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2BookBoxSet Page 35

by Nicety

  She pulled off and set out headed for the meeting place for tonight. She wanted to get there early to scope out the scene and see if she could possible catch the car pulling up. Maybe if she could catch the people putting her through all the bullshit she could put an end to the game and possibly still get the money or at least some answers to what the fuck is going on. Suddenly a cop’s car pulled up right behind her at the red light.

  Chicago Police had a tendency to pull up pretty close to a car to check the license plate. The light turned green. Cocoa pulled off normally but had an urge to flee the cop even though she knew that would make it worse. The cop stayed on her ass for blocks. She knew this asshole was going to pull her over still she tried to remain calm.

  “Damn it.”

  Another red light. She checked out her rear view mirror. The cop was fiddling around in his car and then looked up at Cocoa in the car. He stared her down in the rear view mirror and then drove around and pulled along side of her. She pretended not to pay attention continuing to remain calm. There was no music playing but just then she started banging her head to music in her head. The cop looked over at her. He then looked away and put his sirens on. She knew he was after her and proceeded to run the light. Just as she was about to gun it the cop sped right on past her and darted down the street. ****

  Chapter 24- You?

  Cocoa started laughing hysterically. Her paranoia was going to get the best of her if she did not chill out. But it was hard since she had so many people on her ass these days. So many people wanted to kill her and then the police may or may not have been looking for her for the shit she’s done. She was all fucked up in the head and no longer thought about her mother and how she felt about her anymore. She had a new feeling and it was called nausea. This feeling had been haunting her for a while but she really did not have time to analyze the cause of it. Cocoa pulled the car over, opened the door and threw up everywhere. Closing the door and wiping her mouth she felt a sense of relief. Now she was able to get back to the task at hand.

  She turned the radio on to occupy her mind from thinking about bullshit. The radio was never cut on because she was always too preoccupied with some task she had to do or someplace she had to get to. There was never any time to listen to music, besides it was a distraction. She turned to talk radio because they mostly talked about the news and if she were wanted at least she would know about it and find a place to run to:

  “Police are still baffled by the devastating events of the brutal murder of the Mayor’s son Jacob. The mayor has released a $50,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the suspect. If any one has any information that can be of use to the police in this case please call your local police department or call us here at the 104.5 and we will definitely get your word out, ok? You can remain anonymous. On a lighter note, Hey if you wanna win tickets to the hottest summer jam in the world, Pajama Jammy Jam, call us at 559-1045 and be the 104th caller ya heard! We gotta pay some bills y’all we’ll be back after this…”

  With a bounty out, Cocoa figured it was definitely only a matter of time before people made the connection they needed to. She did not know how much real time she had before the police caught up with her but she was going to try and evade them as much as possible. At least she wanted to steer clear long enough to get the dough and get on.

  While driving she glanced down at the clock again for the time, it was 6:15pm. The train tracks were visible so Cocoa thought it was time to pick a good spot to park where she couldn’t be detected. The spot she chose was good but the big silver gate she parked along side of obstructed the view a little. It would have to make do though because that was a great place not to get seen. Cocoa watched her surroundings like a hawk. Every time something, anything moved she was on it.

  Looking through her rear view mirrors and checking the doors making sure they were locked and her foot stayed on the pedals just in case she needed to make a quick getaway. She was a fighter who felt no one was going to take her alive.

  Her ultimate enemy though was sleep. Cocoa would sleep through a whirlwind and hear absolutely nothing. So she tried to defeat the odds and remain awake. She played with her hair figuring out new and improved ways to style it. She picked the lint out of her belly button. Soon the inevitable happened and boredom began to consume her. She turned the radio back on and began singing along with it. She would bob her head and groove her body. Shit that was even boring but it kept her awake. It was times like this she could have really used a cell phone to play games on or text assholes she hadn’t talked to in a while. The time read 7:45pm.

  Damn time was going slow. There was little Latino kids that were playing jump rope outside and eating churros. She was so hungry now and knew that a churro would hit the spot. She had an hour and fifteen minutes left. All she wanted to do was find a restaurant to get a small bite to eat and come back. She would be back in plenty of time because there was one right up the street and it wouldn’t take long. But she thought about all of the time she might spend in line. Not only that but what if whoever this asshole was that she’s supposed to meet was already there and was staking out the joint watching to see when she would pull up. Fuck that, hell naw. She wasn’t moving.

  There was no way in hell she would give that muthafucka the benefit of the doubt of spotting her first. It was times like this she wished she smoked cigarettes or weed. The anticipation was building up inside of her and she needed something to take the edge off. 8:15pm.

  The reporter on the radio said something about showers in the forecast overnight. Cocoa hated driving in the rain. There was no way she would win a high-speed chase in the rain with all the sliding. Always remain two steps ahead of her assailants or prospects and never underestimate the next muthafucka…these were words she memorized in her head that Drew had taught her. Not everything the son of a bitch told her was wrong. But she felt like most of the bullshit that he said to her was mostly to fuck with her head and get her to do whatever he wanted her to do. 8:37pm.

  Time was drawing near. She made sure her shoes were laced up in case she had to make a break away from this person. If this guy thought she did not know how to defend herself he was sadly mistaken. As time pressed on, she decided to get out of the car and walk around the block to the other side of the street and sit on someone’s porch. It was a smart move so that even if she had to make a break for it they wouldn’t automatically be able to pinpoint where she was running to and she could hit the car really quickly and be up outta there.

  “Excuse me. Do you have the time?” Cocoa stopped and asked a guy passing by.


  She did not even say thanks she just looked the other way. She was less than a block from the tracks and could see them clearly. She thought she saw a black shadowy figure creep up and stand over there. She decided to walk over on the other side of the street to see if he looked like he was waiting on someone. As she neared the tracks the figure got fainter by the second. It was either a trick to get her there first or she was seeing shit. The object was not there. It was an illusion, seeming like just a figment of her imagination.

  Cocoa wanted to see someone there so badly that she must have imagined the guy being there. And she did not realize that while she was thinking about whether or not the object was there or not, that she had made it to the tracks. She knew of course it had to have been a little over 9pm, so that meant the muthafucka was either late or had done set her ass up. She mumbled.

  “Likely for muthafuckas to be…”

  Before she could finish speaking a pair of hands reached from behind and gently made their way around her waist and a voice followed into her ear.


  The voice was sexy and seductive and playful and…


  Cocoa said as she turned around. It was him. She wrapped her arms around him and squeezed so hard she could feel his heart beat. He was even more beautiful than the day she first saw
him. His muscles bulged out of his buttoned down shirt so much that Cocoa found herself drooling.

  He had went away to get hot, but why? After the immediate shock of seeing him was over it was Q and A time. SLAP!

  “Where the hell have you been all of this time? It’s been months. I looked for you and asked people and….”

  “Hey hey hey. Girl you lucky I love yo’ ass. There will be plenty of time to explain but first thing’s first. I must deliver your final task.” He said while rubbing his cheek.

  “Fuck that I wanna know where you were! Do you have any idea what I’ve been through these past few months? You fucking left me. You left me! Not to mention I just recently heard my mother was doing good all while that bitch left me. Everybody just leaves me.”

  Cocoa began to break down and cry because it was all too overwhelming for her. This nigga reappears out of thin air like nothing ever happened. There was hope that the answers to all of her questions were about to unravel. It was a good thing but she did not know why it was unraveling this way.

  “I will explain to you later but you must listen now. The next task requires you to…..murder Drew.”

  “What I can’t….”

  “You must and I’m here to help you. If you don’t you know they will kill us.”

  “Us?” Cocoa said confused.

  “Yes. We got until midnight tomorrow to do this shit which means we got to infiltrate his shit and get in there baby.”

  “Sin, what the fuck is going on?”

  He took out his cell phone and raised his hand up in the air.

  “What the… what the fuck are you doing?”

  She turned around and saw a black car pulling off.

  “Who the hell is that?”

  “It’s nobody. Just a driver.” Sin replied.

  “Were you the one leaving all of those fucking notes on the stop signs? Are you in on this shit, too? Talk to me!!” Cocoa yelled at the top of her lungs and demanded answers.

  “Come on let’s get off of these streets. Where’s the car parked?”

  Cocoa led him back to the car she’s been driving around without a word. Her thinking led her to believe that if this nigga knew about the car then he’s been watching her go through all of this shit too. There was no time for guessing though she wanted the truth. She kept thinking in her mind where had this nigga been all of this time and what the fuck was going on? Although she was mad at his ass, he looked better than ever and it was good knowing he was alive and seeing him again. In the car they really did not say much either but the silence had to be broken.

  “Where you been staying?”

  It sounded like he knew the answer but he just wanted to hear what she was going to say.

  “With this nigga named Dirty.”

  Cocoa said that shit light as hell trying to get her sexy voice on hoping this nigga did not snap on her ass.

  “So you have been fucking this nigga?”

  Well she did not want to lie, hell she knew if she did he would read it and call her out.


  She left it as that. She did not want to go into details or upset him anymore than he already was. Thinking she could distract him from asking more she turned on the radio. He turned it off.

  “How many times?” He said eyes forward and gritting his teeth a little.

  He was still, almost cold as ice even. Cocoa wondered why this nigga was concerned about that. It was irrelevant but he obviously couldn’t take his mind off the shit.

  “Look, Sin. I know you’re not gonna let this go so it’s like this. I fucked him. Twice. But I thought you was dead and I did not have anybody I was all alone and he was there for me. The first time he only fucked…me….in…the ass.”

  She wanted to neglect telling him that information but it just came out.

  “Wow you must’ve loved that huh? Alright you know what fuck it. But everything is dead now with everybody you fucking with.” He said stroking her hair and gently pulling it tight to send her his drift.

  “Yes babe.”

  He looked at her surprisingly. It was the first time she hadn’t talked shit to him after he had given an order. Sin decided he should push forward. ****

  Chapter 25- right is right

  “Go to the Saratoffa and get a room for the night. You got some money?”

  “Ok. Yes I have money.”


  Sin said as Cocoa smiled a little inside. Jealousy was always cute on Sin. He was like a little baby that when it came down to it. They pulled into the Saratoffa motel parking lot. Cocoa jumped out to pay for the room while Sin waited in the car smoking a cigarette. Cocoa obviously had bad luck with motel receptionists because once again this guy wasn’t paying attention to the fact that she was there. She banged on the window and gave a shitty look as he turned around. The Saratoffa motel was a little whole in the wall motel on the outskirts of the hood, borderline a suburb. It was shabby but it was doable.

  The man checked Cocoa in with the snobbiest little attitude and slammed the keys down on the counter. He smiled as he slid the keys her way and she frowned as she snatched them away then walked out the door. Sin was outside the car leaning on it waiting for her to come out. She walked up to him trying to hug him but he intercepted and turned her around to smack her on the ass for her to show him to the room.

  They walked up the stairs then down the way to the other end of the motel and opened the door to the room. As soon as they were in, Sin closed and locked the door. He took a look out of the window slightly then quickly closed the curtain.

  “Ok. Now that it’s just you and me can we talk?”

  Cocoa said throwing the keys on the table.

  “Shut up.”

  Sin came up as she was turning around and kissed her passionately. She rubbed his nice chiseled pecks and tried to rip his shirt off of his body. He began to lick and suck on her neck as Cocoa moaned heavily. She had never felt so intense about having sex with Sin before. Before sex was sex and it was good but with every touch that Sin gave her she felt like melting. He grabbed her tits and worked his way down to her pussy and dry rubbed it with his hand. Sin pulled her over towards the bed and pushed on it.

  “You want this dick?” He asked her lustfully pulling on her long black hair.

  “Yes. Hell yes baby! Oh my God baby I missed you so much.”

  She couldn’t even finish her sentence. Sin had unbuckled his pants and dropped them to the floor. He walked her over to the bed then pushed her to sit down and grabbed the back of her head,

  “Show me how much you missed it.”

  Cocoa grabbed that dick and sucked that shit like a pro. She bobbed her head back and forth repeatedly going faster and harder. At times she would slow down to lick his dick with her tongue from the balls back up to the tip of the head and then back to bobbing. She sucked it hard and then soft trying to make this nigga cum. She even started jerking him off with her hand while she sucked it. Sin began to jerk back while he was moaning.

  “Shit girl you tryna make me buss. You ain’t slick get up off this dick and take them fucking clothes off.”

  Sin jerked his dick out of her mouth so hard he almost skeeted in her eye. Cocoa had never taken her clothes off faster. Sin was so busy trying to get his dick together to notice how fast she did. He removed the rest of his clothes and climbed on top of her as she leaned back on the bed. He kissed her from her forehead and worked his way down to her lips then her tits and sucked on them like they tasted like strawberries.

  Then he worked his way down to her navel. Cocoa couldn’t wait for him to lick that pussy. Nobody licked her pussy like Sin. She would buss about a million times before his tongue got tired. But when he was done with her navel he moved to her legs then worked his way to her feet, kneeling on the floor. He started kissing and sucking her toes. She felt like he was teasing her. She wanted to rush him to get on it but did not want to kill the vibe that had going o

  “When I asked you to marry me, I did not ask you because I wanted anything from you like the rest of them muthafuckas that was around you. I asked you because I was in love with you.”

  A tear fell from Cocoa’s eye. He continued to kiss and suck her toes as he reached for his pants. Still distracting her he grabbed his pants pulling them closer to him then reached into his pocket and pulled out a box.

  “I’m gonna ask you one more time. I shouldn’t have to but I will. Will you marry me?” Sin opened the box as he pulled Cocoa’s hand to sit her up.

  “Oh my God! Yes baby yes!” She covered her mouth with her hand.

  This time Cocoa had decided she was going to make sure she recognized the worth of her man and did not want to put off snatching him up anymore. As he slipped the ring on her finger she began to stare at it gazing into the beauty of what her fiancé had given her. Cocoa looked deeper and deeper until she realized that this diamond looked way familiar. Actually it was a little too familiar, because that was the diamond that she had given the Asian dude right before she shot him. How the hell did he get it? Some shit was going on and she needed for him to tell her. But she was willing to put that aside just for this moment because she had missed him so. She wanted to give her all to him just as he had done her all of these years. He looked her in her eyes as if to say I love you and she reciprocated.

  Sin gently nudged Cocoa back down on the bed and lifted her legs up on his shoulders. As she lay there feeling the warmth of Sin’s lips on her body, she couldn’t help but drift to the place where her questions lye. It was mighty odd that this fool was right in the middle of what seemed to be the ultimate scandal and he hadn’t given her any answers yet. She was afraid that this sex was just a part of his plan not to ever tell her what was going on. Sin then planted his face in between her legs and stuck his tongue deep in her pussy. He licked all around her clit, sucking gently.


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