coat wearing in the summer time ass looked like he was hunting something or someone.

  The two stared at each other for the next few stops until Cocoa's phone rang. The man looked away rolling his eyes in disgust. Cocoa jerked her head back and smacked her lips.


  "Bitch are you on your way to bail us out?"

  "I told you I did not have the money like that. What do you want me to do?"

  "I want you to come and bail us out bitch or so help me I will—"

  "You will what? Listen bitch I don't take to kindly to threats."

  "Oh yeah. Well do you take kindly to the police?"

  Cocoa hung up the phone and dropped it under her seat. She had forgotten that she had said she was going to get rid of that phone once she got outside but she was just really not trying to be late to meet this broad. It was time for a new cell phone an
yway and since Cassie sent out a threat to tell the police about the shooting by the Pier, she felt it would be wise if she did not go back to their apartment either. The next stop was hers. She stood up and waited by the doors.

  The man was still looking at her. She did not want to talk to him until she knew if he was following her. The train pulled up to the station platform and the doors flung open. Cocoa walked out and headed to the escalator quickly. She turned around to see the man still sitting in his seat and still on the train. Paranoid. Maybe he just wanted to holla at her and was too afraid. If that was the case he was being a real asshole about it. She did not have time for that shit anyway she had too much going on. ****

  Chapter 18- Kick Rocks

  It was 8:45am and she had 15 minutes to walk 2 blocks to the tower. Cocoa had never walked so fast in her life to get some place. Downtown Chicago is a very hectic and crowded place especially in the morning when people are scuffling to their destinations. She bumped into so many people trying to rush and get to hers. It seemed like the closer she got to the place the ruder the people got. As she walked up to the doors of the tower she began to think about all the things she was going to say to this girl. She would ask her questions and find out what she knows.

  Then she would try to get this bitch to understand that she was on her side and could trust her. Yeah, now that she had her script down she was ready to confront the bitch. She walked through the doors looking for the elevators. The girl was waiting there for her and was looking around. She had a long weave and wore all black and stilettos. The girl was white. First, there was an Asian guy and now a white girl. She wondered what she could possibly have in common with these muthafuckas.


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